m ,

Dates listed below are for one-otf shows:

see separate section for residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Dates will be listed, provided that details reach our offices art least one week before publication. Rock and Blues Listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd

and Jonathan Trew.


Glasgow I Wet Wet Wet Sl{(‘('. l'innioston Qua};

2-1S 9999. S()l.l) ()l'l. 'l‘ho \\'ets contintto

to go through the root with sales. This soll-out sis-night rim sets an Sli(‘(‘ l'L'k‘tll-Ll.

I Oasis, The Verve and Smaller A Big Tent. lrt'ino Beach. (ipm. S()l.l) ()l’l. (‘ommisorations it you blinked when the tickets were announcod and tailed to snap one up lll titno. ()asis will probably play the satno concert they always play. except under Ctlltths this time with a host oi nowies l‘rom l‘orthcoming second album .llurni/ig (i/urr.

I All The (iarago. Sauchiohall Street. 332 ID“. 7pm. £9 plus booking t‘eo. 'l‘ickets trom 'l'ho (iarago. .ltrst tlte 'l'ickot. \'ll'f—'itt. lfttiott Street. 220 -1(i79 and Tower Records. Argon Street. 204 25th). .-\n unhon t'olky trinity ol' Boll'ast singirig/songwriting good goo/or .'\lltl_\ White. Hothouse l-‘low or l.iam ( )’.\laonlai and o\-Split lin/ man 'l'im l‘inn. brothoi' ot' (‘t'tnk'tlctl llt)tl.\t"s .\'oil.

I Captain Shifty and Hermon X Rm (iaucho 'l'ent. (ilasgow (ir'oon. Soc Glasgow liait‘ listings tor details.

I Mischief La Bas and The Johnny 7 Big l-'un (‘ircus 'l‘ont. (ilasgow (iroen. Soe (ilasgow l-air listings tor details,

I Bandulu Slain. 'l‘ho .-\rchos. Midland Stroot. 22l 9736. Ill..‘\()pm. L7. Hubby dance gttrtrs porl‘orm a sot at tho ll_\‘[‘t‘l'~ trendy club night.

I Astrid arid Wonderful The Arena. ()swald Street. 22l .‘wlllU, 9pm. £25“. inclttding entry to l’ai‘klilo

I Blackwater Blues .'\l;icSot'le_\"s. .lamaica Street. 22] 8-199. 9pm. l'i'oe.

I Bopstreet Mc(‘huill‘s. lligh Stroot. 552 2l35. lllpm. liroo.

I Eric Cuthbertson and The Hoochie Coochie Band Browliouso. John Street. 552 3.\‘()l. 8.30pm. l’roo. Blues.

I The Raggle Taggle Gypsies Boott's Yard. (‘athcart Road. (i-l‘) (llSl. 9.30pm. l‘roe. All manner (ll. t'ools slylos.

I Rev Doc And The Congregation 'l'wa (‘orl‘icx Kilbowie Road. ()l23b 727473. 9pm. Free. 'l'rad R tk B with harmonica embellislnnont.

I Shaighy Nhiall Connolly's. Nicholson Sti'oot. (iroonoclt. ()l~l75 SSS 972. Spin. l’ree.

I Albaroot (‘l_\‘tlo Bar. \Vos‘t ('lydo Street. llolonsburgh. OMB} (173 257. ltlpm. L'l Roots roggao.


I The Blaze Fakers, The Monuments and Hot Sausage l’ut'lol‘ollt) low it llall. l’ortobello High Street. 063 985-1. Spin. £5. lloayy blues t‘ao tho headliners. rock Coyot's l‘ao tho middlohnors (1’) and acid ia/I l'unkatoer lunacy l‘ao tho Sausages. All three bands have a l’orty connection. Fascinating. eh'.’ Should be a good night. I Voulez Vous (‘m-entttsh. \\'ost ‘t‘ottei-oss. 228 3252. 9Plllv3itlll. £5. Bonn}. Bjorn. Bork and Thin or-w hatevor-they-wore- called impersonators.

