“I IIIxJIIIH] I)! nor ’ .\ gnIxI Im-gnnnng nnxcdncx IIIIn IIIIIIIIIhI “IIII IIn IIInI nI' Inngnc III-:IIch SL'C |C\‘IL“.'.. (ICIICIIII ICICIIM‘V
I The EXOTCISI I III) I \VIIIInIII I'III'thIII.I 5. WT}. I.IIIII;I Blun. IiIIcn IIIIInyII \I;I\ ‘x'nn S)(I(I'x\, I III IIIInx, I'JIIIIC\I Inn-xi \nII Sydnzn x'Icpx III In \(lH' pnnr IIIIIc pnx‘xcxxI-II uni II‘_ IhIx‘ hIIch} cIIm‘IIxc munch-SI. IX'IIII _::nII.I. \IL'J‘II xcnr}. (ICI'III pin-x! I'.(IIIIIIIII:.!II' I ’(‘I
I Father Of The Bride Part II I Hi «(‘ImIIu SII}CI. I'S. I‘I‘ISI Slew .\I;IIInI I)IIIII;' KC‘IIIIII. \IIIIIIII ShnII III“ IIIIIIx. .'\\ .‘I pInI \Ik'\CI\')I\IIICIII IInIII ‘A hot \\;I\ prnhuhl} Ihc \\ nIxI III~\ IL' nI l‘)‘I_‘.(IcnIgc II1IIIkxI\I;IIIII:InnInnl} II;I\ In IIII :- up In Iu‘x‘IIIIIIIIy :I gIgnnIIIaII, I‘III .‘IIxn II IIaII :Ig.IIII, .Ix \\ IIc \IIIJ IKcnInIII I;IIIx pmgnunl Smn; \UIIII'II} \kIIII Inihn'x SIIJIIIIQI}\IC (';IIIIInII I The Flower Of My Secret I ISI Il’uim AIIIIIKIIRJL Slum. I‘)‘I<I\I;I1Ix.1 I’.III'Ich.J:I;III Ik‘hunnxc. Rnxx} (IL' I’:IIIII.I IIII IIIInx IIIL' (IIII IIIICIInI IIInu-x mm} IInnI II) \IL'IIQIII In;in pump Inn LII\I\ ;I IIInIc \I‘II'Ilh IIICIIKIIJIILI (I\ \\IIIL‘I I’.‘III‘(ch IchpuIIx nI IIcI IIIC ;Ix ;I I‘HI‘IIIJI Innunnn~ IInchIxI \ III;IIIIIc. x'nnIInIII-II I-I'Icn IIccpII mm III}! \xnIIx III‘II IcI;IInx \‘UIIIL‘ IIIIII‘;III\ Inch IIIIIIIIIIII‘ .IIIII xl} IInIIicx (iluxgnu - (II- I
I Hackers I I: I I I;IIII SnIIIC). I 'S. I‘I‘N I .Innn} Iu' \IIIIL‘I. .\I‘._!‘I'IIIILI Inhc. I'lxIIL'l SII'u-nx III‘ IIIIIIx Inp IIIIx'IxI'I /CIH ( ~nnI I /'u:1I;\_"rv.'f.":;'x Innn} ICC \IIIICI I Ix IIII' IICU- kn! III Inv. i‘. In IIn xInIIIIulcx nnIn IIIC}'.'I I IIIcII I IIIIC ‘.'. IIII IIIx II(‘\\ nun-x. Iic nIIII!I_~,: Ihc I.III IIII} x III IIII‘ I‘IIK'C\\ SnIIIc} 'x \IcIl I‘IIIII ICCII mm It' g'IInx .IInII;: IIIc IIIInImhn ‘.\ IIh hc.III\n\ pnnlnhny. ('\!l\III‘._‘.' pnnI III‘II‘. I'xI'Ij. IIIIIIII' .IIIII IIIxIIIIxxIII;: IIII' \I'I} MIC-I n! IIII' \‘nIImIIII‘I III‘III 'I Irv Ihcmc nI IxnIx I'I'IIIIII: nm‘ In c1 nII Ihc I'IIII‘Ix Ix .III.II\III\ InI IInIInynI‘II \ILIIIII.IIII\. I". :II II II‘Ix'IxIII‘L' Ix xccn .‘Ix .I \IL'IIIIIIkNx x’IIiIIL‘ SI‘I' IL‘JIIIIL‘ and In n'n I‘IIIIIIIIIIIIII‘ I (‘I SII.IIII;I}IIC' I (I (IyICIHIIIIx
