disappointing scieen \eision of Jim ('arioll's accusations of misogyiy l'iequeiitl} aimed at cult hook is t‘ull ot the usual drug cliches as Dcl’alma. but as a t'ilm-iiiakei' he does liase an l)i(‘apiio's good (‘atholic ho) slips do“ ii an undeniable flair for the big moment like the . . . increasineg lt}‘\lL‘l'lClll path to ruin. An elaborately staged t‘inal niassacic, (ilasgott; Catch the beSt Fltm thIS fortnight. inadequate script and had direction me the hall .\l(i.\l liiliii ('enti'e. . atid cliain aioiiiid the ankles ol‘ a reasonable I Casino t IS) t.\laitin Scotsesc. l'S. 1005) a [X'it'oimaiice Stiatliclytle: liast Killuide Arts Roliett De Niio. Sharon Stone. Joc l’esci. ITS (cutie. miiis‘. Lifetime gaiiililci Ace Rothstciii is chosen I Batman Forever tl’( 3) tJocl Scliuiiiaclici. l'S. as the moh’s man in Vegas. and itiiis the casinos Films screening this fortnight are "5th '99-" V" Kll'm'l- li“'””‘." l1“ l“"¢‘- 1”” smoothly until things fall apart during: the 70s. below with certificate, credis’ brief ( aiic}; l3: iiiiiis. A lightening \‘l tone has Sgoisese‘s latest gangster epic has touch of feview and venue detafls. Fflm index tollowed the departure ot litii Button lttl‘ltt the (heck tragedy alioiit Ilstltn't'ttlitll ol a \L‘lljllttltlc compiled by Alan Morrison. shu‘mlnl kiss-at. meaning that this tliiid tilltil-l- Ix. man. it s toointitli iii (rum/l '( Ht“. ltl'lltttt} to in coinpaiisoii. shallots. nois} and iathu Ii} lllL' tic \pCcIJI. [he tincniatogiapli} and tiliting an I Aafdman Animation t l’(}i A next cottiplltltltlll numbers. That .said. no one \‘. ill he asking lot at teuliook as met. and Stone (lCllVCIs‘ the ol‘ animated slitilts lliilll “lit-III“ tilWlllllt‘ their inonc)‘ hack. Added to the list ol cliaiacteis [K‘il‘oi‘mancc ot' her mum: See feature and studio. lllL‘llltlllt;! the ()scai \t inning: Wallace and this time are (‘ai'iey's ’l'lie Riddlct and Jones's IL'\'|C\\_ ('iencial release. (il'tmlll. lidinhuigxli: l-iliiiliotts‘c. 'l‘ii‘o-liace - \illains ol‘ llttl)‘ hissalilc class and I Casper (P(‘.i (Bi-ad Silhoi-Iing. ['5_ [905) I Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (H i l (SIL'VC atiotliei wannabe \ igilantc in the shape ol~ (‘ht-isiingt Ricci. Bill Pullman. (‘athy Moria”): ()edckci'k, (’8. WW) Jim (Hum). 5mm” ('éllht“. oiphancd l)ick (il';l_\'\'t)lt ((‘hiis O'Donnelll Just 100 units lix‘ei'yone's favourite friendly ghost lan \cheicc. ‘H mins. 'l‘his piiciilc. \ts‘ls't‘l,‘ Pth don't expect the same dark t'oiais into the has lieeii living With his three liad-teiiipeictl and occ;isioiiall_\ l‘l illiaiit l'olloii tip to the clmdmt s of the human [niche (ilasgoit: .