Twentieth t century boys
The New York maestrn nl noise-rock. Rhys Chatham. is coming tn Mayfest. Jnnathan Trew plueks up his pen and sits in with the linger-pickers.
The linss‘ Brigade headquarters in (ilasgnw‘ seems an unliker plaee tn be the eradle nl a huge rnek ‘n' rnll slinw. The idea nl guitar-based rebellinn sits ill with the w hnlesnme regirnentatinn nl the l)t)}s in bltre. llut snmething’s rumbling in the basement. a spasmndie gran that's getting lnuder. surer and runre steadfast. Rli_\s ('hathani‘s 7t)- rninute enmpnsitinn l'nr' llltl guitars. .-lu .l/tgrl .l/rtl't’V 'Iim /'rr.\l lit See. all epie wnrk b_\' an_\nne\ standards, is taking l‘nrm.
(‘hatham eame ntrt nl‘ the New ank undergrnund in the earl} 80s, wnrking and enllabnrating with seminal aural aleherirists like (ilen Branea. The Swans and. nl‘ enur‘se. the band that brnught the snund in a wider audienee. Snnie Ynulh. ll. there was a ttnil}ing theme tn all these artists then it was a desire in esperiment. a need tn push the
i musieal le\ienn. ()r as ('hathatrt sa_\'s.
; was the nx'ertnnes w hieh were being generated b} the strings nl~ the eleetrie
ennlident ennugh tn write it trntil a
l’x‘sl 'l..'\ (‘llv\l.r\.\l
Rhys Chatham: awe-filled
‘The melndie \‘neabular'x nl‘this mtrsie
guitars using speeial tunings.’
the idea nl writing a pieee nt' rnusie t'nr llllt guitars l'irst neeurred tn (’hatharn in WT but he didn‘t l‘eel
neat‘l} deeade later and then it tnnk three _\ears tn l‘t'nduee. ‘lt‘s a beautiful.
beautitul snund and \er_\ pnwerl‘ul. Jttst t In lnnk at It“) guitars nn the same stage and .. .' (’hatham‘s \niee tails nll in aw e-lilled enntemplatinn. ‘That‘s nne
l'rnm the wall as men. and nl‘ enurse it
a aren't used tn w'nt‘kittg in an nrehestral
been staged all aernss Nnrth Ameriea. liurnpe and .-\ustralasia with (‘hatham reeruiting the set'\ iees nl~ ltltl lneal guitarists tn pert‘nrm the pieee l'nr eaeh enneert. .-\t the auditinns tnr the .\la_\‘lest perl'nrmanee there is a palpable air nl‘ tensinn amnng the guitarists waiting l‘nr their star turn. There is nn shnnting the bree/e and mnnd-Iightening inkes‘ drnp like bum untes. The phntn pnrtraits nl t‘nrmer Rn} s‘ Brigade luminaries glare dnwn
is the male nl' the speeies. ttrne their instruments with the rigid linens nl the ennderrtned waiting (m the bell tn tnll. Tnm Ral‘l'ert}; the guitarists' examiner and nemesis. the man with the pnwer tn
sa_\ ‘_\ea‘ nr has" tn aspiring l‘erl’nrmet‘s. is an atlable blnke. .-\ll he's r lnnkrng l‘nr is "penple w hn are brnadly
enrnpetent guitar pla} ers with a gnnd sense nl' rh}thm.' lle‘s seen all snrts smee the start nl the atrditinns lrnm the unassuming but assured middle—aged tn llambnyant pnndle-permed _\nths and as a result has heard as mueh ('renrge (iershwin as Ste\ e \'ai l'nr eaeh l‘erl'nrmer‘s trial.
The l()() lneall_\' reeruited guitarists are there tnr diverse r‘easnns. Snme want in w'nrk with (‘hathanr snnie want In meet nther guitar pl;t_\‘Ct's‘. There are thnse w hn see it as a \aluable Ct)ltltllllllll}‘ arts prnieet and nthers whn want the nppt)t'ltlltil_\' tn per't‘nrm in tirnnt nl‘ an audienee. l“nr snme it‘s a hnnt.
('hatham has his nw n ideas as tn w by penple want tn take part: ‘(iuitarists
ennliguratinn. It's a new esperienee t'nr i
bnundaries and an interest in ereating l nl' the reasnns that l was \er} earel‘ul tn them and it’s lun,‘ snnie te\tures w hieh delied nnrmal w rite a pieee that wnuld be gnnd.‘ l .‘l/r xl/ree/ .l/nrm 'lim I‘m! 7}) See 1.x tittisieal rules and prndueed a new .-lu .rl/Iee/ I’lres liw I’m! 'lit See has l per/urinal (1/ King is 'lilreum' rut Tue 7. EI_‘ l 3 l I - . Havm aball ~ t -< . 1 Inspired by the exciting collection of i dance events at this year’s Mayfest, ? 5 Cafe Loco have adopted a Strictly i ; Ballroom theme. Itinerant flouncy t f r frock wearers will mingle with the i f: t crowd and the 0.15 will, of course, be , g . wearing [US as they fight off the .5 ! temptation to play their ample f : collection of toxtrot and quick-step g 3 numbers. - - , u , f i Emsbginasrzwgys,hézgeo:?g:¥idays) | Party on: last year’s Mayfest Club at the Old Fruitmarket and DJ Steve plump instead tor an venue. Joining Roni will be some of l Glasgow club scene institution. uplifting mix of happy house tunes. ; Scotland’s best talent, including drum '" addition ‘0 these Ollib EVBMS, 0J8 : The night is designed to appeal to a and bass pioneer KMC who hails from l Will Play between the bands 330“ l broad age range, from the regular Lanarkshire, but mainly DJs round | night at the Mayfest 0'1"), and 0" ? weekend disco bunnies to the thirty about Edinburgh’s jungle nights. ' board the Caledonian Plincess i
somethings tentatively toying with night-time celebrations. Lifting the night even further will be the unique Cafe Loco selection of theatrical diversions. Optical arousal is produced by the long time Arches lighting jock Bonnie Heeps who deftly combines slides with video and film mixing.
