Atghan coats and all that: the 705 revisited at Edinburgh‘s Royal Museum ot Scotland. one at the many exhibits in their new permanent gallery, Art And Industry Since 1850. Taking a look at design and style through the ages, it features a 50s red tonnica titted kitchen, a host ot kltschy ornaments, turry footwear, a Mies Van der Bohe chair and a real-lite Mini


llodgkitisott. capturing the tntrlti-faceted atid beatrtiful yet oft abused resource of water.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 55o S‘)2 I. Mon Sat Illam- 5pm; Sun 2--5ptti. The home of a fiite collection of works from the Renaissance to Post- ltnpressionisrii. iticltrdittg Rembrandt. Degas attd \'an (ioglt pltrs .-\ntonio Cutoya's beautiful sculpture The Three (inn t'y. rti residence at the gallery ttrttil l‘)‘)‘).

Awash In Colour I'ittil ta ,lul. Ihe first major e\hibition of NM arid early 20th century .\titerican w ater‘colours to be held iii Britain. l'eattiitrrg works by (ieorgia ()5 Keefe. I',tl\\ ;tlrl IIttl‘t‘L‘l' ttlltl \ViIISItiyy Iloiner. See lectures.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieoi'ge l\' Bridge. :20 -I55l. .\Itttl Sat Illain 5pm; Strrr 2 5pm.

A Nation Divided: Scotland and the ’45 I'tttil31 Oct. The .lacobite uprising of 1745/46 was orte of the mostmomentous land bloody r eyents itt Scotland‘s history. arid rney rtably. the truth has been stillle\‘.ll;tl t)\ L‘lslitttlttwetl I‘) It‘gelltl. ‘.-\ Nation l)i\ rded‘ looks at the real story belrrrrd the .Iacobites. Bonnie Prince ('hai'lre and the Battle oli(‘ulloden through contemporary writings and illustrations.

I NETHERBOW THEATRE 43 .15 High Street. 556 ‘)57‘). Mon Sat Illatn 4.10pm. Here Comes Summer l'ttttl 20 May. I'.\ubcrant. colourful prints by fiy e Iidrnbui'glr pr‘tntmakers. inspired by water. marine life. mythology and lloweis.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 '7‘) (‘utnbei'land Street. 557 I()2(). Mon l‘l'l Illatit (iptit‘. Sat lilant thn.

Homage To Catalonia t'nrrt .‘str .\Iay. :‘yt'tist .loltit Brow it follows in tlte footsteps of (ieotge ( )rw ell. and captures the life arid surrounds of this Spanish region w rtli drawings arid collage.

Strange Fruit I'nttl 2t) ltiit. (‘olourful arid unusual restn iewelleiy by Kathie S. Murphy.

Aesop's Fables and other prints I'ntil 2‘) May. .-\ collection of ttew pirnts by l.inda I‘;tl't]tllltll‘sti!l.

Recent Ceramics ‘t'nttl .‘srr May Decotatty e new work by \’i\ reiittc Ross aitd Maureen Mittchtn.

I PATISSERIE FLORENTIN S St (illL‘s Street. 225 62o? I)aily Tttltl llptit trnidnrglit 'l‘hur's; 2am I-ri/Sat r.

Seven l'ntil i .lnn. 'I'wo series ol black and wlttte photographs taken on industrial sites by Tom Keene. e\plorirrg notions of construction aitd deconstruction

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY -t.‘s (‘arrtllenraker Row. 22” I‘ll I. Inc -Sat noon 5 Viprn. Gone To Earth l'iitil ts May large.

colour photographic works by Helen Sear. based on childhood memories of the cotrntryside and attiitials.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnyerletth House. lll\‘L‘l'IL‘IIIl Row. 552 7 l 7 l. Mon-Sun Illaiir Spill.

Garden First I7ntil 2 .ltrtt. The work of fifty artists. including Iili/abeth

Blackaddet'. .Iack Rum and John Houston.

who were no ited by Scollarids (iar'den Scheme to paitit otte of the rttarty beautiful gardens arottrrd tlte country w Inch open under the scheme.

DIOSCIENCE In Scotland I hid .‘il \llfl. lntet'actrye's the rtante of the game at this science and technology e\li:brtron. featuring computer displays. ‘. rdeos. i-I) niodels and IILIII\I\‘IIII c\hrbits.

I RIAS I5 Rutlartd Square. 22‘) “515. Mon l-ri‘)arn 5pm.

Out Of The Shadows: Aspects 0t Antipodean Architecture litttrl H In”. The Royal Incorporation of .»\i‘chitects In Scotland play host to Scotland's first e\hibition dedicated to contemporary .-\llsll';lll;lll architecture.

I ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE landings (iallet'y. lllt) Princes Street. 225 I501. Mon Strtt Illatn (ipm.

Robert White l'ntil 2S Jun. .1\ series of still life paintings leatur'iirg lr‘uit. flesh and clothing. designed by the artist to make tlte yiewer ‘qnestion tlte picture'.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY l’r ntces Street. 225 (io7l. Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Strtr 2 5pm. £15“ r75p'.

170th Annual Exhibition I‘ntrl .trrt. I’aintings. sculpture. prints and architecture by some ol Scollattds Illtisl prominent Iry trig artists. on show alortgside iii\ ited works by young contemporary Scottish artists.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY lo l)trndas Street. 55S l2tll). .\lon I-i‘r lllain (rpm; Sat Illarn 4pm.

Ann Dram I'titrl 2‘) May ('olouiltrl new mi\ed media paintings capturing the landscapes attd architecture of Spam. Italy. I-rance and Scotland,

10 Years Cratts l'ntrl :‘i .\lay \n e\hrbitrott celebrating ten years ol applied arts at tlte Scottish (iallei'y. featuring the work til. tt\el' TII .ttltsls.

I SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF IIL‘IIUItI ls’tttttl. 5;“ \‘):l .\Ioit Sat Illattt 5pm; Sritr Elam 5pm .'\n impressine collectton o! 2ch century ..rt. including works by l’icasso. Matisse. Henry Moore. Ilockney and lleltany. plus a recently acquired selection of l)ad;r arid Surrealist paintings by Salyador' llalr. l’arrl l)e\att.\ and l’rcasso


Mon Sat Illant 5pm. Strti 2 5pm .-\ stunning collection ol portraits ol tarnorrs

faces from the l(itli century to present

day. plus the national photography collection.

I STILLS 23 Cock‘bttrn Street. 225 ‘).\’7(i. Tue-Fri l lam-6pm: Sat l lam—5pm. Jonas Mekas Until 8 Jun. Formerly one ofthe driving forces behind New York’s alternative film culture from the 50s to the Xlls. Mekas ltas extracted single frames frorn his filttis and ttiattiptrlated them to create a new genre that lies between film and photography.

I 32A BROUGHTON STREET Info: 55o ()S5I. Daily lltltlll--3plll.

Ian Maclntyre I‘ntii 20 May. Bold. colourful paintings arid prints by Maclntyi'e. on show alongside littocuts arid paintings by Ililke Raekow.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY University of lidinburgh. ()Id Colleg ‘. Sotrtlt Bridge. (i5() 22 I I. Mon Sat Illattr—5pni.

Human Circus Sat 18 May is Jim. .-\ retrospectiye of prints spanning

l‘)73 l‘)‘)5 by ()i'kney artist Robert Shaw. inspired by life on the island and the human condition itr general.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 2‘)b llnndas Street. 556 moo. Mon- Sat I latii (rpm. Mountains To The Sea Mon :7 May 15 Jun. \\'ot'k by Kenneth Robertson arid Keir I't‘l‘gtlStlll.

I WASPS GALLERY l’att'iothall. olf Hamilton Place. 225 I25“). 'I‘ue -Sat noon—(iprti.

‘in this the memory bank of our lives. . .’ Sat 25 May —I .ltrtt. Drawings. paintings and collages by artist .lenny Smith exploring memory arid the unconscious.

I GEORGIAN HOUSE 7 ('harlotte Square. 225 2l(il). Mon- Sat Illarn- 5ptii1Snn

2 5pm. See how the other ltalf ll\ ed in this elegant lh‘th century New Town (lwelltttg. I GLADSTONE’S LAND nmat'ket. Royal Mile. 226 5356. Mon Sat

Illani 5pm; Sun 2 -5pnt. .\ superb e\arirple of home life tn l7th century ()Id 'l'own lidinburgh.

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM 142 ("anongate 52‘) 4 I43. Mon- Sat |()atn--(ipm. I‘ree. Packed with historic ar‘tefacts. this museum tells tlte story of lidiiiburgli’s past arid its people.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 52‘) -lI-l2. Mon Sun Illaiir (rpm. l-‘r'ee. .-\ll manner of archiy e material and old toys relating to cltildltood through the ages.

I PEOPLE’S STORY 1M ('anongate. 52‘) 4057. Mon Sat Illam (ipm. l‘ree. 'I‘he sights. sounds arid eyen smells of litlinbttrgh folk from the ISth century onwards.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND 2 (‘Itainbers Street. 225 753-1. Mott Sat Illam 5pm i'l’ne trtrtil Spirit; Sttn

noon- 5pm.

