Phagpfile ; ' \ -


se crucial

I Name? James Harrigaii.

I Age? 38

I Occupation l-‘ull tiriie club god.

I Hang about, I’ve never heard of this ‘club god’ He's probably better known as Harri. the resident DJ at the Sub Club's Saturday for the last five years. I Is this the same Harri that Michael Killrie (Tunnel/ M’Boza) lodged with a few issues back? One and the same. I So what makes him so special? He‘s the l)Js‘ DJ. quietly building up a diamond hard reputation for being. technically and stylistically more proficient than anyone else on the house scene. He hasn't flared and (lied like some other trendy Dis. just kept packing tlierii in week after week.

I But club god? Come on Near enough. His description of Saturdays at the Subby explains all: ‘lt's like a weird religious ceremony. You see people losing it tnore and more and you‘re just feeding it like one of those preachers you get in the deep south of America. Sonietimes you don't know what you're doing and you're in a bit of a trance: you feel other- worldly.

I And what about studio work? He must have done something in the studio to merit such adulation tic-is responsible for numerous works of vinyl going under the names. H Foundation. Magpie Man. Happy Larry and l‘reind/y. He‘s also remixed M People‘s One Night in Heaven and art Apache lndian track. His l.iaika (a James Bond-style record featured high in John l’eel's festive 50 last year)_iust missed out on being used for the new l’irclli ad.

I So what’s Harri up to iust now? Apart from l)Jiiig three nights a week he's building a studio with deck mate Dominic where they'll be using vocals and live instruments. experimenting and seeing where it takes them. It won't be a place. he says. for making formula or “four to the lioor‘ house tracks

Harri plays ei'ei'v Salim/try (it the Sun (.7111). Stun/(try (t! the loot/(m Room and every Friday (except the .rt'cmtt/ last in the month) (11 Plastic People, LINN/(Ur.


j (jlammy'. glossy and downright gorgeous.

9 I Earth lnterno at The Rocking Horse.

l0.30pm-3ain. £3. Happy Hour until l2..‘s()am. No rave. _]tls‘l out of the grave gothic and industrial sounds.

I The at The Wee Red Hat.

I lpm 4am. £3. Drinks pi‘oiiios. Solid gold easy-action sounds; more specifically

indie. o0s. new way e and soul.

I FBI at Moray House.

I Fun Factory at lillslel' lii‘owns. 10.30pin— Jam. £5. 2am curfew. Mainstream chart and progressive dance. I Horny Monkey at the Vaults.

l0pm— 3.30am. £|0 (£8). lo Sept. l‘ortnightly. .-\rms in the air handbag anthems. garage and house skilfully sequenced by Stuart Duncan. Steer livingston. ('ohn ('ook and .-\laii l)uiidas I Joy at 'lhe New (Hilton. l0piii ~1aiii £5 i£omeinbeis. £5 and £~1beloie midnight)

(lay night. Members and guests only.

l’t'tty‘tttg tlscll it) be the l'i‘asl ('oasl's

' wildest. coolest and sweattest gay night

by far. Maggie and .-\lan meld a seriously

uplifting llll\ oftribal house. trance and

top handbag times. while the crowd prove effortlessly that no one (not New York. not San l'iaiiciscoi can party as hard as the Scots. l'nsurpassablel

I Katch at The Rocking Horse.

l().3()pni 73am. £3 (£2). .-\ veritable

cornucopia of indie music fioiii the M)s

and 00s. in this busy weekly club.

I Mambo Club at (’ayendish. lopm ~lam.

£5 (£4). ’l'wo floors with African. latin. salsa. reggae. Iotik. soca and calypso downstai is and ditb. lover's arid danceliall upstairs.

I Mi5 at The Attic. l0pm- -lain. £~l (£3

before midnight). to Sept. l~'oitnight|y.

Sister club to l'lil playing a similar soaraway mix of liiitpop and indie. (let there early to take in some marvellous

drinks promos ( l0pni midnight i. l’laylist

as ever includes the very best of

,5 contemporary indie: Supergrass. lilastica.

()asis, Hlack (iiape. Recommended.

