I Hebrides Ensemble Sle‘.elt\ott llall. RS.-\.\ll). Rettlrew Street. 332 5H5". Fpttt £7 tUr. Seotlatttl meets leelantl iii a prograrttrtte t onsisttng: ol llallrtli llallgrrnrsson’s I’M/to 'lmi. Salls lleanrtslt's litre it'or cello and [‘lLtlltH .rntl {\Slsk‘ll Mgmtmx Num- 4 \\ hielt translates .’t\ '\llti\\' l. lllt'lt‘S .IISH .Sl‘aislalxin tellS I’ll/m: ’I'I'r'ri .\'u f to look Iot\\;tttl to

I Opera On A Shoestring ('otlier' ’l‘lteatt'e. ll)‘ll(llitll(l Street. 357 3808. Soon. L5 tut from 227 55| l. A eorteert ol‘ operatie highlights from one or Seotlantl's most exciting professional opera companies. including extracts from their l'ot'theonting productions of Luv/tr l)r /.(Illllll('I'IlIrt(tl‘ tMayI‘est 1906) and l)llll (innit/mt] 'l‘he soloists. aeeornpanietl h} .Ieretn_\ Srlx’er on piatto. \\ ill also sing pieces h_\ \‘ettlt. l’treeini. 'l‘hontas. Iii/e1. (it‘llllt‘tl. ()t'l'enhaeh antl Sarnt-Saerts


I Children’s Classic Concerts l'sltet‘ llall. Iothian lioatl. 33S ll55, Zpttr. L” ri-l5ll/L'35ll'. See Sat II.

I Ludus Instrumentalis St .IolrrtK ('lttrt'elt. l’rinees Street. 'l‘ielxets ltottt ()treerrs llall lth‘tlll (illtl llUlllllL‘ (Wt—r~ 7770i. I.\ll’\‘l' lI;tlI and on the tloor. tiprtr. L5 it; i i. The Iitlrrthtrrelthasetl hatotrtte ensettthle present a prograttrrne ol Ilaelt eantalas. rneltttlirrg ‘\\'aelret .v\trl’. .llltl lint/nit nits/re (.HIH'I'IIIU .\.ll

I JUDIIO (ire) l'rrars Kill.. ('.rntllernaker Row. 7.3llpnr {h tE-lt t'rottt ()treert's llall ((ihS 30W). l'slrer llall (23S I I55 t. .-\ssertihl_\' Rooms. King's 'llteatre Gill 4349) and ehotr rtrenthers. .ltthtlo and the litlitrhtrrglt l’l;:}ets team up l'or llttttt'el's Him /)rI/IIIIIII\. ('ot‘ellt's (.(lllt i'rtu (intuit III] [7 .l/tr'lrtr‘. .l;ttt;teel\\ Stir/e It'll .\-!/':ll'\’\ antl l’arry‘sSu/ter()1/*tr/t".tr*//.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra I"L‘\Il\';ll 'l‘lteatre. Nic‘tilstill Sil'et‘l. 53‘) (illllll. 7.30pm. L55” {Elfin

(£31.50 £2tl.5(lr 'l'lte lilfl‘ SS( )'\ Raehrnatttnot series eontinttes \\1llt Yoto 'l‘alrni eontltrettng the .St'nr/i/twrr .\'u I. .\lo/;trt\ ()t't'l'ttrri'.‘ [hr/r (humor/tr and

m e lira/er h_\ Rtehattl Slrattss \\ ith soprano Inger l)attt .lensen. \\ inner ol' the I‘)‘).‘\ (’artlil't' International Singer ol' the \\'orltl (‘ontpetttiotr eortrplele tlte programme.

