592-1. ‘)piii. lii'ee. .-\eid _i;i//.

I Sugartly .\ie('hiiill\. High Sheet. 552 2l35. ltlpni. l’i‘ee.

I Blackwater Blues Band lllltl Hideaway Blues Band The lire“ llttllSL‘. .Itihn Street. 552 380]. -l -Spiii. l-ree.

I Space Monkey Malia illitl Push the lii'enhtiuxe. John Street. 552 .‘xStll. 9pm. l’ree.

I Force Ten Bob the Hull uni; \Viiiidlzuith Rimd. 332 1210. (l5lll‘tll.

Free. I The Reids \\‘tilliurii\ \\'h;irl'. Yiilxer l5ei‘i’)’ anid. 95‘) 20H» ‘Utlpni. l-ree.


I Hooton Three Car. Chopper .nnt Justice (".15 Rock (Kile. \Vext l’iirt. 22‘) 43-11. lllplll. f-l till lllL' tlUUl. lutefltl H‘Ch.

I Vibe (‘.i\eiidi \h. \Vext lulletmx 22S 3252. 9pm _‘ £5 l).iuee llltl\ie'.

I Surf City Rockers ’t lie in l).l.1:ll'.'i\ltlli. l itiil'ISIUI‘i l’l.iee. 22‘? Jill}. S ‘lll. l'iee.

I Black Cat Bones .\«.t\i~e;iie. South Bridge. ‘)._5l)t‘l.l. l we.

I Hot Tomales Queen Street ( )} \tei Hui. Queen Street. 22h 25kt). ltlpiii. l-i'ee.


I Scooter and Wonderful Ste-e ‘n' Sle;i/_\‘. Suuehiehull Street. 333 W) l". ‘ll‘lll.

I Mini, Biverdog and Gasoline Alley ‘t‘tie Rut 'l‘iiip. lii‘mi'n Street. 22l "23“. Spin. U.

I Ocean Colour Scene and The Luci Baines Band Six \‘enne. 't‘ei mi \Vntk. (‘uiiiheriiuiild (H230 7 1‘ 2th). "Stipiii. U. ;\ iiuee tine .\lid|;ni\l\ pxyehedelie pup l‘diltl \\ lit) iiiw; \L‘L‘lli tii lfiix‘iiur turgid R (k H \\'t)l'l\(llll_\ \\ ell. txw iii the lllL‘llll‘L‘h ll;l\t‘ heeii playing in l’ \\'ellei".\ hand for quite some time nmx m that doex e\pl;iin .i hit. (hind \lll‘l‘til'l truth the .ittitude-tuelled l.uei liniiiex Hunt

it is possible to have some STDs (sexually trans— mitted diseases) without even knowing. So it's a good idea to go bor a regular bree check—up every six months at a Sexual Health Clinic (STD or GUM). Many STDs can be easily treated. and usu—

ally. the sooner they're dealt with the easier they are to treat. Also. don't ignore any signs of; inbection:


I Bruce Springsteen Pin} heme.

(ireeiixide l’lziee. S( )l.l) ()l'l. See texture.

I PJ and Duncan lixhei' Hull. l.iithi;ui Rind. 22S l I55. 7. 5lll‘lll. Ll l. (ienrdie map xtlpet'xlzltS \\ ith |ll.l\\l\ e teeny pup not [0 mention :1 l'eu deeeiit tunes. let's get l'L‘iltl_V tti i'iiiiihle. Willie)"

I Magic Bus Stones. l‘iederiek Street. 22“ 1226. 0pm.

I Live MUSlC l’L‘ul' 'l't'L‘C. \\.k'\l \Ietiluilt Street. (in? 75.13. S..‘~tlpiii. l’i'ee.


I Nearvana The .\l;iitel|. lliiihiuik Riuid. tll32-l 02176.1. Spin. L31. .\'ii\;iu;i ti'ihute l‘uiitl.



I Supergrass and The Divine Comedy liui'iim lzind. (inllrmgute. 552 Milli.

S( )l .l) ( )l "l'. 'l'hiise ehirp} _\iiuiig hlighters pull it Oil ;ig;iiii \\ llll ;i new \iiigle which takes yet another l\\’i\l :iiid turn down riielk‘x iieh liig|i\\;i_\. .\l;innered hut dixerting sul‘l‘iirt t'iiiiii ’l'he l)i\ iiie ('itlilt‘tl}.

lumps. sores or rashes around your genitals. anus

and details of local serVices; National AIDS Helpline free on c800 567 mg.


Terrence Higgins Trust

or mouth. you should get

prompt treatment. ll)

get worse. but

Cl7l 242 note. London




Lesbian and Gay SWitchboard

our 837 7324.

