THEATRE WORKSHOP & Edinburgh >Di’rect Aid


PROSLAVU ZA BOSNU Mon 22 - Sat 27 Apr A week of celebration for Bosnia

theatre. workshops, discussions. food, wine and late night music



by Samir Mehanovic A modern myth basedpn the

stories of Jonathon Livingston Seagull ' and Pinocchio , Thur 25-Sat 27. 7.30pm £5/(£2 50) Wed 24 - free preview

BOSNIAN RESTAURANT Thur 25 - Sat 27 (Evenings till late) for 3 nights only! Tantalise your tastebuds With traditional Bosnian recrpes Under £10/head (inc Wine)

LA TE NITE SPECIALS 9pm £5/(£2 50) Thur 25 THE 6008 OF GLAM

Fri 26 Ceilidh « BELLE STARS Sat 27 check venue for details Discount if booked With theatre tickets

Full details and tickets from Theatre Workshop " 34 Hamilton Place EDINBURGH

Box Office 0131 226 5425


I Vocal Recital l);llll\ll (‘iiltuial lli\llltllt‘. 3 lioune Terrace. 325 7b“). 3pm.

Soprano liorthe Holst. curreiitl}

appearing as (.‘ai'lotta in l’lriiiiruiii (I! [lie

()pei'ii. ixjoined b} Pitllllxl l'lrieh St;erk tor a recital of works by Brahms. lange- \luler and Schubert.

I Ludus Instrumentalis St lolin'x ('hui-eli. l’llllc‘L‘S Street (‘Pin £5 i£3i t'i‘oiii Queen's Hall ici'edit card ltolline (it)? 7770 l. l'sher Hall and on the door, .\ spectacular ieeonstruction oi the \‘ixaldi l’mpi'ri l‘or double orchestra and choir.

I St Giles at Six Si (‘iilex‘ (‘aihetii-al. High .‘tz'eet. (ipin. l‘iee. ,-\ conceit presented b} the pupils ol' St Mar} ‘\ Mime School

I Jubilo Queen'x Hall. (‘leil Street. NW NW ueiedii card lliilllilt' ob" ‘7“(ii

~15E‘ni £b i£~$ i, Walter 'l'liozn-aiii \‘tii.\lllcl\ a Spring (‘oiicei't Ieaiii: iiig part \Hligx ltilh songs and HlllL'l L‘lltll'al [‘lL'CC\. I Practice Choir (ire) ii'iaix Kirk. ('andleinaker Rim. 8pm. £5 i£3i l'i'om Queenk Hall i(ioS BMW and on the door. \'ichola\ .loiiex conducts the (‘hoir in .\lo/ai't'.\ Ix'i't/iiii'iii and l’otilenc'x ()reiiii ('uiii ei'rn. \\ itli Stuart Hope ax \tiltihl.

I Vocal Recital Harp Hotel. St .Iolin\

Road. ('oi'x'torphine. Spin. £b5ll i £5 i.

including i‘L‘lil'L‘SlllllL‘lll. l‘roni Hotel

Reception (33-1 S335) or (‘aden/a. 75

Clerniixton Road. lidiiiburgh. liHlZ MT

4 N-l 3312). ('aden/a picsenlx a concert b} l.e\\ is Allan tbasx-baritonei.


' Edinburgh

I The Mikado King'x Theatre. I e\ en

Slt'ct‘l. SSH-134‘). Tillpni £3 5H £ l 5.5” -£~l/£5 l. The l)'( )} 1y (‘arte (‘oinpaii_\ return to lidiiibiirgh \\ till the (iilbei't and

Sullivan llnourite. \et iii Japan,

Thurl 8 April'8.Ome0Fri & Sat 20 April 7.00pm'2660/25

world premiere

Arches Theatre Company Blood a n


Tues 7 May-Fri 24 Moy°8.00pm £7/4 (no performance Fri lO or Sundays)

1‘ .. ' The TicketCentre, Candleriggs OH! 227 55”"? .g.The Arches, 30 Midland St. Glasgowfil 4PR, 0.|4l,22|‘ 9736


I Banquet 0t Musick lltitcheson'x Hall. 2 John Street. l.l5pm. £2 on the door. The period instrument quartet pla} baroque music from (it‘l'lll;tll}‘. l‘eatui‘ing ti'io sonatax by Buxtehude and Ki'iegei'. and It’m'iiri' sonatas by Bibei'. including his Rei'iirrr'i'tiuii .S'riiiurii.


