Glasgow I Mitre Folk Club Brunswick Street. olt'

"\"1—',\'le Street. 5 bpm. l'i‘ee. Intormal


I Edinburgh Folk Festival. to concerts and workshops listed below see l‘olk l-‘estiyal lllltH'llldllUll. Hi 5.

I Northern Ireland Tourist Board Workshops Dining Room. lllam. l‘l'L'L'.

I Common Ground Exhibition and Concert l.ibrary. ltlam. The Goodacre Brothers assemble pipers. makers. enthusiasts. historians. perl'ormers. dancers and all species or bagpipe,

I Caledon/Jock Tamson’s Bairns out-en‘s Hall. Clerk Street. 7.30pm. L'S5ll. ti." I. Born from the larger ("lair Alba. ('aledori has a similar contemporary approach to Scottish 'l'olk' music with. on harps. Sileas. Gary West on Highland pipes. and dual percussionists Mike Travis and Dave Tulloch. Davey Steele is- lt-nti Vocalist. Earlier. and lirst in the final night series or Folk Rey'iyals. .lock 'l‘ariisori‘s Bairns. specially re-t‘ormed ror this L‘\’L‘lll|l_*_' and the launch or a l'c‘ll'tispec‘liyc‘ (‘1). are remembered as one of the key bands or the 7()s/S(ls Scottish music renaissance: the twin r‘ttlttles ol Derek Roy and Iain llardie; Norman Chalmers’ conccr'lina; guitarist Jack Evans; and the tw iii \ocal talents or Rod Paterson and John Croall. I The JSU Band l’ark Room. lllfillpm, L" (£6). More Blasts from the Past. The JSl)'s were the riiost exciting Scottish l'oik rock band ol' the 70s r'.i\'ed abotit by John Peel. and attracting tartan-clad youngsters to their gigs before the

Rollers. the JSl) Band’s mirsic was/is a high powered hybrid of Scots. Irish and American sounds. The band is led by time player Sean O’Rourke and t'eatnres t'iddler Chuck Fleming.

I Ceilidh Dance Debating llall. Illillpm. £6 (£5). Final Raye from the (iraye ol' this final night features re-t‘oriiied .\‘ortli liztsters. the Desperate Danz Band. Scotland's l'irst rock 'n‘ roll ceihdh band. with guitarist and caller. and incoming litlinburgh Folk l‘estix al Director Dave Francis. See Music preyieys.



I Ceilidh Dance Class Itit-eisitre (‘tntx FOX Sil’CCt. ol‘l'C‘lyde Sll'ct‘l. 2-15 5 lil-l. No class this evening.

DEEME- Edinburgh

I Penicuik Folk Club \tr‘. .tai llolel. Hog Road. Penicuik. Slogan L-i i: it \‘eteian Scots performer lan Mackintosh play s banjo. conceriiria and a ten other instruments. and has hundreds or tel.r\ed. funny or pointed songs.

Cuban heels: Sierra Maestra play Edinburgh, Fri 12; Glasgow. Sun 14


Glasgow I The JSD Band Scolia liar. Stockyyell

Street. 552 Mm]. S itip-Hi. l'tte ls't A‘\)A‘:1‘I\‘\A.IAI]\Ai\A\l>;:1},‘1\E:I]E‘k:l?.'il.\}l“ik i'estryal. the ‘r)\ oxrginatots ot Scottish tolls/rock. led by little play ei' Sean 0‘ Rourke anti r'itltnei Chuck Fleming. ate l‘acl. w ith a new .tibttziz

I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops Sli'athclyde *\li\(~t'itlit'.\\‘.t\l.132}‘1t‘!1 Street. " :EFH- lnroriiiatroii (i it» 145') lain Fraser leads

the new season or workshops on Scots

to ‘l lllpn: Li)

and (Ktt‘c Hit-ton t:.i.t1e st\les. to: n;o:e adurrtced players: other tutors lead the

beginners and iritetnretliate els.


I Edinburgh Folk Club l’leasaitce t '.-.‘:\.~.:.~t liar. ()il 'l'he l’leasa’tt't'

\nni : ~ -" 1‘ .'\ll}t)llc‘ at all intereste i :n s:::;*::i;'

\l.i".lltl be here. In close harmony. w til: .1 repertone b.rse.l on then natty .' litsh traditional songs. but 'lttti‘.‘.!1‘." n. the odd rock and roll nan/rte; '.:‘.;‘ ti.:.-. ‘:;en‘.bers ot' the :ttiiy naz‘..e ‘I Voice Squad

s'trtrrariteed lo tr‘..:r.e groin :1 32:31! it. . . I‘

when they pert-nit: t?.e:: e\.;.::s:te

.tri.:.igtn.ei.t o: l... l

Glasgow I New Dawn Folk Club (nastint nits.

