Buisiue/ype II‘BlJllUanS uieAeueq

1,useop Sienna


stageed by Michael Boyd. Previous Tron

Cullen. 'I'lie Steuniie by Tony Roper and The 'l’rt't'k is m Keep Bruit/tine by Janice


I EDINBURGH FESTIVAL THEATRE l3/29 Nicolson Street. 52‘) (i000. [Accessz l.. Facilities: WC. WS. AS. H. C‘. T. Help: A] A Midsummer Night’s Dream Until Sat 7 ()ct. 7.30pm. Sat mat 2pm. USO-£25.

See Dance. Only an Excuse Mon 9- Wed I I ()ct.

7.30pm. £6.50~£ 10.50. See Touring.

Enter Achilles Fri l3---Sat l4 ()ct. Spin. £5.50—L'l 1.50. See Dance and feature.

Siobhan Davies Dance Company Tue 17 ()ct. 7.30pm. See Dance.

Alexei 33er Wat is ot-t. 7.30pm. £8.50-i‘l250. See (‘oiiiedy‘ and lt‘tlllll’tf. Bottom Thurs l‘) Sat 21 ()ct. 7.30pm.

£l().50-£l-l.50. See Comedy atid l‘eature. ' I GEORGE SDUARE THEATRE lidinburgh

University. Dances of India Sat 14 ()ct. Spin. £5 (£3). See Dance.

I KING’S THEATRE 2 in en Street. 220 434‘). [.Access: R. l.. Facilities: WC, W8,

H. G. Help: AA]

Scotland the What Until Sat 7 Oct. Hi 7.30pm. Sat 5pm/Spiii. £4.50 £l2.50. (ieorge Dottald. Rul‘l' llardie and Stephen Robertson roll otit their usual barrel ol' music atid laughs in the l-inal liling tour ol this ever-popular show.

An Inspector Calls Tue to Sat 14 ()ct. Tue-Sat 7.30pm; Wed/Sat mat 2.30pm. £3.50-tlo50. Showered with media adulation bel‘ore it hit town. Stephen Daldry's adaptation ol' this stock J. B. Priestley thriller for the Royal National Theatre is being hailed as a modern masterpiece. Get tickets while you still caii. See review.

A Passionate Woman .yttm l(i--S;112l ()ct. Mon—Fri 7.30pm. Sat 5pni/8piii.

£4.5(l--£ I150. (Ewen Taylor (Ditty I’l‘t't‘ and A Bit uj'u 1)“) stars as Betty. desperately trying to regain her youth in time for her son's wedding. iii Kay Mellor's award-winning lil‘e-begins-at-Jt) comedy.

I HETHERRDW ARTS CENTRE 43 High Street. 556 957‘). [.Access: ST. R. l.. Facilities: WC. W8. H. (3. C. Help: A. AA]

Theatre of Story, Theatre of Dreams: European Season of Mask and Puppet Theatre Sat IJ—Sat 28 ()ct. See separate preview section pa ,e.



The Caucasian Chalk Circle l‘Tl i3 ()ct—Sat 4 Nov. £4- U3. A rare l‘oray itito musical theatre for the Lyceum. with Brecht's satirical masterpiece l'ollowing the fortunes ot'(irusha. a young peasant woman who rescues her master's child from danger and hotl‘oots it lrom the city with her oppressors in pursuit. See preview.

Open Day Sat l4 ()ct. Ham—5pm. l-i'ee. liver wondered what goes oti behind the scenes at Royal l.yceum'.’ Well here's your chance to lind otit. Joining l‘oi'ces with the neighbouring Tray erse. the Lyceum invites you iti tor a guided tour backstage. and all lor tree.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. :26 5-125. [Accesst l’l’A. ST. R. l'acilities: WC'. WS. H. (i. (X Help: AA] Shooting up the Ratings t'titit Sat 7 ()ct. 7.30pm. £3 it'll Streets Ahead Theatre ('oiiipany present a black comedy based on real-lil‘e events w here a group ol' ordinary people hiiacked a TV programme.

You’re Gonna Have a Nasty Accident w'cti IS ()ct. Spin. £5 (£2.50i. West l.othian Youth Theatre square tip to lootball violence in Martin .‘ylc('ardie‘s tale ol' the yotiths who get caught up tn the vicious circle of trouble oti the terraces.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE ('aiiibridge Street. 22S lsllH. l.’\CCL‘.\.\: l.. l‘ittclllllc‘s: \\'(‘. WS. ll. (3. (‘1

Death Catches the Hunter ttiitii .s‘tm s ()ct. Spin. {S(ti-1).’l'raveise()ne. Wild lris Theatre (‘oiiipaiiy present Nigerian- emigre Biyi liandele-Thoiiias's latest

cast oi‘cnnvicis only m‘ the : E31111—

showcases have included The Cut by Mike


(‘uniberiiauld 0l23o 73288" ]:\ccess: PPA. l.. ST. R. l‘acilities' Wt‘. \\ S. ll. (3. C'. Help: A. AA]

Easy l‘il'l (i—Sat 7 ()et 7-15pm Ll ttli Sttidents from Staniiiills lt‘dc‘llt'l Tiaiiimg (‘ollege in Northern Ireland with biiglit spark young playwiight Nicola .\lc(‘at‘liiey"s look at the thoiiiy issue ol date-rape.

