foundation with thin International Mal mt

ed tribute to the women in I; ’t e of 3 featuring some of his most 4 I

t love songs

I, a, ittle Thea re Valvona 8: Cr

(19 Elm Ron; top or Letth Walk) Ve " e 67

Aug 14-18, 21-25

Aug 28-Sept 2 at 12.30pm & 6:00pm

Tickets £5 ( indude: a toast courtesy of Jolinny Wm” from Valvona & Crolla 556 6066 or Fringe Box Office 226 5138

Index of Venues by Number with map grid reference

All venues have a grrd reference whuch refers to the map overleaf Venues beyond the range ofthe map have a grud reference followed by the word Outer The drstance guven alongsrde unducates the dusunce from the Frunge Office

I Wurtmo'is Playgrowc. Le'trrd Tn"gt' OfT-r e ;9 .‘ an‘-ge( ILI) Tevuot Row anto St; I 3 Asst-mm. Rooms S4 GeoIge Street. G 1’ 8 Iron Kn. Hugh Street I" 6 CeItII thcgt' Brodue's C lose l.I.~rr"ar$et j8 7 Oredues Restaurant T”eat’e I8 2.7 Greer‘srde Plate (ul I 8 80-0 Comert Hall anto Square l 8 9 The C equdh I tome 8 Tron tau Cellar Heater Square Hugh Street J9 IC' HOI‘I'OCC Part foot of R0) al T’Ile II 3 | l Duerse Attra<tu0rs RICCles Cowt 08 l amumariet )8 '2 The Sheraton Grand Hotel I Sqmre IS I 3 Harry Yomger Hall. I ochend Close. Carongate ]| I I4 legends 1| ngate K8 IS Traverse Theatre. Carhbndge Street 15 I6 The Nottunghamshrre Venue. Theatre Arts Centre. {Dd-‘1’ St I I0 I 7 St Peter's Church Hall. Luttor‘. Place P l 0 I8 Iduntxmgh Buddha Centre SSa Grarge Road O.’ I9 C Venue. Oter Seas Home I00 Pnnr es Street III 20 Theatre \Norttshop 34 Hamultor Plare I 6 22 Dawn 0 I turopear: Art I<x.ndatu0n. St Van's Srhool, Alba", SLYO'V 'I are I9 23 C raplaurm /( entre. anto SqI.are near Inhge C lulu la 24 Queen Margaret College Drama Dept, Clemood Terrar e I1l Outer (4 rmles) 2S A(0I.-$IK ch Centre Chambers St Ilse :6 Chambers Street K8 26 The Palladuum, Bl'OthhIOR Place I I I 2/ Craugmllar Arts Centre S8 N0w(fd:g"d|l ROM} Q | 4 Out!" I I ?S mules 28 Gre utnars Kurt Home Candlemaker Rea. K8 29 Canton Hughlar‘d Hotel. North Endge JIO 30 The Netherbow Arts Centre 43 Hugh Street IIO 3| St Cerulua's Hall (nr Nlddf‘y Street 8 Congate IIO 32 Spnngwell Home Ardrnrllan Terrace of! Gorgre Road KI Outer (2 mles) 33 PIeasanre. 60 The PIeasance K IO 34 Adam I love Theatre. S Chambers Street K9 35 The WI {Alf Venue. Walpole I la". Chester Street G3 36 IestuvaI Club 9 IS Chambers Street K9 3/ George Sonare Theatre. George Souare M8 38 The Gulded 8alloon Theatre 233 Cot~gate K9 39 Dr Neul's Garden. Duddungston Kurt DuddungstOn Vullage O I 4 Outer (3 mules) 40 The Quaker Meetung I lotIse. / Vrctona Terrar e ]/ 4| Hull Street Theatre. I9 Hull Street G1 42 St ThOmas of AQUun's S(hool Chalmers Street I 6 43 Royal Museum of Sr otland. Chambers Street K8 44 Scottush Natuonal Ponrart Galler,. | Queens Street G9 4S Old St Paul's Churrh Hall, lefTrey Street JIO 46 Churth Hull Theatre MOmIrgsIde Road 03 4/ The Cafe Reyal. I 7 West Reg-ster Street G I 0 48 BOnnIngtor Resowte Centre. 2(1) Bonnungton Road 8I3 49 Bedlam Theatre. 2 fonest Road L8 S0 The Musat 80x. 9( Vuctona Street 18 SI Galded BaIIOOn II. Stepptng St0nes. West 80w. Grassmariet J8 S2 ECT ngs Hall. South Clerk Street N I 0 S3 Glasrte Meetung Home. 33 Barony Street (ofT Br0ught0n St ) F9 S4 Fettes College. East Fettes Avenue C3 SS Randolph Studuo. Instrtut Irancaus d'Ecosse. I3 Randolph Cres I4 S6 Srottush Poetry Lubrary. Tweeddale C0urt. I4 Hugh Street ]I0





