I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Glasgow Roy. 1 Concert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall ‘t. 227 5511. 7.30pm. £6—'. " .irlow conducts the RSNO in th-i:' New Year concert. The audience will he treated to a series of waltzes by assorted members of the Strauss family and extracts from some of the great musicals. Rosalind Sutherland is soprano and Edwin Paling is the orchestra's leader and solo violinist.
Bramwcll Iovey
I National Youth Orchestra of Scotland Usher Hall. Lothian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £6—£ 14 (concessions half price. £1 for children and full time students). Bramwell Tovey conducts and Jane 1min is the iiiezzo-soprano iii Elgar's Sea Pictures. The programme also comprises Dvorak's Sclierza Capriccaw. Strauss's Don Juan and Bi‘ahms's Symphony Na /.
I National Youth Orchestra of Scotland
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 227 5511. 7.30pm. £6—£14 (concessions half price. £1 for children and full time students). See Wednesday 4.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Usher Hall. 1.othian Road. 228 1155. £6—£ 1‘). Hans Grat‘conducts the Orchestra in Strauss‘s Macbeth and Beethoven's Complete Incidental Music to ‘lfgmunt '. Christiane Oelze is the soprano in Mozart’s Ersultate Jubilate.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Usher Hall. Lothian Road. 228 1155. £6—£19. See Friday 6.
I lolanthe Theatre Royal. 282 Hope
Street. 332 9000. 7.15pm. 15350—5544. Scottish Opera get their teeth into Gilbert and Sullivan‘s satire of Victorian Britain's
legal and parliamentary systems. Elizabeth Harley is the Queen of the Fairies. Elizabeth McCormack is lolanthe. the role of Phyllis is sung by Ann
Archibald. that of Earl Tolloller by Harry
Nicoll. and Eric Roberts takes on the role of Earl Mountararat. Stephen Clarke is the
conductor and Keith Warner the director.
I Edinburgh Ouartet Stockbridge Parish Church. Saxe Coburg Street. 3pm. £7 (Ll—£6) from Edinburgh Quartet. 119
Craigleith Road. 332 8691; Queen‘s Hall. Clerk Street. 668 2019. credit card hotline 667 7776; Ticketline 220 4349. The
: Quartet. Miles Baster. Peter Markham.
Michael Beeston and Mark Bailey. present
Beethoven's Quartet in I" 0]) I35. Elgar’
62 The List 16 December 1994—12 January 1995
Quartet in If minor 0/) S} arid Brahms's Quintet in I" ()p 88 with James Durrant on viola.
I St Giles’ at Six St Giles' Cathedral. 225 51—17. 6pm. Free.
I lolanthe Theatre Royal. 282 Hope Street. 332 9000. 7.15pm. 8.50—5.44. See Saturday 7.
I Edinburgh Ouartet Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. 650 2423. 1.1(1pm. Free. As part ol‘ Edinburgh University's lunch- liour recitals series the quartet pei‘t'oriii Stravinsky's ('mtcerti/ta and Tchaikovskys String Quartet N03.
l Edinburgh 1 I
The Contemporary Violin Queen's Hall.
lolanthe Clerk Street. 668 201‘). credit card hotline 667 7776. 7.45pm. £7501£3l l'idinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust presents a programme ol‘ new music by MacMillan. llzillitli Hallgrinisson. Cage. Gorecki and Crumb. Madeleine Mitchell is the violinist and Andrew Hall the pianist.
l Glasgow
I Discoveries Concert Hall. Glasgow University. 1.15pm. Free. A presentation ol‘electi'o-aeoustic music lrom around the world.
i Edinburgh
1 I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Usher
llall. l.otliian Road. 22S 1155. 7.45pm. £3.5(1—-£15. This evening .lukka-Pekka Saraste conducts the orchestra in the UK premier of ()sborne's The :1 rt ir/‘l’itgue. Beethoven's Synip/iunv Na 7 and Ursula Smith is the cellist in Beethoven‘s (il't).\'.\‘(’ Fugue.
Gilbert & Sullivan Opens 7 January 1995
The Bank of Scotland Tercentenary Production
The Morrige of FlQGrcft
New Production directed by David Leveaux
Opens 24 January 1995
. THEATRE ROYAL GLASGOW 041-332 9000 0 041-556 5555 (BOOKING FEE)