Events are listed alphabetically by sport, then by day. Sport Listings compiled by Jonathan Trew.
Saturday 7
I Aberdeen v Rangers Pitmtlrie Stadium. l’ittodrie Street. Aberdeen. 3pm.
I Motherwell v Raith Rovers l-‘irpzu-k. Mothem'ell. 3pm.
I Celtic v Partick Thistle (‘cliie l’ark. Kerrydale Street. Glasgow. 3pm.
I Kilmarnock v Hearts Rugby l’al'k. Kilmarnoek. 3pm.
I IIle V Falkirk liastel' Road Stadium. Albion Road. lidinbnrgh. 3pm.
I Clydebank V MOTIOII Kilbowie l’ark. Arran l’laee. (‘lydebank .ipln.
I Dundee v St Mirren Dem Park. Sandeman Street. Dundee. 3pm.
I St Johnstone v Airdrie Meniamiitl Park. C'riel‘l‘ Road. l’erth. 3pm.
I Dumbarton v Dundee United litiglieatl l’ark. Miller Street. Dumbarton. 3pm.
I Hamilton v Dunfermline tin-hill l’aik. l‘irhill Road. 3pm.
I cum; v Stranraer l’iroadxx'ood Stadium. (‘umbernauld 3pm.
I Berwick v East Fife Siell‘lcltl Pal-k. Tweedmouth. Bel‘wiek-tlponflweed. 3pm. I Stenhousemuir v Montrose ()ehilview l’ark. (iladstone Road. Stenhousemuir. 3pm.
I OOS V Ayr United Palmerston l’ark. Terregles Street. lhllllll'lt‘s. 3pm.
I Forfar V Stirling Albion Statioll Park. (‘arseview Road. l’orlar. 3pm.
Saturday 14
I Falkirk v Kilmarnock Broekville Pal-k. Hope Street. Falkirk. 3pm.
I Motherwell v Aberdeen l‘il'pal'k. Mothemell. 3pm.
I CCILIC V NIbS (‘eltie l’al'k. Kerrydale Street. Glasgow. 3pm.
I Partick Thistle v Rangers Hith Park. liirhill Road. Lilasgow. 3pm.
I Hearts V Raith Rovers 'l‘yneeastle l’ark. (iorgie Road, lidinburgh. 3pm.
FIRST DIVISION I Dundee United v St Johnstone : 'l‘annadiee l’al'k. ’l‘annadiee Street. ; Dundee. 3pm. I Morton v Hamilton ('appielow l’ark. l Sinelair Street. (ireenoek. 3pm. I Duniermline v Dundee liasl t-intl l’at'k. ' llalbeath Road. Dunlel'inhne. 3pm. I V Clydebank Ilttitltlu‘tititl Stadium. (‘umbernanld 3pm. I St Mirren v Dumbarton St Mirren Park. Love Street. l’aisleV. 3pm. SECOND DIVISION I East Fife V Clyde ll;l}'\‘lt‘\\' l’ark. Methil. l-‘il'e. .‘ipln. I Montrose v Berwick Links l’ark. Wellington Street. Montrose. 3pm. I Stranraer v Forfar Stair l’ai'k. tendon Road. Stranraer. ~ipm. I Ayr United v Stenhousemuir Solllerset Park. 'l‘l‘yl'leld l’laee. Ayr. 3pm. I Stirling Albion v ODS tint-ililxmk Stadiutll. Springkerse Industrial listate. Stirling. 3pm.
jThursday 19—Sunday 22
I Dunhill Cup Royal alld Allelelll (loll 5(‘lub. St Andrews. ()1334 4721]].
i‘).,‘\()am. {Ill per day. LES season ticket. ()nee more the world's top swingers
l el'tmd into St Andrews lot' some Itll‘li-
tearing action. Among the big names are
i [an \\"oosnaln. Sam 'l'orranee. (‘olin
; Montgomerie and (ireg Norman. No
doubt the celebrations tor the litlropeatl ;tealn's Ryder Cup will will still he going strong.
Saturday 7
z I Melrose v Stirling County The
i (lreenyards. Melrose. 3pm.
2 I Hawick V Gala Manslield l’al'k. llawiek. l 3pm.
lidinburgh. 3pm.
I Watsonians v Edinburgh Academicals l Myreside. Myreslde Road. lidinburgh.
l 3pm.
