Ilhgapz lfin The: USA (girtltnel-l) l I Ruby Wax Meets (BBC‘ t) to I 0.30pm. . - .. . am. .aurie i'e visits The diminutive motor iiiotitli chats America's biggest shopping mall. meets v to/interrogates/disetnbowels another

student undei'takers and looks at gambling. which Native American reservations are now using to raise money in what could well be seen as a fully justified revenge on General (‘uster‘s descendants.


I A Taste Of The Caribbean (Channel 4) 8.30—9pm. Doriiida Hafner drops anchor off Dominica where she learns how to make chocolate from cocoa pods arid finds the truth behind the stories of cannibalism. She also manages to catch and cgok Mountain Chicken. aka giant frog. I Traces 0i Guilt: White Collar, White Coat (BBC 2) ‘)~ 9.50pm. White collar crime is on the tip and the methods criminals are using to defraud are becoming more and more sophisticated. Who will win the technology race: the goodies or the baddies. As with violent crime. the criminals usually leave some \ “mums mu “Hum. Cm) of mg market form of incriminating evidence. I The Royal Family and the Houses of Parliament are two real lite soap operas which and “mks m UM Mums. “hm. MU” C1

" occupy acres of space in our newspapers and are the sublect oi much pub chit-chat. Gm discovers [he (icwm M W mm. m Channel 4’s new series Annie’s Dar manages to combine a bit of both. Set in one oi any...“an m m Muigggm, mp mm. the many watering holes in the Palace oi Westminster, this is the story of the deals “M k. [Tka‘ Tm. [MUM ' done in smoke-tilled rooms and the gossip that zips through the corridors oi power. I if", Decision; The wrong Body Like newsroom sitcom Drop The Dead Donkey, Annle’s Darwin be recorded shortly (Channel 4) 9 “mm mg p m. “N M

celebrity guest.

I Cue The Music: lron Maiden (Scottish) 4.25—5.25am. Top tin head tunes from the metal band that rode high in the Slls before vanishing in time for the ‘)()s.


I Our Friends In The North (BBC 3) 9—10.10pm. The long-running (ieordie saga continues.

I Cutting Edge: The Treatment it‘tiannel 4) ‘)*l()pm. Cari l.oder has multiple sclerosis. A year ago she came across a treatment by chance that seemed to alleviate her symptoms. .-\s alw ays miracle cures tend to be taken with name than just a pinch of spilt by the sceptical.

I Ride On (Channel 4) 8- SC» him. The programme for car buffs turns its attention

wt 3‘ f

before transmission so references to the political stories of the week can be m, W.(,gx.mmm,_\. cwmmng W “WWI incorporated. And the royal connection? Well it’s produced by Prince Edward’s TV and cthieal dileiiiiiias faced it} roman“- company Arm" male transsexuals and their doctors. Annie'sDarstarts on Thurs 1Feb on Channell. I the “rites ( BBC 1, m, “Hop,”

Mulder and Scully poke their extra sensitive hooters into another pool of

I Rab C. Nesbitt: Racket (BBC 2) ectoplasm. 9-9.3(lpm. Rab and the long suffering 2 ~ Mary doll try to get on an ()prali style 6

