I OOEON Clerk Street. 667 7331/668 2101. Bar. [D] screens 1.2 and 3. Adults £4.50 (£3.75 for side seats screen I and front seats screens 2. 3. 4 & 5). £1 off all seats. first show. Mon—Fri. Child/()AP/ Student/UB40 £1 off all shows except late night and final shows.

Seven (18) 5.30pm. 8.20pm & late. Braveheart ( 15) 2.50pm & late. Dangerous Minds t I S) 6.20pm (Itot Sun). 8.40pm.

Babe (U) 1.15pm. 3.25pm.

Loch Ness (PG) 1.25pm. 3.50pm. 6.20pm. 8.45pm.

Johnny Mnemonic ( IS) 1.20pm (ttot Sat/Sun). 3.40pm.8.-10pm.

Father or The Bride 2 (PG) l.11)plll. 3.40pm. 6.10pm. 8.40pm.

The Indian In The Cupboard (PG) Sat/Sun only. 1.20pm.

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (PG) 12.30pm.

Waiting To Exhale ( IS) 6pm.

Jumanii (PG) Sun only. 6.20pm.

See also Edinburgh 1.ates.

I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 0777. Recorded information (24 hours) 669 071 l. [D]. Access/Visa/Amex booking line: freephone 0990 888 990. 24 hours (service charge 30p per ticket). Box oliice open from 1 lam. £4 (£2.80 bel‘ore 4pm). Child: £2.50.

Loch Ness (PG) noon (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 1.15pm. 2.20pm. 3.45pm. 5.15pm. 6.30pm (not Thurs). 7.20pm (Thurs only). 7.35pm. 8.45pm (not Thurs). 9.45pm (Thurs only). 10pm & late. Neat (15) 1pm. 4.45pm. 5.15pm. 8.30pm. 9pm & late.

Father or The Bride 2 (PG) 12.30pm. 3.30pm. 6.15pm. 9.15pm (not Thurs). Johnny Mnemonic (IS) 3.15pm (Fri—Sun only). 5.30pm. 7.45pm. 10pm. Seven (18) 1.30pm. 3.30pm. 4.15pm. 6.15pm. 7pm. 9pm.9.~15pm& late. Dangerous Minds ( 15) not Thurs. 7.20pm (not Sun). 9.45pm.

Waiting To Exhale (IS) 2.15pm (Mon—Thurs only) & late.

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (PG) 12.15pm (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 2.45pm. 5pm.

Babe (U) 11.45am (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 1pm. 1.50pm (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 3.15pm.

The Indian In The Cupboard (PG) Sat/Sun. Thurs only. 12.15pm.

Braveheart ( 15) not Wed. 5.40pm. 9.30pm.

Clockers ( 18) not Thurs. 1.15pm (not Sat/Sun). 4pm. 6.45pm. 9.30pm. Pocahontas (U) Sat/Sun. Thurs only.

1 1.30am.

A little Princess I U) 12.45pm. 3pm. 5.15pm. 7.30pm.

Jumanii (PG) Sun only. 7.20pm.

Bed OI Roses (PG) Wed only. 7pm. 9.30pm.

See also Edinburgh 1.ates.


Lothian Road. 228 2688. Bar. Restaurant. [E]. [D]. Matinees £2.20 (Concessions £1.50 Mon—Fri only); shows commencing before 7pm £3.50 (Concessions £2.20 Sun—Fri only); shows commencing after 7pm. £4.20. bookable in advance

34 The List 9-22 Feb 1996

(Concessions £3.50 Mon—Thurs only): Fri matinees. all cinema 1 seats £1. FRIDAY 9

1. Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 2.30pm. 6.30pm. 8.45pm.

2. Madagascar Skin I IS) 3pm. 6.15pm. The lite and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin I IS) 8.30pm. SATURDAY 10

1. Annie Hall I IS) and Manhattan (IS) 2.30pm.

Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 6.30pm. 8.45pm.

2. Pride and Prejudice parts H" (U)

2 )m.

Tire lite and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin I IS) 1). 15pm. Madagascar Skin ( IS) 8.30pm. SUNDAY 11

1. Baraka (PG) 3pm.

The Silences oi The Palace (FIFO) 5.30pm.

Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 8.45pm.

2. The lite and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin I IS) 3pm. Babe (U) 6.15pm.

Madagascar Skin I IS) s,3t)pttt.

3. The Paradine Case (taro) 5.30pm. MONDAY 12

1. Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 2.30pm. 6.30pm.

Baraka (PG) 8.45pm.

2. I Love A Man In Uniform I 18) 3pm. Babe (U) 6.15pm. 8.30pm.


1. Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 2.30pm. 9pm.

Goodlellas I 18) 0pm.

2. Institute Beniamenta I IS) 3pm. Babe (U) 6.15pm.

I Love A Man In Unitorm ( 18) 8.30pm. WEDNESDAY 14

1. Goodiellas ( 18) 2.30pm. 6pm. Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 9pm.

2. Babe (U) 2pm. 4pm.

Institute Beniamenta I IS) 6.15pm. Citizen Kane (PG) 8.30pm.


1. Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) 2.30pm. 6.30pm. 8.45pm.

2. Babe (U) 2pm. 4pm. Citizen Kane (1’0) ()ptn. Institute Beniamenta ( IS) 8.30pm.


I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. [1)]. Fri 9:

1. Pulp Fiction ( Is) and Fresh I 18) 11.30pm. . 2. The Flower or My Secret I IS) 11.55pm. 3. Clockeis I 18) 11.-l5pttl.

Sat 10:

1. La Naine I l8) and Do The Right Thing Its) 11.30pm.

Cinemas 2 and 3 see Fri 9.

Thurs 15:

1. Reservoir Dogs I 18) I 1311])111. Cinemas 2 and 3 see Fri 9.

I Clerk Street. ()07 7331/003 2101.

Fri 9/Sat1o:

Seventts) II.ISpttt.

The Usual Suspects I 18) 11.15pm. Braveheart I IS) II.ISpttt.

I UCI Kinnaird 1’ark. Kinnairtl Road. 669 0777. [1)]. (Over 18 only).

Fri 9/Sat1o:

loch Ness (PU) 11.30pm.

Neat I IS) II.S()pttt.

Seven I Is) 11.311pttl.

Fair Came ( IS) 12.311101). Waiting To Exhale I IS) tttttlntgttt.

Heat I 15) It). Stir) Wed: 2pm.

Braveheart ( 15) Fri-Sun only. 8.15pm. The Indian In The Cupboard (I’G) I.S()ptn (Sat/Sun only). 4pm (Sat/Stu) only).

(i. l1lpttl.

Seven I 18) 8.45pm.

Le Colonel Chabert I )3) Tue. 'I‘Itttts only. 8.30pm.

Jumanii (l’Ci) Sun only. 8pm.

Sleepless In Seattle (PG) \vgtt only. 9pm. I llorsemarket. Kclso. 01573 22-1609. 13ar.|1)l. Balcony. £2.51) I(.'hi1t1/().-\l’ £1.50). Stalls £2.30

((‘hild/( );\1’ £1.20).

Cinema only open Sat/Sun. 'l‘uc/Wed. The Indian In The Cupboard (1’(i) 2.15pm (Sat/Sun only). 5.45pm.

Dangerous Minds I IS) 8. ISpttt.


I ALLANPABK Allanpark Road. Stirling. 01786 471137. [1i] screen 1. £3 (£2 bel‘ot'e 6pm I. HAP/Registered disah1e(1/(_‘l)ild £1.50. Student: £2.50 Sun» Thurs only. No unacct)mpanied children alter 7pm. liamily ticket available.

1. Loch Ness (1’(i) 2.30pm (Sat/Sun only). 5.20pm. 8.40pm.

2. Father or The Bride 2 (l’(}) 2.50pm (Sat/Sun only). 5.40pm (not Stilt). 8.20pm.

, Jumanii tl’(ii) Sttt) only. 5.40pm.

I CANNON Princess Street. 1‘alkirk. 01324 623805. £2.80. Stttdent: £2.20. ('1)i|d/().-\1’: £1.80.

1. Neatt l5) 1.15pmt'1‘ue 'I‘hurs only). 4.15pm (Iii/Sat. Mon only). 7.~l5ptn. Babe (1‘) 2pm (liri/Sat. .\lon only). -1.30pm (Sun only I. 5.30pm I'l'ne -'l‘hurs only).

