Brynn titans. l._\nn Hunter and Lin Feb. ;\ selection or “‘an by local \enue tor opening littttt'x. l (.‘unninghznn uniting otheix‘. photographers. nineteen of which lt‘uture Promised land l'nnl l7 l-‘eh. Paintings )t‘ l I GGA 346 354 Stinehieholl Street. 333 lll the l‘L‘lllllllllll)’ produced calendars t the Nnrthuextetn I)I.llll\ ut' .-\ltlt‘llt‘\l in; i 752i Mun {\ut l l;nn- (\pm; Sun created by the (tiller). .n'tist I.tll ('tmk l{.\'\\ Rl. in tht‘ the l.u';.'.e.\t mmn- Spin. (Kite, {1)} Alan Curral Sat 17 ifr-‘rx \) 51.”; A tine»: tent e\htl‘:t:un .tl ilte (‘tnicert ll.ill ! Phenomenal l'Zittl Ill .\l;tt', .-\ llll\'\'LI‘ collection of \iglgtm It} “lieu”.“thunk—C \tngvg l!\ ripening 1;; l‘liltl - l tnedio ;nt exent nurturing Sunni (Erennm «\lzin ("iit‘tnl. detailing purple in L‘\L'l"\"\l;l_\' " I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART lb? Rentiew l and Christopher Spernndin'x .rl/I Ruuml \llllétlltills. I Street. 35 i ~l5tlll. Mun l‘l‘. 9. ltlhn ipm; Emlbmom 3" "sud by category’ the" .lll't’MIHIt'. .il) Pictures detailing real-lite I T. GARNER GALLERY ‘1 l’nrnie Street. Sat ltl.u:i nmm. alphabetical” by City and venue- Please supernatural incidents mperierieed lit ‘53 ~15.\‘5.'lue~.\'.it lll.nn 5pm; Sun Gillespie Kidd & Coia l rtii .73 l-eh. \‘Jui‘n and can": to 0'" attic“ 3‘ Ieasi ten (letsutm‘ people. l’lttx‘ new work lw I.‘.\';t noun lptn. It). the Liltl\_"tl\‘. .nelutct :uzc t'tlillttult} in “18 “to” publication- An “stings Rothl‘child which explores meetings xx itl: Out of the Ashes L'ntil 3\ Hit, .-\n the .\l;'.el\:t:'.«txii t iztllei cmpnod bY KOIIY "cmnmm- i other worlds. and lit‘ir/r'lttt'f’. :1 collection e\‘hil\itnrn tit'cerntntcx ctcnletl uxin}: the Illustration and Photography Exhibition (it photograph tenturingl llying Sitllc‘t‘l's. ancient .l;in.ine\e ‘Ralxu' technique, \‘xhieh lilllll I." l'el‘ \\«~:I-e ‘~\ Vul ital: \tutlentx

§ ghm‘tx. xtiginutzt :utd the tnyster} monster innrlx'es plunging the tired turn into truth the Department at t’ r:.:;~lt:e \ herself. Nessie. le.i\e\ nr \nudth: ;it \er} higzh I LILLIE ART GALLERY Sixties lttutd.

I ART EXPOSURE GALLERY It) mm“. I COLLINS GALLERY l'niverxity ot' tetittieixittiiex tr» prtnltzce tiltlttllt‘ .tnd \lilt:;:.t\ ‘l 1 ‘x .13 1" \lm; lw;

Strum 55: 773L51mem Hum “PM i Strnthclyde. 22 Riehnmnd Street. 553‘ cdluurtul result.\'. lll;ll‘.‘. 5;‘ mt. Sin: ‘pnr

