
refill? . “1.63%

KATE MOSSE has been asked. ‘;\re you married." fiye times in the last tnonth and. 'Are you a lesbian." three times. Apparently these questions are vitally important for the UM liogey opponents of the ()range Prize for l-iction a brand—new award for the best novel written by a woman and published in the l'ls'. Why else would anyone come tip with such an outrageous proposition as a woman-only shortlist (w hich this year includes Anne Tyler. Marianne \Viggins. Amy Tan and l’agan Kennedy) and —— to cap it all ~ offer the winner a jackpot of 530.000. the country's most generous literary pri/e yet'.’ Author of two non- fiction books and now a novel. Moss‘e is chair of the ()range Prize judging panel. and is still reeling from the ‘outright hostility" she and the other judges haye encountered since they naively challenged the ‘sacred Cow“ of literature. ‘liyeryone likes to think that literature is ahoye the gender issue.‘ she says, ‘But unfortunately the judging of prizes. the packaging. the reyiewing and publishing of literature is not.‘ .-\s she points out. the idea of an all-male Booker shortlist is accepted without a blink of an eye. so why the big stooshie trow'.’ "l'he whole point is to get fantastic hooks by women out there to a male and female readershipl‘ (Ann Donald)

The winner at the ()range l’ri:e was announced last nig/u, but was unknown when we is en! to press. Kate .llmtye'r debut novel. [ix/(uni) Kissing, is‘pu/rlix.’1etlby [llltltlt'l' A5 .Vlflllg’llll'll on lllll/it‘ 6 June at ([599.

ARDAL O’HANLON was virtually unheard of last time he came to Scotland. That was before the award-winning TV comedy Father Ted washed up on our shores, bringing with it his claim to fame as Father Dougal, the stupidest priest afloat in the Irish see (and if you think that was corny, try watching the series). How based in England, O’Hanlon has an impressive acting pedigree, but his main interest is still stand-up comedy: that’s what brings him back our way to share a word or two more blamey.

Ardal O’Hanlon double-bills with Sean Cullen at The Tron, Glasgow, Fri 24 and Sat 25 May.

NAPOLEON (that’s him in the fancy titter) was first consigned to celluloid in Abel Gance’s 1927 silent biopic of the same name. With a running time of 270 minutes, it’s not your average multiplex fare, something composer Carl Davis put to rights by composing his own score. This fortnight, Davis marks the 100th anniversary at cinema in Glasgow by conducting the Scottish Opera Orchestra in a live rendition of his soundtrack this will accompany an airing of the magnificent film on a 40-foot screen. Quite a night, Josephine.

Carl Davies conducts Napoleon at the Glasgow Royal Concert Ila/I on Sun 26 May.

The list’s at-a-glance guide to the highlights of the fortnight ahead.

I Music: Manic Street Preachers Back on the road for the first time since Richey disappeared. the Manics are touring to promote their new album lfi'eryt/ng .llus/ (in. How they will sound on stage without the tension generated by Richcy is anyone's guess. From despair to where ,’ .S'eelealure. Barrow/and. Glasgow. 'I'llury 3 I Theatre: Pentecost Dublin's Rough Magic theatre company present the late Stewart Parker‘s play set during the industrial and sectarian strife of the 70s. Rather than any narrow polemic, Parker prefers to approach things with a distinct humanitarian slant. See prerreii: Royal Lyceum. lirlinlnrrg/I. lire 28 Sal /.

I Mayfest: Carmen Arms aloft and chests out as thirty-two performers from the (‘ompania Antonio (iades. Spain‘s most passionate flamenco troupe. take to the stage fora full- hlooded yersion of the classic opera See tray/m pret'u'ii: King is lll(’(lll‘(’. Glasgow. 'Iue 2/ I’ll 34

I Art: ln/Conclusive States 'l‘lii-ee contemporary French artists show mixed media work ranging from life- si/cd photos of pizza deliy'ery boys to yideos of daily life and the mundane domestic traumas which make it up. A thought proyoking study of the point of life in the late 30th century. See /)l'(’\'l(’lt'. l’ruilntarkel (Jill/err. lirlin/nirg/i. uni/l Sal .\‘ ./uu.

I Film: .'\ day in ilic‘ life of sex and drug ohsessed New York teenagers, filmed in documentary style. The year's most controyersial

moyie. hut it‘s got serious things to say despite the taliloid hysteria surrounding it. See feature. (i/asgnw: MGM I'll/n ('en/re; lat/inlmrg/r‘ film/muse. ("(7, from Fri /7.

I Days Out: Inchcolm Island Battle The ('arrick 800 Battle Re—linactment Society protect lnchcoliit Ahhey from the marauding linglish in this mock light that recreates the turhulence of the ch century. See l>ayy ()ul. l-‘irl/z a/‘l’orI/I. Sun N.

I Sport: Scottish Cup Final llaying just clinched their eighth premier title in a row the '(lers aim to grab the domestic douhle oyer a rejuyenated Hearts' side guided by the tactically astute Jim Jefferies. Hanan/en. (ilaxgaw‘. Sal ls.

The List 17-30 May 1996 3