(Next door to The Cavendish) Tel: 0131-228 3252

10.00 pm. - 4.00 am. FULLY LICENSED OPEN TO ALL




- at 4500pm

3 7 fit“ (A '.T-.I' (1 Study (/ e , gar-I" St'eet ()8 8 i“(Isslu { ' _I;\t'- T"I\)lt>'.."ra“ QI (2mm .‘9 r‘ult's 5 at. VJI 5‘1? ;)'T”‘.|"v KIt "CA/I ( .I'K)’ g "1' ll. ’2 ( .‘...\" ("‘T'f' .‘u .J(,"'.i.‘rf"('."r SI’I'I'I '5‘ 56-! {m'gr‘ T’l.Iv"(Is.‘.(' -8 I. (yr-I“ s.Je "- u -.C u"..I*'te.t"t "z.'( " "all Te“) Road An 50 ' "e Bl.“ Iatider ()aIIe". 1; Kieth." I’LL e US -. IS: (ml-e". .3 3 MN; l( 'est el‘t I 14 (3| The V‘ree Red Bar III-Png" ( (II ege (,I A". Ko lzx T"e S; “(rol of T’I‘uiusouh', I8 ( heste! St'eet C23 62 SI SIICe's C e"t'e C ()r‘M'ul Ter'a- e Haur‘ua'iet (I :34 I‘m us I tar-9T Deng" Stucl\)\ 46a SI Stephe". St'eet [b 63 hatuoral Caller. of Srotram: T"e Mot/‘0 r18 ‘2S St Va't‘s \ J"ut.IrIan Churn: Castle Terrat e IS 64 Roual St ()TTIS". Ar .Itiert‘ u T'te Vol/x! “8 it’ SI Jo"r"s ("mm P \‘y'est I ha. Pan es Street HS 6", St Arr'sC arm-“rut. ( eht'e Sch!" (Irau'sl ruse ('(Mgatt' iIC I28 St Oswald". I la“ Mor‘meluer Part 8mr‘tsfreld M3 66 S:()tt:sr~ Natural Cutler, of Mode" Art Belto't: Road I | I. 9 Stud“, 0’70 leier‘r IC Stafford Street H4 6/ The l the Trueat'e VAL-0’1.) 8.( (OIL: I9 I II" Fina. (1);) afloat Walk I I) I 30 Inge-rs I’Iaro Bar 6|.) Iredentt Street 0/ 68 St Colun‘ba's (-T‘Ilth Mul'dd't' Ter' ()aee'zsfe'ru Road. BlatlrmIl I l (3:.ter I 3? (refine. Kn, (Ireufrtars Ptate Ca’wflemafie' Row K8 (2 2S rum-gr I 32 platfort“ ! Ruth!“ St't‘et HS 69 Bang! to". IIIE'I Sr tool Camrzgtor Road C3 I 33 Portfolro Gallery 4 3 ( ahClemahe' Row K8 70 Idunotugn At artery 42 Iter‘dersoI 'Ron I) r’ u 3S The Adarv‘ Potter, 26 Hendersor Row [)6 ll St Numahs Con‘el, Bank Road CE | 31’ Merthart Hall. 22 Hanva Street H/ 72 Queen's Hall ( lert Street N9 I 38 Morrrngsude Baptust Churth Mornur‘gsrde Road 02 I' 3 {duruburgh College of Art. lamston Plate K6 I40 Strx mndge Pansh Chhtth. 78 Saxe Cotxurg Street [)6 14 SI Stephen'anurth & Hall St sir-rent SI loot Howe St E / I4I Ver I/ Staflord Street G4 7‘) The Mambo< mt) West Tolltross I4 I42 Out oft'ze Norrad's Tent. 2| St. leonand's lane NIO 76 Edurztmrgh St I.I;)tt.'e \Nortst‘w) 2‘: Hawthor" .ale A I 2 Coter I2 S ranesI r4 3 Out of the Blue. 25 Bladfnar‘s Street “0 ’2 The Sundre C ent'e T\I(olst)r‘ Sqtsan- Vett‘otlrst C T‘AI'C" I9 I44 Iduer'gh Pnntmakers Wontshop 8- Gallery. 23 Unron St. f | l ’8 CC Blooms, CIreensuCe Plate I | I I4S R018] l yteum Studro 300 Cunndlay Street IS 1'9 TestzvaI Theatre. I 3/29 Numlsor Street [9 I46 Royal College of St/‘germs 9 I lull SQudfP KIO 80 I luItor Natuonal Hotel Betlord Road I2 I41 Ia Belle A'tgele I I Ilastues Close, Co.~gate 81 Cmrdlau Cowt Centre Grtndlay Street IS I48 Strx ktmdge Home 2 Cheyhe Street [)5 82 Souths-rte Snuttwde Con'monut) C er‘tre I I 7 Na olsorr St [9 I49 Galene Murages. 