I Central Region Youth Orchestra Stevenson Hall. RSAMI). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 t():\l’s‘ £3; children. unemployed. disabled and students free). Iain M. White conducts the orchestra in Nicolai's overture to 'l'lte .lIe/‘I'v ll'it'e.\ of ll'uulwr. Schubet t‘s Svni/ilimiv No S ~
The (.’/tlittt\/tetl. Richard Rodney Hennet‘s I.Ittle Suite. lilgar's ('Iia/twn t/(' .llati/I. Bt‘illeti‘s Surrees .llusu‘alev and Jane Ferguson is the soloist in Beethoven's Roma/tee lII Flor \iu/iu arul ()I'i'ltestra. Part of the NAYU Festival.
I Bach Organ Recital St Giles” Cathedral. Royal Mile Rpm. £6 (£4). Herrick Bunney plays some of Bach's fittest music in a one-hour programme on the Rtegcr organ.
I Strathclyde Schools Wind Band Stevenson Hall. RS.-\.\ll). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7,3(lpttt. £5 t( ).-\l’s £3; children. unempltwed. disabled and students free). Hughina Holland directs the orchestra ill Xdcchlik's (‘ele/H'atiuuv. Richard Rodney Bennet‘s Mar/tine .lIiHit‘. (‘opland's xiii ()lllt/(IUI' ()l‘t’l'llll't’. Iris/i lime arranged by (irainger. Buxton ()rr's Joli/i (lav Suite as well as :lmariug (irate and Alleluia. Lara/antux ’12; by Reed.
I Ounbartonshire Division Primary Schools Orchestra Stevenson Hall.
I RSAMl). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. lpm.
£2.50 t().»\l’s £ l ; children. unemployed.
disabled and students free). Part of the
NAYO Festival. Ronald Walker conducts
the orchestra in Rossini's overture to it'll/tam ’lell. the first movement of Schubert's Svmp/mnv No «8’ — 'I'lte
(Tritium/ted. l)ebussy's l’etite Suite.
Herold's ('lue Dame and John Barry‘s
Dames ll'it/i ll'nli'ex.
I Strathclyde Schools Symphony
Orchestra Stevenson Hall. RSAMD.
Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5
and students free). As part of the NAYO Festival the orchestra will perform Brahms's Aeaileniie Festival Overture. Liszt's l.e.\' Preludes and M ussorgsky‘s l’ietures at an Exhibition.
I The Squair Mile Consort ol Viols The Magdalen Chapel. 4] Cowgate. 228 6929. 7.30pm. £4 (£2). The consort perform works for two to six viols by Byrd. (iibbons. Jenkins. Lawes anti Locke.
I The Jacobin Theatre Royal. Hope Street. 332 9000. 7.15pm. £3.50—£45. Scottish ()pera kick off their season by bringing Dvorak's opera to Glasgow from the Edinburgh Festival. Richard Armstrong conducts and Christine Mielitz
the first British performance of the work in twenty years. Sung in English.
I File Youth String Orchestra and File Youth Percussion Group Stevenson Hall. RSAMI). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. lpm. £2.50 (()Al’s £1: children. unemployed.
disabled and students free). Erik Knussen and Rebecca Patterson respectively
conduct the orchestras in Holst‘s St Paul '3‘
Suite and Britten's Simple .S‘vnip/imiv. Pan of the NAYO Festival.
I File Youth Orchestra Stevenson Hall. RSAMl). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 (()Al’s £3; children. unemployed. disabled and students free). Part of the NAYO Festival. Robert Tait conducts the orchestra in the overture to Wagner's Die illei.vter.\‘inger. Eoin Hamilton's lfpia'm/exjiir l’ereuxsian lz'iixenilile aatl ()I‘t‘llt'.\‘II‘tI. Butterworth's
; orchestral rhapsody .S‘Iimps/iire Lad.
; Ginastera‘s Daneesjrmn lz‘xtaneia and (OAPs £3; children. unemployed. disabled = . I Starfish Electric String Ouartet SECC.
Sibelius's Svmplimiv Na 2.
Further info: 0|353 665577. l0am onwards. As part of the Scottish Music Show this foursome. comprising Mary Duncan (four string electric violin). Annalieso Dagg (four string electric violin). Alison ttive string electric
violin) and Wendy Weatherby (electric 3 cello) will perform music from the
mainstream classical repertoire.
I Starfish Electric String Ouartet StiCC. Further info: 0l353 665577. 1 lam
onwards. See Sat 2.
Edinburgh 2 I St Giles at Six St Giles" Cathedral. High Street. 6pm. The winner of the i ()undle International ()rgan Festival I995 gives an organ recital. makes her British directorial debut. This is
9 Glasgow
I Glasgow Schools Symphony Orchestra Stevenson Hall. RSAMI). Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 (OAPs £3; children. unemployed. disabled and students free). The closing concert of the NAYO Festival
and Kerry Nixon is the violinist in Saint-
: Glasgow
design debut.
Theatre. Nicolson Street. 529 6000.
oft/1e Andes return to thrill with more
finds John Maxwell Geddes conducting the orchestra in the overture to Wagner's Die Meixtersinger. McGuire's Swap/unites a] 'I'raiax. Britten's Soireex Musicales. Maxwell Geddes's The Queene's Brangil. Smetana's symphonic poem Vltava from Ma Vlast and Strauss's Kaiser Waltzer. Sancha Fernandez is the solo viola in the rhapsody from Bloch's Suite Heliraique
Saens's Dame Maealire.
TUESDAY 5 Edinburgh
I Lunchtime Concert St Giles' Cathedral. High Street. 12.15pm. Free. The Berlin (‘athedral Choir give a recital.
I Don Giovanni Theatre Royal. Hope Street. 332 9000. 7.15pm. £3.50—£45. Scottish Opera continue their new season with Mozart's tale of the great seducer and his demise. Swedish baritone Peter Mattei plays the eponymous role while Francesca Pedaci and Joan Rodgers are his principal victims in their roles as l)onnas Anna and Elvira. Nicholas McGegan conducts. John Cox directs and artist Peter Howson makes his stage
I Incantation Edinburgh Festival
7.30pm. £6.50—£ 10.50 (£4.50—£8.50). The musicians who brought us The Panpipes
evocations of South America. They did the music to Brave/rear! as well. you
= l l.1ll‘k‘l(it‘lllli\/’l!/Ir’/.‘\/'t"\
(Kay encompasses a greater sweep oi history, passions and tally-realised lives within the space ol. one his: volume
than most authors could pacts into a trilogy"