begin to wear down his own sanity. and his latent neuroses arise to speed his descent into madness. Slightly hard to believe. btit it's an enthralling and stunningly photographed ride. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I Short Cut! (l8) (Robert Altman. LTS. l993) Andie MacDowell. Tim Robbins. Lily Tomlin.

Altman's patchwork approach shifts Raymond Carver's short stories to Los Angeles. a city socially and geologically on the point of falling apart. The stories cross over. character's lives rub together. threads are picked up after receeding for a while this is classy soap opera

Edinburgh: Film Guild.

I Sleep With Me ( l5) (Rory Kelly. US. 1994) Eric Stoltz. Meg Tilly. Craig Sheffer. 94 mins. Co—written by the directorial team behind The Waterrlrrnce and Bodies. Rest & Motion. this is another independent American movie that concentrates on contemporary twentysomething relationships. Quentin Tarantino makes an odd appearance. spouting his new reading of the homo-erotic subtext of 73),) Gun a reassessment to rival the Madonna speech irt Reservoir Dogs. Central: Allanpark.

I Selle like It Hot (PG) (Billy Wilder. US. I959) Tony Curtis. Jack Lemmon. Marilyn Monroe. 120 mins. Two irnpecrrniorrs rrrale musicians inadvertently witness the St Valentine‘s Day Massacre and take refuge itt Florida with Sweet Sue and her Society Syncopators. an all-female bartd. Brilliant. brittle. crackerjack farce with all concerned at a peak in their careers. Part of the Comic Relief Film Marathon. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I Spartacus (l5) (Stanley Kubrick. ITS. 1960) Kirk Douglas. Laurence Olivier. Jean Simmons. Tony Curtis. 196 mins. Terrific. restored version of Kubrick's epic account ofa slave revolt irt Ancient Rome. Fights. ltrst. political intrigue. romance it’s got the lot. Screened here in a new 70mm print witlt previously trnseert footage (Olivier making a pass at Curtis. no less). Edinburgh: MGM.

I Star Equality An illustrated lecture by

giving a historical overview and using filrn extracts. Thurs 23 only. Edinburgh: Filrnhouse. I Star Trek Generations (PG) (David Cats-on. US. 1994) Patrick Stewart. William Shatner. Malcolm McDowell. 117 mins. A contrived plot brings together Captains Picard arid Kirk in order to save millions of lives at the hands of the

Tom Waits. et al. l87 rtrins. Long and absorbing.

at its best. with flawless acting and construction.

Stephen Boume on Black Women irt Hollywood.

demented McDowell. Forget the time warp toslt and cringing references to the joys of the family. enjoy instead the self-referential jokes of the seventh Trekkie movie which clearly shows that the Net! Generation crowd make for better sci-fr than the original pantomime team. And the effects are indeed spectacular. (ieireral release. I Stargate (PG ) (Roland limmerrch. l'S. l9‘).lr Kurt Russell. James Spadei. Jaye Day idsorr. l22 rrrins. Was liar‘th visited centuries ago by aliens. Seems like it. particularly whet) ligyptologrst Spadcr solves the key to a litrge engraved circle found at the pyramids and unlocks a doorway to another planet. Along witlr a military learn led by Russell. he encounters totalitarian space god Ra (Davidson) and reverses [IS foreign policy by helping the locals. Big butlgct scrcircc fiction with gleefully ridiculous story and brilliant effects. Glasgow: .\l(i.\l l’arkhead. lidrnbtrigh: l'C'l. Str‘athclyde: l?(‘l (‘ly'debank \\'.\lR

I Strawberry And Chocolate t lirr lomas Gutierrez Alea/Jtran (.‘arlos labio. (‘uba/t‘ylexico/Spain. l‘NS) Jorge l’crtrgorr'ra. Vladimir Cruz. Mirta lbar'r'a. lll) units. A straight (‘ubarr socrology student becomes the object of affection for a older gay man. As their platonic friendship develops. they ftrid themselves under pressure front the attitudes of other friends and frorn the political regime. What begins deliberately - in stereotypical fashion

soon transcends sexual and social boundaries

and assumptions. (‘entralz MacRobert.

I Suture ( l8) (Scott .\lc(iehcc and David Siegel. l'S. 199-3) Dennis llaysbclt. Michael Harris. Mel llarris. 9o mins. The story (‘lay (llaysbcrt) survives a murder attetnpt by his brother Vincent tllarrrs). but suffers amnesia and has his face remade as Vincent by plastic surgery. The twist: although on screen everyone

refers to the brothers' striking similarities. one is

played by a burly black actor. the other by a small. white guy. An intriguing examination of personal identity and tllc connection between

looks and character. shot in glorious

monochrome scope. (ilasgow: (il-‘l'

I Taxi Driver ( l8) (Martin Scorsese. t‘s. I970) Robert De Niro. (‘ybill Shepherd. Jodie l‘ostcr. ll-l rtrins. An alienated taxi driver in New York

is so repelled by the squalor arid the moral decay around him that he is driven to terrible violence.

()ne of the key films of the Seventies with the Scor'sese~l)e Niro partnership at its peak. lidinburgh: Cameo. Fife: MGM.

L I Three Colours: Red ( IS) (Kitty's/tor

Kieslowski. l-‘rance/Switz/l’oland. 1994) lrerre

Jacob. Jean-Louis 'l‘rintignant. 90 mins. Kieslowskt's tricolour trilogy comes to a close with what may be his greatest masterpiece. A Swiss model (Jacob) discovers that a retired judge t'l'rintignant) rs listening iii to his neighbours' phone conversatiorts; btrt instead of dcnotrncrng him. she too opens up her innermost secrets. Superficial details are stripped away as the director concentrates on parallel lives and interwoven destinies. liife: Adam Smith.