IxxI-III} x-IIIIcl‘IIIng Ixuxxnx II/ II‘k' I)IIL-;InI ‘x I‘II/I' .II Ihc I‘I‘I.‘ (XIIIIII‘x I'IIIII I'('\II\.II IIIIcc I‘IIIIIIx'LIII} II‘.I\k'\I |;IIIx gnzrn‘ up .Igmnxl IIIc I'nI‘x IICII nnc nI' IIIL'II pIIIx Ix IInprIulIchI .IIII‘I ;I :;II\I l'Igtan I‘nIInwllnIgr IIIIIIIII;IIxIII§.: III:II'x :Ix punch} IIx .I hlnu In III-c III-IIII IiIIIIIhnIgII: I-IIIIIIInIIxIt
I "eat I ISI I,\II\'IIII('I \Iann. I'S. WW) .\I I’Ilg‘II‘J‘ {nhI-II I)c \nn. \';II KIIIIICI. I'FII IIIIIIx \Iunn‘x xIIII‘ [xn’kugzc cnpx :IIIII InthIx I;IIc Ix III-mi :IIIII \III‘IIIIIL‘I\ :Ihnxc IIIL' IL‘\I nI IIIC ycmc. IIIIIIIkx In .III .I\‘IIIIII pnngnI chI'I'IIpIJI} IIIJII I'IIII) mplnn'x IIx Ihcnnrx .‘IIIII :.YI\C\ III-plh In IIx \‘II.!I(IL‘I\ I’I Inn Ix IIIc \Ik‘dlx'lIICII kIL'ICk‘II‘C '..hnxc hnmc III'I' Ix II‘: IIIIIIx'. I)<' \IIn Ix lhc
ch IanxI‘ glimmul III.I\II‘IIIIII‘III. I'hc Inn IIII‘II'x Inn-I} I\;II;III\'I\I xI'an- nI IInIInnI RIIIII IIIIIIIIul chix-I'I Ix null IIIxxchuI. .‘IIIII IIIc x‘hnnI nnI xcl [III-\‘I'x .nc III‘JII \IUPIMIIfJ IIIIIIIunI. IKIIIIhIIIgh ()Izncn ('I-IIIIJI' \IIIng‘nthIx
I The Horseman On The Roof I5 I (ICIIII I’nuI I\’;II\;\*II;-,:n, I‘Izrnqc, I‘I‘ISI IllIII'IIC IIIIInIhI‘. IIIH n-I .‘\I.II3II’I\‘/ hum Innis I III IIIlIIx Ix’uI‘Iv‘InuIII'x InIInv. up In (3 I'II'II'" l)( III'IL'I'Im 'II Ix III: \I‘I\\' nl III;II IIIIKII‘III ;IIIhnIIx‘«: hhku‘ancI \II II.III;III hIIxx1n cunch IIII‘xhnigY .I_-.'I"I!» IIIIII I I"\\L‘\ ghnlvm III\ I\IIL‘\I I‘Iih \‘cIIIIII; I iIIIIu’. nII-ctnij up “III! .‘I hchnIIInl jmnng unnmn I :II.-'I~ IIx .III‘ Icplmxc-I In Ihc mlcnl III.II II .I;III.III\ IIIIIIII‘I\ ;IIIIIIcIn‘c III\nI\.;-III;~II1. .IIIII‘Iv'IcIcII I1I\IIINIIxIIItT(III‘II‘IIIIL'x xxinch .III‘ \[X'IIIIxIIILIL JI-_IIIIIIIL'III:-. I III-t \I'\\ I". Inn" II-Izzxv
I The Indian In The Cupboard I’( i I'I.IIII\ I )x.