. 2. Loch Ness (l’(i) 1.25pm (IIot Sat/Sun).

3.55pm. (),20pm. 8.55pm. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Il’(i) Sat

only. 1.25pm. g 3. A Little Princess (1’) 1.-l1)pttt (not Sun). J.115ptii.().31)pttl.

Seven I 18) 8.35pm. I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE Stirling

3 University. 01786 461 081. [1)] [1i] £3.50

(£2.50). Crimson Tide I IS) Sun 11. 7.311))111.

I ADAM SMITH CINEMA Bennochy Road. Kirkcaldy. 01592 261) 498. liar. [1)] [If]. £2.511(£1.51)).

Gone With The Wind (l’Ci) Sat 10. 2pm.

7 )n).

City or Lost Children I IS) Sun 11.

7.30pm. To Wong Foo (l’(i) Mon 12. 7.30pm.

- La Naine I 181'1‘ue 13. 7.30pm. . Brier Encounter (1’(i) wet) I). 7.30pm.

I CLENROTI‘IES CINEMA ('hut‘ch Street. (iletlt‘olltes 01592 750 980 £2 ~10 I('1)ild 121.411).

1. Father or The Bride 2 II>(‘;) 2pm

(Sat/Sun. 'l'hurs only). 7.30pm. 2. Seven I 18) 7.45pm.

The Indian In The Cupboard Il’(i) Sat/Sun.

Thurs only. 2.30pm. I MGM High Street. Kirkcaldy. 01592

2011 (SCI-t‘t‘lls :tlllt151, £5.21)

(l-‘ri -Sun). £2.70 (IIIL‘ 51'1ntrs). Students: 1 £2.10. Child/()Al’: £1.80. .»\11 seats £1.80.

all day Monday. 31 1pm:

7. .55pm.

Sat: 4.30pm. 8.15pm; 'l'hurs: 3

7.30pm. i Loch Ness (1’0) 1.30pm (not Sun).

3.50pm. 1). 10pm. 8,-10ptt). Seven I 18) not \vett. 8.30pm.

A little Princess (1?) 1.25pm (not SIII) ).

3.40pm. 6.30pm.


I THE PAVILION Market Street. Galashiels. 01896 752767. £2.60 (Child/()Al’ £1.50)

Loch Ness (I’Ci) 12.30pm (Sat/Sun only). 3.10pm (Sat/Sun only). 5.30pm. 8pm (not Sun).

Johnny Mnemonic I IS) 8.30pm.

Father 01 The Bride 2 (PG) 1pm (Sat/Sm) only). 3.20pm (Sat/Sun only). 5.45pm. Babe (U) 12.50pm (Sat/Stu) only). 3pm (Sat/Sun only). 5.20pm (not Mon).

Babe (1.7) 2pm (Sat. Thurs only I. 5.20pm (l-‘ri. Sun-Wed only).

While You Were Sleeping (1’0) wet) only.

8.40pm. Saturday Kids Club:

. The Secret Garden (PU) It).tttt~t2.3()pm. I NEW PICTURE HOUSE Not-tit Street. St .t\ndre\vs01334 473 509. to). Cinema 1: (“It-etc £2.30. Stalls £2IC1)illd/().»\1’

£1.50); Cinema 2: all seats £2.30. (‘losed Sunday. except during school holidays. 1. Loch N8$1PUI1I311P11LXdLIPIII. CIUBIBSSI 12) Wed only. 1 1pm.

2. Father OI The Bride 2 (PG) 6.25pm. 8.10pm.

I ROBINS East I’ort. l)unl'ermline. Programme information: 01383 623 535. Credit Card booking: 01383 624 898 (-1—10pm). £3 (concessions £2). No concessions Sat evening. Monday. all seats £2.

1. Loch Ness (I’(i) noon (Sat only). 3pm (Sat/Sun only). 6pm. 8.30pm.

2. Father or The Bride 2(1’0) 12.15pm (Sat only). 3.15pm (Sat/Sun only). 6.10pm (not Sun). 8.45pm.

3. Johnny Mnemonic(1511).21)ptll.9plll. Babe (U) Sat/Sun only. 12.30pm (Sat only). 3.30pm.

Jumanii (1’0) Stm only. 6pm.


