ItIam 5pm; S1111 11am 5pm. (life. [1)]. A wonderful permanent collection of work by such names as Reiiibiandt. Monet and \‘an (iogli. plus numerous historical artefacts and animal displays. and ‘\\'ee Beastres' an interactiye display featuring :1 plethora of inyertebrate animals. See galleries guide for current temporary exhibitions.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT 1s'elyin 11:111. Dtiiiibaiton Road. 221 001111, Mon Sat l()ain 5pm; S1111 llarn»-5pm. A museutn crammed with buses. trams. the engines. ships and other transportation. devoted to the history of transport. Also on show. :1 display of motorcycles dating frorn the early part of the century to present day. including tlte recently acquired Art Motorcycle.

Scottish Football Association Museum Trust l'ntil 1007. 'l'aster exhibitions of text. photographs and football memorabilia. leading 11p to the planned National Museum of liootball.

I PEOPLE’S PALACE MUSEUM (ilasgow' Green. 221 1,1(11111. Mon Sat 111:1rii--5pin; S1111 l lam 5pm. [D]. Cafe. This well-

loy ed institution is currently undergoing :1 facelilt and is due to re~open 111 time for 11s centenary 111 NUS. The first stage of the w ork has reached completion. and the new top floor features :1 1‘).‘~1)s single—end house and a celebration of (ilasgow's great \ isionaries.

I PROVANO’S LORDSHIP .‘1 Castle Street. 221 0111111. .Morr l‘ri Illam 5pm; Sun 11am 5pm. The only \lll\‘l\'lllg medieyal house in(}1asgow.btiilt iii 1-171. l’eriod 1oorii display s range front 151111-1‘11S.

I ST MUNGO MUSEUM OF RELIGIOUS LIFE 2 (‘ilsIIL‘ Street. :2l ()Dllll.

Mon -Sat 111:1111 5pm; S1111 11am -5pm. liree. [D]. A museum of world faith. featuring :1 /en garden. priceless art works from the worlds si\ 111:1iorreligions. Dali’s (lil'iyt 11/.\'ttrti.'./1tlr/1 11/ the ('mxx and tlte story of religion in Scotland through words and pictures.

Hinduism l'ntil 27 Mar. A celebration of Hindu art and worship. c\plot'ittg the history of lliittltiisiii in (ilasgow.

I SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM 225 Scotland Slicer-12‘) 12112. Mon Sat 111.1111 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. Cafe. [1)]. Designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to arc'nry e material on education in Scotland from 1S72 ortwards. ls’ts‘onstiucted classrooms giy e .1 tIayotir of Victorian. Ildwardran. World War II and l‘)(>()s school day s.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Atlas Square. 557 1-1115. Mon 1-11 Ittfittam 5pm: Sat 111:1111 131111111; S11112 5pm. [1)].

Food ForThought that .‘\1 Mar. A collection of postcards designed by Chris Bacon exploring the rich diyersity of food. from production to preparation to the best part consumption.

I CALTON GALLERY 111 Royal Terrace. 5511 111111 Mon l-ri lllam (1pm: Sat 111.1111 lpiii.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil 2‘115eb. l’arntings. watercolours. sculpture and prints by artists from home and abroad. including 1". (' B. (Xidcll. Katharine Cameron. S. .l. l’eploc and Pierre .ltrles Mene.

I CHESSEL GALLERY Moray Ilotise. l’layhouse ('lose. (‘anongate Mon l‘rr 111.1111 111111111.

Four Women Artists Communicating In Paint, Clay And Pastel 1'11111 3s let». The women behind this descriptiye. and incredibly long. title are Renee l’lynri. Dotinda .lohrison. Virginia Motrnt and Marc Yamah. who haye combined forces 11‘ Produce a diyerse exhibition of work e\plorittg .1 number of themes.

I CITY ART CENTRE Market Street. 52‘) “195. Mon Sat 111:1111 (rpm,

Ouest ForA Pirate 111111 11 May. In 1717. pirate Black Bellamy and his ship sank. along w 1111 all their treasure. off the coast 111A ( ~:tl‘t‘ (it‘d. ()H'l' 2511 years lillt‘l'. SillVUl' Barry Clifford discm ered the lost loot. all 7 1111 pieces of w Inch are on show at this fascinating exhibition.

The British Art Show Sat 2-1 I-‘eb 28 Apr. liotir artists working in photography.