Terry Reason to If» Sat Hllct 7 .ispm U) (Lit. Ballads .tiid l‘elteis and talk ltotli Scotland's big lotid. wild and wacky diya Terry Neason. .icc'oiiiptnied lieie by lil'ltlll l’t'entice.

Neebors Thurs 1‘) Sat ll (let " ~l5piii it'll. 'Tliiiigsaiin't-wliat they used to be type contiiiuiiity play written by luclyn Wallace and Paul l ) .l‘oiiita telling .u:


eveiyday stoij. of t ilasjnoxy '.ll‘iiii‘.t‘ iiiakitig the llltt'sl o: iite d'iiizij' waiizziie Stats a cast ol‘ iitii'ai:eds tll.t\‘. :: fioii; ('utiibeinauld‘s .iiiiateai and youth llicttltcs.

I MACRDBERT ARTS CENTRE l'iiiyei sin ol Stirling. Stiiliiig. 0| "so siliillfl] [Access' l’. l’l’.\. l.. R l'.icilit:es \\(‘. WS. H. (i. ('i

The Trick is to Keep Breathing t‘iiiil .s‘ai 7 ()ct. 7.30pm. t") i L/‘I .ipey piice L‘i 'UH 'l‘t'aiisteitiiig how its iecent pieiiueie at the (ilasgow Tion. \licliael lioyd‘s adaptation ot' top Scottish iioyeiis: Janice (ialloway 's tatit. edgy bestseiiei leatiites an iiiipi‘essiye cast lllc llltllll;.' T\"s Siobhan Redmond and hubs .\lassoii. has been deemed .i siuiiiiei by the critics

and is selling out last .it the bo\ oltice.

production -— a witty. vivid insight into the ,

true motives of a faith healer in a small Nigerian town.

Monday Lizard Mon () ()ctobet‘. Spiii~-l().30piii. (‘ontact lilla Wildridge oit ;

This section lists shows that are touring

228 3233 for details. ('hill out iii the calic- bar and sample satire. new short plays. esperitiiental pieces and ];I// at this new platform for Scottish playwrights and

' their audiences. Takes place on the second

Monday ol every month.

A Man with Connections w'eti l sun 1S ()ct. Spin. £8 it'll. Tray erse ()ne. It opened at the Traverse back in IOSS to

rave reviews. Now Alexander (jelman's

gripping psychological drama ol the

: marital strain brought on by a tragic

accident returns iii this l’erth Theatre

production directed by \'adiin Raduti and

Street. 22‘) 9697. [Access: P. 1.. Facilities: ' scenes at The Traverse'.’ Well here's your chance to find out. Joining l'orces with the g neighbouring Royal Lyceum Theatre. The

WC. W8. H. G. C. T. Help: A. AA]

Our Country’s Good Until Sat 7 ()ct. 7.45pm; Sat niat 2.30pm. £4—-£l3. The Lyceum launches its autumn season with Timberlake Wertenbaker‘s play about the foolhardy young marine lieutenant determined to stage The Recruiting Ojfit'er in l8tli century Australia with a

starring lrene lylacdougall and Kenneth Bryans.

: Open Day Sat H ()ct. |lam—-5piii. Free.

liver wondered what goes on behind the

3 where you‘ll lind out why the wardrobe ; mistress uses a cheese grater on the ; costumes. how stage management rustle

up bizarre props. and more.


Traverse conducts a guided tour backstage

Geisha Tite l0 ( )ct. ' illprii to ' L~1.50i; apes price £5.50 l tilt See Dance.

the Central Belt. There is a phone number for each company should you require more information.

I Only an Excuse? 95 Ral (‘ spawn ptoductions iiiiniis Tony Ropei but holding on to Jonathan Watson tot the new season w itli another iotiiid ol‘ this popular 'let‘s all laugh at Scottish l'ootball‘ show ‘Wheneyet' a ball was being kicked. a pie being eaten. a lioy ril being biotight back tip. (hi/i it'll l-fit :txt" was thct'e.‘ as they say. See iey l'.'\‘. (’all (ll-ll 9-16 I 13‘) lot l'tiitliei' iiif'oiiiiatioii. At/tt/ii .S/iti'l/i 'l/tt'itt/t'. /\'.Ii‘k't ital/x l‘i:t:l Sat ()ct. 7.30pm.

l'i'ilii'ti/ 'li/tt'ttl/‘t', lit/i/i/utl'e/t .\loii ‘) Wed ll ()ct. 7.30pm.

lit/kirk 'Iiiii'lt l/ttl/ Thurs l2 ( let. T ,itlpiii. .lltre/ttmt. //'i'i/it' l'i'i l i Sat l-l ( )ct. 7.30pm.

.l/ot/tt‘l‘iit'l/ (it it' .\lon lo Tue l'.‘ ( )ct


.’l//’(’l'/ Hid/y. XII/litre \Ved i.\ ( lxi


Tour continues


12 TO 14 16TO 20


5A season of new

work from Scotland at '


TO The List 6- l9 Oct 1995