46a Raehum Plare DS 83 St Serfs Churt r IIaII C Iari Road Garden: re A8 ISO The Cut, Cafe I9 Blarr Street I9 84 The Mac Abbot. Abbotsf0rd I ooge. l8 NOP‘I"gsude Road 02 ISI Meadowtmnk StaOmm. l OOdOn Road C: l 4 Outer (2 rt‘ules) 8S Footl-grts and Trim 7S0rtta| Street KS IS4 Chessel Galler‘. Moray IloUse College. ROyaI Mule JIO 8f) P"y$|( uar‘. and frrtur‘ S8 Dalkert" thar‘. OI | ISS R | A S Caller, IS Rutland SQUW “5 8 «' The I 'eedorh TdfltflV The Sa|.atuor‘ A'Tr‘lv | I ast Adar" Street K IC 66 Sttx mndge Bookshop. 26 Now: West C IftuS Plate (6 88 C orstorphune Yotdh (.ertre. l4 Hi l(;a".( \)'\T()fp."t.'.? III ()uIPF IS " Ont ()fAnt a. 36 St Stephen Street I6 I3 S (Y‘Ilt’s, IS8 The \uer‘ue C alton ISCaItOn Road I" 59 Roxbur‘gfte Hotel. 38 Cf‘artotte Square (36 I89 Iat Sarr's I2t)w'i!0wrt Duner S6 Icontarnbndge IS 90 Mansfueld Plar e C ht.“ h Cnr Brohghton and East lorddn Streets I I0 I60 C amera Oosc ura. Castle HIII Reyal Mule 17 9I St Mary's Cam-oral 3 Palmerston Hare H3 I6| St Ct.tluoer‘t's Chufil’t Kun s Stables Road HS 92 The Sprder's Wet) [)ownstaurs. 260 MomsOr Street 33 I63 Dansh Cuttural Instutute. Cadsberg I louse. 3 Dome Tce ES 9 3 James Gullespue's I Iugh Sr hool I adderdale Street NS I64 Navedey Shoppung Centre Pnnces Street (N Wavertey 8ndge H9 94 Blue fest. 24 )6 (mm Rodd II I |6S CanOnmll Home. Castlellull Reyal Male l7 96 The Aldndge Gallery. I24 Mommgsrde Road P2 I66 The fngme Shed. I9 St leonam's I am- N l 0 9 “I BSTInIT PIar e' The Mound H8 I6} St Ma'tln of Toms 233 0an Road ll 98 Hands SI Csro~.e Street K3 I68 Now, Home Unuon. 3/Holyrood Road Kl l 99 lunlrthgow Palate. I Ir-Iuthgow HI Outer ( I8 rules) | 70 Thomas MOrton Hall. ferry Road. Letth A I 4 Outer (2 mks) |00 C er‘traIHaII. West Tollr ross KS I 74 InnoUse. 28 Heme Street T7 |O2 S(Ot(h Malt Whrsk) Souety. TI‘e Vaults 8/ Gules St I euth I) | 4 Outer I 1’6 Roxtxrrgh Halls. Roxburgh Place KIO I2 mules) I 1'7 People's Stm. I63 Canongate. Reyal Mule II | I03 TG's. TG Wullus and Co I 3Sa George Street G6 I 28 Brass Raobrng Centre. Tnnrty Apse. Chalmers Close. Royal Milt “0 I04 Murrayfueld PansIIC ht.“ h Hall, Or‘mudale Terrare HI Outer (2 mules) I 79 Museum of Ch.Idhood_ Hugh Street “0 IOS IIOwOen Park Centre Hawden luaungston HI Outer I | S mules) I80 Huntly HOUSE Museum. I42 Canongate. ROyal Mule H2 l06 Cut, Arts Centre, 2 Mariet Street [9 ISI The Wmers Museum. Lady Staurs Home. lawnmarltet ROyaI Mule 18 I07 Guuldford Arms I West Reguster Street H9 I84 Raj Restaurant on the Show. HendersOn Street. Lerth D I4 Outer (2 males) l08 Ukranuan Howe. WundsOr Street I I2 l8S The Magdalen Chapel~ 4| C0wgate K8 |09 Curmue Surreal. The Meadows. Mer-Ile Dnve N8 I81 St Gules Cathedral. Hugh Street Reyal Mule 18 I l0 TraQUaur Home. lnnerterthen. Peeblesshrre Ql | Outer (2S n‘ules) I88 Seventh Day Adventust Churth. 3 8nsto Place K8 l l I St Andrew 8. St GeOrge's Churth. I3 George Street G8 I89 The Theatre Bug Top. The MeaOOws N9 I I2 The Stotrh Whusky Hentage Centre. 354 Castlehull V A IIImhome IS I I3 Waterstone's Booksellers. I 3 8. I 28 Pnnces St. 83 George St G6.H6.H9 8 Book Festrtal GS i IS Negocrants, 4S 41lothran Street K8 C Tattoo Office/tau Tuckets H9 I I6 Club M8. I2Shandw1tk Place HS 0 Festuval OfTu(e H9 I l 7 Vuewfonh Centre. I04 GIImore Plate , L2 l T0u..nst Infonnatron H9