Jackson. is indeed beautiful. Glasgow: Ul'vr. are over. But the cops are closing in. there are
I Pulp Fiction (18) (Quentin 'i'arantino. US. two thugs after the riioirey. and the psychological THE FEATURE FILM COMPANY PRESENTS 199-4) John Travolta. Samuel Jackson. Uma tension is beginning to show. l’illed with dark “ONE Thurman. Bruce Willis. ISO ttiiris. Much tnore humour and cynical one-liners. this Scottish ambitious than Res‘t'n'nir Dust. the most awflils‘d thriller is bloody and intelligent enough to please TIME"
second feature of the 90s has many scenes that the ctilt audience while retnainirrg accessible MI“ MI“. crackle with Tarantino wit. and a few Others that enough to be a mainstream hit. (ilasgow: (‘rI-‘I‘.
fall flat as the writer-director bravely I the Shawshank Redemption ( l5) (l-‘rank
experiments. Interlocking stories in the pulp Darahonr, (’8, I994) Tim Robbins. Morgan
crime manner concern hitmen. ailing boxers. Freeman. Bob (innton. I43 rnins. Banged up for
gang bosses and their molls. dttig fiends. and a crime he didn't commit (ain't they all?) quiet
assoned riff-raff. Last year‘s surprise (.‘annes man Robbins plans a slow but effective revenge
Palme d'Or winner is a trip. all the way. on the unnecessarily harsh prison regime.
Edinburgh: Cameo. Filmhouse. Odeorr. lireeman excels as the fellow con with an
Strathclyde: Odeon Ayr. uncanny knack for procuring desired items. The
I Quit Show (IS) (Robert Redford. US. 1994) filui is certainly overloug. but the apoci'y phal
Ralph Fiennes. John Turttriro. Rob Morrow. U3 t feel to the storytelling and the period detail arc
mins. When television was in its intimacy and well handled in what is. ultimately. a may fine
America itself was riding on a wave of post- movie indeed. (’eutial: MacRobeit.
war/pre-Kennedy innocence. the disclosure of I The Shining ( 18) (Stanley Kubrick. l'S. l‘hs‘U)
cheating on the game show Twenty One caused a Jack Nicholson. Shelly l)trvall. l’lrilip Stone. l~l()
national scandal and sense of shock. Redford mins. Kubrick's overwrought. overlong lioiroi
sets tip the inevitable collision of ethics and liltn dispenses with much of the psychic
glamour. morality and profit. while Ralph apparatus of Stephen King's novel to concentrate
Fiennes. John 'l'ut'tun'o. Rob Morrow and Paul on the deeper horror of a family turning in on
Schofield acquit themselves with style. itself. Nicholson. with all the stops out. is litig-
Edinburgh: Filmhouse. eyed and demonic as the writer cracking tip
I Red Rock West ( 15) (John Daltl. US. 1992) \ ioletrtly in an isolated hotel. and the final
Nicolas Cage. Lara Flynn Boyle. Dennis Hopper. : scenes are. literally. chilling. litlinbuigli:
98 mins. Mistaken for a Texas hitmati. Nicolas l-‘ilmhouse.
(‘age is offered $5.000 by a smalltown sheriff to I Short Cuts ( IS) (Robert Altman. ('3, I993)
kill his wife . . . and then double the amount by Andie MacDow ell. Tim Robbins. l ily ‘I'orrrliii.
her if he'll reverse the hit. Scooting otrt of town Tom Waits. et al. IS7 mins. Long and absorbing.
with the money and the job undone. he bumps Altman's patchwork approach shifts Ray inond
into the real killer. and his problems begin. A (‘arver's short stories to l.os Angeles. acin
slick tale of double. triple and quadruple dealing socially and geologically oii the porrrt of falling
that adds a comic twist to the tight Blunt! Simple apart. The stories cross over. character 's lives
atmosphere. Edinburgh: liilmhouse. tub together. threads are picked tip after
I HCSCNOif 009$ (18) (Quentin 'l'arantino. US. receeditrg for a while -- this is classy soap opera
l992) Harvey Keitel. Tim Roth. Michael at its best. with flawless acting and construction. t
Madsen. 100 mins. A gang of hoods. known l-iditrbin'gh: l'llllllttHIs‘C.
only to each other by colour-coded nicknames. I Six Degrees (“Separation ( IS) (lied
meets at an abandoned warehouse to figure how Schepisi. I ‘S. 1993) Stockard (‘lranniug Donald
out their rigorously planned heist went so Sutherland. Will Smith. ll ! units. A New York
drastically wrong. The best debut in years from bourgeois couple help out a young black man
writer-director 'I‘arantino. whose stylish violence who claims to be a friend of their son; althouin
seduces the audience into complicity. Brilliant in it soon becomes obvious he's pulling a scam. it's
every sense of the word. Glasgow: ()deon. a story they can dine otrt on. Smith's ’
I Ritchie Rich (PG) (Donald l’ett‘ie. US. I995) performance dances along the fine litre between
Macaulay Culkin. Jonathan llyde. John audacity and deceit and ('lianning is a delight.
