T e achi n. t other ofers you

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13.3w- 3*}?

It. you are a graduate, or soon will he. and you are thinking about a eareer. have you considered secondary school teaehiug?

After all what other profession otters you the chance to influence the future of so many young people? With your help eaelt one of your pupils can make the most of their talents.

It‘that sounds a little (launting. it is. l-lut a one year professional training eourse will prepare you for the ehallenge development will keep

)ro ’t‘étmlllt‘ your l L .

and a stall

teaehing‘ teelinioues up-to-(late throughout your eareer.

let's not lorg'et that a eareer in teaehing otters other exeellent prospeets. The basic pay st‘ale rises to over L‘lfl_()()(). .'\Il(l with more than halt ot‘ seeonIlary teaehers in ])l‘()ttt(II(‘(l posts an ambitious teaeher can eertainly go plaees.

To find out more about how you ran heeonte a seeontlary sehool teaeher please

complete £tlt(l post the eoupon.

Esma I., I:I- III\ltil\'l\’(I\\'s ll'.\\ llllx‘i II 2 i 5 I I<I~IIIosI l‘H Izox ii 2‘ I lIl\lLl I<I,II i ll! oiv ' E(\Ii\l;tlll§t'!l~"\\.II'\I i,\.'IIIIe ____ _____________ _ __, _____ _:,___._ EAIIIII-m

_ lllfl\l\llt|('

l mu interestetl in training to teaelt lilt'l\' host Religious liIlueation [j \lotletn languages lumi- D Irtttnuium U I’Itmts Cl \IIIIIts l: lt‘oIanItiIIg ()tlIeI' N-t‘qulaI't Nihiet'ts U

I am: a graduate [j undergraduate l:latsel1oolD

3 ll IIllII‘I' please spet'ily III‘olI-ssion



The List [8 November—l December 199-1 9