(‘ltib. \Vest Regent Street. v: I't"~l. Spni £3 55. Phil Campbell anti Tom McFarland. See l'.tliiibtit‘s_'li. Sal l‘\

I Ceilidh Dance Class t i.:;i~..~t‘:n.t t'entte. 3| Rose Street. 331mm 5 "Unit. L5 .’\L‘L‘t)ltlttllll\l Alasdair McCuish and caller Peter Roberts. ls’titis ltil 2‘) Jan.


I Ceilidh Dance in.- l'.'i:_\, t 1;. i’iaee Ul‘lri. to L l v. 'l‘it‘kets a'. the crate or in 't ('eiitt.

atlyance iron) the lick.

(\iiidleiiggs. :2" 55 ii I Ceilidh Dance text-ism; l m Stieel. till. (‘iytlt‘ .Sltt‘t'l.

~15 ‘i'v'v. L5 lltlr|l\ t‘.‘t’.. \"'.


I Sierra Maestra t 1 ..-.::..~. n33.- .’\il}"\‘i‘c‘. ll.l\i'.‘c'\ (.ZtHefl

li.r:t.l on S'..::.'t’ 1‘ War..- L


lickeis Ili‘IZ; l opp l«f.'.o: ls.

(‘ockbtzin Stzee'. f. band on .t ‘~‘.t)iltl torn ( il..s;_'o'~.‘.. Sun H.

I Tartan Amoebas r\ss.-;:.': (it‘til‘g't‘ Sheet. 3:” WW S lllpt‘x L\ "J" Now a tour-piece. but sizil. belting out their :.ybz:ti (‘ (‘aiibbeati (‘eilttli

_. \....

"\ ls’ttttiizs




I The Vagabonds Scotrti liar. Stockwell Street. 552 MW l. 3pm. l‘r'ee.

I Ceilidh Dance Itixeisnte. rm Street.

till(‘l.\tlt‘ .Sllet'l. 3-15 5 lil-l lltitn‘s Ul‘t‘ll

.Spm. music at “pm. {5.


I Tron Folk Club lion ('eilitlh llottse. lltintei Stitiare. 22H l55t). S..‘\llprii. 53. ()n \ocals and guitar. Phil Campbell. and w ill) Tom McFarland on percussion. songs

from their roots lll l lster'.

Glasgow I Sierra Maestra t‘tn‘n t‘tiliano. ltt-nr'rt-tt

l~eziy. ( ‘lytle l’lace. lloois open SFllpm, E"

«.5 llte internationally taniotrs mire- stzone band. tron; llayazia kick or the l2tnopean ot their world tour \\ rtli three gigs n: Scotland 'l'lie line-up or traditional '.:es. tttnnpet. guitar and \ocals \‘. tilt the :liythmic ptis'i ot' bongos. guiro. congas. inaiaeas and electric bass is one ot the most danceable sounds trom

Cuba and the ('airbbeari. .-\II the proceeds

from the (il.rsf_'t\\‘- y'lg‘ gt) lt)\\.tt'tls lt‘slsllllfj. .-\iiierica's blockade ot ('trba. I Mitre Folk Club the Mine. Brunswick

Street. oti .\i;_'\ ie Street. l (ipin. l'i‘ee.


I Ceilidh Dance Class ttttt-tsitte t‘ltl l'os Slzeet. olt (‘lytle Street. Jib il-l-l ". lll lllpni. llooi‘s open "pm. {3.50. l Regtilar caller Karin Ingram and piano- .tcctlttllttllhl Freeland Barbour.

I Weekly Scots Step Dance Workshops Strat'nciy tle ~\i!s ( 'eiitie. Washington Street. " W ‘l illpni, lntorriiatiori o‘so l-l5l). Scottish and (‘ape liieton stepping

[DENI- Edinburgh

I Storytelling Course \t‘llrei'btiyy .-\l'l.\ tit-titre. lhgii Sheet. .550 I530. C

l‘il\l eyenz

‘l. zllpm. eel. course based on liatlitronai tales. and led by David Campbell and Janis Perry. .\lll\l be bottled in adyaiice. (lost is :5“.

I Penicuik Folk Club \ttyttai' llolel. Hog Road. l’eiirctiik .S. illpiti. Ll 1L5). Stiigaiotrntl.



I Johnny Silvo sc-otia liar. .s'toetw ell Stzeel. 553 Mm! S 1r)pri). l‘ree.

I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops Stzathclytle \itst'erttie.\\'asl1iiigto:i Silt‘t‘l. N lllltillllniltil‘. b l-l5ll. lain Fraser leads

the season ol workshops.