I La Vie Parisienne King‘s 'l‘heati‘e. l.e\'en Street. 220 434‘). 7.3(lpiii. £S.S().£l5.5() i £4/£5 i. The l)'()_\l_\' (‘ai‘te (‘ompany's second show i.\ a sparkling llL‘\\ version ot' ()l'l'enlnieh'x Parisian romp. I Cello Recital Reid Concert Hall. Bi‘ixto Square. 050 3-133. lillpni. l’iee. l-loiiaii Kilt icellol and Rita \lc‘giillltilcc ipianoi play l)ebu\i\_\'\ .S'riirrilri. ,lanacelt‘x I’m/itii/Aii. Maitinti'x liii'iiiiioiii ()ii .\ ’l'lit'iiii' ()i Rum/ii and a new \Hil'lx b} Herbert l.auei‘inann.

I Lucia di Lammermoor l'tNlinll 'i‘heaii-e. Nicolsoii Street. 52‘) (i()()(). 7. lSpm.

£6.50 -£l7.5() l USU-£8.75). 'l’he lil'Sl of too l.ll('l(l\ by dil‘l‘ereiit companies llllx lsxllL‘. this production by ()pei'a Della Luna ix sung in linghsh and features smell of Britain's rising opera Slltl'\. Doni/etti'x tale ol passion l.\' diiected b} .lel‘l‘C'lai'ke. conducted by Richard Balcoinbe and designed by Nigel Howard.


Glasgow I Strathclyde University Orchestra

Henr} Wood Hall. (‘lai'emoiit Street. Spin. £(i (USU/£250) hour 337 55! l. .\liii'ia_\' Melachlan l.\ mloist l'or Shoxtakox ieh's l’iiiiio (‘uiir'r'i'lu .\'u 2. The programme IllCllltlL‘\ .lohn l’urxer‘s (lH/t’ltlll' and Aaron (‘opland’x Ifl Stilii/i .lltct'i'i'o. l’atil .\l;ie.»\linden and Alan Ta\ener conduct.


I la Vie Parisienne K‘llg‘K 'i‘iit-aii e. l.e\'eii Street. 230431”. S .‘llpm £8.50 £15.5i)i£-1/£5i


I lunchtime Recital t‘niiee-ii Hall. l'iii\‘ei‘.\'it_\' ol‘ (il;l\},'ii\\. W) lil‘il,

l.l5pin, l'i'ee. l'loiiaii Kilt -eello= and Rita \lcdiinioi'cc (pianoi plaj» liel‘:i\\§ \ Suiiiii'ii. Sti‘ax lll\l.} '\ Sir/it lira/ii me and a nexx work b} Herbert |.aiieiin;inn.

I Lucia di Lammermoor ( 'oiiit-i 'i'iit-aiie. H_\ndland Street. 357 him {050 i £7.50: li'oin ('ottiei 'l'lieati'e or Q.“ 55 l l.\\'tnnei\ oi .i l’apei Hoat .-\x\.ii'd laxt jieai’. l )peia ( in .\ Shiitx'iai: ' l."'1!1 :w \l;:_\ mi \\ ilh l‘ontr't ttfiu lu .'

\t“.\lt\ll o! Sit \v‘ullie'l \c'l

l‘zisxioiix ill the Seoinxli liwiiew t'


'alfi v'l (iilbei‘t diieetx. leienij. \li‘.;'l conducix and (‘hi‘Niiia l)uii\\'oodie \irigx l.'.lcl.:


I lunchtime Concert Reid (met-ii Hall. lii'isto Stiuaie. (fill 113 i. l l'll‘llt l-i'ee .-\ programme oi electro-aetii:\tie lilllxie. including \kiil'kx ii} \ltltlt‘lllS oi ladiii'oiiigli l'iiixei'\it_\'\ l'aeult} ol .\lll\lc.

I The Mikado King'x 'lheatie. l e‘. eii Sheet. no .i H‘). “,Taiipm exam 1'15 5i» (Ll/£5), See Mon 2”.

I The Twilight Wash \e‘a 'I'i'init_\ (Kaine. loaning Road. Restalrig. blil Ill.) Spiii £5 I£3i including poxt \liov. tllllll. \liillr media production bx The I ighi l )peia ('oinpan}: the culininzitton oi a three mar collaboration \\ iih dixabled people. initiated b} the Slide Woikxhopx l‘eiiaa'i .-\i't.\ Project in collaboration \\ lHi the Drake .\lll\lc l’roiect. The ‘litiu eai‘tuiex the L'l't)\\'ti\'t‘l' bet“ eeii da_\dieaiii arid I'L'JHI} as the Shadim man and the l’haiitoiii both appear in a l.iiii:di.-:'.e


April 24 - 27


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i ' a- '_" ; J ‘\‘ [a l NG'S

3, far gbrgeous, filmic, lyrical production.’ - The Guardian '

fBox' Office ‘01:);


.220 4349

M‘s _,I e, ‘1‘. “.4” ~~A&"‘

4W Tlll- St ()rSM’W

58 The l.i\l l‘) Apr-3 .\la} WW)