I Club XChange l lpm-~3am. £3 1:11. (in); Dance and ehart sounds. £1 lager. 50p vodka. Pitched as the only eat} night in town tonight.
I Club Havana at Maxaluna. ()pm—midnight. liree. Invites t'rom Maxaluna. 20 Feb only. D] Jan. going loeo to a capacity erowd. (‘ontinues in the \’el\et Rooms alter.
I Kaleidoscope World :11 The ('athottse. 8.30pm—3am. L'l. Band.1ndel11hnight ('littllt Coyle) with the einh starting at
l l..‘\()t‘ltt. l’l;1_\lisl relleels the \l} le (ll- l‘eatured hand.
I Shimmy Club .11 Benin-1's. ll)..‘\()pr‘.1>-.‘\am. £2. Legendary. drunken. 'mised'. longest-itintnng eluh night in town. Mainstream danee and ehat t. t; I It) promo heels.
I Shooting Stars at The (iaragre.
llpm 3.1111. llaxe Ross‘s latest e\tra\';1gan/.1 w hooping 11p 'l‘uesda} nights party s'_\'ls in the mam room. Staggering t}oti w ill he:- drink promos. I Trading Postal (ileopali as
lll.3lll‘tll 3..‘\ll.1m £3'£2‘.\1tlilie‘ke‘t). (’hart. inamstream and tats 'tor the pnh/elnh stall. ezowd'.
I Bennet’s llpt'i 1.1.11: \odka and :Jtili 1H 8.11.: I BOUdOll’ at lhc Whisk). llar \pzii elos.‘ l‘ree. (.ilasgo‘n. 's original t'..‘_‘. listening eluh uek 11p their llntt llaeharael:
eolleetton and settlexio‘wn at 'i".1\21e“\
Ll (i.1_\ “'ltt
\enue. liree eanapes and lots or it): 1.". I Chopper at t'lni‘ \\ itanee. ltl. illpm ~. ithnn. £3.51! 1:31. (’1:_".‘. house. ()(ls diseo and pop horn DJ Rory «Archaos Thursdau). l)onhle toth £1.25. ' I Delicatessen at the Velvet Rooms. llpm-.‘~am. 531:3).(flul) Havana presents Bra/than. latin jazz. rare groove and acid jazz with l).l tan or; the decks. I Definitely Maybe .11 1111- Rat Trap. l()._‘s()pm--2. £3. Indie, I Disco Wonderland :11 The ('alhtiuse. I lpm—3am. £2 (£1 ). 70‘ throw hacks (and possihl)’ slingltaekst gel iii tree. 70s night from new kids on the hloek llarltie and Ken. \largheritas Slip. \'odka mix L'l. Gold Bier £1. I Fab at Reds. I lpm ~3atn. i-l (£31, ("Iah Classics. litmk. soul and diseo Miller it. vodka-mix U. I GO West at (‘leopatras l(l.3()pm-—2.3()am. £2 til with ticket) A mainly ‘student-orientated' hill of fare. I Juna at The [31h Note (basement). Spin-midnight. l-ree. l-i Feh and tortnighly. A mix ot' teehno. tr1p hop and house from (iregor and Miehael plus guests. I Paradise Island :11 ‘t‘tit- \ottuno. llpm-Z..‘~()anr, L‘s it'll. Saee and liasi take a break to work on their alhum so Blueprint is put on hold too. ;\ll_\' (‘ainphell takes their slot tor hip hop. funk and jungle. I SllCKV Fingers at 'lilti‘ Attic. lt).3(lptii-.‘~am. L3 til ). (ierrt with indie and retro sounds. Drinks p1omos. I 300' Train at The ll.1ll(‘lt1h. llpltt—-3;1ttt.£3till. Paul M pursuing. a retro vibe. Drinks promos.
l0.30pm«2.30am. £3 til with tiekett. Mainstream
I Boogie BUS at R.(.i.'s. Spin—midnight. l‘ree. l).ls Yiggj; and Bob get honsey with lots of pretty lights too.
I Club Class :11 The Hall Club. llpm—3ani. £5 (£4). .-\ mellow mi\ of ehart and club classies from the last two deeades‘. Drinks promos.
I Club Xchange liptn- 3am. £2 til 1.
V I Inferno :.t Helix. l l;‘111 3.1111. t.-.
tll‘w'U. I“
(la). 1).! Morgan and {I lager. til \odka.
I Cup at Arehaos. lttpni 3.1111. L4 tflfittt,
lltzsy student house night t'iom l).l Rory t(‘luh .\'. \Vednestl;1_\si anzl guests. "l‘nrn ul‘.yettlo\\11.eopott.' Ll vodka and Heek's. lam (11) le 'il'he l‘ti/‘If does his indie/pttpfkitseh stult~ in Bell} 's.
I Dee Jays in Disguise :11 \Iniety.
\pni elose. l‘ree lla't't‘ll and .lonaie ot‘ the Knneklehead with .1 tl;lllL't‘ .ltltl lL'Lllllll.
I Donkey at the (';1'.l11111se llprn- 3am. indie/grunge roek Illlll:‘l1"\\ (atltouse. Drinks promos
I Genius at ll..- \'ole.1no ‘; lprn» 3.10am 2"» «L31 Hoh and. lanat-:11;:r.e1he\‘olelnp again with ‘itotise 1.11;: and dance dassie ill} itilt‘ Mulls}! L‘”! HEEL‘ lilt't'. littlllllgl l'lrk‘lts
1p and _~._'l;.:'i with l).l l‘atil T‘s plus litl.l 2.1 .111i \at.lh;ti‘1ll\ :;’.l1::;__'31:. .\ elassie Li“ iwnh the
lil‘.‘ll' ol so J‘L‘I‘lte:_*
hes! ot eontempotarx leoase .1;‘.d:..1as'e
I Wednesday Night Fever at (iotton (‘tuh i
llpttt-31atii.£.‘s (£2 with matrie eardt. l-‘or those who long to he haek in those halcyon diseo days or )‘ot‘e when the trousers were tight and the glitter hall polished. Drinks promos.