\l(i.\l mick-c- m an abandoned mansion. When it's surprise liit lliat launched (Iiiiey's caieei l'iiids [nut‘hcmt malucmhcd h, a "mmygmhhmg mm.“ “in, "W l’Cl ‘lClWll‘V '” “\“W‘L in” mm“ "'C I Battle 0' Algiers l l3) ((itlo l’otilccoi \0. tliitiks it‘s tilled Will} hidden treasure guarded h." dcmwd h} “ll-V “mal‘ and ll “mim‘c ""1""; [he -'\l:~'c"l1‘/ll"l."- I‘M‘Sl B"""'" “"1193? JW” tiiittuiet shiiits. ('asper comes itito contact with linglisli as uppci class t\s its. atid amongst it all. Main” I35 nan A dmmncnmry“>16 uhml [hydmlngm pullnmn-S minim} daughm . . ('4""C.\'.“ llll“"“"”““ JUNK“ “WWW L'i|‘l\lllllk" ieconstruction ot' Algeria‘s \llllgglc litil' tRiccii. A Wt." messy amalgam of (ilititi/iutlt'm I ItalflSPOttlllg A rollereoaster ride l’klllllitligh: l-(~l. Snathchdc: l'('ls, \VMR. “humimL “mummy Icali‘ut (“me Mum“)! so crfcch.l th/um‘ Mum-1‘. gum“. humour and "K. through the Chelnical highS and I An ActOI’S Revenge ll’(iitKoii lcliikav. a. in the controversial toitiii'c sequences. this is a soil of ot-eihlown t‘eelgood Spiellicrgiaiia that l ‘ H t. H l W )t- rt“: 31h he . )- Japaii. l‘)(i3) Ka/iio llasega“ a. l‘uiiko textbook example of political cinema at its most luck m fun"). gudgcuy and mmin mm“. Hm t L\ its it lltc ()\\:\ t - t L \t It in Yamanioto. A}ako Wakao. ll.‘ inins llascgaxs a pcfguugiyk'fi (‘cniigilj Mat-Robe”, RUhmc ()l) the .stt'Ccls ()l Edinburgh. Fast and te\‘i\'es the dual iolcs he l‘itst play-it In tho ills". I La Belle et la Bete (Pm (Jean (‘octcatt I Cinema Paradiso tl’(il ((‘titts-cpiic ‘llil‘nulmv- l'ut‘ious'. hilarious and serious, it i'callv as a kaliiiki t‘cmalc iinix-isoiiatoi' and a Rolim l-‘t'ancc. l‘l-ltil Jean .\laiais. Joscltc Day. .\laicel Italic/FiannaI038) l’liillipe .\’oiret. Jacques Couldn't he better See review ' Hood-like tliiel'. 'l‘lic ic\'cnge plot litlss's 1-0101" Andie. 93 niins'. Somhic. magical atid l’ciiiii_ Salvatore (‘ascio I23 lntns‘, Told largely ‘ ' ‘ ' l“ "INHVCI- llk‘ ils‘llllf-l "1“ W'ml‘ 4" ‘1 m“ "l c.\tia\'agatit rendition of tlic l'ait}tale \\ itli l)a} as m i1;1c~|,|i;w|\_i|w “mm-t ot' the l‘)‘)() ()scai t‘oi ("Wm-“l "Viva-"()- tents_ lint lchikaxsa's Scope l'ianiing Is 3031”) ("Kl Ham“ 3‘ h" ‘l'k'l‘llk'lll I‘m" “ml “'6 [test l‘oicigii l-‘ilm traces young Salsatotc's I Leaving Las V8935 Nicolas Cage immaculate and this ltL'\\ t'tiliilll' I‘ll!ll milk“ “‘0 Beast. A haunting: tantas}. ('ilasgov-i (il’l‘, infatuation Will) lits \ illagzc cinema. and his (lives. a camel-4mg! perforlmmcc as a most ol‘ the film's iiiidoulitcil \ isual ‘l‘ls‘mlm'lV I BCSt at arms" Animation l l5) .'