If you're completely new to the scene, there may well he a lot of questions you'd like to ask. But you're prohahly unsure where to get the most reliahle answers.
If. so, there is a wide range of local and national telephone helplines you can call.
They're very approachahle and con- fidential and, what‘s 1110M“ aren‘t inst there for times of crisis, hut {or all sorts of information and advice.
Some will he ahle to give you practical information about leshian 8t gay community issues such as where the
best local pubs and clubs are.
()thers deal more specifically with
sexual health matters such as HIV*
AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
For example. {or information on sexual health and HIV. you can call the National AIDS Helpline free on 0800 567 123 or the Terrence Higgins Trust on 0171 242 1010.
Alternatively. for more general advice (as well as advice on HIV and sexual health) you may like to ring the London Leshian 8t (lay
Switchhoard on 0171 837 7324 or the
Bisexual Helpline on 0181 56‘) 7500.
Both are good places to get reliable
inlormation on safer sex and protecting
yourself and your partners. So you can choose which line you would prefer to call, whatever question you want to aslt or issue you wish to discuss.
Any of these lines will also he able to give you details of your local lielplines, or the address of your local clinic or drop in centre, where you can talk face to face with health advisors if you would prefer.
So, if. you are unsure ahout any- thing. make a note of these numhers
and giVe them a call. EDU
‘5 C‘ After all, they re there ; C 1’) w 0 to help you, no matter I Z , . o 6 what s on your mind. ’HOV“
52 The List 5-18 Apr 1996