I WOODCRAFT AND FORESTRY FAIR Sat 27/Sun 28 Apr, 11am-5pm. Kelburn Castle and Country Centre, South Offices, Fairlie, Ayshire. £4 (£2.50). 01475 568685. You’ll not see the trees for the wood this weekend at Kelburn, with all manner of crafty folk putting their timber-related skills on display. ‘lhere’ll be snigging (fitter, ye not, it’s merely hauling timber out of the forest as pictured above), wood turning, bodging, coopering, stick making and the rest. Top tip is the chainsaw carving, in which local experts will demonstrate that ‘a chainsaw is much more than a tool, when in the hands of an artist’. Free chainsaw services and plenty of non digit-depleting

activities for the kids.

This section gives details of selected events taking place in and around the central belt of Scotland this fortnight. Events are listed by area and then alphabetically. All submissions should reach our Edinburgh office ten days before publication and be accompanied by a contact phone number for our information. Days Out compiled by Thom Dibdin.


I OUT & ABOUT IN THE SCOTTISH BORDERS Ranger I.ed Walks and ('ountryside .-\cti\ities. I‘)‘)6/‘l7. Booklet ayailable Irolti Scottish Borders council Ranger Seryrce. llai‘estanes. by .’\ncrum. .ledburgh. TDS 6I'Q r()l835 83(I2Sl ). I‘ree. This booklet details the hundreds ol' regular walks organised throughout the Borders by the local Ranger Seryice and is the source of many a line day out. liyen it. you can't make a specil‘ic eyent or don't fancy a group actiyity. then you might gel inspiration tor a suitable jaunt or your own. The walks are graded between ‘walks'. ‘hill w alks‘ and the longer and more strenuous 'hikes' and cost tLI per Person (£2 tor the hikes).



.-\pi' Mon 6 May. Various \enues around l’ertli. bull programme of eyents from Perth Tourist ()l‘l‘ice: (HUS 653353. .\lost t‘ood l'estiyals are simply a chance to highlight the local eateries l’er‘th‘s goes \\ ell beyond that. w itli a packed series of eyents. Top tastes include a Reyolting Recipes exhibition rriot Sun 28 or Sun 5). ‘)..‘s()ani-Spm. 01738 44494)); '(‘ookability'. an esliibition and demonstration or a range of simple dishes and kitchen aids and techniques l'or' People with disabilities r.\lon 2‘) Hi .‘x. Illam—noon. I..‘st) 3.30pm. (H.738 b33537): Cook Your Own l’aratha rnot Mon 29). 5pm~rriidnrght. (H738 44 I 3 I 3. and a full-on Victorian tea party will) llor'al demonstration (Wed l. 3pm. (HUS 624455I



I lam 5pm. ('arnegie Ilall. liast l’oi‘t. l)unl’ermline. £2rL‘l),(H.183723638.0ne ol the most prestigious contests in the country. which has been going tor 27 years. the (‘arnegie Trust coiirpetitron attracts entries from across Scotland. northern lingland and Northern Ireland. The 30 bands blowing away in four different leyels haye It) pel'l‘trl'ltt a set til. test pieces and a I‘ur‘ther piece decided on the day.

I BRIDAL WORKSHOP Thurs 2 .-\pi‘. 6pm. (‘aledoniari llotel. Princes Street. Iidirrbui‘gh. £5 I'rorn INN) 5ITJI2. .'\Il you bi'rdes-ro-be should run blushing to this eyettt organised by Wedgwood and Inn/m magazine. There'll be workshops on eyei‘ything to ‘ensur'e all your plans for the Big Day run smoothly ‘. irrcludrng dresses. tableware. cakes. llower's. make- trp. hair and iew ellery.

I CINEMA 100 Mon 2‘) .-\pr. TAIIPIII. Dominion (‘inema. IS New battle 'I‘ei‘race. lidinburgh. ()I.‘~I 447 2660. The story or cinema in l-idinbur'glr. as told by Bill Smith in his illustrated talk: "The llrc am I‘actor'ies limpir'e to Dominion.

Outrageous fashion at Cheek to Chic

I CREEK TO CHIC Wed 24 Apr. 7..‘~()prir~late. Queen's Hall. South (‘lei‘k Street. lidinburgh. £7/£5 (ticket only). £l5/L‘Il) (table). (II3I 667 7776. This promises to be more than a l‘aslrion show. with modern dance. Iiye music and comedy rnrerspersing the clothes. Be prepared for some outrageous designs l‘rom the lidinbur‘gh l’niyer‘sity students. .-\ll profits to the (irassriiarket Project.

I CRAFT AND DESIGN FAIR Sat 27 Apr. Illam 4.30pm. Victoria Hall. Sinclair Street. lleletisburgh. ()(lp (30p). (ll3l (i6l 660i). Spinning and spurtles. pottery arid painting. (let your crat'ty gills straight Ironi their creator‘s.

I CRITICAL MASS Fri 26 Apr. 5..‘~()-7..‘~()pm. .‘yleet outside the National (iallery ()l‘ Scotland. The Mound. lidinburgh. l‘ree. linioy a gentle cycle ride around the city to deriionstr'ate the superiority of the push-bike oyer‘ the motor vehicle. This month's ride will end with a tea Party on The Meadows. .-\l| cyclists welcome.

I DINOHY DAWDLE Sun 28 .'\ pr.

I lain—Bfillprn. Harrison Road slipway. I'rriori (‘anal. lidinburgh. I‘ree. ()l3l 556 4503. ('ruise along the l'nion ('anal in your small craft. (irrest boats rplease book in ady ance) and towpatli walkers welcome.

