own difficult spiritual journey when she becomes religious advisor to a brutal murderer (l’enn) facing the death penalty. Sarandon'x preeenee ix iinxhowy and eornnurted. Penn's

\'l\ id and deeply inxightl'ul. and Rohhinx'x achievement ix to make a film “hose intenx'ity and compaxxiori rairlgx it far ahoxe the uxual run of lloll_\\xood pulp, See leatuie and re\ ie\\. (ilax‘gou: ()deon. lidinl‘ui‘gh: (‘ameo. l'(‘l,

I Desperado i' 13) (Robert Rodriguez. l'S. l‘)‘)5l Antonio Banderax. Salnia llayek. Joaehrm l)e Almerda. ltXl riirrrx. l’ait xequel. part hi3: lirrdget remake. [lei/irrrrir'o (lCllVL‘t x all the \llt)t)l-(illl\‘ and e\plo.xionx denied ux rn Rixlrigtrez'x inventive deliirt If/ .l/trriue/ri. lianderas .x‘morildeix ax the rex‘enge-dmen guitarist. hut the empliaxrx ix not on plot delight instead in the glorrorrx aetion x'ei pieeex‘. The ultimate firearm llameneo. (ilaxgoxi: ()deon, Sirathelvde: Magnum.

I Devil In A Blue Dress t l5 r ((‘arl liranklin. l'S. I095) Den/el Waxhrngton. Jennifer Beak. 'l'om Si/emoie. l()3 minx. 'l'he xoeral realism and detailed atmox‘phere remain true in liraiil‘lin'x‘ xeieen trarrxlation ol' Walter Moxley'x~ novel. \\ ith the added horiiix ol' xupeih photography and a xenxuoirx peil'oinranee h} \\'axhingtorr. lle xtai'x' ax liaxy Ran hrrx. newly unemployed in pox‘l- WWZ l..-\ and ll_\lli:_‘ to earn a buck xeaiehirig tor a lll)'\lCl'ltttI\‘ \xoman. 'l‘he (‘Irairdler‘ tradition

\\ rtli a more Qirreal raeial tn ixt. lidinhrrrgh: (‘arneo l-rte: .-\dam Sillllll.

I Dunstan Checks In (Hi i t Ken Kwapixd S. NUS) Jaxon :\lC\illlthl. l‘a) e l)iina\ia}'. lirie Lloyd. .\‘.\' tltltlx‘. 'l‘heie'x monkey hirxinexx aplent} \ihen a _|e\\el thiel x‘rnugglex hrx orangtrtair partner iii-crime riito a poxh hotel. :\(lllll\ \\ ill get mm more out ol thix than lxlxl\, heeauxe the humour ix rirexrxtrlrle. the eharaeter x .xrrttahl} Ioatlrxorne or adorable. and Sam the ()l';ill;1;t\l.'lt in the making; See ie\ rev. (ieneial releaxe.

I Edinburgh Film and Video Workshops or minx. "l'lre l'drithtrtgh ’l‘apex' ix :1 eolleetron or highlightx tom the aeeexx' programme lll.llxllr:' \L‘lremex i~; the eaprtal Work lrorir the l'ilrrr Workhop l'rext. l'rlm a Video .-\eeexx. l’rltoir Video and the \ ideo ‘l'rainrng (‘entie \\ lli he on \llt\\\. ranging: lioiii animation to drx‘trrrrerrtairex on he) loeal rxxrrex xueh ax lrouxrng. mental health. raerxm and drxaluht}, lidrtrlirirgh' Filttllltrthe.

I El t lSltlarix llunuel. .\le\reo. l‘lfilr .\rturo l)e (‘ordo\a. llelra (iareex. l.uix llerixtarn. ‘ll minx_ ‘llreie'x plent) ot' lirrritiel touehex here to

“wear: rereeriemr aeaaaeae“ amemem




The Husband."




ll\‘Ctl up \xhat might other“ ixe he a typical .\le\rean melodrama. An older man (and a \rrginr marriex a )oring girl. but heeornex eonx‘irmed hy realorix}. .\ tine lilitglx eomed)