\ NC“ priming l'tictidship \\ itli its piotectionisl tpla}cd ‘ p. k. y I . ‘lf 1“ l . (flacgmt; (H-‘II compilation of recent animated slioits. including to pctt'ection liy Ntiiteti lisseutially. it's man ( “n ms: "ms" to (,Ld,‘ ‘ m I "It! Adventures 0' Priscmai Queen 0' the l se\eial \ihicli hate “on a“ aids at animation ’l‘ottiaioic's lament t'oi tlic joyous InoVie-goitig tlL‘tHl-Stfllkt‘tl lattS chilS. [aim/Hugh: Desert t 18) (Stephan t)llttlll. \ustialia. l‘)t).tl festivals acioss tlic isoiltl. l-Itliiiliiiizg|i~ “lwlmwc M" h"- )muh “mi 3 [ck-(,glmmn of thc (“In”). TC'C'WK' Slith- “"31” “.m‘l'lI-I- (it!) l‘t‘aice ll” liilniliousc. nice we i;i\' toi our iiiatiitit}; litlinlitiigli: - - - ‘ , u , mins, 'l‘v.o llllll\\t'\lllt'\ and :i lt;llt\A\;'\ll(ll tcani I the Big Blue ( '5, 'I'm “hm” il‘mfla loxx, tummy I ’ -.sen$e Anti Sensibility httN‘L dtth) llp “W (I lllp (lt‘ltlss lllt‘ '\ll\ll(lllill1tillll‘llk‘k l-tll' it [{chnnu ,\“lucuc_ JCHILXIHH‘ BAIL Juan chn' I ( 1}.” t)() Inn“. Puuinunlnc \Vltt)’ drag slttns in Alice Spiingts. Seiioiis‘ issues pop Ill) nuns Barr and Reno. l'iicntls since Hit} in shoti t'iliiis- h} and about lcsliiaiis: liom costume drama. the latest Jane l'l‘ “m” “'“C l“ “'"C- M” m“ "'"l‘llil‘l‘ l‘ "” “W new children. are dixcts competing to teach the Aniciica conic la iliitui luw I‘llm. (iit’tit l)\/tt'\ _ . . . . ' ‘ . . . ,. . , Cilml‘ “WWW "l ll” “l l‘“‘ l‘llk‘l‘l'w“ “ml gticatcsl depths \\ itliout the aid of liieatliiti; ()f [In/[amt and /;_( ((‘IKII. [-_'__ [mum .c ' AUqL".‘Id‘lpl‘lluln SI!” h“? ‘1 \ ‘1' ml) t)lllltlgctills tllllslc'ul \L'l [‘lL'x'CN l'ltllltl‘ltlgll' “wiping-11Landgilsniiyulcfm [Iu- imnunlig ICPHNCMUI by Anna“. Kcnncflcy‘ [1,“. tutu/l”- l'UlllllllllC ltClll-t. SCC lCiltUlC alld l'll'nl““""~" illls‘ntions ol' .\1\ -’\|(lUL'"k‘- '\ U’lnmclslill ‘mil‘l' lilti- Xtin. Bu Zalcock's I‘ll't’iitirti Rt'l maul. l'CVlL‘W. (it'llt'l'u/ I‘(’/(’(I.\‘(’. I Amateur t l 5) t llal llaitlci. l'S. I‘Nl) lsalicllc in its lt;lll\L‘ l'Iancc. licssott's lllltl l\ -'| \llltltltllsfl} Satali 'l'tunei 's \‘lit-lltv .V/aut'i Ht'l' .S't't'lt’t- (3110' I Desperado Roheit Rtttlt‘lL'UCZ Hl'l‘lw'l- M‘”“" H“”“"‘”" Hm“ 1")“ “"‘w'm‘ l‘lll‘l“1~'"!llllc\l‘l‘U-llc‘lw'lk‘lh‘cl”WU”)? .\loiles"s I‘m .\'iti l/t'lt'. llclcna (ioltlisatci ’s ()u/i . k .~ 1‘ - l i | it) lv: “’5 “"“‘ l‘“"“”“- 4'” V‘ W” "‘“l'”? W” 3 stimlcs‘ «it Mus- liwn if the I‘M Is 4i luad ol lilsll. 1m Kim. t and \tiskl l)t'\ ‘tiit-‘s (’l Him. : n.“ . will) m .l l.