I Burned Whistle Binkies. Niddry Street. 557 5| l4. 9pm. l-reo. l‘olky country

material t'tom members oi l'lio Seats. ()lltl

Bodlnan and Branch

I Cats Like Kicks and Lemming Holiday Subwa}. ('owgato. 225 (Coo. Spm. L2 'l'he hoadhnois blond soul and rock into a

somow hat bi/arro nn\ w htlo the support

goes more l'or tho indie noisonil. anglo.

I L00bie \Vt‘Sl l’illtl ()}\lt‘t' ltlll. \Vt‘Sl

' .\laitland Stroot. 225 35M. lllfillpm. l’roo. They \ltl\‘l\'t‘tl last _\c.u's l-rmgo and now

thoy‘t'c back to warm up tor _\'o;tt\

cultural l‘oantcast. :\ tlu'oo-pioco baud.

their sound is based around tltc double

toman \ocals ol .\lairoatl ()‘l)onnoll and

l.orn.t Bird. lispoct blues and harmonies.

I Deep Blue Sea ('as Rocl. (Kilo. \Vost Port. 229 l H l. lllpm. l'too. Bluosy rock

or rocky bluos depending on what side ot~ ' bod _\ou got out at.

. sArunoAv 15 r

I LiVe MUSlC -\l‘l\‘_\. \tllllll (.lt‘tl. Sllt‘t'l. “()7 5i): 5. X. illtiltt. l'i‘t’c


I Wet Wet Wet Sli(‘('. l’ltlltlt‘\lt)ll Quay. Z-liS 9999. S( )l l) ( )l "l. Soc l‘lt l-l.

I Oasis, Cast and Ocean Colour Scene A 1 Big ’l‘ont. ll\lllt‘ Boacli. 5pm. S()l.l) ()l‘l.

Soc l'ill l-l. I Hardbody, Mrs Ghandi‘s Mushroom

' Party and Men Lie King 'l‘ut‘s Walt Walt

llttt. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). Sitlpm. £3.50. (‘hoory \\'ondors’tut'l_\' pop trom (‘umboinaultl quartet .\lis (ihandi's Mushroom l’art_\ and an nuprossixo llll\ ol l‘oitisltcatl and l’,_l. ll.n\o_\ emanating

truth the diroction ol' l lardbotly. 3 I Rubber Tree Plant Silesia-lo} \.

.lainaica Street. 221 SW9. 9pm. l'ioe.

I ZOOt Allures Blackl'riars. Boll Stroot.

552 5921. 9.30pm. l‘t'oe.

I Hugh Reed And The Velvet Underpants

.\lc('huill's‘. High Street. 552 2H5. lllpm.

l5roo. 'l'lioso korra/y ('lytlositlors go radgc w llll their local roloroncos and breakneck guitars.

I Rank llalt Bat. Woodlands Road. 332 12 It). 9. ‘xllpm. l‘roe. l’unk power trio who

owe a debt to tho likes ol lltiskor l)u. I Blackwater Blues Browhouso. Jolttt Street. 552 38m. 5pm. l‘ree.

I Wig Wam Bamz Brow house. John

3 Street. 552 .‘xSlll. S 30pm. l‘roo. (ilam rock. as it' you hadn't guessed. I Backstreet Heroes Bonus Yard.

('atltcart Road. (i-l" (llS4. 9.30pm. l'toc. I New Leaf \\'oll‘urn's Wharf. Yoker

l'L‘l't')‘ Road. 959 20”». 9..‘»(lpm. l‘roo. Sublime sounds t'iom art lidinburgh

combo gaining a reputation in their native city.

f I Billy Rankine l.'.\tt'.:cho. \Valot'loo Street. 22l 32H). 9pm, l~roo. l‘ormor

Na/aroth guitar N. I The Rainkings ( ‘umbcrnauld 'l‘hoatro Bar. 8.10pm. £2.


I Iris Subway. (‘owgato 225 (Vino.


L2. Rock. I Loobie \Vlnstlo liiiikios. \itldi} Street.

557 5| 14. 9pm. l‘roo. soe l-ri H.