I Barbican Piano Trio ()treertK ttatl. ('lerk Street. (ioS Illl‘) teretltt eattl ltotline (to? 777m. 7.45pm. LC" 5” i 915‘“. The l'rnal eoneett III the Ilathteatt I’rano 'I‘rio‘s lleetltmen e}ele rtteltrtles the tttarestre li'lrt I'll />' I‘i/rl/ l '.Il't /ti/trr’\t'.i. .t\ \‘.t‘ll its the l'rr'o Ill (flit/rut: ()p / .\'u atrtl tlte I'm: HI (1' I 'A’rrlttr/tr \itrt.r!rurtr'r



I lunchtime Concert Iltrleltesotts llall. John Street. I l5pttt. Ll. .-\ eotteett l‘_\ \ItlllL'IIIS ol the I<S.-\.\ll) .Iattror .-\e.rtlent_\

ol' .\Ittsre.


I Pupils of St Mary‘s Music School Rent ('otteert Hall. littsto Strtrare. h5ll Ill: IIIII‘In l’ree. .\ ltrnehttttre eoneert l'ealttring l)\ot;iI{s 'Htmrlt' Irm .rrrtl lltoltlth \VIISUIIS \lt'tllg Hlellt‘\ll'.t [‘IK'CL'. .Vl Ken/teem .Sttr'lt'.

I The Count Of Luxembourg KillgS 'l‘heatre. l.e\en Street. Tillprtt. L5 LS lrottt King's 'l’lteatt‘e ho\. oil'tee. .'\\\t‘llil‘l)' Roottts. l'sltet‘ llall. Queens Hall or 'l‘reltetline on 230.1 N”. 'I‘he Sotrthern light ()pera (‘orripany perlor llt;rr \ opet'etla ahotrt the seeret rtrarrrag'e het\\'eert a penniless eottnt and .t \xealtlr} opera singer in Parts. Written t’otn' wars alter the success ol '/’/It' Ilr'rrt‘ ll‘n/utr. tlre shim letttttt'es polkas. “alt/es. lo\ e tlttels.

hallatls and men a drunken l’at'tsran earnixal.

I Hebrides Ensemble (‘ltteett‘s ll.tll. (‘terk Street. (ms 201‘) rer‘etlrt eartl hotlitre no.“ 777m. ".J5pttr. L751) t 53‘. See Strrt 35.



I GUSZTéV Feny'o ('otltet 'l‘lteatre. ll_\ntllarttl Street. 357 RShS. Spnr Ur tLVlt l‘r'ottr ’l‘relxetline £32," 55 l l i. l~otrrter leettrr'er trr l’tano at the lx’S\.\lll

il‘JSll 93 l. (itl\/l.t\ lean) pl.r_\s piano la‘totrrtles h) lleellrmert. (‘lroprrr l.l\/l .Illtl l)ehttss_\. trreltrtltrte. .llrmttr'reii! Sum/lit atttl .I/t'lt/lr\.’u Hit/1..


I La Traviata l'estr\.il 'l'lteatre. \re'tilstrrt Street. 53) noon, 7 l5pttt. LS in L‘ 15

I 53.5“ LI: '. .SetiIIISIl ( It‘t'ltl'S \i'e'l'll laxottrtte. ttt .\'ttrt.t l‘spett‘s ottg'trtal protlttetron. rs te\ r\etl hit two h_\ tlrr'eelor l’eter Watson. lx’telrartl .-\llll\llttilf_' eorttlttets. \\ lIll (‘latte Rotter irt rtrox the

lot Ill as \'toletta. l’atrl (‘Irarles (‘larlxe

prox es to he a real tltsemet} as .‘\IIIL‘IIU. hrrneine lt‘lltlL‘lllt'SS antl errrotrorr to the role, Sting rtt Italian \\llll l'.ll§..‘ll\lt \lllllllt‘\. I Edinburgh University Contemporary Music Ensemble lx’ertl (when trait. llrtstoStttrare.o5”112*, 7 ‘xllpnr. .-\ [lilk'lxk'tl progratttttre ltottt the lzrtsettrhle. \\ttlr I.rg_'etr\ Sit lirr'k'tir't'rI/(W. (‘oplatttl's .Sr'ttr'l. (‘aee's / rt rite Rim/rt l/trxrt. Varese's :It'trr/tt/rr'. llmr Sunni .l/ttr‘t /lt’\ tarrangetl h)‘ (‘ressxx ell r and the ltrst

per lot ntanee ol' Joseph ('aneellaro's Retiree/1 ('.“r't r’rtr tlllt/ Sir/tit Ar I’d/:4.