“ (m . “(17”. stories. inccts anincsiac 'l lioitias on the sticcts ol' , the dolphins aie nice. l'it'e: thx l’tctiiic llousc. pdmhumhj [.ltlnlmucc. l llllllttlllmh~ t)l [1/ .l/(ll‘uu'll! Wltl] tltc Wk: w" W:- “ml “in! his PM e i I Blade Runner: The Director's But i I5 i iRidlo I The city or lost Children t I5 I than int-tic ‘ iiltitiiale late night shoot-“cin-up. See “""Ch‘m "MW" I“ SM“. " l“"” “‘“C‘V ""‘l "W l SCH“. l'S- “Hz/“3) llillllw” l"‘“l- SW” Y"“l‘i~'- Jciinet/.\laic (‘aitx l‘iance. l‘NSi Ron l’cilman. pl‘ctien' :llttl l'CVlCW General l't’lt’llS't’ "lt’lk’l‘l \"”l“""l\' ‘l\“"“”‘ “W l‘JleV‘l ll4"ll".‘ l Rlllglt‘l llilllCl. l I“ Will‘- “lll :10 lllt‘ l‘WlKlU “U” Daniel limill‘oik. Judith \ittct. ll: Iiiiiis, ()ii a ' i . .. , . . i ‘ . " -r . l . dialogiit- and \\ ll is t-tta I‘lt-sc-lll. lint this time ' mmmm, and "k. “kiwi,” “up” “mm; m "IN_\llmudm| m] “g- lmd \Ucmm Kmnk 3:“ I casmo SLOISLM'H De iNllt) and there ate a tic“ llllllls' INN“ llllt’“ ” l” “ lll‘ l comes a more deltticd sense that Dcckatd pwmuimclt [st-muse he cannot dicam. and so he PCSL‘I lL‘Ltlll Up again lOI' (lttOlltCl‘ iet‘eienccs to spccilic ycnics and other iiio\ ics. llllllN’L'll. may l‘C 3' lcl‘llV‘ml- “W l““l~ 4'“ “Tl kidnaps cluldien from the local port and steal‘ gangster CplC. lltlS tllllC ll] L115 Vegas, lidiiiltiiigli- [-‘lliiilititist. ~ I ‘ it-tiiam as pout-'ii'iilaand lllc- .‘lc-lllt; is stipeili A mm lhwclccpms hm,” A \ mm”) “(Tl-“tun”. in” ‘na‘ Sharon Stone who Stalls [he I Amno'ess l l~l l( l"'\ \C“ l‘}- l l\. I‘M" ‘ ll.‘l\\L‘tl masteipiccc is llt)\\‘ a testoicd \tacks' laiittale lioiii the makers ol Duncan'va ‘ Nilll‘i'l‘c MW‘C- (ill'l‘ml‘l‘t'l l‘—~'Vl*'\l“”- “K‘C'l‘ mastell‘lt's‘s‘. litlltll‘llllill: “WW” that l"llltt\ incl \titli cinematic imagination ShUW. (N'UW'U/ I'(’/(’(l.\‘(’. \Vlllctu lllS lllllls, ;\ltct claltlltttgz to see \ tsttllls i I Bravelieart l l5) t .\lcl (ill)\t)lli liS. l‘)‘)5l \lt'l [{dinliiiigli: ('aiiieo. I “eat TltC long-awaith On-SCTCC" ol’ the Virgin .\t.Il_\i a l-ltli (’ciitiiiy tceiiagt' gill . (iihson. l’atiick Mctiooltan. Sophie .\laiccatt I Clockefs t lxi tsptkc [,cc. 1'5, HOS) llaisey Damn“ of Robert Dc Ni“) and A] l‘ ‘mlc‘l “l‘ '” ll" “"H‘ “l ll“. I‘m" Cl"”‘"* 3 '77 Illitis. .\lc| (iihson's long and bloody Keitel. Mekhi l’l'ilct. John 'l'iiituiio. l3\' lllllls. P, ‘. c. \1. ‘l I ‘l “I .. _" .1, . mm c that soon causes ttiiiiioil in the \ tllage. l account ol' the lite of Scottish itaiiioi Item 1“. \mm "k. tows U,- Rwhmd pluck “mgth tlthtttltl t' lettlt. i .tlntl .5 seat-ta 5e. Neitlis ‘s l‘t‘dltllltll lilack-aiitl-“liitc detailed l William Wallace boasts sonic icmaikalilc liattlc nos el ;|\\;l\‘ tltlllt Keilcl's mid-lite ciisis cop onto tlt'ittttilllL‘ltll)’ t'lL‘lt thriller ls “"4‘1-3"i”"“ "‘.‘ "’ l““l‘ "l- l‘m ll'“ " 4'” "'l I \s‘t‘nt“ “ml 34”“ PCHVHWWVCM l‘illl'k‘l'lil'l.