The original reviews



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It i5 pooaible to have aome STDb (éexually trams mitted diaeaoea) without even knowing. So it'd a good idea to go bor a regular bree eheek up every oix mentho at a Sexual Ilealth Clinic (811) or GUM). Many STDé can be eatsily treated. and uau ally. the oooner they're dealt with the eaoier they are to treat. Aloe. don't ignore any digno ob inbection: lumpd. (SCH’A or raohea around your genitala. (171116 or mouth. you ahould get and metals prompt treatrnent. It) you of local servrces: don't "Ct Cm." can they National AIDS Helpline 9m wcréa but they oculd

free on 0800 567 :23. . . inereaise your ehanee cl} getting

other inbeetiona. including HIV. 'I‘heise can get into your body through acres and breako in the akin. It) you already

have lllV. STDA ean burther otreteh your body'o debeneea.

S QXU 01 health check—UP.

Terrence Higgms Trust 01712421010. London ml, Lesbtan and ' Gay Sw1tchboard

0:71 837 7324.