If you are after something a little harder and, dare we say it, underground, you might like to check out the Fever night on the Renfrew Ferry. The country’s number one hardsteppin’ drum and bass/jungle DJ and producer, Roni Size, is the headlining deck wizard at this magical
and The General (Headrush, Selkirk)
one of Glasgow’s most respected drum r and bass DJs Larz, who as well as
Wing at Science (Volcano, Fridays)
and Lube (The 13th Note, Sundays) is known as jazz-funk techno producer
DJ Kid (Street Knowledge, Edinburgh)
also play. Completing the line-up is
Funk D’Void. Techno innovators Slam - responsible for many major moments in Scottish clubbing, including the introduction of acid house — kick off their near legendary ‘Rock-da-boat’ 3 summer parties again. Their blend of deep house and techno fills the ( Arches every Friday and these special t events are not to be missed. A real
(formerly the Tuxedo Princess). Each Friday and Saturday is Club Ecosse with ‘the latest Celtic grooves’. E
Clubbers beware, though. Club events featured in the Mayfest programme g are a staggering under-representation of the true face of Glasgow’s vibrant g club culture. For full details of club ' events check out the Clubs section. (Rory Weller) 3 Cafe Loco, The Arches, Sat 11 May ; only. 11pm-3pm. £5 (£5 for punters wearing ballgowns). r Fever, Rentrew Ferry, Sat 4 May only. 10. 30pm-Iate. Prices to be continued. Slam ‘flock-da-boaf’, Sun 5 May only. 10pm-3am. (£8).
Scrubbed pure: Alicia Hood in Laundry
The last twel\e nrnnths have seen l nnktltrt 'l‘heatre (‘nrnpans t~l.tltll\ll tlrerrrselxt s as nne ml the tnrenrnst snung ertserr.l‘-l.-s ltl \"urtland. /’.<.'\-.', wlrreh dealt w ith the serrsttixe strbreet nt~ date rape. was nne n! the hits nl' last .\eat 's l-rtnge. alter .‘llltt}ltlg a \llL'Lt‘\\llll l'ltll .rl (il.t\§_'tt\\ is ( illl/t‘lls' Theatre This sear 's .\l.r\ test prtnltretinn '.\ a re\ I‘-.ll n! the enmpan} is trrst lnhrrburglr l'rrnge sueeess. /.rr.'r/r.."/‘\1
The pla} is based nri the taet‘aal aeenunt n: .r \Ltl‘nlal [ll.ll lite lae‘tl Ireland in l‘l‘li. when the remains nt' Kt) \\llll‘.L'll w ere e\lrttttter.l llttllt a enment gra\e_\.ud ltl llrrrnrenrrdra. belnte being erenr rtel and reburred lll a mass gra\e_ ’l his was .lnrre w ttlrnut the knnwledge nr' \.'ttll\t‘ltl til the lartrilres enneez'ned. and lll the huge nutei} that ensued. stnrres emerged nl' wnmen whn had been sent tn enmertts as pregnant nr‘ unwanted t‘ttls, :ttttl l‘lllkil.‘tl tn \‘.t‘ll\ ltt littrtttlt’lt’s ltr support lllt‘llt\;'l\t‘\ ilillL" aet til. ‘.\.l\lltll:' nut lrnerr tiw lit“! llt'.‘
in: :‘ttltt‘lt nl' washing
hand men a nraelrirres I was seen as spatula ml the 'w .nlring teat" nl'tirerr seals lttzrrrrlrt' lras gune tiantrglt a lew eltat‘iges srrree its prerrrrere at the l‘)‘z’~l triage, v\s writer \reula .‘\le('.rrtr:r-s pnrnts Hat' ‘lzis \lll‘\t.'tll'.l.!ll_‘. lnrrger than it was llltll.lll}'. and ex u been .tl‘l.‘ ltr \lt‘\t‘lt‘§‘ lltt' \lttt_\ .t ar' riaue‘ The l‘) ills st‘lllll}_' L'ttltlt'as's \ll‘ttllfll} w ith the enrrtettrpnzar} .\\Liilt'
lllt‘hlll‘.‘ lt\l\\.tttl lit
\lttr‘.‘.lllt' penple snnretlrrng new' sass \lel'artne} ‘lt’s a wry simple plat. but nurte tirntrglrt prn‘suktng.’ .\le('a:trre_\ ts etrrrezrtl} penning .1 sere.~r.plaj. tnr /.:¢'\‘.. with trltmrrg due in st it! at the end «it the year. '\\ere nu tlre Senursh tltealte
still relatrsels new \\iklli'\i.i\ll1l\tl\.\llll‘klkl\ll}. e rust want tn etttlstrlttlalt‘ t'lll reputatrnrr' Winiilran llwrrnellx- lt..'!ll../l t. [WIN/l ).'l.' //.'('tt'."‘t (burg/turn, )1. r,.’(\ l/lt rr'II'r', (/h'ltlxgu‘a. .l/t'll ./ ‘i ht” /.\'
l .lltt".
The l.isl .i- l() .\ltl'V “Mb