‘ \tltlllL' dith dcalct l’l'llt‘l. hut the icsult is not lust CVCt’thllnL' we‘d ltthCtl for. General “‘0‘” “‘4” “1‘”ll-“~’”¢”234'31”‘33 '“l'li'll‘k‘iltlllit l \lc(ioo|ian's merciless King: liduaid, Armin}: to anotlici c\clc ol'-\ iolelicc .L'lltll“ "10"!“ “‘0 -'/ I ' ., k “WW! L'llmlttitial colt: (iltnfilmi (il'il- l entertain on a \\ itlci scale than tlic iiioic litciate mind-3i \K'lltttlllllltll piosidcs’a \l|\')c1]\’ctlll(t)lc H ((l'\(' I andrew Dawes: Messmg Abom With Jane ‘ lt’u/i It’tii‘. Ii'itttt'lit'tul‘s Scottish passion is I ti;tll.‘lll\C. the issues are iaised \\ itliotil icsoititlil Ausm" l “C "‘1'" “ll” '“léll‘lk'll I" 1H," Min" tcnipcied li)‘ a ten lloll_\\\ood iiioiiicnls to the so;ipho\. and manages to delnei his I Pop AS pan t)l. h'lill'Clt'S P'Wu‘i‘“ "" M“ NU” LN I‘m” NH“ "hm" lhc l ll‘l‘sl‘c‘ "l ‘Cllll'nclllt'llU “nil itl'i'mill'sl iiiost :Jtll‘l‘tngl. colieieiit and accessible tiliii to Stitll’lltil‘l' Mllle \VCCls‘ (RC6 M ltX‘lC l‘lk‘J‘lllk“ 4”“ l‘lll-lll‘ “l l‘lllllll}! Vli'“'s' “sll‘m historical iiiacciuac} \cu-itliclcs. it‘s a line. (Lug [{ditilsmgh: l’(‘l, .. ‘ . ‘ I ‘ ' _ : . ' . onto the sciccn .\ii aullioi in his t\\\ll ltgllll. i lull liloodcd attempt to tap into the spirit that I cronica ni‘un Amen Sm” U, A [1,“, Mth sctlttill l. lltL‘lL .\ tllst) tl SLlLLtlmt ()t “3"” hi" ~'l\“ "‘“llV” ‘I'V ‘s'CC'll‘li‘F ‘ l‘" titcs Scotland's histoi) and heroes (ilasgou' tl5it.\liclielaiigclo Anita‘an huh. |t)5t)i Lug.” l'L'lillL'tl lllthCS :ttltl CYL‘lt SCI'CCttltth “tilt-Ill “3“” "5 vl \i ' ‘- /’« t -'-’"M' PM“ «'H i' Llllil ' (il-‘l'. ()dcon. lidinliuiglli: (Kiiiico. ()tlcoii. l '( 'l Bose. .\lassiino(}iioni. l-cidinando Salim 9“ ()l. Soul/I Bil/1k S/IUH‘ documentaries (.l“ i" U" ll""”""“ ""‘l " ~”"’~"”l.‘ ““'l\"‘P3 “” lhilthh l’JHlW'l- Sllilll‘sl)‘ll" l “‘4 , titins Although it \ltt)\\\ similar themes to those ()ll ilill ‘ Sllllllh ‘ltltl ’l‘ltC V‘lVCI It'll/"I" ",1"? IVIW‘H‘IJ' ' ‘ "H‘l 1‘5"" 1“” I” 3: l I 3mm BY The Sun ‘ l Sl‘x'k'l” \I'HHH‘M' I that ‘.\titllil Iatci oliscss liiiii. Aiitonioiii's dcliiit . L i i . . L only lidinliingli l'iliiiltousc Russia. l‘)‘)1i\ikil.i \likhalkm.()lt-‘p~ 3 mmw 1‘ filmsI m \“k. m mt him m,“ “M” h“ I l lltlL‘l'gl‘tMllttl. SCC l.l.\llng.\‘ itlttl I Angel Face ‘ l‘ l ‘l m“ ll'i’lll'I‘f-"s'k [-5. “53’ ' \lcnclitlst“. ll‘llk'l“"3~'" Dill‘klmlhmc l-l'l “"l“ l latci detached L‘\t\lL"Itlt;tlisl dramas. An i Index. .SIII'UI/ltlt't/(‘f [first Kill/filth xll'ls‘ JCJ'” S”"”“‘”‘- “NW” \l‘lsl‘l'ms llk'll‘s‘” \liklialkm ‘s ()scai-itiiinct is a gcnumc l adtiltcious ss He and Iiei lotci plati thc tiiiitdci til i ('UHH, .