I Bar 10 8pm—-elose. l‘ree. l’aul (‘awley from l’har ()111 with .1 weird. eeleetie. underground pre-eluh C\pC”lCllCC.
I The Base Room at (ilasgow Sehool of Art (downstairs). ‘)pttt- 2.30.1111. Free. House night tiom l)Js (iraham tSehmoot. Kevin and Jim. 8 lieh and first Thursday ol‘ the month easy listenin}.r kings Boudoir guest. -
I Bloomers :11 Cleopatra's.
I Loveshack ;:1 3411;; \iutxt‘e Lt‘. ittpzn mm. L)? ‘Stspereoo! ‘.(llil“11\l.‘.i :s ti‘. l student
t‘tsste‘\;:lit»1::.:.t ..1_<_'r .51.!
'()\"Ii\ll‘gil- .‘lk‘liill:
I UCtObel' Cate Frtiti (lust. l'iwc. .\l.1l'i1 ilazniiton t=.‘zti1\lt)l<l1onse I Red Cell :1' ‘l he Stilt Huh
1 \. l'rons ll
lipr‘t: lair!
:1t;1.'~e \ at UK hold entrex titlt‘ Hi tlit‘ \fLL';'L'.\l, limes! ltiiki;'i"l‘lill1(l t‘lnl‘ riisfhts 1:; “emilaznl
tilt .‘lettk ls'Mtil 't
lne Yllt'it'. eetities’ t\ (it)! l/.'\\iL:.l l l.'..'l1l' {.r' ll.14.liitfi.1.1lkl
mind littlltiittt' Sui‘vhv
\‘.lli‘. §.','t‘.t"l\ .‘.i,.r':n {l l; {ire} .\.';;;1oi:1'sp.1ee Saturday st 111:1}.1111.‘ .1|"r_l‘\‘3_;";lltt‘t‘.\ thwtielt
skidmark produij:
"w .. .. »'
dul‘hy mi.\ ot new
at, and it's lth all ;
the month. lhmks promos.
I Rumble a! The (iatage. ll} \(tpn‘. 53 153t.(";11;lov. and Ross 11h .111 exeeptionalis husy nigh: olkiiart} danee faves. cheap drink: and drank students : Snogtastte'
I Shindig at t‘ozfon (‘hzlx 1 1pm 1.1111. f.“ tilt. lain lat/pati'rek with at; it--.iiet’d1stu eiuh. -\il.h‘111ks’\t‘)p_ i I Snap, Crackle and Pop at 131-; (‘).\ll . with -‘11111. E.) 111.5111 "
( Etc;
-‘" lil‘i‘ pi‘thdetl 3‘} ill '11,. l\".“;,‘ltl;1!‘litl‘.i.\‘ pron-its
I The Tunnel have 1.1111. L3 1:1 Hittite ; 11d . ll uotl'x. i‘.-:':. to t..:s student nrgh‘ 1.». :itt ;;"\e_\.t-.:1s. her. lii\ still exaetls tires;1111e.1s_\'on it"1lt‘iill‘ve'l' it. (‘lteess tl‘tti ttatt- 'nithhel (lilil'e‘flit'rt‘tl .1“ I Tom .1’. \ltu'u' ('itii‘ Haw-12.1 ;
111:..l1.1.~.-1t. ...:.:
";‘:1: :1;::l1::;'.;t. l't’ee lk"’_'l‘l‘ li":\'\i li 11:1L” 1l_'
1mm [)1 tag, \\
I Velvet Room ‘Jpr-r t.
hoard :1ti'-.
. Wax .1: ii i‘iil. li'
l'111\eis"\' 4:11 i.‘:1.l 111111: 9:“; ". l'i'ee. Dane- and :llxilL' port.
ll Whatever You Want . 1 '11:; Hr.
(t1; '. 11".“;.s."~. 14‘1‘1 T.:':;~
l": 1 ts 'def. s 11 l"llL"i\\".l:.t Mamie
sttilehl 1311911141. l" \l'ist‘v
I Cavendish "on: {1:11 :_‘ (‘11-:
'1lli‘.. \l';;:11..h' .l.‘ ‘1 it‘d- e‘erv (~.‘~ anti ."ls .1211s1e 'imnu-l ‘i'oti: only I Cathouse .1: Lt;.~ no; llt:!'\'.‘
lll't‘,‘ K1511 ii Wt Fixer -. l‘zit _' IlE'-‘l‘l et.'..'. l‘ixit". :91? ~.'...t1tt,ttt‘1.r=.. (too. it '1 on '1' .. 1'1' wt .1" {'11th '. t; .1} (it .1; i; '~
llflml‘. i
I Century 2000 a; 31:... =5
Continua-J :l I 1;s1-, I is t‘-.: it; 1 -;l' ‘. d
it"tih. \It‘t'i It" ..';~~ tvt' lILtl :t"~
badly present...
indie toons fiTCH & AURAL)
is” ‘\
firs ,5
rederick Street, mm -(big man aye) 0131 220
f tttirtsrtrrtts
co leetors
_ nabgets
than a bar
friday, saturday noon - “lam sunday 6.30pm - midnight tuesday - thursday noon - midnight monday noon - 11pm
W..- 1 «.1 u U 1-24» 111% 73