The Glasgow Show “ml 3 m, WW, : .ttnn e\t 2082. Mutirtl'rt ltlguu » .‘pttl'. Sn I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART its \\'e\t ' Next? Artists. Resrdencies and Hospitals mum “(H-L M mum Nth“ .‘mkt u lltlt‘ll ~Ipttl. [D]. Regent Street. Ill .ill‘ls. .\It‘tt 8.11 \.I lit l'el‘ l\l.u ,‘xt. :“‘.l‘.ll“3l'.‘ll ill \Ktlll‘. ill-Child.” in my dud {Making m I'm. gm. Art-Artist-Artisan-Artitact: Philip O'REIIIV Within 3 ‘tlpin. in. l:‘-. e cwzrtetnzwiui'. .ittt\.- hw law. 3 dcpmmg Immfwrmn.” Hm; M gravid... l7ntil ll) l-elw. t‘tntteiitptn';tr:\‘ kilints. Recent Acquisitions l'ntil 2‘) let» Non-l} tilten le\‘.tlt‘ttq‘..‘\ ltt .\ nix-Kn l;w;‘i'.ti\. Showcase Inn] 25' lielx Mm- lll ll\ L‘llll“"”\l‘\'l“'-‘- tll‘illllllfb' l‘illllllllil“ “ml -‘\'tl'~l“k‘tl ““l'k‘ l‘." l'ik‘lF'WWH- lllllll'-"'- I MCLELLAN GALLERIES .‘. I‘ll .‘\.'tle'll':i‘ll‘til seventh \‘eztr. llll\ unnunl Sll0\\Cil\t‘ clues i ‘l‘Vl‘lllVl‘lill‘Y "MC" l7." (“IN Pl‘llll‘ Hillllw dthl \llllvlfi. Street l‘tl 1391 \ll »r: \u: l‘i.:lil *t‘tn; first-time exltiliittirs rir iti'll\l.\ nen tit ()‘RL‘IIIPV “Villc‘l I” (“lli‘l‘l‘l‘lliml \"llll I GLASGOW FILM THEATRE (11313 (\Nll”. Sun ll.tlll <lint.

Glasgow (t chance IU .xhtm then mule flittfitcl' Ct'nlitstncn tllllllls’ I‘ll“ l" Ill'l’l-“W l2 lx’me Street. 333 S l 3\. .\ltit‘. Silt Fuse '95l‘i1112 .‘51 l .‘xt-t 'lI‘ no.1 \c.!:\ I ART GALLERY 8r MUSEUM, i‘llll lllkllél- noun ‘l..‘\(lpttt; Sun 5 Elfillpnt, .n'tr. illl\ lltl‘.'t‘l‘. \u't :'\\.":i will: 'ct .i‘lu'u.\ KELVINGROVE 3:1 ‘)()(,Itt Mun \Xtt La comme‘lla S“ '7 I’K‘l‘ ll‘ Ml“? 5”“ Allure l'ntil 7.") lieli l’hutnettiphx l‘} (iS.\ :eeet" _.'r.t.ltt.:t;i~\ l‘;t\t‘ i ti: t ill.:\,'ll‘.'. ltt l();nn--5pni. Sun l ltnn Rpin (Elle. llll I‘ll?“ “WWIWI‘ illlll "lill'l‘lt‘ “MP!” 1f “It giutluote turd v. inner at tux! pri/e at the e lL'LtlL' with v. :rli llii‘ E: 1',‘ 5“ «him ~l‘.tt‘t’ Voluntary glllllt'\ :ire £1\'itll;tl‘li‘ tree nl' .l.t[‘.lile\t'etl'll>\l|gllllil()ltl.llli‘\ll‘11llil1 \‘ctrttixh Stutentx l‘llll! and Video liextiml :;:.::eii:tl\ Ltlltl‘.‘. .uies ill'!- \ezn alive. charge to conduct purttex or llltll\'ltlll§ll\ ill? U‘llll‘li‘lk‘ Hi“ “I “Jim‘e ""1 llil.u'_\ Buchanan. tentuiing ttguhtninal .utd tbuttnex etizztetnptuxn ;. an! in I“) text round the lllIli'l ~2:.illeiiex. :\.\l\' at the (it”N’Nt'h/W E'ltlillllll‘li‘ picturex u! minten. mlnlntnrx. revilrtne an .2 l'llfi” mil Cthttit')' desk. ' COMPASS GALLERY 379 W9“ RVEZI‘IL'I tiet'tllllplllllt‘tl It} te\.t ‘.\ ltich trim-rtx the .lz‘. .‘i‘xe enlisttintt ‘tht' a!