\l.nsliall ‘)l iiiiiis Behind Siiiiiiions's aiiyclic » ,nmlcmlcua “k. gladlml 4th Mom tlic gzltii) ol l hm inhimmi and 2mm,th “6 “mu. h, 161th E ' l'catutc lies a dcs ioiis 't'l’illit' Itirti.’t xi. lio's alth l” the Resolution into the teiioi ot the Stalin it“. It,“ UL“ “N {w it“. in.“ mm. mm [MH- ‘ t\\ ist chain-min \lilcliimi ioiind lici littlc lingt-i. (inmmhhu, h UHKCHUMCJ mm “H. mm,“ H, ‘l “HUI h” y“ C. (1“me (",1 ' ()HEHIHH) J Pmch 'm mle! RI“.de “Cd” Pwmm‘gm \ UM!“ lll‘pmll‘h m lhc l “"31” “""mC' I‘ ll”) “‘ ll)‘ RW‘N- -" “‘9 I 022 The Mighty Ducks ll ' l tSaiii \Vcisiiiaii. l\‘. lio then tell ill i. this lacklustte suashliticklei iiiclodiamatic material makes this a supctli l c‘tiilnlt's household ol a poptila: Sot ict ottit (I it ('5. 10”“,lilnllh‘[1“C\C/I(‘;u\lcnany‘l‘ud to“ pitta-t1 tip l)\ l'aseiiiici. but his alimony], l'WWl‘i'” "‘"l l\l'”l‘“'3-‘ll? l'll'” (llI'ltl disiiipted h) the ietiun ol liis “nos tolltts‘t lli7 nuns lcc liocke‘. coach listc\c/ lacks pix/an and good old cut-and tliiust. When I Babe.‘ l V l Him“ \mm‘m’ \mn‘llm I‘N‘i) l‘“ L"- W“ 4'21""k'llmk‘lll lltltitlltct. 'l'lte sense ill coiisciiicntls tillL'Cls'tWt'l\llllttt! lic lcaincd lust a il;l\[.'tttll_\ duke attacks liei conxcnt. )tlttltg nun Jlmwd ""1‘\Wll'\‘llllllw hm“ M (‘lmflmc l l'4'1—'C‘l." " “"“Wn‘c- 41‘ ll‘C ‘l""‘.\~ M} “'V “WW”? liiiic inimd ticniciiihci. tlic oiteiiial \sas Marceau is loiccd into action. and so she diags (innmugh' Mum” M‘”fi~'“l}k\. lltlglo \\c;i\ttt:_' 311R“ \\ J} l” 1‘ (l‘l'kcl- mm" ‘mW'l-“l' 'C4'l'l.‘ (‘liimi/muii in the cinema and The Mic/Mi l)itt Ax dad l)'x\ila§:nan and his niuskclcct mates out of 0' mm‘ A” ml‘h‘mu' W“ m" nudgmc C-W “l ' "MAC": Rm! ('Cltllilli \ltls’Rolictl on \ itlcoi and litids liiinscll shaping up the kids tetiiemcnt A text divcitinu flourishes aside. ll km‘ni‘ NH” "'1" Wyn" l“ (hml‘ “C ‘ dc‘mw‘l I The cabinet at 009"" caligafi ‘I’UllRl‘l‘t‘ll in team l'SA lot the (ioodisill (iaiiics llie l)ick l.cstel t‘ioliahlv did it better. l‘ife: New lot elois at ll‘lL regional tiials lalking: animals \Vieiic. Celina”). 19"" WCH‘C' K"“"‘- (it""ikl ii\als aic the. chm. iiiiglits' l. claiid. a hunch ot l’ictiii'e llous‘c. ' “ll—'23“ “W ill“ I\ a lslds‘ Itimtc‘ to an extent It \'eidt. l.i| l)ago\ci. 0t) units. A laiidnizitk ol iacistls panich \a/i UPC; limit”) tlt'm'll "l I Desperado ( lh'l (Robert Rodriguez. ['15. l‘)‘)5l " " and J gm” 0”“ " hm mu”. ‘ mm?“ , L"l’lcwl‘m‘l C'W'm- 'Cil‘l'tlfl “N CH" “ "ll cliaitn. the MGM Antonio Banderas. Salina llavek: Joachim [)e ‘k"“"""’ ""““’“' "“”‘ "W l"-‘""" ""‘C" "" lit/unc- ungu'm \ Nlah despite its tcchmcul I Dangetous Minds ( l5) tJtiim N. Smith. l'S. Allthttla. ltX) mitts. l’att scqncl. hart big budget "‘l‘m‘ l“ ‘l'wm'c' i'” “"C‘lfk'k'lk'il 9”“ ll”. ~'\ ciiidit}: The acting and diicctuig ate supeili. and I‘lt)i)_\1'L-hc||c i),L.