0m MUSIC present
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27th February, GLASGOW The Garage,
iii: .l: 7 ,. '.I~i'llilԤ'.ii't
New FADS: they're the latest thing trout Manchester. vou know
we erroneously reported last issue. 22l 8499. 9pm. Free. " h. ' 28th February, 2nd March, Unconfirmed rumour has it that SDBB are i I Karen X Under Ventura. King Street. _ ‘ v . I CC Browns, ’ h Bruce Hotel, in fact two rockin‘ vicars who. when not i 552 1388. 9.30pm. £2. . ' “ .~ . ' ' ‘GREENOCK EAST KILBRIDE
tending to their flocks. like nothing better 3 I Boogamsa Butcavc‘ Bruce Holcl‘
than a spot ofthe blues. , Cornwall Street. East Kilbridc‘ 013553 . 1$t March, 3rd March.
- The n" Band [:fA‘MCth Ruuand Street' 29771. 10pm. £4. The cajun band host the Lemon Treet 'The Ggiagev 229 3402' 109"" Hee' Rab and 9315 get celebrations for the Bruce’s Thursday ABERDEEN GLASGOW stuck into some raunchy blues With plenty nigh, shindigvs 8th anniversary_ of energy. ‘ ‘
I Mustang Sally Rutland No l. Rutland a? a x giggfl 340“ 10pm Fm“ SOUI § I Captain 22 and Sahelia Subway.
I The Diesel Kings Stoneq Frederick Cowgate. 225 6766. 9pm. £2. Curious mix Street 770 1776 10pm F‘rée The D K g i ofindie guitars and blues from Captain
have been signed to Music For Life so "' . , their debut single Marat/ms (lll(/ . stomp." MClean QULL” 5m“ 03m”
Bar, Queen Street, 226 2530. 10pm. Free.
lst March GLASGOW The Garage . <3)"
Scavengers will be re-released on Feb 13. Rock country 1nd blucg . i .2‘ ‘ -t‘.225 ‘. ‘ “ g;git}?Lfins"ggtvguf&;gg;m€0W9“ . MrPitiiul Ruttand No l. Ruttand 7th March . m _ , Street. 229 3402. 10pm. Free. hlyfivzgfissii: a()i'iEeiiOStreet Oyster Bar. I the suds 0' mam Platform onc‘ . - Queen Street 226 2530. 10pm. Free. Rutland Strce.t‘ 225 2433' 9309"" Ha" Barrowlands . ' ‘ Marc Bolan rides again. Sort of. Falkll'k I Bill Hall Neighbours. McDonald Road.
557 4928. 9pm. Free. I Tinderbox Stones, Frederick Street. 220 l226. 10pm. Free. High energy funk folk.
I The River Detectives Martell. Burnbank Road, 01324 621764. 9pm. £4.
Survrvors of that period in the 80s when it I "at TomaIes west End Oyster Bar. seemed as though Scot pop would
- s t'z ».2253. . .3 . conquer the world and Big Country were we“ Mm] md sue“ g6] 10 01""
almost credible. Acoustic set. Free. Blues with the aid of a moothie and I
acoustic guitar.
I Priapism Bare Story. Cowgate. 556 9th March Barrowlands ‘ ; 3953. 9pm. Free. Go look up their name
in a dictionary. Allegedly man of the Glasgow 5 Kennedy clan were afflicted with the I Alvin Lee Pavilion, Renfield Street, 332 i problem. Rock covers and their own 1846. 7.30pm. £8.50. £7.50. The leading 5 material. light of blues-rock Woodstock veterans r I Cartoon Vagabonds AJ. Ramsay‘s. Ten Years After returns for some more i Broughton Street, 557 0627. 9pm. Free. instinctive jamming 25 years after. ‘ I live Music L‘Attache, Rutland Street.
I Flinch, The Mobiles and Hopper King 229 3402. 10pm. Free.
Tut’s Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £4. Tickets from King FRIDAY 17
Tut’s and Just the Ticket, Vir in. Union
Street. 226 4679. Newish indgie acts Glasgow
possibly thrust out to the regions I New FADS and Molly Halt Head King
prematurely. Flinch won In The City's Tut’s Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. ., .
Best Unsigned Band accolade for their 221 5279. 8.30pm. £6. Tickets from King 2" ' i": i i ii: post-feminist indie pop and The Nubiles Tut‘s and Just the Ticket, Virgin, Union 11‘“ 93" March K'mARNocwabczn-‘S' feature former Five Thirty mainmouth Street, 226 4679. The media spotlight has M 13%13" meagre-0592-260498 Tara Milton. passed over these two Mancunian bands on a“
I Mandrake Boot, Strawberry Bomb and of late but they stoically continue in their
October Thorn Nice ‘n' Sleazy. idiosyncratic dissonant guitar-led styles —
Sauchiehall Street, 333 9637. 9pm. £2.50. New FADS with dance undertones and I The Moondlals Halt Bar, Woodlands Molly Half Head with a cantankerous ' i h ‘2:-
Road, 332 1210. 9.30pm. Free. See Fri 10. punk streak. . . GLASGOW I Deadcat Motorbike, Apple and Surge I The Afterglow and The Chosen Arena. ' I d Arena, Oswald Street. 221 3010. 8.30pm. Oswald Street, 221 3010. 8.30pm. £2.50. Barrow an 5‘
£250“ In keeping with the Parklife vibe, two I Bullwinkle, Hard Body and The Garden mod bands to rev your Vespas to. Spies Club 99p. The 13th Note I Jap's Eye, Sixpack and Ex-Cathedta (downstairs). Glassford Street. 553 1638. Nice‘n’Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9pm. 99p. 9637. 9pm. A frenetic evening ofcranked— Tickets: Venue Box Offices, Glasgow Just the TiCKGt union St. . Baby Pumice Come“ St Georges UP 8mm“; “0! for the {aim-hearted Edinburgh Virgin 8t Ripping 8: all Tocta outlets." grog (at Charmg Cross)‘ 337- 1625. 9pm I naggle Taggle Gypsies McChuill‘s, med“ cams 031557 6969' ~ ‘ it S ‘ .5522l3.9.3 m.Fre. ‘ - - . I Mlnden MacSorley's. Jamaica Street. :diptil.trwl 5 0p 6 sec F'mtca" 031-555 3773’ 041 556 5555
The List 10-23 Feb I995 43