St Kilda Explored lilllll 25 .‘\tt\.' ,-\ Slil'i'l' ::l “in” 31“” Sill Mill“ T l'll‘lll- tillage» Iil.‘.\‘.'\‘\". Ill-“l Lit-1.1 i .!'.',«'.\ fascinating rm mt- .enmi a. x: rant. Celebrating Robert Burns t ‘mi! 38 Hi» I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO .1: King I DUNCAN MILLER FINE inns ' ; : \\‘ act which \\;1\ e\.';ie:;.rted 1'! Will. e‘xt‘lcrnie ll~llllllllél‘ 1”“! ‘~ll'il\"'““3" l‘} "Wl‘jill llnllwl ‘tt'eet. 55: (lift-1. \lt'll But lllntu 5. itlpni lie-writ Sizesf Lil 1 't'Vir l.:.- l ll

the tlitlttt'ttl and cultural ‘.‘.HIl-l (‘l I‘tt'lt llte illll‘l‘ \‘VlL'i‘I-illllls' llll' :I'llli‘ ‘llllillik'l‘i‘ll' SCUttISI'I Print Open 5 Sttl in IN" 3'7 Mill. llntit (*g‘illfi 53'. ill littiif 11W.

land and il\ lltlllil'll.l.'ll\. “I Ill? l‘rllt‘i" ~l~‘lill‘-- l"~‘lll~l'~“l ill ill" I'llllklv. in; Llll open .\lil‘llil\.\ltlll which Works on Paper I £112: .1' l \

I BAR 10 Mitchell lane. 23! 315*. l).i: \ k"-l‘-il‘ll1“” h *7“ ~ l"_\ “ll” llt'lltlllY- I F" :illmx'etl .ut} l‘rtntnnikei ltl Scotland to cwilee'ltitl at out» wit jug '1 t 11:. - wt llznn—innln1giti. i llxtll‘k‘ll- “9‘1"”Villll‘l‘t'll “l'l llllllr" vtlntnt Ullt' [‘tL‘CL‘ Ul mile three ‘I‘lltl‘tllx‘i \utlhxdk il‘litiliie . nhng Gareth Mamet-Hodges Intel 3. .\l.:i 1 l‘r'd‘i'tll" lime \\‘tl tlnxxn the entrtex lt‘ 5U l’.~tei llil‘.‘.xtt'2 It‘ll'l l.j ::.. _; " :

Paintings (rt unrgh iv. nut-zit «.(gruttlig Hi I ( '.t‘~llt'l‘.lill. \littg‘t‘lttg‘ tttttilx t‘ll \lti‘v‘A‘ .‘tl lltt‘ Sltttlttl t‘lt'litt‘ lit ‘t'iilll\lt (‘ tlttti'lxlx

Duncan til .ltntlonxtnne li.llt‘ill ll:unei (VIII? ( lil‘lli'll'lll‘ ""“1“l“~ (‘ ll Elli-l i “ll” *“33 ill“ CWJHH'V- I EWAN MUNDY FINE ART 7:? ‘l Hndgex'. \lwn Sat l'hnn T—‘t‘lll. ! I GLASGOW ROYAL CONCERT HALL 2 (}.-~i-'eSuit-1ft“W“ \l-nzt \t I ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 1:..1 Castlemilk Calendar Project t'm-t to SLIIlL’IllL‘Ilttll Snot-r. 3 t: not}. l'hnne I tun. < My”,

Blynmm tit Snot-z. 1.1: «)2? Min. t-n . Fine Scottish Paintings . l 3». .-\ 9.30:1m-5.itrpunfitit ittutn l;‘:n. x'i'lla‘t‘ltttl. t‘l Swifl‘fit ;‘.:if.""' ' ' Valentines lnti! _‘-l l'el‘. lx’nnmniic lit'lli l.\.\tl tr» the ~::

Cuttlemprrmgj; nit L‘ll'c‘hV l‘_\ \t‘ilit‘ «ll \.\\-I‘i.\ li‘t‘ ill.” Scimit‘ l. l t' t'- 3. ~ It. it

(Untrelnh .intl ,llhlll l' .1 32.. Glasgow Boys and Glasgow Girls 9; m l‘ui‘ " .\l;-.: l'.:;:.'.;'::’\ i" ‘.