\ ideo and film make tip the City Art Centre‘s contribution to the fourth British Art Show. (ieoigina Starr‘s yidco installation \':\1.'toti.\'riittll I’ltt/tt't sees the artist dressed as :1 l‘ltie»skmned alien. .lane and lourse \Vrlson also feature 111 their own work Hip/111111 S:1ee1'\tiult. a \ ideo recording oI artists under the inlluence of a hypnotrst. while 'lacita Dean uses film photography to construct the stories (itrl .\‘to'.:tt‘.111\‘aiit| '/'/tt' .lltirtrrtlt 1/11 11/ St .letirlitt. See feature and lectures.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 22 2S ('ockburn Street. 2211 121111'1‘11e Sat 11am 5.311pm. The British Art Show Sat 2-1 lieb 2S Apr. ()ne ot sey e11 \enues around the city taking part III the fourth British Art Show: (irlhan \Veaiings work arms to bring otit the \oyeur in all of us. with photographs art-.1 y ideos of people sharing their innermost hopes and fantasies See feature and lectures

I CONTACT GALLERY (irmdlay (‘ouit ('eiitre.(iiindl.1y Street Court. 22‘) 79-1 I. Mort 'lhtrrs 111.1111 -1[\iii;l"r‘i

111.1111 2.311pm.

A Walk In The Raintorest 111111 7 Mar. large scale acrylic paintings on canyas. produced during workshops at the (itrndlay (‘omt day centre by artist lain Dallas and members of the group.

I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 Donne ‘l‘errace. 225 ."IS‘J. Mon l'ri Illatti 5pm. Karen Oegett l'irtil 15 Mar. l-igtiratrye oil paintings and prints by artist Karen Degett. whose striking use of colour and contrast has led to her work being shown 11: many countries throughout the world. I DEMARCO ART FOUNDATION St Mary 's School. York lane. Albany Street.



Honk honk: John Hunt‘s Cakey Pig on show at Edinburgh's Netherbow Cate until Sun 24 Mar

Mon .1-‘1‘1 Illarn <5pm.

New Scottish Artists t'ntit :s‘ tier» 'I‘hiotrghotrt February. all three Iloors of the I‘otrndation will be filled with 11111111- media work by young contemporary artists. including digital imagery and installations including a truly fabulous car. See IC\ It“.

I THE DIGNON COLLECTION Jo Dtmdas- Street. 5511 18211, Tue -S:1t 111.3(Iam (1pm. Suzie Beveridge: One Woman Show l'ntil 5 Mar. limotiye work by recent Duncan of .lordanstone graduate Sti/ie Beyeridge. drawing inspiration from loy e. religion and poetry to produce :1 mixed-media collection featuring oil paintings. sculpture and collage.

I EASTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL ()ulpatient Corridor. Seafield Street. 536 725‘). Daily ()am-(ipm.

Winter Sunshine Until 31) Mar. t-‘otir artists have contributed to this charmingly titled exhibition. 'I‘im Cockburn. John l.owrie. Margaret Milne and Margaret Smy'th. with all paintings for sale.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 1,;itiriston Place. 221 (i()()(). Mon—Thurs l()am~-Spm: 1-‘1'1 Illam -5pm‘. Sat ll)am 2pm.

Images 20: The Best of British Contemporary Illustration Until 21) Feb. An annual showcase of work. featuring 1111) pieces by the best illustrators in Britain. chosen from oyer 11101) submissions by .‘15 experts in the field. See reyiew'.

butiknowwhatilike Until 27 t-‘eh. Drawing. painting. tapestry. printmaking and sculpture by students from the releyant departments. exploring the often yast cultural chasm between artists. and the public who claim they ‘don't know anything about art. btit 1 know what I like".

Sculpture Exhibition l’ri I -7 Mar. An exhibition of work by third year Sculpture students.

I THE EDINBURGH GALLERY 18:1 Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mott—I‘ll 11am-~5pm; Sat I()am--lpm.

Fantasy To Reality l'ntil 5 Mar. New work by emerging artists Zara Slattei‘y. whose paintings take :111 entertaining look :11 life. and Christopher Waite who creates distiiictiye figurative drawings.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP 23 l‘nion Street. 557 247‘). 'l‘tie— Sat l(lattt~()pnt.

In Print Sat 2 Mar- (1 Apr. A11 exhibition of prints by the former lidinbttrgh Women Artists (il‘tmp. now kirown as

‘1 lnderw'ired‘.

BOOK Oi Ours Sat 2 Mar (1 Apr. Prints by the Seattle \Voman's (‘atrcus for Arts.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2‘) Market Street. 225 23S}. 'I‘ue Sat

111.311am 5.3011111; S1111 noon-5pm.