I \. I. I"; I II.‘.I \.IIIIII‘.n. I III‘Innl, I).I\III Ix'cIIh "'I IIIIIIx I' ‘I IIIx I‘IIIIIIILL}, )HIII'}? ()II‘II In p'IH’II .‘I III It'l. (IIE‘I‘I‘I'III :II.II hIIIIsrx In IIL"I‘I .IIIII-I‘I‘IIL‘ III'.‘ Tn» I~I.Ix',:( I"; \ [‘IIIICII‘JII} \.III\c \III‘CIII .III I IIIIc II.'.;I I \‘L‘III'YII \I‘\ I‘Iiiit' I III'II' III‘III
II.IIII x' nnu'l In IIIC, I-III .:xI.I.' IInm IthI II IInI‘xII'I I\‘.III:. dun-Inn .II‘JII III‘III xnvnv IIIII' IIII'IJII1'\\|‘II\;II‘\‘III\IIU‘IHIIIE'II'\I‘C\'II\‘I IIIC hwx nI nIlIva I‘cnIIzil ('.II‘.II~II
I Institute Benjamenta I 1* I IIIUIIII‘I x I‘IIIJ}.
I K. I"‘I_"I \I;I1k I\’}I.IIIx'x‘. .\III'.' KII;1C.(EnIIIIII'II .InI‘II II'I IttIIIx \IIJI‘IcII IInIII IIIc ‘.\nII\ nI I'\'.IIII.I CHIIIC S.\Ixx \kIIIL‘I Ix’nthI \Vgxlch. Ihc I‘IIIII:\\ II‘;’\I I_III\‘.\II IIII .‘f/l I .' (If I In III.""I \. I:le ImIIIIc xhnxx x IIIIIInIIhIcII .IL‘thcII; I‘IIIIIJIIx‘I'. hnI Ix \i. IIIIIII} I‘I‘\\'IIIC III‘ICIIIIIII .IIIII II‘I‘IC\\II‘II III :I xcngIIIIx' .II‘JIII'III}. .IIl II-IIIII'II-I III IIInIIIx‘InnIIIc I‘I'LIIII}. but hard In Iznhnm nII an} Incl nIIn'I Ihnn II \III'.IIII\{§II\' (II.Ix;:n\\'
(‘II- I
I Jumanji I I I IInc JnhnxlnII, I'S. I‘NSI Ix’nhII‘. \\ IIII.IIIIx. Innznhun I|)\I'x'. Knxlcn DIIIIxI. IIII nIIIIx I Inmx-II InI In )I'uix III .‘I IlIlIfJIC INLIIII Innnc. \I;III I’.‘IIIIxII I\\ IIII.IIIIxI Ix IL'IC-I‘CII nnl} \xIII'II Ixxn IIIIKIL'III II} IxIIIx (Innxx Ihc IIIL'I‘ IIIL'III\I‘I\C\. IIIII [In-j. IIIxn nnlmxh II xmmpcdc nI Innnkc} x. gingnxhh'x. I'lcphnnlx. IhIIInx and nIth IIIII;IIIIIII;II hmxlx mm mm” [mm \IIIcIIcII 'I‘hc xInI} III;III.'I}!C\ In ;:I'I I‘C}\‘IIII IIx II‘IX'IIIHL‘ IIIIIIIx \\IIII ;I IIIIIIIIIIIII} nIIgIIIuI {L‘IIIIIII HICJ (IIIII pan- I/IIIIHM'I I’m/I ynmpnlcr cIIchx IhIII IIIJIxC II xI.III‘ nI Ihc .III (IIICIIIII xIxx'Iuclc. (II;ngn\\
(IIIL'UII. IiIIIIIhnIgh: (Menu. I'(‘l, SII'IIIIIcIyIc: I'(‘I ('IIIIchIIIIk. \\'.\IR.
