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Day-hy-day. hour-by-hour. stage-by-stage listings

WE in SAlLlllG

{I Tllll PllllllE 0F Sgllli; TlQESllll' l8llt Jill I

II The grand finale ol‘ the (.‘utty Sark Tall l you to Edinburgh for hosting the ships I Ships' visit to Edinburgh will be their ll departure for the lirst leg of the race to

they will parade up and down the Firth of Forth before lining up for the race start at 6pm.

(‘l3'l'l‘Y SARK SCOTS \VlllSKY


southern shore of the Forth bv the Queensl’erry and North Berwick should ! Bridges. As the tall ships turn around to provide a reasonable view. Milking ‘1 l


Given the large number of sailing I vessels involved they will begin to slip I their moorings from the docks at 8pm on Monday. l7 July; the last ship will I leave the docks at l lam on Tuesday. The ships will weigh anchor off

| Burntisland in File and Leith on the

southern side ol~ the Firth. At ruidday

on Tuesday the fleet will

assemble just I to the east oi~ lncbcolm Island before

heading down towards the Forth Bridges under engine. The Ql-IZ will be moored just off llound Point on the

sail back out to sea they will each salute the Q12. l-lopelully at this point the ships will have the wind to their backs and they will be able to hoist all their sails and cruise back out to the race start litre under wind power.

IICI. RIM” IIIQIIIICSS IIIC prim-CSS -- Arthur‘s Seat and (,‘alton Hill will I Roval will review the parade on board "HUM $00“ Vantage Pmm‘ 00"“an

the Norther] Lighthouse (‘ommission's tender I’lrums before transferring to HMS ('lml/zunr. the ship which marks

the race start line.

The seven-mile long procession will begin to pass the (2152 at lprn and the last outbound vessel is scheduled to pass the ()scars Lighthouse by 3pm.

I All of these plans are subject to I weatherconditions.

l sm'unnAy 15 810nm Maiestv’s Royal Marines W I EH15 8.15pm Team noon I Khartoum Heroes 9.30pm 3pm I Big Verne and The Band of Her Majesty’s I l I CAFE BECK’S The lowland Band 4pm Shootahs 9.30pm Royal Marines lpm l I KWlK-FIT STAGE Liptons’ orphans Golden Lions Freefall I KWlK-FIT STAGE I CAFE BECK’S ‘Enchantress’ 7pm. Edith Budge 2pm 12.30pm. 7pm Team 5pm Freeland Barbour and the Hazel and Jennifer 8.30pm I I Where’s Adam 3pm The Big Fun Club I.3()pm, Lowland Band with Scots Occasionals 2pm Wrigley 12.30pm I MARKS AND SPENCER Tempo Musical 8pm Guards Pipes and Drums The Tim Barella Big Band The Chipolatas 8pm FAMILY GARDEN I Productions 4pm The Peristalsis Brothers 7pm 3.15pm. 6pm The Peristalsis Brothers Scottish State Circus I Unreal 4.45pm 9pm ‘Specnic’ 9pm Tempo Musical 9pm Workshops 2pm. 3.30pm Leith Community Concert I EVENTS ARENA I MARKS AND SPENCER Productions 4.30pm I EVENTS ARENA Band (rpm The Pipes and Drums of FAMILY GARDEN The Leith Pageant prize Scots Guards Pipes and m l Sunfish 7pm The Scots Guards lpm Scottish State Circus giving 5. 15 pm Drums l()am I The Humptt Family The Band of Her 1pm.3-30l1m Lucid 7.15pm . Golden Lions Freetall I

Dependent on the weather up to one l million people are expected to line the shores of the Forth to watch the parade I of sail. The best viewpoint would be from the Q12? but for most people the I likelihood of ever setting foot on the ship is somewhere between remote and impossible. So. if the invitation tojoin I the Captain‘s table on the Cunard liner doesn't plop through your letterbox sharpiin it‘s time to make alternative arrangements. Basically. any point on the south shore between South l

day ol’ it and heading to Gullane beach could be fun. ()n the north shore. any I point between lnverkeithing and Kinghorn will provide good visibility.

()n the other hand, if you don't want to l get your feet wet then head for the hills


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I KWlK-FIT STAGE Wester Hailes Education


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III. Lighthouse


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Centre Showband 2pm I

Seelyhoo 3pm

leith Community Concert

Band 4er

Groove Tunnel 4.55pm

Ceolberg ()pm I

Music Alive 7pm

Tam White 7.45pm

Craig McMurdo in That I

Swing Thang 9.10pm


The Jody Grind l2.3()pm |

People Like Us 1.10pm

The Fabulous Salami I

Brothers 2pm


Graham Fisher’s l

lntemational It’s a

Knockout 12.30pm I

The Lowland Band



‘Treasure Island’ 3pm. I


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The List 14-27 Jul 1995 9