Larroquette. 95 units. The world's wealthiest but the film is a tad too long and not a little
child played by the world's wealthiest child actor stilted. (ilasgow: ()deoii. " ‘ '
— this comic strip ttrrued movie has enough I Some Like It Hot (l’(i) (Billy Wilder. l'S. PotyGram Video _ ' :" agguépm knockabout mayhem to keep the kids happy. I959) 'l‘ony (‘urtis. Jack I.eininon. Marilyn W
(‘ulkin is more confident and appealing than in Monroe. 120 mins. 'l‘wo irntx-ctrnious male
his some of his other work. btit it's llyde's musicians inadvertently witness the St
sarcastic butler who brings a better comic touch Valentine‘s Day Massacre and take refuge in Y W v to the proceedings. Glasgow: MGM Film Florida with Sweet Sue ahd Irei Society l\ t It\ L. Centre, Edinburgh; ()dcon. UCL litre; Syncopators. an all-female band. Br illiarrt. k l l Glcm'othes. Stt-atltclvdc; Odcmt A". lt(‘l brittle. crackeijack farce with all concerned at a
(‘lydcbank_ ' ' peak ill their careers. lidinbuiglr: l-‘ilmlrous‘c. ‘995 Eomsuac" "Stun" Fame: AUG 9 - s" 2
I Rob Roy (l5) (Michael (‘aton-Jones. L'S/UK. I Subway ( l5) (larc Bessoii. l-"rance. I985) . ‘ . . ._ . . (‘lri'istophe Lambert. Isabelle Adjaiii. Richard . ’
I995) Liam Neeson. Jessica Lange. Tim Roth.
I30 mitts. When he is betrayed by the Marquis Bolii'inger. l()~l rnins. Would-he stylish thriller of Montrose (John Hurt) and a maliciously 9“ l" “‘0 PM“ "IV/"U “'lll) _iC\\cl thief lambeit . .
psychopathic [Englishman (Roth). Rob Roy courting the attractive Ms Adjani while trying to MacGregor is determined to win back the stay out of the way of cup litilttingel‘. liar ltiti . . honour of his name. Alati Sharp's script is rich. pleased with itself. this is plain irritating.
a little action. btit doesn't pander to Hollywood; I Thelma 8i louise ( I5) (Ritlley Scott. l'S. . . . . H . t“ and all the perfonnances are wonderful. A I991 ) Susan Sarandon. (‘reena Davis. llai \cy '1 m '11
stirring epic which reftrses to compromise. l Keitel. Michael Mauls-en. 129 rnins. 'I'lie . ficket
making it one of the best films about Scotland buddy/road movie genres are turned on their
witty and literate: (‘aton-Jones‘s direction injects Edinburgh: l‘ilmhotrse. . i . ‘ Stella Anus Comedy Festtvd ll-
':‘.is voucecr C'i’at (:3 you to 2 tickets for the price of 1 at the
attd the Scottish psyche ever made. Glasgow: heads as Sarandonnrid Davis grasp the steel rug - Stuttz, Nth“). msmnhtJ R00.“ a.“ Gttcw [tattoon dump the
Odeon. hdtnburgh; ()deon, [7(‘1. l-tfe; wheel and ltcad oll Ieay ing a trail of murder and ‘ 399E) Ftlinbarq'r Festrva: fungi.- Ito'i: “Kitty 11 to Weoneisdzr, Glenrothes. Strathclyde: UC‘I Clydebank. mayhem iti their wake. ()n one level. the lrlm is 16 "\URJST- "‘1 '~"¢-‘ l"*‘%1‘\illl‘lff \‘i'lfiil"'<-‘$’13)‘ 9 ‘0 \‘i‘tfdmfs’my m
I Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book (PC) the critical catalyst that had the feminists ’ AWWSK (SI'WU m M. immi’ mi“ COM “0% on me mc'k of
(Stephen Sommers. US. I994) Jason Scott Lee. k‘llCCI'l"? and PM "W “11'3"” “‘9 Um" “l TM?" his “Minx”
Lena Headcy. San] "ting. Disney's; magazine; just (ts ill)p()tl1lllll}'. ll‘s' an accessible
new live action version of Kipling’s \yc”.|0\'cd plCCC Oi. ClllCl'lllllllllL‘lll \Vllll CNL‘L‘llt'lll L‘L'Illltll
stories doesn't have the appealing talking performances. lidinhurglr (‘arneo I
animals or songs of the I967 animated version. I Illai (PU) (ldl'ixsa Ullcdl'aogu. Bruistna l
but it's a great matinee-style wheeze — imagine l‘tts‘O/SWillCI‘ltttKl/l‘t(lltt‘t’. 1990) Rasmane
an early Tarzan movie crossed with an Indiana ()ttedi‘aogo. lna (‘rsse. Rotikietoti Barry. x\s\.il)t‘ ;
Jones adventure. Jungle boy Mowin meets tip ()uedraogo. SI units. Young Saga (Rasrnatrc
again with the British amty t-cgtthcnt for whom ()tredraogo) returns to his rural village to find ., , . ,\ ,t, H t, , I. . t, m. . , ,. . t . 4.