I Gary Moire and Bedrock (mt-nttisti. \\'ost 'l'ollcros‘s. 22S 3252. 9pm 1am. £5. ('omotly and Tina 'l‘urner hits from tho cross-dressing .\lr Moire.

I Something For The Weekend :\tl\ocato. South Bridge. 9.5llt‘tn. l’rco. Bluos' coyois. I The Deceivers West tintt (lysth Hat. \\'ost .\lattland Stroot. 225 3.5M. ltl .illpm. l'ioo, l’unk cotors a la 'l‘ho ('lash

I New Leaf Duo ()noon Slt't‘cl ( )ystor nut: ()uocn Sttoct. 22b 25““. ltlpm. liioo. llal‘p} pop otl'shoot ol the lug. brassy. pop combo also know as Now I eat

I Live MUSiC .-\l‘l‘t‘_\. Stiltll! (ilz‘tl. SllL'Cl. (til—7 5025. b.5lll‘llt l‘l't‘t‘

Glam dram with James Hall, Glasgow, Sun 16

Glasgow I The Michael Cannon Band l{:\o

(iattclto lottt. (ilasgow (iit‘t‘ll. Soc (ilasgow l’air listings tor -.lot.rils

I James Hall and Lick (lttlmuso. Brow n Street. 2-1S hoot». Spin. L5 tatlxancoi. ‘lilclxt‘ls l'l'ttlll Vl-llL‘ (;l:.‘_t‘. .ltl\l lltt‘ 'lilt‘lu‘l.

\'it’:—'.tn. l'nion Stroot. 22o tow and lower

Records. ;\rg_\ 1o Stroot. 2“: 25th), l’t‘oomng pot l‘orntoi \\lto wants to o\o.ko tho spirit ol' pi into-limo Bow to.

I Sugarbush and Everywhere Brow ltottsc. .lolin Stroot. 552 3Stll. S. lltpm. l‘roo.

I Fred Ouimby Quartet .\ltl\lL‘ Gallery. Back Sttotltlott Street. l’.tislc}'. S43 “2. l‘roo bolorc 9pm; [2 thoroattor. .la// lunk. I The Colour Wheel Liquor Store. Bi tdgc

Streot. l’aisloy, S-lfs‘ 50W». lllpin. l‘roo.

Catch the best Music this lortnight.


I Oasis Worth taking a trip out to Irvine l'or. arguably. the best rock band in Britain today. Under Canvas. Iri'ino. Fri 14. Sat /5.

I Wet Wet Wet Record-breaking stint at this venue. and are you surprised? SICCC. (Ilasgmi', Fri

H -»'/'/turs 20.

I The Bathers More of Chris ’l‘hompson‘s sophisticated croonery with (.Tocteau Twin Liz Fraser gttcsting at the Glasgow date. La [fol/o :lngo/o. Edinburgh. l’ri 21; (lantern (i/axgmi: Man 24.

I REM. A club gig in a stadium setting. it's said. Tens of thousands will be along to chock those claims. .l/iirrtrrlio/(l Stadium, lidinlmrg/i. 'lilturr 27.


I Suzanne Bonnar Jazz. singer with a real feeling for the blues. plus special guests. .lInu/in Rouge Tent. Glasgow (iroi'n. Sun 16.

I Nigel Clark Quintet ()riginal jazz- l‘usion with power and flair. Rive (iatn‘l/c' 'Ii'nl. (ilasgmi' (iroon. Sat 22. FOLK 8: WORLD

I Brendan Power Bursting on to the world stage in only a few years from his New Zealand roots. he's the most \l_\'li\'ll harmonica player for decades. already guesting on albums by Sting and Ray Charles. Here, he's with Irish guitarist Frank Kilkelly. l'fi/in/nnjo/t I’m/k (Yul). Wed 26. CLASSICAL 8: OPERA

I Brian Davidson The pianist

poi l‘orins selections by Mozart. Schubert and Liszt. .llert'ltanls Home. (I/(ts‘gtm; 'II/tttrs 2U.

Peoéaééy t/w dart flap

8 Ruthven Liane Glasgow

334 7165

an fir Kaila/(d


The List l4-27 Jul 199543