I Edinburgh Folk Club l’lcasniice t‘altatt-t l’iaz. til) ’l'i.e l’leasance. \pm. L-l it; i l. ll.:tttsll siztg'ei Bente Kure tiialees a

lcorii. :. ttnn .ol ..i:ii‘..:~..'tt


Glasgow I New Dawn Folk Club tirasgott nit-st

(lllli‘.\\'1'\l ls’t‘gt'ltl Sitt‘t'l. 53: llifitl. Li L.‘ -\:2 e up his tlay 'ob. btit syyeet-

~. . i2. .rs Gerry Cairns caiite titer tzoiti the \oith ol lielantl. arid stayed.

I Ceilidh Dance Class ( taint-unit t‘entie. :l RUSS Slit‘c'l. ii: WW5 -\'.“ll[‘lll \tetntiionist Alasdair McCuish an.) caller Peter Roberts Runs till Ill .lllll.

it) ') Klimt)~ Li i‘el Silt

Spin. ot casional per forine: \i ho


Concerts are listed by date, then by city. Classical & Opera Listings compiled by Alan Morrison.


I Glasgow Chamber Choir (ilasgoyy (’athedral. (‘athedr‘al Stiuare. £8 (£5) from 227 55 l |. Robert Marshall conducts the ('hoir‘ in Bach's .Sr .lo/i/r I’trtxio/r. with (‘liristopher llobkirk as The liyangelist. I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra Henry Wood Hall. 7.30pm. U) (LS/til ) trom 327 55 | l or on the door. lirahms‘s :lt‘trt/e/nit‘ Harri-til ()i'e/‘trrrt' gets things underway tor the lth). who then launch into Vaughan Williams‘s Fire \irritmrx ()ll llii't'x .‘l/it/ Walton's l'io/tr ('o/rt't'rro tw ith soloist Scott Dickinson). (‘opland‘s '/‘/rt' lent/er /.tl/It/ Suite and 'l‘chaikoy'sky ‘s (lie/lure: It’onrt'u .‘lllt/ ./:1/rt't.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'shei' llall. l,othian Road. 33S l I55. 5pm. to -£l‘).5ll, Baroque specialist Nicholas .\lc(iegan makes his RSNU debut \\ itli liacli's Sr .l/(lH/It’ll' Passion. The RS.\'( ) (horns and Junior ("horns are routed by an internationally renowned yocal cast. consisting olfllohn Mark Ainsley t'l'he liyangelist). Michael (ieorge t.lestrs i. Rosemary .loshua (soprano). ('atheriiie Wyn-Roger's tirie/lo-soprano). Rul'us‘ Muller ttenor') and Nicolas ('ayallier tbass). Note the early starting time.



I Royal Scottish National Orchestra (ilasgow Royal (‘oncei't Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 5pm. L'o5tl- i l‘l.5(l l'rom 237 55 l 1. Note the early starting time. See l'ri


I Choir of St Mary’s Cathedral St Marys ('athedr‘al. l’almerston Place. 335 (£93.

7 .‘illpm. £5 (accompanied children under lo admitted tree) l'rom Queen's llall. l'sher llall. .'\\\L‘llll\l_\' Rooms. King's 'lillt‘dll't' and (‘trlhetlt‘al (ll-lice. .-\ special lloly Saturday per'l'or'iirance ol. Victoria's eyocatiy e li'llt‘/ll't1t'/\’t’.\/)tlll\t',\'. which \yt‘ay'es short appropriate readings into the c‘ttlllllt)\t'l"\ \L‘lilllg's lll. lllc‘ lltll_\' “t‘t‘k

I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra t'sriei- llall. l.otliian Road. 22S H55. 7._‘~(lprii. L'ltl/Eo (bl St“; l’lll

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen‘s llall. (‘lerk Street. ()()t\ Stilt) lc‘t't‘tlll card hotline otf 777tii.7..15piii. £4.50 £10.50 '15.”;3). Raymond l.eppard conducts the S('( ) m a lieethoyeii programme. The oyetltrre to Tire ('I‘t'trtrrl‘ey (If l’I'o/iietlrt'rrr is t‘ollow ed by the l'ro/r'tr (it/return» (with soloist (‘ho-laang little It’o/n/rlro l'or ll'r/i./ and .St'lir/i/iorri' .\'o S.


I Lunchtime Recital (‘otriet- 'I‘lie-atie. llyndland Street. 557 ‘iSoS. lpm. £5 till). Soprano Rebecca 'l'ay erner l‘r'om ('appella

44 The List 5-18 Apr l‘)‘)()