his father was a guide. but finds himself {Qt-cut that his fiancee ((‘isser has become his father 's | "' "V'J' 5‘3"“ A " 1' "A‘ J" "" ’ "Hum "C m 000m“) mom.
to {ct-cal to a group of soldier cads the second wife. The young cotrple tt'yst in secret. I e Ho's ssemb'y — 0131 226 2426
whcrcabouts of some hidden treasure. (h-cat fun. btit eventually the community finds otrt. and the i we“ Balloon — 0131 226 2151
Glasgow; MGM parkhcad law ('l‘ilai) is tirttarisigent: Saga must die at the I pleasance _ 0131 556 6550
I the Search": (p0) (John “my US. 1956) i hands of his brother Kuilga (Barry). lit the i
John Wayne. Vera t\Ailcs‘ Jeffrey Hunter. Nataltc (ltlYL‘Illlll'C \‘i'lllCll l.()ll()\\'\'. (Ill llll'CC L‘Clllltll
wood. ttg mitts. one “Ford-S finest westerns. characters must confront both received and I. Please arrive at least one hour befroe th eperformance of your choice and and hence one ofthe greatest achievements of instinctive.ctliics. 'l‘heir internal and external ' present this Exchange Tlcket Voucher to the appropriate Box Office the genre has wath as the obscsgtvc Ethan struggle is so universal. and brought so \ ivrdly _
Edwards‘ a man whosc t‘tt.c_ycar quest to hunt to life. that the film remains accessible despite 2- TWO ['Ckets only per VOUChe'i
down the Indians who murdered his wife and i“ “Us” cultural “l'iilim- litliltl‘me'lti l‘ilml‘m'w- 3. Vouchers can only by exchanged for tickets between 9 - I6 August. captured his young daughter has developed into I Vanya 0n 42nd Street tt -) (Louis Mallc. t's.
a thirst for murderous revenge. lndccd‘ his drive 199-1) Wallace Shawn. Julianne Moore. Andre 4' VOUCherS CannOt be (“Changed or money refunded-
is notfpnly to murder the Indians but to kill his (iregor'y. ll9 mitts. ()vet a period of four years. 5, Latecomers will not be admitted
own 0 s fin because she's been tattttctl by ltct stage director Andre (ilegtlly “Ulis't'tl \\ Illl a
time \vitlfthegRedskins. With Wayne at hisinost group of actors for irregular ‘uiidiess ielrearsal' ' 6’ PLEASE NOTE TICKETS ARE SUBJECT To AVAILABILITY intense, this is one of old Hollywood‘s (mutt; run-throughs of David Mamet‘s adaptation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and enjoy the ShOWl
“Cher moments. Edinburgh: tritmhottgc. ('hekhov's (,v’nt'lt' lit/mt. Malle's film \ersion is 3
I Shallow Brave (l8) (Danny Boyle. l.'K. l99tl) “(Wally C‘l’Cll'l‘C'llill3 "W WINCH! “‘9‘ k“ l” CIUW Assembly 80‘ Off-cc. East Laneway beside the Assembly Rooms. 54 George Street. Edinburgh. EH2 2LR Kerry Fox. Ewatt MeGrego‘n Christophe-t as the lines are delivered iii airaturalrstic manner ; ptcamnce BOX Office. 60 The ptmwmt Umbdrgh' U43 9U
ECClCS‘Qn- 90 """5' mm“: hdmbul'gh “11mm”? “mlom "'91" 0'. C‘l‘mmw‘ [ "minim-V” hmfcwl' ‘ Gilded Balloon 80x Office. 233/235 Cowgate. l’ltttl)1ii'gli {HI IJQ
find the" new eo-habttant dead \c-tth a stack 01 the tmpecctble performances and ( llckllt)‘. s ’
money under his bed. so after performing a little drama win the day. resulting in a good film. in” t C nupftny limiter! Ly gm 'rt‘tt'c .mt unarmed as a shitty in Scotland
DIY on the corpse. they reckon all their worries excellent theatre. (ilasgow: (El-'I',
The List 28 Jul-l0 Aug I995 33