I Minus One at The (ailtoii Highland Hotel. l0pm 3am. £2.50 (free for members). See l‘ridays

I 0 at The Music Box. l l.30pm ~lam. £4 (£3). 'lidinbnrgh‘s coolest subterranean pleastiie lone.‘ according to the promoters. Mttsic policy ttto\ es from smooth grooves through to more phat and funky sounds.

I uuench at Negociants. 10pm 3am. lii‘ee. Neil from [Mg and guests playing uplifting house.

I Red Hot Pepper Club lllpni 3am. c—t (£3). See l‘i'idays.

I Rock Orgasm at the Rocking Horse. l0.30pm 3am. £3. (‘hiiiactic night of item v guitar sounds.

I Shaft at .-\(latn House. ll.30piii -laiii. £5. See l‘rid‘ays.

I '.tl l.;t Belle :\llg'ele.

llprn --lani. £5. lo Sept. l-oitiiightly. 'l'he anthems ‘R' us of Saturday night clubbing. [ammo and Kris Keegatt at the helm mapping out a glorious but unquestionably cheesy course to handbag nirvana. And make no mistake. the crowd love a bit of itl

I Teasage at The (’itius. llpiii -latlt. £3. 2am curfew. Happy Hour: all drinks £ I. l’opular indie dance night. l).|s Sarah and Niall rain a superb selection ot punk. disco. 80s and funk for a friendly. student- dominated crowd.

I Tribal Funktion .’tl The Venue.

llptti ~l.llll. £5. Io Sept. l'oitnightly ’l‘iibal continues to rock it with the sort of garage/trance. house lhi'ii techno meltdown popularin by \'.isqiie/ and 'l‘enaglia upstairs. Downstairs. the trippy. tiliiiic sounds of i'..t\l (‘oast hip hop reign supreme quality all round check it otit. lo Sept. (‘aiiadian production and l).ling tittii take lttll'tl percussiye house to new heights of tllllt)\.llttill

I Yip Yap .it l.a Helle .-\ngele.

l lpiii ~lani. Lo. V) Sept fortnightly Spiiittially uphtttng house. depth plumbing garage: you really have to visit this club to realise why it‘s still one of the best nights in the whole ot Scotland. l)i\as. pianos. delicious. timeliil highs. superlative int\ing from (iaieth and l).l\lil and a crowd w ho know how to rock itl What more could you ask for .’


I Beat The Clock at 'l he (‘iti'us

l0pin 3am. £3 (£2 betoie midnight. free before llpiii). linticiiig drinks promos. many drinks £1.50 before l.3(latti and £| before I lpiii. Music policy is broad to say the least: Marilyn Monroe. ()asis. l’i'esley arid ’l‘lie Hee (ices according to the promoters

I The Blue Room (it The (diUlL‘l'.

l0pm lain. £2. 17 Sept. l'oi‘tntghtly: Deep and loyely‘ ambience to enibalm. soothe and stimulate.

I The Church at ()ddfellows Har. 7pm till late. l‘ree. New weekly cabaret event featuring rock and classic pop sotiiids. comedians snake charrners and belly dancers. Surreal?

I Down At The Lane at the lane.

llprn 3am Iiiee. Weekly House and garage.

I Heart at The Subway. l0pm 3am. £l (free for students with itiatric card ). lndie and dance.

I Huggy at The :\ttic. l0pin 3am. £~l (£3 with llyeri l)ig those animal print llyeisl 'l)ress up and get down to a blend of rare groove. soul and kitsch from Rennie. guest His and local ftiiik bands'. they say. I Straight From The Pot at Negociants 10pm 3am. l‘ree. 10 Sept. Fortnightly 'l‘hiee Hag Brew on the tlli\ with their usual quality blend of hip hop and ftiiik. I Sunday Night Fever ;tl Century 2000.

l lptii 3.itii L 3. l/lllllss at 70p. Slip and 00p appropriately accompanied by music ltottt the "0s. hits and ‘10s.

I Taste at 'l he \‘aults. 10pm 3am. £5. Hedonistic night of ‘)0s high energy. garage and trance from l).ls l'ishei' and Price. Barking. inised. tip-for—it crowd almost like a Sunday night continuation of .loy for l-idtnburgh's iiiost hardcore clubbers.

