I Goldmine l4 Midland Street. 326 3533. Saddle up your boss, paidncr. Get the posse together and round tip the lunch mob. 'l'here's choxx under them thar arches. Well. that‘s quite enough er'satz covaoy patter t'or one column. Roughly translated. a nexx eate has opened up under one at the arches on Midland Street according to (iary .\lc:\ula_x xx ho along with his partner ( ‘olin lx’onald. decided that it would be a good idea to design the place on a turn ol' the century western theme mtsed xx 1th some elements of modern st_x le, In practical terms tltis means an interior that has much in common xx ith a 'l‘es -\‘.ery cartoon - sandstone l‘ai. papiei arache cacti and a totem pole lhe trains that pass overhead add that authentic xloxx n- the—tunnels rumble
At present. (ioldmme is open ‘)am-—l lpm but. dependent upon the availability ota licence. they hope to open around the clock dui mg the weekend. Should this go ahead then the place looks likely to become something ol‘a magnet l'or hungry clubbers. .'\t present the clientele encompasses a broad sxx‘athe ol- the city ‘s population. taking in everyone trom business lolk to Saturday shoppers and bands hour the Arches nest door,
Despite. or indeed because ol. the late opening hours there is no alcohol tor sale but there xx ill be a range oi' smart drinks available tor lit')sc xx ho tancN a pint ol‘something noch xxhile l‘eeding their head at the same time. lt‘you're
It‘s an alternattxe cal‘c.
,1. if
more concerned about l‘eeding your stomach then there are baked spuds. croissants. baguettes and a large selection oi pastries to gorge on.
I Scottish Food Proms Varioth venues. Info: 636 (x332. Thurs 2t) .t\pr--'l’ue 3 May. The lourth annual Scottish l’ood l’roms comes to Glasgow
this year tor a txxelx e-day celebration ol a
Scottish loud and cooking. Scotland produces some ot‘tlie tinest natural produce in the xxorld our salmon. game and beel‘ is in huge demand right across the globe —- yet mention Scottish
Jini Kerr. formerly of the Hogano, displays his wares
cuisine to most people and all they‘ll come up xvith is haggis. 'l‘hes‘e l’roms aim to put Scottish cuisine on the map and point out the benelits ol the resources which we have in our backyard and the skills of the chefs xvho work in Scotland.
There are live permanent exhibitions running for the duration ol the Proms all of which are free: a Schools Food Map Exhibition at the Sauchiehall Centre; an Exhibition ol’ Menus and Recipe Books at Mitchell Library. North Street; a Food Photography
Exhibition at Glasgow School of Art; a Display of Ceramics at the Ubiquitous Chip. Ashton Lane and an Exhibition of Sugarcratt by world champion pastry chef Ann Brown at Princes Square. Buchanan Street.
The rest of the programme includes something to tickle everybody's palates with wine. seafood, venison. game and cheese tastings. meet the author events. guided restaurant tours, the West End Food Festival. and cookery demonstrations from some of Scotland's top chefs including Andrew Radford ol' the Atrium. Colin Clydesdale of Strax'aigin. David Wilson of the Peat Inn and Gerry Goldwyre. the BBC Masterchel‘.
Needless to say there will be a number of dinners at which you can sample the delights of the indigenous cuisine and the skill of those xvlto prepare it.
41 west nicolson street edinburgh (0131) 667 6676
Cote Mon—Sat 10.300m - 5.30pm Bistro Wed-Sat 5.30pm - 10.30pm
simple good taste
mmof 9W "
7 Buccleuch Street, Glasgow G3 68].
Tel: 0141-353 0777 Fax: 0141-357 5685
Praia”; tie 59.96 m
8 Ruthvon Lane Glasgow
334 7165
w I?! Kaila/(r1
EDINBURGH 226 5145 L 50, out fo’untnlnbddgo r EDINBURGH 228 402) \
Nesta ur‘aht
LUNCH — 12-—2.30pm ' EVENINGS — 6—11pm (last orders 10.30pm)
10, anchor close, Cockbum Strut
The List 7-20 Apr I995 91