I CALTON GALLERY 10 Royal Terrace. 556 1010. Mon-Fri 10am—6pm; Sat 10am—1pm.
Mixed Exhibition Until 31 May. A selection of Scottish. English and European works. plus an extensive range of marine paintings and French 19th century sculpture. Includes work by I". C. B. Cadell. Kate Cameron. J. I). Fergussoii and Aleksander Zyw.
I CENTRAL LIBRARY Edinburgh Room. Central Library. George IV Bridge. Mon-Fri ‘)arii—‘)piit; Sat 9am—1pm.
St Bernard’s Football Club 1878—1942 Until 5 May. Marking the centenary of St Bernard's FC winning the Scottish Ctip is this exhibition of memorabilia and photographs relating tto he history of one of Edinburgh's grand old football clubs. I CITY ART CENTRE Market Street. 52‘) 3955. Mon/Tue. Sat 10aiii—5.30piii; Wed—Fri 10am—‘)prii; Stiri noon—5pm. £3.50 (£2): family ticket £‘) (two adults arid two children).
Star Trek: The Exhibition Until 7 May. Ari orgy of Trekkiedom. this is the first Star Trek exhibition to appear outwith the US. It includes sets. costumes. props. film. photographs and illustrations from the Star Trek movies and television series.
I CITY LAB 35 Dundas Street. 556 7822. Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm.
Travels With A Camera Until 14 Jtiti. Photographs by Ken Paterson. depicting places and people encountered on his travels.
I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 22—28 Cockburn Street. 220 1260. Tue—Sat 11am—5pm or by arrangement.
Janet Henderson Tue 2— l 3 May.
Cluster Until Sat 2‘) Apr. The second and final part of an exhibition of work by twelve Scottish artists from four colleges. including video work by Kate Gray and small. carefully observed paintings by Anne McGroarty. See preview.
I CONTACT GALLERY Grindlay Court Centre. Griiidlay Street Court. 22‘) 7941. Mon—Fri l()ani—3.30prri.
Hands, Heads And Castles Until TIIlll‘S 37
casting and impressions. by David Holloway. lati Lyon. Siobhan Glasgow and Pat Wilson.
I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE C arlsberg House. 3 Doune Terrace. 225 718‘). Mon—Fri 10am-5pm.
Voices Amongst Us Until Fri 28 Apr. An exhibition of paintings. graphic works and drawings by six artists living in exile in Denmark.
I EASTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL Main and outpatient corridors. Seal'ield Street. 536 725‘). Mon—Sun ‘)atii--8pm.
Mixed Exhibition Until 20 May. Work IT)’ seventeen artists from WASPS studios. Edinburgh.
I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.auristoir Place. 221 6000. Mon—Thurs 10am—8pm; Fri 10am—5pm; Sat l0aiii—2pm.
Apr. Experimental sculptures using plaster
Portfolio Gallery.
Grapevine: an exhibition of photographs by Susan Lipper at Edinburgh’s
Work In Progress limit 5 May. An exhibition of work by the art school's department of visttal communications — graphic design. illustration. animation. film and photography. I EDINBURGH GALLERY 18a Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mon—lir'i 11am—5pm: Sat 10am -lprii. Hugh McIntyre And Ted Stuart Sat 2‘) Apr—22 May. linpi'essionistic paintings based on a trip to (ioa by lltigli McIntyre and welded sculptures by Ted Stuart. Mixed Exhibition Until Sat 22 Apr. Paintings by Glasgow-based artist Andrew I-iit/palrick. Dorothy Bradford. Douglas Phillips and Neil Lamont. who
i depicts cabaret-style scenes.
23 Union Street. 557 247‘). Tue-Sat
l0ani- ()[)111.
E Common Ground Until 4 May. Joining
. forces are five printtiiakers from Dundee
and five from Utrecht in the Netherlands.
exploring common themes and concerns.
Street. 225 2383. Tue—Sat l0.30atii~5.30pm; Sun iioon--5piii.
2010: Textiles And New Technology Until 10 Jun. The only opportunity to see this
‘ international touring exhibition in Scotland. documenting the influence of new technology on traditional textile methods. lixhibits range from textured
~ fabrics combining woven with
thermoplastic materials. to computer-
designed tapestries and vacuurn-moulded sculptural costumes.
I HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a Dundas Street. 556 2181. Mon—Fri 10.30arii—6pm; Sat 10am—4pm.
