RECRUITMENT l _ l m S I To apply a es for this job 3 Manager don't send ADMINISTRATION GLASGOW Ann EDINBURGH our CV send . . . . . y ’ . The Llst IS looking for someone With initiative, YOUI' VOICQ. Scotland's notional Opera company, and one of energy and commitment to continue to develop ' Britain's largest arts organisations, is currently the sales of Scotland's best magazine. S EnIOYIng CfllSIIC and C-OdmmerClOI SUCCGSS. and most innovative ompany eXIsts taprow e opera of all scales. Advertising revenue, boosting Circulation sales Adye'rttskng Afgency Ll: Opera Plznning Departnciient reqUires an and marketing the magazine. 5 00 '29 O Odgmlitrfl'fn SS'Slonl:° grhov's Sef'elorgbond The job involves meeting targets and working to lomj/ re uirels tgclVanflUIfgcC: Initio: l()lecooniiccllrelnl' (lite deadlines as we” as managing and mOIivating a 8 Cry q .. 9 . . . '0 W team in our busy Edinburgh office. office odmlnlsfiafor. and the ability to communicate and liaise at all To Oppw send US levels. 1 Salary c £16,000 (incl. anticipated bonus). on audi'o tape Word processing skills are essential and the ability For a detailed job description phone 031 558 1191. femng US why H to carry out routine clerical tasks With accuracy. ? Apply in writing with CV giving details of previous should be you. Salary 29,500 expegenie,tby; Setptiegacrjnbter tor:1 Ele1l31UTbEliSher, o 9 IS , i ree , in ur . If we we the sgund For job description send SAE to Susan Wilkie, Scottish 9 9 Of YOU, YOU might Opera, 39 Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow (32 APT. JUST have talked Applications by letter and CV should be submitted by STILLS GALLERY YOUVSGIf lnlo Cl grewsr‘jgajepslaber; 4 qu 'merv'ews W'“ be held Scotland's original photography gallery has expanded greatlob. S h O Y' p 8"; er ‘ I I into larger new premises. To support this expansion coms era strives to n e u rluniries m er ' ° Tapes IO ONSIS subSidised b: (the going/532:5 Cauncj p 0y we WISh to make two new appomunents' 9/1136 Asserlsg‘g fl TOURING EXHIBITIONS ' 99 0 9 CU , The Royal Mile, Edinbur h (PART-TIME 3 DAYS PER WEEK) 9 pHAB SCOTLAND SALARY SCALE 211,625-213,002 pno RATA EH] "5 REQUIRES AN To maintain and develop touring exhibitions programme. EDINBURGH NETWORKS Essentialrequirements are experience in promotion and organisation Within the Visual arts and knowledge of arts PROJECT WORKER funding. An awareness of current photographic issues 20 HOURS PER WEEK and practices is desirable. I . SALARY “$002 To “‘17” (PRO RA”) I (This post is offered initially on a fixed term contract I _ The ll’roiecthwill encourage physically disabled young of 6 months, funded by the Scottish Arts Council). : peope in t e 14 to 18 age range to become involved in ‘ r mainstream social. leisure and educational activities. ' a Applicants should have: an enthusiastic approach; a (PART-TIME 18 HOURS PER WEEK) , 7 oommitrnent to the empowerment of people with i SALARY SCALE “:432 ' £10395 FRO RATA 3 physical disabilities; and a proven track record in youth TO DVOVldO adminisuatlve and Seaetarial SUPPOO- i work. The successful applicant will be required to work ; Essential reqmrements are knowledge of computerised th t unsocial hours. g bookkeeping, word processing and data bases, good a For further information send a stamped addressed A4 I Organisational Skills and experience 0’ qeallng With the . . envelope to: public. An interest in the visual arts is deSirable. MARIE REID Please send SAE for application form and job description to: PHAB SCOTLAND. PRINCES HOUSE STILLS GALLERY Th L. t 5 SHANDWICK PLACE. EDINBURGH EH2 4RG 23 COCKBURN STREET e . TEL'oa‘ 229 3559, EDINBURGH EH1 1BP ' Phab Scotland is anequal opportunities enployer . , ; andwekzomesqplicanonslmmpeople with disabilities. Closmg date. Monday 19 September i Stills Gallery strives to be an Equal Opportunities Employer
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The List 922 September IWJ 73