\\ rrh an antr-elerieal hent. (ilaxgoxi' (ill

I The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down A Mountain rt‘tmx Monger. t'tx’. l‘NSi llrigh (irarrt. 'lara l'it/gerald. ('olrn .\learrey 05 nrinx. litrxinexx ax uxiral lioni (iiant in the light comedy department. ax' he xtaix :tx‘ one hall iii a map-making team \\ hreh dexeendx on a \Velxh \ rllage during: the hint World War and u iirx uirpopirlairt) lr_\ declaring: the helm ed loeal landmark a hill. not a mountain l'he

\ illagzerx' xirhxequent plotx and planx ha\ e a drxtinetl} lialirrj; air about them. hut the eharaeterixatronx there rather xteieot} ped and eold) xtrller rtr eonrparrxori, (ilaxgow (ill

I The Exorcist r is. (\Vrlliarri I-‘rrcaerrt x. l‘lqir l.rnda Blair. lillen lirrrxt}n. .\l;r\ \'orr Syloxx. llll minx, liainext priext \on Sylo“ xtepx in to xax e poor lrttle poxxexxed grrrl lll tlrrx lltl§!L'l} L'llt‘x‘llh‘ xeaiel'ext. l)t'.‘ttl ‘L‘t‘t‘xl. \lt‘itil x'ear). dead pirext. Stiathelyle: \lagnuni

I Far From Home rl’( ; r . l’lrillrp timer“. l'S. l‘N-lr \limr Rogerx. liruee l)a\ rxon_ Jexxe liradl'ord. l-ouiteen-)ear-old .\n:.:ux ix uaxhed up on the xlrorex ol the l’aert're .\'orth\\ ext and. xeparated liom lrix l'amil}. relrex on llre Yelloxx UH}! tor help .\ |r\ e aetron Lidx' llli)\ ie in the ‘one ho) and hrx dog." mould. \\rth rngenurt} rrrrder prexxuie xhoxxn h} the )oung teen hero arid eanme eotrrage hour the loin-legged eo xtar lidrrrlrtugh: .\l(}.\l.

I Father m The Bride Part II t |‘( i l ((‘har lex Shier. l 'S. l‘l‘Hr Stexe \laitrn. lhane Keaton. .\l.'rrtin Short. ltl.‘ minx .v\x a plot dexeloprnerrt lroiir \xhat \xax piolralrly the \\oixt trim re ol' l‘)‘).‘. err;:e llarrkx r \lartrri) not orrl} hax to lace up to lreeomrn; a girarrddad. l‘tll alxo .r dad again. ax \\ ile .\irra tlx’eatonr lallx piegrnarrt. Smite corned} \xith lrahiex (il;t\:.!rt\\' \l(i\l l’arkhead.

I Free Willy t l t (Simon \\ meet. l S. l‘J‘Hr Jaxon larrrex Rielrter. l.orr l’ett}. .\lieh;rel .\ladxen. ll.‘ mrnx. .v\lter mm m; lrom one xet ol l'oxtei parentx to another. )ourr}: Jexxe lrndx himxell helping out \\ itlr ehoiex' at a marine amuxeinent park uhere Will} the oiea xx hale hax alxo heen xeparated l'rorrr hix l'amrl}, land and xea rehelx lieeome xoiil matex. and the plot headx domr a drxtrnetl} l."I‘-lrl.e path l'.ax_\ to-giaxp ad\errttrie tor the erx. a little too xrrrrphxtie and manipulatixe lot a more xophrxtieated audrerree Strathelide: ('annori.

The wrré


I French TWlSl (iiimri .llrrrri/H t l.\'r t_loxraire Balax'ko. l'r'anee. I‘Nfii Vietoria :\hri|. Joxrarre Balaxko. .-\lain (‘hahat ltli mrrrx \\'hen her \an hreakx do“ It otitxrde the lrorixe oi .r .oioerrtronal eoirple. eieai-elrornprrrg: l‘tlll d}ke lialaxl.o lurrrgix a lien \airation ol the irreir.i;'e a-rrorx into the h\ex ol .\l‘!ll andt‘halrat. .\ ii.rir;'lrt}. Hill and erieai'irrgl} l'reiieh xe\ual tare: tilletl \\ d} namre elraraetei ixatiorrx (il;|\t'rr\‘. till lzdrirlrrrrgh' l rlmhorrxe

