Scottish Exhibition + Conference
Tickets: £17.50 and £IS.00 Credit Cards Tel: 014] 248 9999 or OI3I 557 6969 Subiect to £1.50 per ticket booking lee. Personal application to Virgin Records Glasgow and Edinburgh, . Ripping Records Edinburgh and all T.O.(.T.A. outlets throughout Scotland (Subiect to a booking fee).
Tickets: £17.50 Available from Tel: 01224 6200]] or 0I3I 557 6969 Subiect to £1.50 per ticket booking fee. Personal application to One-up Records Aberdeen, Grouchos Dundee, Sleeves Records Kircaldy, Goldrush Records Perth and all T.O.(.T.A. outlets throughout Scotland (Subject to a booking fee).
For further Information Tel: 0l3l $57 6969.
5 I Suzette Dorsey The Ferry. c‘ty-tte Place.
552 0583. 9pm. {l0 with supper. Tickets from the Ferry box ol‘l’ice attd the Ticket Centre. (‘andleriggs. 227 55l l. Renowned Tina Turner lookalike show.
I Spong and Jamboree Nice ‘n' Slealy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm.
I Urusei Yatsura, The Blisters, Eska, Pink Kross and The Blunts Cavern Bar.
Strathclyde l'niversity L‘nion. John Street.
552 1895. 9pm. £2. Students and guests. More bi-centenary celebrations with all your l3th Note favourites tonight.
I The Fatalistics McChuills. High Street. 552 2 l 35. l0pm. liree. R&I3 and garage set mixing original material with covers. I The Usual Suspects The llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 l2l0. 9.30pm. l-‘ree. l’erky local combo who dig Anna l‘riel enough to write a song abottt her.
I Skint Twins liltlc‘klt‘ttlt's. Bell Street. 552 592-1. 9.30pm. Free.
I Laughing Phrogs ()‘Nettls. Sattcltiehall Street. 35.3 0436. 9pm. l-‘ree.
I Hideaway Blues Band and Blackwater Blues Band The lirewhouse. John Street. 552 380]. 4 Spin. liree.
I Big George And The Business The
Brewhouse. John Street. 552 3801. 9pm.
liree. Veteran blues combo.
I Back Street Hero .\lacSot'leys. Jamaica Street. 22l 8-190. 9pm. liree.
I The Shakers \V’olburn‘s Wharf. Yoker Ferry Road. ()5‘) 20l6. 9.30pm. Free.
I Wayside Boon's Yard. ('atltcart Road. 64‘) (HS-l. ()pm. I-‘ree.
I Live Music Kilketmys. John Street. 552
3 3505. ()pm. Free.
I Cordelia’s Dad and The Jenniters c‘as Rock (‘ale West Port. 22‘) ~134l. 10pm.
£3. (‘ordelia's l)ad are. lit l‘act. two bands with one name and three members. . ('onl'ttsed'.’ You will be. Apparently. the
battd can play music that is intense. melodic and very electric or music that is acoustic til the extreme. depending on their tttood at the time. \Vhateyer happens. they ‘ve been l'avout'ably cotttpared to as a ‘post—l)inasour tr. assault oit traditiottal
' .-\tnerican roots intittences' l‘_V the Nhlli.
They are currently working on two new studio albums l‘or release later tn the year.
I Shake The Shak Whistle Binkies.
.\'iddry Street. 557 5| IJ. ()pm. l’ree.
I The Badd Lads (‘avendile \Vest
'l‘ollcross. 228 3252. 9pm 3am. £5. Cabaret.
I Carbona Not Glue The Tap ()'l.auri.ston. l.auriston l’lace. 229-10“. Spin. liree. Ramones covers.
I The lo-Down Johns .-\d\ ocate. South Bridge. 9.30pm. liree. Rock covers.
I The NOT Tamales Queen Street Oyster Bar. Queen Street. 226 2530. |0ptu. l‘ree. Blues. R N B and harmonica lit-_]ittks.
I Live Music Abbey. South ('lerk Street. 067 .5023. 3.5l‘plll. l‘t'c‘c‘.
I Maria McKee The Arches. Midland Street. 22] 9736. 7.30pm. £ I0 plus booking fee. Tickets from Just the Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 226 467‘). lt’s a long way from 'Show Me Heaven". See preview.
I The longpigs, Octopus and mm dUM King Tut's \V’ah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S30pm. £4.50 Tickets from King Tut's and .lust the Ticket. Virgin. littion Street. 226 467‘). Run-oli- the-mill Britpoppers corue lately with a ‘surprise‘ hit on their hands. See preview. Support from Edinburgh‘s alternative rockers dl.‘.'\l dliM and the London- based Scots ()ctopus with many arms to their psychedelic pop sound.
I The Doppelgangers The ('athottse. l'nion Street. 24S 6606. Split. £5.30 plus booking lee. Tickets hour The (iaragc. Just the Ticket. Virgin. L'nion Street. 226 467‘) and Tower Records. Argy le Street. 20-1 2500. The original li2 tribute crowd. I Mogwai (‘lub Month. The 13th Note. (ilassl’ord Street. 55.3 I638. 9pm. Free. Local noiseniks with their debut single out now. See singles.
I nutty Moon and Peptone Nice'n'Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. You cati do it. Dully Moon. as the obscure 70s show said.
I Face To Face, Out Of Time, Kootchie, Sally and Blue Ocean The lirewhouse. John Street. 552 3S()|. l-‘ree.
I Lavelle Kilkennys. John Street. 552 3505. 9pm. l‘ree.
I Catatonia. Space and Splendid \‘enue. ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £5. [p and coming Welsh indie band with a couple of NMli Singles ()l'The Week under their belt already. plus support slots with Marion. Salad and l’urcssence. This is their second headline tour ot‘ the l.'.K. ahead ot‘ the release ol. the Stephen Street- produced album lliH' li‘t't'u/n/ li’lm' which hits the shelves this summer. The nest single ‘vaeet ('atatonia' is ottt on 22 Apr. I Buttan Shampoo Stones. l‘t'ederick Street. 220 I226. 9pm. l-‘ree. Local band playing mainly their own stint" in a kinda rocky spiky guitar style.
I Patsy Mack Whistle Binkies. Nitldry Street. 557 5 l H. 9pm. l-"ree.
I live Music Pear Tree. West Nicolson Street. 667 7533. S.30pm. l'ree.
I House Of Cheese and Bank The run Note tclow ttstairs‘). (‘ilassl‘ord Street. 553 I638. S30pm. £2. Rank play Replacements-ttieets-'l‘lte—(‘lash power pop stul‘l‘. Benefit for residents against lllc‘ M74.
are pleased to welcome
to the stores in Edinburgh and Glasgow on 2nd May. Spike, Jimmy and Lee will be performing their new single ‘Niqht to Remember' at Virgin in Argyle Street, Glasgow at 4.30pm and at Virgin Princes Street, Edinburgh at 6.45pm. The boys will also be happy to sign copies of the single as time allows.
44 The List l‘) Apr-2 May 1996