(l.\l\"\“.l~ l‘iil‘-‘~ \Ii .‘t l"E' Mr K. l."'le‘\

Britain‘x lending \lexignerx including: Mnlcuhn Align-lit}. \lt‘llfi' llztlltck and Jack (‘unninelnun ’ltlx .t \electinn til COlllClllptit‘ul'} Scuttixlt [nnntnnw tit

gallery ilt'll\l\. l’..:e: wit. l. \ llt‘f’i.‘:. \l' l’. ..::l I THE BURRELL COLLECTION Itltrt) l ; :t‘ M ': ll 1 Pulltikxlinu'r. timid. till) 7 l 5 l. Mun Silt liltthezxx tel-e. ix'urr t .1. ‘li‘ll. I:

l();nn 5pm; Sun 5pm. \lt‘tllg Ruin-um; -.::.: \l ll..:..:1'.t :; (it Visions OI Spain I 'ntzl H -\;‘i. (laundered to be one (it the tiniext group “1' spumn paintingx in lliitutn. this cwliecnun ill in er 30 unrkx It} the lll\t‘\ Milton. l1l (irecn and Velasque/ \iill leux e the \\ ttll\ til Pollok lhruxe :ntd ltlle‘ up teinpurnr} residence at 'l‘h-- llurrell (Willevtiun \\lllli‘ the hunter .\I(t\‘.‘~t‘ll lmtne undetettex repairx.

::..z. e ttut \2'1..‘ I 1999 INFORMATION CENTRE l’:;- . .~ \‘ittine. 1\ ll'..eix.:zz.;;1\‘rc~” _f;' i‘ I" ,‘xlwi. \nt lt‘wz; '; 1:). Vi. ‘:'=: lg‘i‘l Architectural Competition t':.~:: J. : tut

.'\ \t‘lt'cll'Vt ill e'itiltf .'t ‘. It!

i~.lit.xi.i'. .i't‘l,tl‘t". .. ...-- (r...\ '.‘- llt‘filtte'i"‘."ll.t lltl‘I‘.

GIA Annual Award Scheme. in. gsz. : w

IGATHCART GALLERY lll (‘ltlllx\l(lll § V m .g ~.\u:r. Ilt‘.i' .f. “z'. p 't ':;i. 'l Rttattl. (>33 l3~1~l..'\ltrn lr‘l Quillrrm 5pm; ~~ v -’ 3" \u it ":29 x ..t.: .It \ei'cLiG

5‘“ “NW” ‘lll'lt- A room of one‘s own: Dene Happetl's Styrene Demispheres occupy a whole room at the I NS GALLERY 5 i a -.-i: m: M: valentines 5”” ll l‘l‘l‘ " Mull llt‘dIUL‘lt McLeltan Galleries. Set into the walls at various levels. these multi-coloured demispheres VL.‘-lt- .\t~r~. H ,:::: I“; x,» v work by .\l;u‘_\ Hatchelur. In} ce lltn'lund. randomly glow on and Off Him! ‘3‘”.

lfgtttfiil‘tit 8 positions


i i 3 firiitrtttrg-w . r 3 ~: street] eve] ".34 years

b Chila Kumari Burman

9 march - “walk TALL" - a participatory FEW i~: g » all welcome, particulary children tree I )) the centre for photo-based artwork in the west of Scotland

26 king street qlasqow ql qu uk L44 (0) I4] 552 2151 F .44 (0) I4] 552 2323

93"?" OD?" W95 - sat 103006!" - 5:30pm darkroom open tues - sat 10:30am - 5:00pm GLASGOW cmcoonm 1'" “toll-'7'; “awum'”

58 The LN. “my: lit-l) l w"