chat show in a desperate bid for fame. I “Wine magic: The Hungry suds I Rising Damp (Channel 4) 9.3()—l()pm. (Channel 4) 8—9pm. Throughout history I Les Misérables (Channel 4, 3 4pm. Riggs). makes the ill-advised decision to the gods have been the only lolk to benefit This is the 1953 HMS MHCKIOHC mka. repent of his previous Sins When he (likes lmm 1‘ Slead)’ Suppl)" “l "U'Sm'lg-V of the classic Victor Hugo melodrama for in a God-bothering lodger. illlilCth "CC lllllChCS- Mil” hi" always all those who missed the musical durinu I J0 man" Through The cakehme "llcrc‘l gm“ m lhc lewd“ mcasmn‘lny the its 25-year rttn at lidinburgh l’lilYlltitlsc“. (Channel .1) 10.30-11.0513,“ 108mm] supreme sacritice is made and human life I Cha'nhite (Swuish, 51], 540;)!” HR. l shares her thoughts on Bernard Manning IS litl'ls‘llt'd- T his l’l'ililfilmmc Milk“ 1” [he larger—than-lifc [gt-an um) Mun Woo-m mo __ g .. . y I alid racist cabbtes. lll-t‘lm." ill “will”? “"lh lm‘l‘CUl‘" latest sounds that are lighting their way to . .. re erence to t te r ztecs. . - . ~. .t . ' I Seasrders (Channel 4) 9—0.3(lpm. l'ii'Sl I Peter York’s 5i Mics BBC 7 ll“ I‘ll) 0' ll“ Ski‘ll'fih “WI-‘- Ptirt of a six-part series following the tips 9 m mm] Mm gm“ 3mm of”: I "OIIWWd Me" (St‘i’lll-‘h' 9' HW” and downs of lite for the llavenmates. a mmcwhiu vmmm but monmncnm MO“ “I” m lull} “Um “INH‘M” . subspecies 0f the Rcdums' Mm Spcnd - i r -. A where everything has a price and nothing _ . . . decade courtesy of the stvle guru who h“. ,m , HIM. seven months of the year entertaining the bmuuht 0m [th hilmomf ,ct (hmnm ,1 , y, ' great British public at a holiday centre. A “wine "mac m [he “diam Rim yer €11) I _e' (C hilnm'l 4) “ll lPl”- -’\ lli’llk‘C 80” 0t. Hi Dc Hi for real. ‘19“ r -c ~ * i E officer brings in a prisoner who is I French And Saunders (BBC 1) I (Ch'mn ‘1 4) 1075 H '0 m suffering li‘tiiil the lilic‘ til Ll police tltig. 9.30_1()pm. Tumman S pulp yum,” gas. Jc'm Pilul md \nmmc introduce the P The prisonci bccomcs v tolcnt and tlic in w the once over from the comedy duo. 1.11;,merialm‘m.‘Cum] the 1.1“, S.mdcm admlxsmm Clerk plump”). “Whig mm I Annie’s Bar (Chnmwl 4) 9.30 “mm. w - r * I i t ~ ' over the head with a crutch. bringing an ) . . . . kick-boxer and porn star who blew ottt winch. “CW “10mm” m m . Mm lolittcal soap set iii the watering hole in 7-, ,l- . - .. - . - ,. .~ , . - s L the Home “(C(Hnmm“ s it .I.\! two ltlllltllcs min at) tltlcn lc\\. ~ullCI-ml“\.c mcmpy‘ _ There is also a Swedish rogramme ' ' ' I NYPD Blue (C hannel 4) 10— 10.55pm. f . . . - p. .o . .. I Meat Loaf [we I" The neighbourhow , eatured. C alled lkiu/I it contains iarelv (Chmncl 4) H «g m), p mm. (m. Hr More gritty drama. crazv camera angles f .0. f. . . . . . ~ ' \H . '"‘l ""“ l l and male botiditiU iii the locker rooms for- “w with“ U. ‘m mum wmpwmm' ' [he "1"“ “nhlfili'lli'l‘li‘ l‘i‘l‘li‘” "m" '” lllk‘ the fun” 21;;‘ll‘ufiit‘l'ifil‘“cmfs lhc Chimnel- world gives a perforiiiatice from the I Wh l- I n A .l I e ' 9 00'“ (C “*“md 4) . Beacon Theatre in New Yoil. ('itv. lispcct use me 5 "Way l( “WM ‘1’ H l() )m—l” l()'llll Fv ‘rvon "s f'ivourtt ' ' ' m “_ M . . W ., _ - l -' * - - L . L. t L histi'iomcs on a scale not seen since the ll.. )piii.(li\cAiidcisontsthc . . ... ... . - . d I” H I i [I _ k l I y l SllpLTSldl.l\1tlil\ Radcliffe. introduccs the \/.lmi.ll\.p1]| Rmm. ' ))\\' ~' ~- ~.. .- , t «c cl lice}; “(t g .ll‘t) Jun. slit silt) stings). l I The Girlie Show (C hanncl 4) hotly -tipped ()cean C olour Scene and I Moviewamh (alumna 4, 13.5 pm}. l' L )d” i U V‘- ‘NL Amumi. “Us 11.0.» llJSptn. The girls give the New lichobellv ' i c c r .- Ably abetted by tour sparky young