- 1.30am
Ch & Dinner
la Chambers St. Edinburgh — 220 - 4298
For the sadistically inclined one of the funniest moments in 99 years of modern Olympiad had to be when Greg Luganis belted his head off one of the boards at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul. Of course Luganis had the last laugh when a shiny medal was placed over his bleeding head, but it was still very funny.
The bronzed American would look like a fish out of water if he came to
Scotland where diving is very much a f minority sport. Once upon a time there
were plenty of outdoor pools in
Scotland where hardy chaps would
risk their wedding tackle for the sake of a one and half turn with pike. Sadly that’s all in the past and Scotland had no divers at the 1994 Commonwealth
Games. There are now only three j diving clubs in Scotland, with
E I Heriot’s FP v Boroughmuir (.itlltIL‘llilCl't'.
Edinburgh boasting the largest membership of just 30, and Strathclyde not even having a single club. Perhaps, claims Malcolm Taylor the East District diving convener, the
(‘R:\l(} ll.v\l.l\'li'l’l'
Always find a deep pool
sport isn’t as easy as it seems.
‘lt’s not a sport like football where you have the ball and know what to do with it. In diving there’s quite a steep learning curve before you can start to
approach it with confidence. Really
only people who have a background in trampolining and gymnastics understand the amount of work that goes into it.’
‘lt’s all about strength, balance and
5 timing,’ continues Taylor. ‘The most
important factors are natural ability
and determination. Those who have
natural ability progress fastest, but
L after that determination is the key.
Diving isn’t a dangerous sport but courage is vital because the more you
attack the dive the less likely it is that
you will hurt yourself. The trick is not to hesitate but to just go for it.’ (Philip
Dorward) ; Diving Championships Royal ‘ Commonwealth Pool, Dalkeifh Road,
Edinburgh. Saturday 14—Sunday 15.
10am. Free.
orvrsron 2
I West of Scotland v Dundee HS FP Burllbrae. Glasgow Road. Milllgavie. (llasgow. 3pm.
I Glasgow High/Kelvinside v Selkirk ()ld
.»\nniesland. (ilasgoxi. 3pm.
I Jed Forest v Currie RIH‘I'Sltlt‘ Pal-k. Jedburgh. 3pm.
I Stewart’s Melville FP v Kelso lIl\'Cl‘lL‘llIl. lidinburgh. 3pm.
I Biggar v Corstorphine Hal-im- .\llll. liiggar. 3pm.
I Peebles v Glasgow Academicals ('i_\'tes Leisure Centre. l’eebles. 3pm.
I Preston Lodge FP v Grangemouth l’ennypit l’ark. Rope Walk. l’lestonpalls, 3pm.
ll Musselburgh v Kirkcaldy Slotteflnll.
Musselburgh. 3pm
3 Saturday 14
SRU TEHHEHTS NATIONAL LEAGUE ; DIVISION1 g I Edinburgh Academicals v Boroughmuir
Raebtll'n l’laee. Stwkbridge. lidinbnrgh. 3pm. I Melrose V Heriot’s F? The (Eleenyards.
Melrose. 3pm.
I Hawick v Stirling County Mansfield Park. llaulek. ipln.
I Watsonians v Gala .\l_\'lt‘\l(lt‘. M) milli- Road. Iidinburgli. it‘ll].
I West of Scotland v Selkirk liurnbl'ae.
(ilasgow Road. .\lllnga\'le. (llasgow. 3pm.
I Glasgow High/Kelvinside v Jed Forest
()ld Anniesland. (ilasgow. 3pm.
I Stewart’s Melville FP v Dundee HS FP lll\etleith. Edinburgh, 3pm.
I Kelso V Currie l’oyndet l’alk. l’o)nder l’laee. llownlollt. Kelsi». 3pm.
I Bigger v Preston Lodge FP lltlt'lt‘ee
Mill. lilggar. 3pm.
I Peebles v Corstorphine (iytes leisure
(‘entre. l’eebles. 3pm.
& I Musselburgh v Glasgow Academicals
Stotleyhlll. Mllsselblllgll. 3pm. I Kirkcaldy v Grangemouth tit-m'ltllie l’atk. Kirkealdy. ‘plll
82 The List (i—l‘) ()el IWS