Ocean Colour Scene, Cumbernauld, un 3; Bast ltilbride, hurs 7

don't. not only can they

increase your chance of; getting

2%.: I The Bathers unit The Hung Drawn Quartet liuxt Kilhride .-\!I\ ( 'eiitie. ( lid ('iiueh Rtliltl. l‘.;i\t .\l;iin\. l’ilSi Klll‘lliiL‘. (H3552 (illllltl. Spin. Ur till i. liliiiie.

niiitid} \ttllllil\ tinin (‘hi‘is 'l'hiiiiimzi \xhti lllil}l\' shouldn‘t hike it all M) .xei’iiiuxlx.


I Nearvana \'2. .l;ii‘\i'}‘ Street. utSun 055 (Mt). 7.30pm. Lil. .‘\'ii‘\';ui;i lt'il‘lllL‘ hzind.


I Hot Tomales \Vhistle liilllxl'e'S. .\'iddi'_\ Street. 557 5 l H. Upiii. l‘i'ee. l’iih hliies. I Detaced Shines. l-‘redei'iek Street. 220 L220. lilt‘llt. l‘ree. Noisy lllL'lill.

I Bluelinger Rutlund No.1. Rutlund Street. 22‘) 3402. 9pm. l’ree.

I Leer Queen Street ()_\'\ter uni. Queen Street. 22(i 2530. 0pm. l’ree.


I Mr Bungle 'l‘he (‘iithiiuxtx l’niiiu Street.

2-W- (i(i(l(i. Spill. U15” plus l‘iiiikillg lt‘k‘.

'l‘ieleets l'i'iiiii .ltlxl the 'l'ieket. \‘ii'giii.

l'lliiitl Street. 220-1079. l'uith .\'ii .\lHt'e UllSllUUl \\ e heliere. “'0th :i ltitik in an

intimate Venue.

I Monitor Magazine Showcase King 'l‘ut's \\’;ih \\';ih llui. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 5.3llptil. L5.

I The Banters illltl Motor Lite Co tinsi Kilhride .-\rt.\~ (‘eiilre. ()ld (‘iiiieh Rudd. l'.;i\t .\l;llll\. liuxt Kill‘i‘ide. ll|3552 (iltltl(), llt‘lll. l-ree. 'l'mi higth priiiiiising l‘tlllL‘llL‘\ til ( il.i\gti\\' guitiirxlingers. lioth \\ till .i hit til~ ;i Husker Dir/Bull'ulii 'l'iiiii inllueiiee.

I Glasgow Songwriters featuring Brian Dunnigan lildelxltllllx. HL‘ll Slt'L‘L‘l. .55: 5021. 9.30pm. l~ree. l’lus ripen line.

I Bev Doc And The Congregation ll.iile‘}\. ()uni'iy Street. liillllllltlll. lilti‘lS’ ~15Sl7-l. ‘lpni. l-i'ee.


I The Blues Brothers l't‘xli\ at 't‘lrenire. \ie‘iilwii Street. 52‘) (Mill Spin. l'i‘iiiii £7. lhe iil'tieiui trihute iii ’l'he liluex HI'UIllL‘lS lit‘illilllligf :i hind. inn and xl2.iiiiele.\\l} lii‘elgtiiitl ie\ H .il \eleelttttl iii the music Ul- the St;i\ illlti .-\tl;intie )eui's.

I Nearvana Venue. (Hilton Ruiid. 557 .‘itt'f ‘x. “pin. L5. .-\.x the name suggests. it tiihiite [U Kurt and the other two.

I Songwriters’ Showcase and Workshop 'l‘iiin lilVClll. Hunter Square. 7..‘~()piii. L‘l. liil'tii'niutitiu: 228 S245. Weekly l'iiruiii l'iii‘ lidinhui'gli-lmxed \inger-xiiiigm'iters. \\ itli illl_\l‘tltl_\ \xeleiiiiie to perl'iiriii :i lil'teeii- iiiinule \et. ()ne liieul \iiiigixi’iter l\ highlighted ;it lll..5l)plll CilL‘ll night.

I D-Tack SltlllL‘S. l‘t'L‘tlL‘t'iL‘lK Street. 220 I220. lllplll. l-ree. 'l‘uiieliil nuisy' lllL‘lill. I El Supremo Queen Street ()_\'.\ler uni; Queen Sheet. 22(i 253i). 9pm. l‘ree.



I Behab Nice ’n' Sle.i/_\'. Suuehiehgill Street. 333 ‘Ni V. ‘)[‘lll. :\ heut happening [in the ‘)ll\ \\ itii .uiihient teehnti illlkl poetry readings. ;iiid it'\ t'i‘ee heeuuse llUllL‘ til the dude\ iiii'iih'ed ;ii'e l‘l'L‘dtlllL‘iltlS.

r ' , eeliiis

the P FOR A




they could


lhealth check-UP.

other inbections. including HIV. These can get into your body through sores and breaks in the skin. It; you already have HIV. STDs can burther stretch your body's debences.

50 The List 23 Feb-7 Mar 1996