I CANNON Titchlield Street. Kilmarnock. 01563 537288. £3.50. Stttdent: £2.70. Child/()Al’: £2.40.

Seven ( l8) l‘ri/Sat: 9.25pm; Sum-Thurs: 8.30pm.

Babe (1') Fri: 6pm: Sat: 1.10pm. 6.40pm; Sun—'l‘hurs 12.25pm (not Tue. Wed). 5.40pm.

Loch Ness (l’(_i) I-‘ri/Sat: noon (Sat only) 2.20pm. 4.45pm. 7pm. 9.15pm; Sun. Thurs: 12.20pm. 2.35pm. 5.45pm. 8.15pm: 'l‘ue/Wed: 2.20pm.-1.30pm. 6.40pm. 8.50pm.

A Little Princess It‘) liri/Sat: 12.10))!" (Sat only). 2.35pm. 5pm. 7.10pm: Stm. Ilitlt's: 12.30pm. 2 .10pm. 6.25pm: 'l'tte/Wed: 2.20pm. 4.25pm. 6.25pm. Neat I 15) 1‘ri: 2.20pm. 8.40pm; Sat: 3.20pm. 8.40pm; Sttt) -Illtll's2 2.20pm. 7.-10pm.

Saturday Kids Club:

PocahontaSIt') 10am» 12.20pm.

I EAST KILBRIBE ARTS CENTRE ()ld Coach Road. liast Mains. liast Killn‘ide. 013552 61000. [1)] [1i]. £3 (£2 concessions).

In The Bleak Midwinter I IS) Stm 1 I. 7.30pm.

L'Appatt 151'1‘ue 13. 7.30pm.

I KELBUBNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. om ssu 3612. to]. £350 (£2 before 6.30pm). Child/()Al’: £2. l-‘amily ticket available.

1. Loch Ness (PG) 2.10pm. 5.20pm. 8.20pm.

2. Seven I 18) 1.45pm (not Sat/Sun). 5pm (not Sun). 8pm.

Babe (1') Sat/Sun only. 2.20pm.

Jumanii (l’(}) Sun only. 5pm.

I MAGNUM llarbourside. Irvine. 0129-) 278381. Restaurant. Bar. [1)] by arrangement. [1i]. £1.90. (‘hiltl/UBJO/ ()AI’ 911p.

Seven I 18) 8pm.

Far From Home I 17) Sat/Sun only. 2.30pm. I OBEON Burns Statue Square. .-\yr. 01426979722101292 28-1 24-1 \"isa/.-\ccess. 1 7pm). [1)](cmcmas 2. 3 tv

; 4 only). liar. £3.90 (£2.90 hel‘orc 5pm).

('hild/().-\l’/'Student/1711-10£2.90I£2.30 hel'ore 5pm). Resery ed superior seats £4.50 (£3.50 belore 5pm). Saturday lates £150. Morning sltoyvs £2.30. Monday: £2.30 (superior seats £2.90). l-"amily ticket available.

1. Father or The Bride 2 tI’tii) It)._)();tm (Sat only). 1.15pm. 3.45pm. 6.30pm. 8.15pm. 11.10pm (Sat only).

2. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (PU) 10,45am (Sat only). 1.3(1ptnISat/Sun only).

Johnny Mnemonic I IS) 1.30pm (not Sat/Sun). 4pm. 6.15pm. 9pm. 11.15pm (Sat only).

3. Babe (1') 10.45am (Sat only). 1pm. 3.30pm.

Loch Ness (PG) 10.45am (Sat only). lptn. 3.15pm. 6pm. 8.15pm. 11pm (Sat only). 4. Dangerous Minds I IS) not Sun. 6.15pm.

Seven I 18) 8.30pm. 11.15pm (Sat only). Jumanii (1’0) Sun only. 6pm.

I OBEON 'l‘ownhead Street. Hamilton. 01698 283 802. [1)](cinemas 2 & 3 only). £3.60 attd £3 (Adults bel‘ore ()ptn/Cltildl ()AI’/Student/UB-l0 £2.60/£2). All seats £2.20/£1.85. all day Mon.