I The Count Of Luxembourg King's 'l'lteatte. l.e\en Street. 7..‘~llprtt. £5 L“) l‘rortr King's l‘lteatre ho\ olliee. :\\\t‘llil‘l_\ Rooms. l'sher lIall. Queen‘s Hall or 'l‘ieketltne on 32” 43-h). See The 37.

An enchanting tale of dark forests, hocus-pocus, the Dew Fairy and, of course, the Witch.


Sung in English

OPENS 29 February‘ at 7.15pm sci}; also Friday ‘| March ‘-

“a gorgeous opera, bursting

with tunes The Herald

“emotional amLhaunting”

Sunday Express

Edinburgh Festival

Box Office: also booking:

013T - 529 6000 0 First Call (booking fee) 0131- 555 3773 Verdi’s La traviata (limited availability)



I Csardas Merehants' llotrse. \Vest (ieorge Street. l2.-l5prrr. £3.50 l U) on the door. \\'ith a nod and a \i. ink towards Leap Year. (‘sartlas titre/xtt—sopr'ano Sheila t)shortte. haritotre Mark l)ontrell_\' and pianist Stephen Atlarnt present '.-\ lieeent l’t'oposal’ an hour-long eoneert on the theme ol lo\ e and rtrarrtage \\ ith songs hy 'l'eltarlxoxslx}. (it‘l\ll\\'tll. Sontllrettrr. lietltrt. .\Io/art. Kern and llantlel. whose ‘\\'lten You .\larr_\‘ .\Ie' slrottltl lth e haeltelot's tittttkirrg e\er_\'\\'ltet'e.

I Piano Recital (‘otreert llall. I'rriver‘sity ol'(}lasgo\\. Kill .1002, l.l5pttr. l't'ee. l’olina ('lretsonska} a pla) s Nor/untr' Ill (1, ()p .i’Z .\'u 3 and l’rr/umtr\t'-/-'rr'/rlit\r'e hy (‘ltoptn antl lleellrmen'sStunt/.1 m I). 0/) I'll .\'rt A).

I Academy Strings SIN etrsott llall. I{S.I\.\II). Renl'r'e“ Street. .H.‘ 5057’. "illpm. 55153135“).William(’orm‘ay eontltrets the RS;\.\II)\ Strings llt‘t‘artltteltl 1n llillltlt‘lS ( 'rrtrr t'rlrr (irmxm Ill (i. ()p (H. ‘llrkertrrtstr's lit l/re lz'r/et' ()f [heir/tr. .\lo/;trt\ llrt't'r'lrtitt'tttu Ill /. KISS. .l.tlt.teel\\ .Srr/t't' I’m" Stu/let atttl lltitlett's St/rt/i/t' .Si'lrt/i/ru/rt'.


I Hansel And Gretel t-estrx .ll 'l‘lretttre. Nieolsott Slt't'el. 53‘) ()IIIIII, 7. l5pttt. C35“ IL‘NSII Dill SCUIIISII ()pt‘l'iliS tlelrghll'ttl protlttettorr ol' litrgelhert lltrrtrpertlrneles grimlan t‘air)lale could almost he elassetl as an intelligent trrtrsieal panto. \\ ith ll\ sttpet'h stage design and treh \‘istral st tnholisrn. The harder etlges ol‘ llte slot} are sol‘tenetl hy sortie heattttt'trl rnelotltes. \\ rtlt e\eellerrt

l‘er lorrrtatrees all round. (‘laire liratlshaw antl ('atr'torta Srrrrtlt are the sihlrngrs ol the title. and lilr/aheth \Irtrghan's lix‘ely ttrrn as ‘l‘lre \\'itelr is also \\t>t'lll a ttterttiotr.


Production Sponsor

The List 33 Feb-7 Mar l‘)‘)6 55