I Ladybird. ladybird I I31 (Ken Lunch. I‘K. I‘M! I (‘Iix’xy RncL. \ IIIIIIIIIII \k‘gu. SJIILIIC I.;I\cllc. IIII Iman I.n.IcII'x‘ I;Ich‘I haul-Inning \IKVIU‘IM‘IIIIx‘III (Irasz I-cIIx~ Ihc xInIy nI‘ ‘. Iaggic'. :I Imman \HIII :I IIIx‘InIy nI IcIuIInanIIpx \\ IIII
x InIcnI IIICII. u IIn II.Ix IICI I'n'II' chrhhcn Iukcn IInIII hI‘I “III'II x‘hc IL‘IlIxL‘\ In In \II‘CIIIIL \\‘IIII Snyml Scn'n'cx. .\ ncv. IIIIIMIII \\IIII .‘I gcnllc Snnlh .’\IIICIIL‘(III C‘xIIc IrIII) MIIIxCx IIL'U. II;nInI;Ix\ I.II.I\'II pnxhcx 011! x; lIIp;IIIIIr_‘x In the thc of the IIIIIICIIIngx HIIIICI Ih:III IIIc xncml “mkcrx \\IIO(1IC .‘IIxn \IL'IIIIIx M :I IIcuIIch‘x x_\ \I‘x‘IIII I".\Ircmcl_\' II;IIIn\I Ing. hnI ;I \‘II.II cIII;I|j.xI In IIcthIc. Iidmhlnghi I'IIIIIIIUIIxC
I land And Freedom I I< I I Kcn l nuch. IK/SpniiI I‘I‘I5I1unIIIIII_Rnx.III;II’IIxInI.I\'I;II' IInIInnI III‘.I nIInx .»\ Inugrnticcnt. IIInxing. I‘UIIIICHCII cpl: nII Ihc Smnrxh (‘I\'II \VJI h} IIIIIuIII‘x IIIan InIIIInIIIcII IIIIchIII nn Ihc I.cII .'\II IIIICIIII‘III)C(I mun III;II'II luncx IIIx I.I\'I‘Ipnnl In IIgIII \\ IIh Ihc I’()I ’,\I \IIIIIIII. (Ind xccx first hand Ihc IK‘IIIMII nI' IIIx qunxc h) Ihc SI;I|IIIIxIx. IIIx xInI} Ix II‘III III II;I\IIII(I\‘IH :Ix IIIx }YI.IIIII\I.III}IIIICI Ic.nIx IIIx III\I\ICII II‘III-Ix IInIIIc £1 hnIx IIIIIII‘[‘IL'\(‘III\I11}'III.II [\Inwxlhcxc cwnlx |I;I\v :I xIInII}: II'IK“-IIII\'C In In<I.I}. IIIIIIhIIIgh: I'IIIIIIII‘II\L‘
I Leaving Las Vegas I I\‘I I \Iikc I-Igyix. I'S. I‘M"! \in‘nInx (IIgI'. I'II\.’II‘(‘III SIIIII'. IIIIIIIII S.-.IIIIx III IIIIIIx Smkcd IInIII I‘IIx IIIII. III-II I(‘.Ij.',c IIII‘x\‘\ In I .‘Ix \cgax ‘-\ IIII Ihc xnIc :IIII‘IIIInII n: IIIIIILIII}! InmchI In III-nth. hnl IIIII'Ing Inx III-«I'm \‘nmcx III Inx'x IInnIch 512.1 :SIIIII‘I. .IIIIIIIICI In~I xnIII I-IyI'Ix‘x ncnzI IIII'IIrth Innuc (I‘Ipnncx Ihc IIIL'xPIHIxII‘II' vnphniigi .‘IIIII IIII‘IIIIII [mm I‘I .‘III‘nhnIIxIII II'nIII :I \III‘IL‘x'II‘J] \‘iI‘\\ [\nIIII. xx Inlc IIII' Ll\II‘III\IIIII}'_ IK'IIUIIIIuIIxx In. IIIC Imle III'II‘ II II:InxccnII Ihc \IIIILII‘C I.I\\IIIIIIL‘\ \ and John III-vi» nnn IIIIIICII} IIIf.‘ I‘IIInIII :Ix I-Ihnhnxgth (MI-nu. I'IIc \IIuIII \IIIIIII
I A Little Princess I Hi: I‘ «Manx.» ("IIIII'IL I 'S. I‘I‘ISII1Ic;IIInI'IIInII. I.I.IIII('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.In:ch \Inllm'xx x. ‘V IIIIIIx Ynnn; .\III'I Ix Inn L‘(I In imw III'I I‘m III-33.x! IIII' III IIIIIILI InI .I \L'~'- \“Wk g'IIIx‘ I>n.:IIhIII‘ \\ ii» I \‘.I1I‘II \V’W! I‘ll'J‘r x nIII IIIIn-xx II'III InI IIIL' \‘.I‘I\I, Itnxxcuw. when III'I I.I'.II’.‘I Ix :I'pnIn-II IIIIxxIng III I;I:nn .IIIII.
