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In association with the Newcastle Brown Ale Notional Comedy Network

The Daily Telegraph Open Mic Award gives anyone interested in becoming a comic their tirst chance to stand up and be tunny. To enter, simply send tor entry details to The Daily Telegraph Open Mic Award PO Box T68, WCZH 9NX.

We will arrange tor you to pertorm a 5 minute open spot at your nearest Newcastle Brown Ale National Comedy Network gig‘. Those who make it through to the Grand Final will be t h e Ed i n b u rg h f: éiijfjjéiii'5i‘i“

where the

taken up to


winner will

The Daily Telegraph Open Mic Award is open to all newcomers, and the

winner will receive a £l,OOO

prize plus a booking on the Newcastle Brown Ale National Comedy Network.

'subiect to availability

OPE \l



be chosen by a celebrity panel.


13/ 14 Princes Street. Edinburgh. E112 2AN 0131 556 3034 , i


star of the Young Ones and Bottom Will be reading from and signing his first novel The Gobbler on Monday 28 August at 7pm.

Tickets available from this branch Wine will be served.

Bored witl1 Sunday lllllCll?

ln tlw twinkling all an eye 2 '1‘]... E.i;.,i....gi.'. no.1...“ outcry, turns (lrvnry Smut...V 1.11mi. into Fumluy Brutult. Especially for the mull...- in your eye. Yes, lwlnn- tlw lt'zlh‘i we m-igl. tlu' lmlc darlings :nul clmrgv just £1 ln-r stonc. ’l‘lm. 11...}. can ml. in l...- ull tln'ir would 'l‘l..-r.-'.~ :1 scrumptious Wm“; {m Scrambled sizzling crispy lmcnn, mid lmllct, 1...: hull”, pi]...- ut‘ puddings.

And all tlu‘ ten and coil-cc you can drink.

liar just El‘l adults and our . \ sic i="T _ MCI:

Sheraton Grand Hotel. l l‘estival Square. Edinburgh. Tel: (OlSl ) 229 9131

The List 25 Aug—7 Sept 1995 39

{[111 PriCt' llnr SO \Vt'iSll into ’l‘lit‘ TII‘ITIH‘K' SUIHlIl)‘ BleH‘IitlnH'

llor tlw tastiest ltlmilv outing cvcr.