Plf’OPS and Mlkc Mcsllil’lc 91ml” “ml' movement a healthv kick in the g . a} .' . . I t . \2 ,t. . . Sl'llllilc? "l lllc SlFlC “l “_'ll1”9\'k"' Pill“ “ll” crotch with a look at all things firemen- incfimifl \[luyis‘ . (.) Sn), Juli“. Mi; “‘7‘” the audience s addled minds. related; a rcpt,“ 0” US policz: drama 3 11:31:;‘711:3m(i [Imp/i \i'fiiuiglf ' _(‘ It“ H M imm- only and an interview with Carol gmymiczw-g; (’,,‘1j:;bpf,ilfi "

. Shaya. the policewoman who stripped for I The Karate Kid ||| (Scottish) 6-8pm i i I Sounds Of The Eighties (BBC 2) Play/WV. Once more. good triumphs over evil as the W 7.30—8pm. Remember when state-of—the- I Jiggery Pottery (BBC 2) oldest kid on the block follows the path of

art technology and a dodgy haircut l l.5()pm-12.5()am. Possibly intriguing the Samurai and knocks merry hell out of I A Taste m The ca'ibbea" (Ch‘mm‘l ‘1) guaranteed chart domination? Welcome to new take on the music video with top assorted wrongdom' 8.30—9pm. Dorinda Hafiier concludes her the synth years. starring Depeche Mode. video director Sophie Muller guiding Ute I Wired World (Channel 4) 8—8.30pm. lam" amund lhc we“ l"le l” Jamal”- The Human League. New Order and l.emper. Siobhan Faltey and Jaye Peter Curran looks at the efforts. both On the menu tonight are jerk pork. sky Erasure. Davidson iii a one hour story of seduction officia| and unofficial, that the press are juice. rum and the best C(tl‘ft‘c in “10

I The Bill (Scottish) 8—8.30pin. Two and drama told iii song. making to get the first stories and world. probably. high up in the Blue young children hold the vital clue CID I The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission photographs of Rosemary West in jail. Mountains-

need to crack the brutal murder of art (Scottish) 12.20— 1 .55am. The unsavoury Should media access [0 high_pr0fi]c I Seasiders (Channel 4) ‘)—-<).3tlpin. The elderly neighbour. twelve are sent otlt to wipe out a trainload prisoners such 33 west continue to be drama continues at the real life hi-de-ht I Paul Merton in Galton And Simpson’s of Nazi dignitaries. who are en mule to heavily restricted or are they being denied holiday camp.

Impasse (Scottish) 8.30—9pm. The sour- the l‘ar East to start up a Fourth Reich the basic human right m free speech? I NYPD Blue (Channel 4) l()--lt).55pni. A faced satirist stars in a comic tale of two should the third version fail. Not the most I Driving Miss Daisy (Chahncl 4) man has been shot in the face several people refusing to reach a compromise. plausible of plots evidently. but 330.10.35pm. Oscarwinmng drama times and. somewhat optimistically. he Unfortunately. they‘re behind the wheels nonetheless worthwhile for the about the relationship that forms‘ over claitns to the police that he hasn't an

of motor cars and road rage inevitably opportunity to see Telly Savalas waddling many years. between a wealthy Southern enemy in the world. despite

results. bravely towards victory. jcwish matron and her black Chauffeur. overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The. List 26 Jan-8 Feb 1996 75