{‘I'IIIIIIx‘\ \. xhc Ix xIIhII'I‘ICII In :III' {IIICII} nI' x\ IInnhIIIxtzcxx \IIxx \IEIK'IIIII \ moms mm .'! \I'II\L' nI ICIII muggy .IIIJ. Imc nI' \IUI}II‘IIIIIIZ. II..'II Ix hmnnI'nII} III-ngncII ."IIIkI IIIII‘IIIgcnII} nun-II (IIIngrzm \I( }\I I’;III.III'.III I III" (III’IIII‘IIII‘\' SII:IIII\‘I_\\Ic: ()IIL'I‘II
I The living Picture Show ~ !_‘I Im- mum .md I‘I.I\\Iq IIIpx- IInIII II!:' I lIIIIII’lC IIIHIIII‘I'\ In Iin' EUIIKIL'II I'}'I' III IIUII\ 'xMHWI IIL'.II Ih.II qquIIIIII'x _II!L‘IIII ggnnig' xIInI IK‘III (ILIxjtnu' (iI-I I.IIIIII".II“_1II' I'IIIIIIIIIIIVC
I la Madre Muerte I I.\'I IIIIIIIIIIm IIIIIn I'IIn.I. 81mm. 1‘”: II K;III:I I'.Ik'l.'II\I(‘ ,-\n.'I :\I\;III'/. I.I'I. 1"" IIIIIIx ,-\ I~III;:I:II \IIIn Ix'IlIx .I IxnIIIIIII III I‘InnI nI I‘IL'I QIIIIII IIIL‘I‘I\ IIIL’ 3YIII ;.I'.II\ IIIICI. \IIIII‘ :IIIII II;IIIIII(III\C(I I‘I IIIc I'\L'III. xh~ Ix InInupI‘cII h} IIIIII .IIIII I'IIICIx .I I‘Ix'JII" 1"IYII 'IIIIIL‘I‘I Incnnycxl IInIx :len III\'I\I\ l!‘..' II!x ;.':IIIIII':III .\IIII>I:7IIII}' :IIIII
.I IICCI‘I jgnl‘ng II‘I-I xI LIIIIIIIIILEIC .‘I IIIIII \\IIU\I' III\'\'\III‘I'{ ‘. I\YII:Ix ninnh III-c In'lI‘IIIchx .II IIIc xlri} gnI'; I'IIII;IIIIi§:II I :IIIIImIIxc.