I The Three Musketeers tl’t'.) (Stephen ltetek. l'S. I993) ('luis ()‘Dorirrc'll. (‘harlie Sheen. Krefcr Sutherland. ()liver l’latt. l()(r mins. Young D'Attagnan (O‘Donnell) learns up with a trio of the king's bodyguard and together they set otrt to foil the cvrl (‘ardirral Richelicu's plans. save the monaicy. snog the wenchcs. drink their fill and do what l7th century French heroes have to do. l'nprctcntiolrs \ alue-for-rnoney errtertairnnerrt that bears a passing resemblance to a novel by Alexandre Dumas. (ilasgow: (‘annorr

I Throne of Blood ( I5) (Akira Kurosawa. Japan. I957) lushil'n Mifurre. lsu/tr Yarnada. Minoru (‘lriaki ll() mins. lt's Shakespeare's Scottish play. Japanese-style. as sarntrtai Mrftrne is spurred on by his wife and the spirits to murder his best friend and then his master. Although the barcst plot and striking images remain from the original. Kurosawa's atmospheric settings in mist-shrouded forests give the film a brooding power. ('cntral: .‘ylrrcRobcrt

I Tombstone ( IS) (George P. (‘osrrr;ttos. ('8. I993) Krrrt Russell. \'al Krlrner‘. Sam lilliott. Bill l’axton. lI‘) mins. livents before. drrr trig arid after the legendary gunfight at the ()K ('ort'al

w itlr a reasonably big name cast depicting the actions of tlte liarp brothers. Doc llolliday' et al. ()ld fashioned style western w ill) familiar story and style places the emphasis on ()K. (ilasgow: (ill

I True lies ( l5) (James Cameron. l'S. 199-1) Arnold Schwarscneggct'. Jarrric Lee Curtis. ’l’om Arnold. lsll mins. Arnie triasqtrctades as a comprrter salesman to keep longsullciirig spouse ('trrtrs in the dark abotrt his real Job til the lit tech spy world. At a price tag of over Slthn. (’arncron‘s atterrtpt to redcfrtre the y rsual possibilities of the actrott genre is thrilling. disappointing and exastwiattrrg in almost equal measures. bttt at least the money's tip there on the screen. Dodgy value Judgements. brilliant wholesale destruction lidrnbuigh: .‘yl(i.\l.

I True Romance ( 18) (Tony Scott. t'S. 1993) Christian Slater. l’atricia Aiquette. Dennis Hopper. ll‘) mins. (‘ornic bookstore assistant

Clarence meets. sleeps with and marries novice hooker Alabama within a matter of hours. then the lovebirds find themselves on the tilt) with an accidentally stolen case of cocaine. Limelight- stealing cameos and writer Quentin 'l‘arantino's verbal set-pieces fire this excellent movie. the epitome of disposable pop culture for the fast- food generation. Edinburgh: Cameo.

I Victim ( l 5) ( llasrl Dealden. l.'K. l9()l ) Dirk Bogarde. Syly ra Syms. John Barrie. IOU mins. A landmark British frlrn that openly deals will) homosexuality llogatde took great risks with his ft‘rrnct pin-up rrnage. starring as a rich middle-

c lass lawyer \s ho's blackmailed by a tetit boy. forcrrtg him to admit his scxrralrty to his wife. ()rr one hand a thriller. on the other a detailed. sympathetic portrayal of a country entering the nitric liberal era of the ()()s Edinburgh: Cameo, I Viritliana ( l8) (l.ttrs llunrrel. Spain/Mexico. I90] ) Sily ta l’inal. l‘rancisco Rabal. liernando Rey. Margarita lolano. Teresa Rahal. 9| mins. A masterpiece of darkly comic brutality from the Spanish master of the surreal. l’rnal stars as a \'rr rdiana. a goldeirhcattcd nun who offers strccour to a cornrntrtrrty of beggars. btrt is ridiculed and cheated. With a superb visual clan. llunucl satir ises the rugratititde and barbarin of humanity. often verging on blasphemy. with the result that the frlrn was immediately banned in his home country. litlinburglr: lirlmhouse.

I Wagons Eastrt’tr) rl’t-tct \latkle. t'S. t994) John Candy. Richard Lewis. John (‘. McCrinley. It)? mins. A group of settlers grow disillusioned by the ()ld West and head back east to the land of crisp w hrtc sheets. l'rrforttrrratcly their girl/led guide is an ineffectual drunk with a shady past who gets them into trouble with Indians. gunslrngeis and railroad rrragnates. See review. All l'('ls. (ilasgow MUM litlrn Centre. l‘rfe: (ilentothes.

I War or The Buttons (Hi) (John Roberts. UK. l99-l)(‘olm Mcancy. (itcgg lirtzgeiald. John ('offcy. 9.1 mitts 'l‘he rivalry between two villages in the south west of lrclarrd is taken tip in childish skirmishes between local schoolkidS. bttt soon then battles escalate. ('olrn Welland's

script oozes lrlslr charm and a love ofchildllood.

bill the repetitive structure begins to wear thir). Glasgow: (irosvenor.

' I Wayne’s World 2 (PG) (Stephen Stll’jlk. US.

1993) Mike Myers. Dana ('arvey. Tia Carrere. 95 mins. It's time to party on again with Wayne and (iat'th. now they've left borne and decide to stage Waynestock. a sottrewhat over-ambitious conccn. in Aurora (ilasgow: (it‘OSVCflOf.

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23 The List lO~23 Mar 1995