solo violinist. They will perform Mo/at‘t's Svntpholtv No 40 in (i minor attd Schumann's Svni/i/tonv .\'o .\‘ Ill liflar ()p 9,7 'R/Ieltlx/t '.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Saucltieliall Street. 327 55l l. 7.30pm. £6 t‘l‘). See Sat 25.
I The Organist Entertains .»\rt (iallet‘y and Museum. Kelyingrove. 33] ISIS-l. 2.30pm. Free. Duncan Sinclair runs through a light-hearted repertoire on the organ built by l.L‘\\'l\ and ('o l.l.l at the turn of the century.
I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra Queen's llall. (‘lerk Street. 665’ lel‘). creditcard hotline 667 776. 7.30pm. £5 (£3. schoolchildren free i. :\l;l\tl;tll' Mitchell conducts. l’lttlip Taylor leads and Claire Taylor is solo violinist iii a performance of liraltms' Svni/t/iont' .\'o/. Mendelssoltn's lie/tn ('ont'e/‘Iti and Berlioz's ()t'erIn/‘e: l.<'.\ lair/It'salt/get.
I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Reid (‘oncert llall. Bristo Square. 650 2-123. 7.30pm. L31 tt‘lfilll, litnre :\ract conducts the lil ‘('() lll .\lo/att's Ull‘t’l'lllllt'lllu Ali/7. Fin/1's l)1t’.\ Nata/1.x and Dvorak's Serenade III If ()/t 32 Matthew Peacock is the tenor.
I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers St Peter's. l.utton Place. 7.30pm. Price on door. David Kittibell conducts the Singers iii a .‘ylass by l'lellllsll contposer ()ckeghent and other \vorlts.
I Eight Songs For A Mad King Stevenson Hall. RSAMD. Renfrevv Street. 7.45pm, £7 (£3.50). David Davies conducts and Andrew (jallaclter provides the vocals in a Paragon Ensemble Scotland production of Peter Maxwell Davies” arrangement for
ensemble of Bach's Prelta/es ant/ l-‘nyeuex. liis realisation for cnsetttble of l-a/nasla and 'Iivo l’at'anv after Purcell and his lite/t! Songs For .-i .llatl King. The other pieces being perforttted are James .‘ylacMillan’s .‘l‘lll'l‘ l‘he li‘\‘.\'( and (iordon \lcl’lit‘t'sott's 'lilte li'livx or .Setital
Ignorant e.
I Advent Carol Service (iovan ota l’at-tslt (‘lturcli 7.3(ll‘ln. l-‘ree. .-\lan ‘l‘averner conducts the Stratltclyde l'niyet‘sity (‘hatnber ('ltoir itt some seasonal singing. I Echoes of South Africa 'l‘ratttyvay. Albert Drive. 227 55 l 1. 7.30pm. £6 (£3). .\lttsicians from tlte Royal Scottish National ()rchestt'a. RS.\'( ) .ltlltlttl' (‘ltorus and pupils from Anderston and Kelvitiltaugh l’riniaty Schools and Woodside Secondary ltllll forces to pct‘l‘ot’ttt Skeef‘s .S/ttrn o' .U'n' lll'tm: Song and .\lac.\\ Sour/hart; .S/tl'itizf.
I Into The Dark Studio ()‘te. (‘oaeezt llall. Broadcasting House. 2.30pm. Free from reception in advance or on the door. The ('ltantber ( iroup of seotland pet fot'ttt .\lessiaen's Quarter to; (/1: /'.n../ f,’ 'li'na'. The concert \\ tll be broadcast ll\ e on Radio Scotland.
I Vienna Boys Choir Festival 'l'lieaue. Nicolson Street. 53‘) (illllll‘ 7.30t‘ttt. £6.50 £16.50 650 t; llfitll. This l\ tlte first vtsit to l-idrnlturglt by the choir founded lll HUS lty litnpet'or .\l;l.".lllllll;llll lll four years. There isn‘t .ntotlier planned for a further fottr years so ntal;e the most Ul~ II.