Tenth Anniversary Exhibition By Gallery Artists Sat 2‘) Apr—27 May. A selective retrospective of work by some of the artists who have exhibited since the gallery opened in 1985.
? Mixed Exhibition Until Sat 22 Apr. Paintings of landscapes. flowers and still
lifes by three of the gallery's regular exhibitors. Roberta Merrilees. Sheena Phillips and Una Strachan.
I INSTITUTE FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. Mon—Fri ‘).30am—6.30pm; Sat 10aiii—l.30pm. ~30 Highlighting recent trends in French photography. an exhibition focusing on winners of the Moins Trente award. targeted at under-30s.
I INSTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA 82 Nicolsoii Street. 668 2232. Mon—Fri 10arii—5piii.
Guaricci, Designer Thurs 27 Apr—2 Jtiii. lixploring the graphic and industrial designs of Romeo Guaricci. with drawings ranging front initial concepts to the finished design.
Northumberland Street Lane North West.
- 557 5454. Tue—Sat llam—-1.30ptii.
Party Pieces Sat 2‘) Apr— l‘) May. Figures. flowers and still life paintings by Andrew Smith.
African sculpture From Nigeria Sat 29 Apr-1‘) May. Kasali Akangbe‘s imagery
; is primitive and exotic. his figures
inspired by semi-divine ancestral figures. This exhibition displays the talent of a sculptor with a growing international reputation.
I THE MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY University of Edinburgh. Department of Architecture. 20 Chambers Street. 650 2342. Mon~15ri 10am—8ptit: Sat/Sun l0.30am—2.3()pin.
Hans Scharoun 1893-1972 Urttil 1‘) May. The most important architect to remain iii Germany through the Nazi repression. Harts Scharotin re-enierged to a major career iii the l‘)o0s. lle dedicated his creative energies to a social ideal. believing in the pursuit of a common cause for the sake of society as a whole. This exhibition explores his work.
Morningside Road. 4-17 1180. Mon—It‘ri ‘)ani--8pni; Sat ‘)am-1ptii.
Capital Seasons Mon 24 Apr—8 May. Photographs by Chris Dorman exploring lidinburgh cityscapes. Part of lidinburgh Hing.
I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 8921. Mon—Sat 10aiii~5pmz Stilt 2—5pin.
Home of a fine collection of works. from the Renaissance to Post-lmpressionism. including Velazquez. Iil Gi'eco. Retrrbrandt. Gainsborough. Degas. Van Goglr and Scottish Colotlt'tsts‘.
German Printmaking In The Age Of Goethe Until 7 May. The celebrated German novelist and poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe ( 1749—1832) was also an inspiration for his nation's artists iii a time of extraordinary change. Touring from London‘s South Bank Centre. this exhibition is of 70 prints front that time. displaying a great richness and quality of production.
I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND George W Bridge. 226-1531. Mon—Sat I()am—-5piii; Sun 2--5pm.
Mirror In The Sea Until Sun .‘su Apr. Iixploring the savage beauty of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia are colour panoramic photographs by Michael Hockney. Plus riianuscripts and books from the Library's collection highlighting litiks between Scotland and Nova Scotia. I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 7‘) (‘uiriberland Street. 557 1020. Mon—Iii ltlarii—oprii: Sat 10am—4pm.
Mixed Exhibition Until 10 May. .lewellery by Rebecca Ilalstead. paintings by Gordon Wyllie. crafts by Michael l.ytligoe arid prints by Margaret Siiiytli.
I OVERSEAS HOUSE Landings (iallery. I00 Princes Street. 225 1501. Mon Sun l0aiii--6piii.
Stephanie Sampson Mott I May 30.1un. Paintings and drawings from (‘aiiatla-born artist Stephanie Satiipson.
Mark Cazalet Uittil Hi 28 Apr. Paintings and drawings by London-born artist Cazalet. whose work is inspired by his travels.
I PORTFOLIO GALLERY ~13 (‘aiidleriiaker
Row. 220 l‘)11.'l'ue-Sat iioon- 5.30prii.
Michael Fullerton Exhibition
at The British Council
6 Belmont Crescent GLASGOW G 12 8ES
Open 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 — 16.30 Monday - Friday from April — June
admission free
22-25 KING STREET . GLASGOW G1 SQP TEL: 041-552 0704
Triple Vision James McDonald, Neil MacPherson, Douglas Thomson 22 April - 27 May 1995
Monday— Saturday 10.00am - 5.30pm Paintings from £500 - £5000
GB The List 21 Apr-4 May 1995