I Get Shortyr l5 l t llaii} Sorrrreirleltll .\. l‘r‘i‘r John ‘I iaxolta. llanrr} l)e\'ito (ierre llaelarran lx’ene lx’trxxo lltr rnrrrx l.oari \ll.lllx t'lrrh l‘a'rirrer (l'ra\olta) xhrltx trom .\lr.rrrri tol .\ .ttltl. lrertiit .r mm re lrrrll. deeidex to pet lltl.‘ the trim Irrixrriexx \\'ith rtx xharp dialogue. quirk} ehara. terx and olllrea' Irrriiroiir. tlrix rx prolialrljr the i‘ext adaptation _\Cl ol .rrr [home I eoiraid Il\‘\;l 'l'iaxolta xhou \ hrx trrre xtar tlrralitj. he'x ax eool ax mrllx and ax deadl} ax a rattlexrrake (ieneral releaxe

I GoodFellas r l.\‘r r .\laitin smut .\ Rohert l)e .\'iio. lx’a} l rotta. Joe l’exe r. loriarite liraeo. l’arrl Son ino. I-la' mrnx l rotta piaxx lleiri} llrll. a real lite Harlan. -, \\ rtir l)e \rio ax lrix mentor in trim..- \ud zxirrle the lit! letx. li\l~. and eai\in;' lamex ll}. \orxexe lrrrirgix rrx l-ae'rx

to that iiir.r\ordalrle iiirextrori- -.:larnoiorrx and lirerato e to li\e iirrx ma}

.\\'\. ll \

i‘tll tart arr}oi‘.e reall} lr\e xx ith the eoirxetprerre (il.t\;.'o‘.\'. tiioxx error

I la liaine ( l.\' i t \latthreri Kaxxox rt,'. l‘:.rtr.. e. l‘)‘)5l \‘ineerit (erxel. lltrliert Korrnde. Said 'l'aghmaorrr. 55 riirrrx 'l irrx edgy lilad and xxhrte portrait ol racial tenxioii arr-l pt-lr. e l'!tl'.iltl} on .r run \ltt\\ll extate oiitxrde l’arrx non ‘.‘.eitt_\\otltetlriirgi K.rxx.r\ in the l lireet ‘l ix l’rrxe at the I‘J‘I5 ('annex l rlrn I ;'\l!‘ etlrnteall) tuned ladx t orrre rip t".i!2‘. ttlre et‘lN rxherr one ot their palx rx Iroxprtalrxeti alter a raid l i;:eiit. eomlwlhngr lilrrirrialarie itrat'x ,rx prrrrelri


.rx .‘r lrlo‘a to the head (‘eirtral \l.i;l\'r\l‘eil I ileat t |5lt.\lrehael \lanrr.l \ l‘r‘i‘r \i l’aerno. Ix’olieit lle .\rro. \al lxrli‘aer \l;rrrrr'x ~tar paekaee topx and :r l‘l‘t'tx head and xhorrlderx alwx e the iext ot tire genre

tlrarrkx to an .retrorr paeited ureerrplax that trill;

l-V' riirrrx

'alt' ix

e\plotex itx therrrex arid :Tl‘. ex de; th t~ rt» l’aeiiio ix the dedreated dete. tr‘. e

=x lllC

ellatelt‘h xxhoxe lroriie lite rx rrr riirrrx. l)e \rro reehrxne elllllllldl rrraxterrraird il‘.‘ l‘ao men x tinel} lralarreed xeirxe ot lr.~n.~iii irrd mirtrral lL.\IK'\l tx “ell .ltxxeeted, and the xlnrot i‘lll xet preeex are heart xtopprrrg.‘ lirriliairt (il.rx;'.“-.'.

\l(i\lx l‘tlllll‘ttl}'.ll l(‘l liordeix |\'~-\:.