I Timewarp at the Rocking Horse.

llptii 3am. £2 (free before l2.30aiii). A very w -i-d»e play list indeed: (ills. 70s. 80s. ‘)0s and onwards.


I Airport at St James Oyster Bar. Spin lain. l‘i'ee. l'iidei'ground house

segued by residents ('oconiis and lielight ; with occasional guests like Donny Allan arid Scott l‘t‘lg’lls‘t)”.

I Mambo Club at ('averidish. l0pm- Jain.

£4 (£3) See Saturdays.

I Planet Alice and Pooh! at the Music Box. l0.30pm- 3am. £2.50. |)rinks promos. Sophisticated mix of indie. dance. alternative. techno and funky hip hop.

I Trainspotter at The Subway.

l0piii 3am. £l (free for students with

; itiatric card ). 70s. 80s and 90s dance pltis

indie faxes.



I insanity .i! lite Subway lllpttt .‘Ntttl. £l (tree tor students with tiiatric card). l’op. chart .iiid indie sounds

I Nice .it 'l'he ( 'itrus llprn 3am. £2.

l)i inks promos. lndie and oos.

I 705/808 Club at 'l‘he Rocking Horse. l0 30pm 3am. £2 (liee before l2.3()aitt). New club (leyoled it) fills and (Nils chart hits as the name suggests

I Soul Underground at The Mtisic Hox. l0 30pm 3aiii £2 50 Swingbeat. street trail. and soul lroiii resident DJ Way".


I Devolution blows Bubblegum at The .\lll\lt Hos. 10.30pm 3am. £2.50. Drinks promos In the .‘s'tls it would haye been called .ilteinatne. now. well ll'slUSl good tiltl l.tslll()|lt‘tl telto. Shuffle yt)'.ll' winkle pickets.’.locs/co\\boy boots to Pete Shelley. Sioussie and The Hanshces. 'l‘he (.‘lash and 'l‘he (‘tilt at this new weekly clttb.

I Dolphin at the Subway. ‘lprn 3am. l'iee. Strident tiiglit with loadsa drinks pioiiios.

I Dub Department at Negociants.

10pm 3am. l‘i'ee. Spiritually uplifting ievei'bs and depth-plumbing dubs courtesy of the rather wonderful Rude boys. Check It out.

I Horizontal at Century 2000.

I lpiii 3am. £3 t£l students with itiatriculation card). Vodka. whisky. tequila and peach schnapps. 50p a shot. lager and 80/. £1 a pint. Aptly named student night with all-night drinks promos.

: I Massive Bereavement at The Wee Red

liar. l().30pm - 3am. £2.99 (£l.‘)‘)). 20 Sept. Fortnightly. A midweek evening of quality techno from the International .loiiier and ('lan Sativa's own h'las‘siy'c Hereavement.

I Optical Leo at The Cooler. ‘)pm~3am, £2. |)eep underground acid mixed by (’utinaster l3. Mlls and Yellow.

I Rubble at The Rocking Horse.

l0pm 3am. £2 (free before l2.30ain). Drinks promos. Busy. student-oi‘ietitatcd night mixing tip the sort of pop. dance and indie sounds you‘ll hear at Katch or Shag. I Teasage at The (‘itrus. l lpm—3am.

? £2.50. Beers and spirits all 90p. Very

busy midweek club. playing indie- oi'ientated dance sounds alongside punk.

disco. SOs arid fritik.

I The Transporter Room at the Attic. |0piii ~3am. £3 (£l ). Veteran jazz. hip hop and ftiiik club with regular live bands ((‘aptaiii Shifty. lireshly Squeezed. Papa's Magic Beard etc) and hard bop avant garde grooves creatively cut tip by Dis Scotty and Stilti.


I Baby Boom at La Belle Aiigele. 3 7.30pm—iiiidnight. l-l Sept.

l‘ttl'llliglllly'. Groove to uplifting daiicefloor tunes and still be in bed by one o'clock.

I Bop Till You Drop at The Attic.

llpm- 3am. £2.50 (£1.50 with matric card or llyer). 2am curfew. Weekly. House. nu

74 The List 8-2] Sept WW5