I Mary RBIIIY I I.‘ I\'I‘;III;‘I. I IL'LIIx. I S. I‘I‘HI I;II!;I I‘TnhI'IIx. .Inhn \I.1I:‘\I‘\'I\ II. (III'IIII I'Inxc III‘x’ IIIIIIx \IJII‘II'JeII III-Ixcx Inln Ihc \Ill?I‘.C-l II: II IIII' IIIIIII‘III I‘\:x\IIL‘ .Ix IIII' IcIijI’IIyII‘ «Inn! [‘CI\IIII.IIII}‘ ‘.‘-IIIIC I\'-IIK'II\ Ihc IInIIxCIIIJnI ‘.‘..II\‘III‘x IInIII IIII- ‘.\III}‘\ I In- \II‘xII‘I 'x II.IIIxInIIII;IIInIIx IIIL‘I;_'L‘ \I IIII IIII-IIInIn'x nI hr: IIIITIII‘I‘II I;IIIIc: \ ;I'I\nxn.c .IIIk‘xITUI‘I\_ ;‘I.IIIIII;'. .'I If: IiIII‘III.‘ hn’. I‘nk‘nl xc'xIIuI \‘.I‘II,' In III’C xInI) \\«IIIII;‘IIIIIII .‘IIIYI-‘xI‘IlI'IK .‘IIIII IIII-III.III;IIII3. I"I;I\I‘. IIIII Rnlme x III III .n Imj.’ .II‘IIII} Ix xIIn'.'.II up InI ‘J-IIdI II I .III IIxIIIil. IzIIIIIhngII'
I (‘I
I Mean StreetsI Ix. I mum l'.\. I""§- II;II\I'_\ KUIICI.I\.1‘I‘I'IIIIV .\'IIn I);I\III I’In\:I| II'I IIIIIIx Inn} 'x II;II Ix IIIc I~4Ixc Int InIII :xnnng IIIIIIIIII- \Incin .Inx, III: Ixc III.'II‘.I\III;!I} IIII';:;I| .l;II\ IIch II'IIJ In II:I_‘.';'II} \ i‘. IIII} ..I\x;‘I\c.I .II.II.I_ Ii'I xIIIII} “II II \(IIIII‘IIIC\ III:-.I:I;'.II.III;' sz IIIIIIIIII‘ ‘.\ IIII .I IwImxIw xI'nxc nI' ‘I'IIIII‘III‘II KI‘III'I .IIIkI «Is \IIn ;'I\I' nI IIICII \I'Ij. hcxI I.IIIIII‘iII;'II (XIIIII‘n
I Merry Christmas. Mr Lawrence I IS I I \.I:JI\JI I )xIIIIII.I (III. I"\3I I);I\ III IIn\\ IL'. Rynlchl S.I'I..Imnln. IIIIII I 'nIIII IZ-I IIInIx. Ihc xI'\II.III}
I IIIIIIK‘II ILIIII'd Iwhwcn [‘lIxIIIIL'I 'IIIm ICI :IIIII x'IlllIIIIJIIIILIIII IS;II;.IIIInInI III :I I‘I-IZ [IIIxnncrnI- '.‘.;II unnp III ,I.’l\.'I Ix IIIc mum xIIIIIg: In IIIIx ICII“.IIII_\ ;II.'II.'I-;Icr xInII}. xxhlqh Ix LIIIIIINPIIL‘IIC. I‘III IInI .Ix nII;‘III:II .‘Ix II .‘lIIL‘IIII‘Ix In hce IImxIc Ix I‘lL'II} grnnd h) IIIx \IJIIIII;IIII\. \xhn‘h Ix nnI x;I_\III§_' .I Inl. (iI.Ix§_'n\\: (III.
I Migth Aphrodite I I S I I \men Allvn. l’S. I‘I‘I'V \\nnII_\ :\IIL‘II. \III;I Snix Inn. IIcIcnu IInIIIIuIII (XIIICI. ‘I5 IIIIIIx SpnIIx \NIIICI lxnny
\IIL‘III .IIIII IIIx hnx} IIII (ICI'IIL‘I' \\ IIL' IIInIIIIIIIn (’IIIII‘I I :IIIan :I huh}. hnI \IIII'II IIIL‘ kIII xI;IIIx In xhnxx IIIIIIxII;III_\ IIII'h IIIII‘IIIImIIcc. \IIIII 3:an xmnlnng InI IIIL‘ Iml IIIHIIIL‘I .'I nnnc Inn hIIghI hnanI JIIIII [‘HIII :II‘IICxx ISnIIInnI, ()xcuI-
NICE from
PRAGUE frorn
£85 558 £190 £145 £180 £178 £229 £139 £221
' £148
British Midland
Return fares from Edinburgh/Glasgow. (.‘IIIIIIIL‘I ynur IUL‘JI trawl agent or L‘JII InI‘ LIL-IIIIIx (III
nr hunk (In the Imcrnct httpw \\'\\'\\'.III}'I7TIIISIIIIIIIIIJIIKILIII‘II
The List 3- I6 May l996 35