|'-k.,.(;cmé_.c [)mnd,;._ w,ka “HIM/ml“ dam.” a” [he Shoobout‘s “'“ml‘l‘ 1‘" m? “""C'l‘k‘! (W'W'Jl 'Vlk'd‘fl the sh") of a t'aitfiliound li}|‘"”'"l “ ll” “‘6‘ it (‘oiiitucs ll. Vance lllti units In a tougher iolt‘ and L'\Dlostolts denied iis iii Rodriguez's I la slat-l0" 0 0H Ill t( ‘licik l>oiikouie. sleepnalkei to cart) out niiudcis still ictams a than soiiie shes lila\cd to date. l’lcillt‘l Is all C\ inst-mite delitit I-f/ .llti/itit'lii. Bandch Mann“ mm” It”; ' l)” “Hm A ("Hum") “"l‘ll": ‘Cll‘c “f llm'W- (“mi—“m? ("fl niaiiiie \\ ho becomes tingliin tcaclici to a hunch Islttttllldt‘ls‘ as the t'CVCttL‘C‘tlthCtl guitarist. hut Village ho's_ obsessed \\ itli toothall. is L‘xtlltilts'tl I Carrie ( 18) (Brian Del’aliiia. [8. I97” 5|“) ol‘ ttndciacliies in: inner cits kids .\ itli academic the emphasis is not on plot — delight instead in h). a g”) llllf'lkw‘ll‘lul‘ hm ml“ “mm “W “ m}: Sim-Ck- l)'l"'" [J‘U'lc- ll‘l‘" 'l-lil‘UIlil "5' “1”” potential 'l he llolls \sood optimism of the plot tlie "lt)llt)tl\' action set pieces. The ultimate “l i‘ (3""21 “mum” Vll'l‘ “‘ill‘ililf'l l-llsc man} ' Del’alma’s adaptation ol~ Stephen King: is still the sits oddls \\ itli the classioom realism that comes fucglm thmcnu, SCC plume“. and review. mil“ “" f‘l’lmfCd ‘0 .\ottlil Atttcan lilms. the i hiin school angst lltt)\'lC to end 'em all t'ioiii casting fledgling actors and sticctst ise iion- inum. (":I- {10” film (icmw. “ambulah: "‘9'"in "Kl" " “n “‘6 d'lllu'llF "l WCPUE I l)istiessiiigl)' aukwaid teen Spacek‘s‘ adolescent piot'essiona‘ls. but it‘s a hiaxe attempt at tackling; [aimiomjc “('31 ['1‘] Shaliwlvdc; [(153 b alive traditional cultural Values in the lace ol the “pt-Heme i\ m inumhmmg mm \hc duck,” [he \cnml‘. whim! of cdmmmn m mmle (my I vEclisse' ’TIW'I‘I‘Jil’W" l5) (Mi'chaclaugclu :Otli“llttlil‘ltfllutigui“: (ll- - . , lacuna“. lxmc" and m“ “Chm” h"”'“‘ "'C I” “\“W'WJ- Sllilll‘k‘lMlL“ H‘l (.lMlCl‘m‘k- Antonioni. ltalv/lhance. l‘)(i2l Monica Vitti. [8. :90?) litiiiaiiitltialglifitlilhi (Itit‘ilililtiklsililiill‘ gull ll2?!l‘lgnntllUlliiu-iigcg “twill ilk-ill will”) if)?!" D'Anagnan‘s Daughter} l S, ‘ “mum” "um" “Clnn‘ [fl-""CKC” R‘lh‘i‘l' '35 lull” “norm Lorraine Bracco. It)” units This dull ’ttttl '. [nan \ hut." at . I." t Ml til“?- .ku \ ImCHNC".1.“”KCZ low-“‘SUPIW Mll'kic‘m' “"‘m “'3‘” "'3' l”"3~'“""‘_d"‘1~' “W” l‘" 4‘ - - i enough disgust in licie to llltilL than tiidoise tlie Philippe .\otiet_( latith Rich Ito lltl”\ “Athmku. hm a. ,m.rcn\-,,,:_.i) dmwn m
The List 23 Felt-7 Mai l‘)‘)(i 31