The British Art Show Sat 11 lieb- 28 Apr. \‘ideo work from Steye McQueen (scenes of men wrestling) and Sam 'l‘ay'lor-\\'ood ta man dancing naked) -- w ho should perhaps get together and create some kind of lliltttt’ll //1 litre pastiche. alongside paintings and yideos by'fylark Wallinger depicting horses and the dearly departed funny man 'I‘ornmy Cooper. See feature and lectures.

I HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a Dundas Street. 55(12181. Mon ~l‘ri Il)..‘s()am- (rpm; Sat 111:1111 4pm.

Cats And Other Animals Until 2 Mar. As the name suggests. almost all the work in this exhibition features :1 member of the animal kingdom. with a selection of landscapes. flowers arid still life paintings shown alongside.

I INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. Mon—S1111 1130:1111 till late.

la Jeune Fille Dans la Ville Until 14 Mar. ’l‘i‘anslated as 'A Young Girl lit The City". this international photographic exhibition depicting women and young girls growing tip 111 an urban enyironnient. includes work by such names as Robert Doisneau and Diane Arbus.


Nicolson Street. (ibS 2232. Mort-1511


Catch the best Art this fortnight.

I British Art Show the bright young things of British contemporary an hit seven Edinburgh venues. From ‘formaldehytle kitl' Damien Him to dressing-up obsessed Georgina Starr the show has to be. good. See feature. ( '1'!_\' Art Centre. ('nllet'tii'e Gallery. l’rurtmtirket (Ittllery. Royal Botanic (fart/(’11. Scottish National Gallery (if~ .lIm/ent Art. Stills Gallery and litllmt Rit'e Gallery. lit/llIlNH'L’lI Sat 24 Feb until Sun .28 Apr.

I 28 Positions In 34 Years (.‘hittt Ktimai'i Buman’s solo show kicks assumptions made about Asian women. A mixed-media show taking in Video work and photography Burman offers an alternative VIL‘W. See review. Street Level (Jul/err. (i/ttsemr (III/] 9 Mar:

Illam 5pm.

Venetia Obscura l'ntil 15 Mar. .\ fascinating night-time exploration of Venice by photographer 1.11ca Campigotto. capturing not only the city as it is today. btrt the 'ghosts and demons" of times past. I VINCENT KOSMAN FINE ART S Burgess ‘It’l'l‘tlt‘t‘. (1(12 90911. View 111g by appointment Wed Sat.

New Collection l'ntil 35 1‘eb. Contemporary oil paintings. watercolours and draw irtgs by Scottislt and linglish artists. including work by Alberto Morrocco and .loliii Duncan I‘et‘gtisson.

I MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY l'niyersrty of lidinbta‘gh. Department of .-\rcliitecture. 211 Chambers Street. (151) 23.12. Mon 1‘11 111.1111 Spin; Sat/Sun 111.311am 2.3(lpm.

Eladio Oieste l'ntrl 22 Mar. The first l'K exhibition ol work by this unique l'rtigtiayan structural engineer who uses spectacular c111 \ mg and reinforced brickwork to create .1 drxetsc range of buildings Irorn churches to filling stations. I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'I‘he Mound. 55(1S‘)2l Mon Sat llIain 5pm: Stiii 2 5pm.

The Three Graces Antonio ( 'anoya's beautiful sculpture. iii residence at the gallery until l‘t‘f’.

From Brueghel To Rubens 111111 1'? Apr. A11 exhibition of IDIlI and 17th century I‘lemrsh drawings front the Gallery 's permanent collection. highlighting the rich and dryeise talent which flourished in the area during this per rod.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (icorge |\' Bridge. 220.1531. Mon Sat 111.1111 5pm; S1111 2 5pm,

A Nation Divided: Scotland and the ‘45 'l'htii‘s 1 Mar 11 ()ct. 'I‘lre..l.1cobrte uprising of 1715/40 w as one of the most momentous rand bloody) eyeiits iii Scotland's history. and riiey rtably.1 truth has been somewhat oyershadtwyed 1w legetttl.-'.-\ .s‘atitm nmtit-tr looks .11 the real story behind the .lacobiIes. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Battle of(‘ulloden. I NETHERBOW THEATRE ~13 J5 llrgli Street. 550957”. Mon Sat. June Cameron: A Woman’s Obsession


The List 23 Feb-7 Mar 1096 71