I Giles, at Sl (iil'e‘s' (‘LllllL'tll'tll (tptn. Free. llaltvearie High School gives a
I Via’s Christmas Celebration Chapel. (ilasgoyv l'niversity. 7.30pm. -\ collection
Mary Stuart
Madama Butterfly
Tristan und Isolde't
EDINBURGH FESTIVAL THEATRE 29 November - 10 December
BOX OFFICE 031-529 6000
I u EAT R t;
031-555 3773 (BOOKING mi
of children's choirs led by guest singer .-\tttte Lorne Gillies. perform Christmas carols in aid of charity with the University (‘hapel Choir.
I Classic Trio Hutcheson‘s Hall. John Street. I.15pm. £1.60. Geoffrey Haydock on clarinet. Alexander Volpov on cello and Penelope Sntitlt on piano perform Beethoven‘s Trio in leat 0/) I] and Braltms' Trio in xl minor ()p 1/4.
I Masterclass (.iuinness Room. RSAMD. Renfreyv Street. 3pm. Free. Evelyn (ilenme lets us itt on a few of her incredible percussion techniques.
I Madama Butterfly Festival Theatre. Nlctllsttll Street. 53‘) 0000. 7.l5plti.
t-l -L'44. Scottish ()pera presents Puccini's opera of western perfidy and eastern stoieisnt iii the face of adversity. Sir .»\le\'ander (iibson conducts. Anne \\'illiatns- King plays Cio-C‘io San and Seppo Ruohonen plays the caddislt Pinkerton. Sung itt ltalian with English sttrtilles.
I Duo Seraphim Reid (‘oneeri Hall. llristo Square. 650 2423. 1.10pm. Free. .v\s part of Edinburgh University's lunch- hour recitals series soprano lrene Drutnmond attd tile/.zo-soprano Lottie lloz'stnan. accompanied by pianist .-\ndt‘e\v Dunscontbe perform songs by Purcell. Schumann. Brahms and Rossini.
I Schools Performance ASSClllbl)’ Hall. .lot'datlltill (‘anipus 1.30pm. Free. Performed by Stratltclyde University ()rchestra with Fergus Kerr. french horn and Murray .\lcl.achlan on piano.
I ECAT Queen's llall. Clerk Street. 668 301‘). creditcat‘d hotline 667 7776.
7.45pm. £7.50 (£3. schoolchildren free). The Lyell Cresswell 50th Birthday celebrations continue unabated. Richard Beauchamp is the pianist in Cressvvell‘s The Grammar ofSolirta/e and Who '5' Afraid ofRetl. Yellow aml Blue. Beaucharnp is joined by Richard Burkhard for Cressvvell‘s 7 Shaker Songs. Soprano Tracey Chadwell sings in Cressvvell's Prayer For The Cure Ufa Sprainet/ Back and ll’onls For illirsie. Pamela Lidiard on piano accompanies Chadweel in Cressvvell's S Shaker Songs and Whitehead's .-llt‘(l Herea.
I Fidelio Festival Theatre. Nicolson Street. 52‘) 6000. 7.15pm. ill—£44. Scottish ()pera anitnates Beethoven's only opera telling of l.eonore's darittg bid to save her husband. Flot‘estan. from a tyrants ‘ terciless clutches. Tint .-\lbet'.\' directs :hael Pabst plays Florestan attd lilizab; \\'hitehouse assutnes the mantle of l.eottot‘e/Fidelio. The production was highly acclaimed at the Edinburgh Festival.
I Wind Orchestra Concert Stevenson Hall. RSAMD. Renfrevv Street. 7.30pm. £5 (£2.50--£~1.50). David Davies conducts the AL a :m Wind Orchestra in lidtvard
Gre 'S‘t‘!‘ s e eln'ation. Peter Maxwell
Dz: ' :‘hael. llolst's Htrunners/nah ‘t‘ 'geois' Sinjoniena.
I )llCCl'l llall. (ilasgovv
l pm. Free. Gary McLeod a. it perform 'l‘eletnann's
()4 I 'haeonne. \"ivaldi's
(one; . i). Rodrigo's 'lonat/i/la attd
Albettiz's livoeation and (‘asti/la.
I Madama Butterfly Festival Theatre. Nicolson Street 53‘) 6000. 7. l5ptn. £44.44. See Tue 2‘).
The List lS November 1 December NW 45