; the part ol Searlett (l'llara in (iii/re llrrir ’lr'n'

me“ omefliilbman


- Glasgow Film Theatre Filmhouse Edinburg

Sirathehde: ()deon llamiltorr. l'(‘lx,

I The Horseman On The Roolr iSr lle‘utl l’aul Rttplk‘tlk‘dti. l‘rariee. l‘)‘l5l Juliette Iiirioehe. (do let \lartriiel. Jean Yairne. lfitl rrrizix Rapperieatr'x lolloxx ~in to ('i'rmru Ili' Iii-reunit- laekx the mate oi~ that nrodern arthorixe liloekhrixtei. .-\n ltaliair hrixxai e\adex llapxlrrrrg agentx and eroxxex eliolera ia\ rxhed l‘lth eentui')’ l-ranee. meeting up \\ rilr a lrearrtiliil _\oriir_r.! \iomarr limotronx are repiexxed to the e\tent that it .rettlall} hrndeix audience irriol\emerit. and \xe'ie lel't riixt looking at pretrirex - \xhreh are xrwetaeular. adrrrtttedl} lite' .'\danr Smith I In The Bleak Midwinterr IS r r Kenneth lirarragzh. l l\'. l‘WSi \liehael .\laloire_\. Jrrha \a‘aallra lx’iehaid llirerx ‘l‘l irrrrrx \ group or .lxll‘l\ undergo irrdrx idrral \ o.\.i;:ex ol xelt tll\\tl\k‘l} \\|‘.i|e lt‘llt‘.l|\lll}' a lou lrrrdg'et \erxroii ol //.r"‘r.'.'r'.'. It xoundx III e hr\ \ re hell. lrrrt there are xome [‘rHleldlll rrrornerrtx and pleirt} ol one lrrrerx to \i m o\ er the rrroxt hardened lirarraph

e } me ('eirtial' \lat Robert

I In t lfill \l\'\.llltll\' l\'\\ h\\\‘ll.l l‘Nfr \te\ e litrxeerrrr. Seyrrorrr (Xixxel. .leirniter llealx "5 riirrrx :\ \xorrld lie lrhrrrrraler illuxeerrrr. \lr l’rnk himxelt l xtrirgaglex tor trrrarrerirp: until he meetx rip xx rth an old trrrre _‘.'.tllf_'\l‘e'l itoiiirei ('axx.‘r\etex regular (‘axxelt ("harrxirratre rX‘rloiiriaireex liorrr the leadx rrralxe tlrix a \er} niee little lrlrn indeed. an alleetionate lilael. and “hue odixxe} throng-h rro lrrrdgetlaird l'darlrurelr: (‘ameo

I International Animation Programme 1 tlir lllll‘i\ '\ urde xeleetron liom aeroxx the \xorld. ingliidinj: llritrxh xhoitx The line li’mrk //.'i'

It. A. I {Io/R \. 5] My I’ll/l. :rre. .X'nrrr'l Iii/k and

A" .i.-. lit!!! l..'.’ll',”tt.'il\ iii If orrli Strathelide' laxt Killrirde .\rtx (‘errtre

I International Animation Programme 2 13¢) riirrrx '\rrother xeleetrorr ol xhortx liorri aeroxx the xxorlrl. ineludrng: lirll l’liiirttrrr'x .\'mr' Ill”! and Hair} l’rrr\ex'x .l. inf. \ Sat 33 orrl}

Stiatlrelyle' li.l\l Killrrrde \itx(‘e!rtie

I Jezebel tl’(irt\\ illiatri \\_\lei. t .\ tr) 2.x» liette lla\ix. llem) lorrda. (ieorpe lirent Ill-l riirrrx. :\ Southern belle Ireuriirex rrotoiroux tor lrei luteh} mariner. l‘lll atonex tor heixell “heir a plaj1ue xtirlxex Star irrelodrarrra xx rtlr all the xtopx out. _‘..'t‘. en to Ho rx ax eorripenxatron loi llll\\lll}.‘ ill-1.x." (ilaxgtm (ill

I Joe 8r Marie i l_‘rr larrra Stoekhn. hart/erland. l‘err‘H riirrrx l\\o )trtlll; lo\erx at that ;i\\ kuaid xtage lietraeeir t luld and adult :tttt .i\\.t} logelltr'l. littt lllL'll tr‘lttgfe \ootl \t'L‘lll\

remortgage §§E?"*

“fiéfiifiii’ Ma figfiéfiiiiféfim £3; E’Qififié??? gfifi dfigififig fifiérfiggfif”


The List 22 Mar-4 Apr 1996 29