Art 8: Design .-\ brand new gallery dedicated to esplorrng how and why items are tirade. featuring such w ide-ranging exhibits as art lilton .lohtt stage suit. a l‘)'.7(ls .-\fghan coat. a ('liarles Retrrtre Mackintosh bookcase aitd a rttodei‘n otlcaii transformed ittto a lamp. ’I'hei'e‘s also the chance to step back iii tune and r'e-liye the fashions. music and pastimes til tlte I95Ils. ()IIS. 70s and His.

I I.;ttl} Slttlt'is ('ltist‘. 52‘) J‘)l)l. Mon Sat Illam (rpm. lace. :\ treasure-house of items relating to three ol Scotland's most famous writers: Robert I,ouis Steyenson. Robert Burns arid Sir Walter Scott.

W Ayr

I MACLAURIN ART GALLERY Ro/elle I’ark. Monuittent Road. Alloway. Mott -Sat Illani- 5pm; Stiii 2 5pm Venetia Obscura l'ntil :7 May. .-\ fascinating night-time e\l‘ltll'tllltllt of

\'enice by photographer Inca

Campigotto. capturing not only the city as it is today. bttt the ‘ghosts arid demons of titnes past.

East Kilbride

I EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE( )Id (‘oach Road. liast Mains. Ill 355 2(illltlll. Mon Fri Illatn lllpin; Sat/Sun

noon l()pin.

Dark Times 1985-1995 I'ntil ‘) .ltrn. .\ ten-year i'etrospectiye of striking. colourful work by highly respected painter Douglas 'I'hoiiison.


I MACROBERT ART CENTRE I'triyersity of Stirling. (ll7.S'(i >I(T7I(i.“. 'l‘tte Sat

Ilant 5pm.

A Sense 0t Place Ill I'ntil Lt May A diverse collection of contemporary art by the Scottish Society of .-\rtist.s. exploring itotioits of national heritage.


Lectures are listed by city, then by date.


Pedro Meyer :\ series of eyettts with tlte .\le\ican photographer: I'll I"? May. llant. l‘r'ee. (ilasgow' School of .-\rt. lecture; Sat Ib' \Itt}. It‘ll]. lace. Sll't't‘l l.e\‘el (ittllt‘l'y (iuided e\ltibttioii tour; Sat IS May. 7pm. Receptrori at Street I eyel; Strtr l‘) May. .‘ipiit. (iallety of Modern .-\tt. l’trblic talk atrd demonstration.

Boxer Wed 2‘) May. 7.30pm. £2 til i. (‘(';\. .»\ pattel discussion wrtlr contributors from the newa published title Bitter: .'l/! slur/toluei' of ll'i'ilr'rtey on Butt/retrial \iytit1/(‘ii/lurr'.


American Watercolours by John Singer Sargent I'll l7 May. |2.-15pttt. I'r'ee. \‘ational Gallery of Scotland. .ltrlia Rayei' Roll-e looks at the work of ottc ol' the artists currently on show in .Irrm/t //l (it‘li’lll'.

Femme & nature morte Mon 3o May. l2.-l5piit. l‘r'ce. Scottish National (iallery of Modern .'\r't. Matthew \Veilai'd looks at this work by I't‘llldlltl leget'.

Hidden Assets 'I‘tte 2l May. 7pm. l‘t'cc l’axton Ilouse. lltlo. ()I2S‘) 3802M. ('trr'ator Martin I’urslow looks at l’aston‘s decor'attye art collection and its context. Robert Hay Drummond, Archbishop of York Wed 22 May. l2.-l5pm. Scottish National Portrait (iallery. Susan Izdwards giyes a talk on this work by Srr .losltua Reytlttltls

Seminal Gestures: Fluid lndentities 'I‘ltut‘s 2‘ May. (ifiliptrr. l~iee. l-itrititiaiket (iallery. I)a\ rd Hopkins e\ploi'cs the use or masculine bodily fluids. from l)adarsrn to modern photography.

Early Italian Painting Techniques to 3: May. l2 -l5pni I-tee National (ialler‘\ ol Scotland. (‘oiitr Hailey gryes a talk.

Eille nee sans mere Mon :5 May. 12.15pm.l~ree.ScottishNattonaHialIery of Modern .-\tt Siobhan Horiglteity discusses the work of l'iancrs l’rcabia. Arthur Kay \\'ed 2‘) May. l2.-l5prtr. l‘tee. Scottish National l’ortrart (iallezy l‘!ec's I~owle e\.tttttttes this work by Sir ,lallles (itlllll.

Matter And Memory Iltttis ‘yrr May.

(i ‘illpm l-iee Institut I-rancars d‘l‘icosse. Mark (iisbonrrie looks at the use ol the htunan body itr contemporary l-i'erich art.

74 The List l7-3t) May l‘)‘)(i