I DOLLS HOUSE, MINIATURE AND TEDDY BEAR FAIR Sun 28 Apr. lt)..‘s()ani v4. itlpnr. ller‘iot \Vatt l'riiy‘ersity. Riccar'ton. lidinburgh. {2 IE I .25). ()l2tl4 5209.“). Iiyei'ything you nirniaturists need lor‘ your hobby rn. br/arr'ely. the largest l'arr of its type in Scotland.

I FARM CRAFTS WEEKEND Sal 27/Sun 28 Apr. It)ani-5pm. .-\llltolld \‘alley Heritage (cutie. .\lilllield. I.iy irigsron. £2.20

it; I Ill). (H.506 4 l-l‘)57. \Vest l.olliiati's rather splendid industrial and agricultural heritage centre l'ocirses on Victorian larrnrrig tor the weekend. w rtlr dairyrrrg and country side ci'atts deriroirstr‘ations.

I LINKS MARKET l)arly. urrtrl Mon 22 .-\pr. I I lpm. The Izsplanade. ls'rr'kaldy. Free. What has the reputation l'oi' being the largest street tan in Izur'opc has been going since I ill-I and lealur‘es all the usual l‘airgrourid rides and attractions. .ltrst try holding rrre back lroni those Walt/ersl I MUSEUMS STORAGE CENTRE OPEN DAY Sat 27 .-\pr. Illarn ~lillpm. RMS Storage and Research ('entr‘e. 2-12 West (iranton Road. Iidirrburgli. l‘r'ee. tIIRI 225 7534. .-\ \er‘y rare chance to check out all the artifacts wlirch the National Museums ol' Scotland haye in their collections but do not liaye room to put on display. with guided tours and eyperts on hand to help you with those tricky questions.


I CD AND RECORD FAIR Sai 27/Strn 28 Apr. (‘entral Hotel. Central Statrorr. (ilasgow, ()I4I 054 00‘» l. llny swap and sell your recorded music. in whatey er l'ormat you choose.

I CONSERVATION VOLUNTEER EVENT Sat 2t). Sat -7 .-\pi‘. Illam .‘t‘m. Visitor (’entre. l)r'umpellie!‘ ('ountr'y I’ark. l'ree_ (II236 422257. The Ranger Ser'y ice need help

w itli seyer'al tasks to protect and improye the landscape of the ('ounrry l’ark. ()yer'- tw ely es only. take a packed lunch and wear old. warm and watei'pr‘ool' clotlrrrrg.


5.30 7.30pm. Meet outside Art Gallery and Museum. Kely'ingroye. (ilasgow. I‘ree. linioy a gentle cycle ride around the city to denronstrate the superiority of the push-bike oyer the motor vehicle. All cyclists welcome.

I DUET AT DAWN Sun 21 Apr.

5.30 7.30am. (ilenil‘l'er liraes (‘orrritr‘y l’ark. (ilen Lodge. (ilenlield Road. l’aisley. (ll-«ll «SS—l 3794. l‘r‘ee. I‘tll booking essential. Rise with the sun. or don't bother going to bed alter a good night out ~ this could be the ultimate in chill-out lones. A walk through (ilen Park to enjoy the early morning songsnriths in the corrrparry ol' a (‘ounti'yside Ranger.

I GOLD PANNING Sun 28 .-\pr‘. llani~~l..‘~()pm. lead Mining Museum. \\'anlockhead. by Iiiggar. I.anarkshire. £3 (£l.5(l). ()I’ 7 74387. There's gold in them ther r "ind (‘harlie Smart will be showing y .y to pan l'or it. But before you go i'usr...';_'ol'l‘ with your trying pan and lloppy hat. be warned that it took the whole Wanlockhead community to pan enouin gold to make the wedding rings littl‘ the local brides.



I5 .\lay. 9am «sunset. Yorkhrll ()uay. Glasgow. ‘2 I 05 t£l.5()). l)l6l S76 5074. This lull scale working replica ol‘ Drake's original galleorr sails up the (‘lyde on Wednesday I5 April. to berth at noon. Built using authentic cral‘ts‘ and riiater'ials. the cralt is a floating museum. kitted out almost exactly as the original was in I577. I GRAND DESIGNS Sat 27 Apr.

I larii 5pm. Visitor ('entre. I’ollok (’oirntry I’ai‘k. l’ollokshaws Road. (ilttsgow'. I-‘ree. ()lJI 653 92‘)”. Help to create new habitats Ill l’ollok's wildlife garden. Tasks include building a new pond I'or tadpoles. putting tip a rustic hedge and seed sowing. .-\Il ages w elcorrie. take a packed lunch and wear w aim. old clothes and waterproof l'ootwear.

I SPRING FOOD AND GIFT FAIR Sat III/Sun 2| .-\pr. llam 5pm. \"rsitor' ('enti‘e. New I.anark. l..inark. 50p r25p). lll555 661345. bowl and crafts. surprisineg enough. are added to the many attractions at Robert ()werr's ‘model' yillage or New I,anark.

I WOODCRAFT AND FORESTRY FAIR Sat 27/Sirn 28 Apr. llain-5pm. Kelburn (‘asrle and Country (‘entre. South ()l‘lices‘. l‘airlie. :‘yyr'shii‘e. U r525”). (ll-1'75 568685. See photo caption.

The I.lsl I‘) Apr-2 .\Iay l‘)‘)6 81