1994 FRINGE FIRST WINNER W l‘actional Theatre seeks actors (20—50 years) for Fringe 2 American play. Performing “Wk-i 3/3' Chum“ “i” “will” Accrss > EMPOWERMENT 4 TRAINING Glasgow Arches Theatre - ASSEMBLY DIRECT are market leaders in jazz STEVE“? 1- 1": U0,” “W5 RADIO PROJECT. Relicarsals August ._—._(). Open

promotions in the UK. As a result of expansion, we need auditions. 54 Frederick Street personnel required bemeen 31/7/95, three new members of staff who WIII add to the creativny, (CRUSAH) ()fficc)‘ Edinburgh; 1 8 8/95 f .T. F T. I P . T professmnalism and enthusiasm of the current team. Saturday 39m Sunday 30”], / or eXC' mg es 'VO rOJeC - 11 - re »- ~ : w . -

“We "‘33,;333mi;f.“r “m” one press officer, one Video operofor. PROJECT MARKETING MANAGER: Andrew Loretta Volunteers, C.V.s immediately You'll be a self starter, with a minimum of 2 years work on 0131 556 0007 (day) - - - experience. You'll like the prospect of working in a small or 0131 557 3253 To Medla Educcmon’ 25 greenSIde Place’

team under pressure, be a good communicator and able to (5‘7pm Thurs/FIII- Edlflburgh EH] 3AA fax 013] 556 5565 deliver within tight deadlines.

planning, print and distribution co-ordination, media campaigns. Salary £16-20k.


print distribution, media liaison, updating mailing lists and _ general support activity. Ideal for someone seeking arts

experience. Typing essential. Salary £912.5k MARKETING ASSISTANT - temporary:

Work - as above, on Summer promotions, covering holidays. Starting asap. Salary c£200 / week.

Last month. Scotland's new international opera house and ice drome successfully completed its filst year of Detailed jazz knowledge not essential.

phone Fiona Alexanderon 0131 557 4446(umilze July) pleasuring theatregoers; selling almost 400.000 tickets men 0131 553 4000 lorajob description + application form . to 140 productions. a [will orgy of opera. dance. ballet. Assembly Direct adopt Equal Opportunities practices equestrian dramas. bodice rippers. musmals. comedy.

Summ" byih" 5mm" “3 C°“”°"' circus. symphonic, chamber. jazz. rock and world musics. entertainments on the organ. romantic interludes in the bars. corridors and (fit/e lucid and cause (rile/nu in the 1 Royal Box. The Theatre exceeded targets and operates

. . . , . I i leinovan Inltlatlve Without revenue Sle dy.

i We are now looking for our second Marketing Manager

4 I (our first incumbent having chosen to return full-time

to the dance) to join the management team. who will

Govan Initiative Ltd., which is dedicated to the

regeneration of the local economy, is recruiting for an contribute to our mission of selling truly popular theatre. embitious project under "Glasgow WorkS' called The pi’i'smi is likely to have several years' experience in Theatre works ' professional showbusiness. undertaken some level of Theatre Works is an innovative theatre company based training and may have done a similar job in another touring In the Govan area. Whose aims 8033- house. Significant work in a producing theatre would be an - the performance of issue based productions in schools advantage as WW” 3 kilomeng 0i commema' theatre and the community. . and [mailing staff. including box office Sizzlers.

- main house productions.

- new writing. . I , i

- the training of company members in new and eXIstlng Please obtain an information package before applying.

_ fgg'gersona' development of company members call the Theatre Secretary on (0131) 662 1112.

through an individually tailored programme Applications close on Friday 11 August, 1995.

Theatre Works is now looking for tour dedicated actors They Shou'd be 59m ‘0 Pal” “85. General Manager.

who live in the Glasgow area and have been unemployed EDI N B U RGH Edinburgh Festival Theatre Trust, 13-29 Nicolson fori Yearor mo’e- Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9PT. Scotland.

For 3 .0b description and application form: comaCt Registered Scott/sh Charity N0. 360 18605.

Eddie hlte' General Manager on 0141-314 0020' T LI R E A not tor prof/t epic theatre. under the influence of tcca/govem'nc/l.‘

Date for completed applications is Friday 18 August.


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The List 28 Jul-10 Aug 1995 83