to sing

Do you sing in an amateur operatic group or are your vocal outbursts restricted only to the bathroom? Either way, we'd like you to consider something a bit more challenging - Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus.

Scotland's acclaimed symphony chorus performs regularly with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra at concerts in Glasgow and Edinburgh. We also tour abroad - most recently to Hong Kong - make recordings and appear on television and radio.

We wantto tind men with good voices regardless otexperience in singing. Seasoned singers can join immediately, but don’t worry it your usual audience is your rubber duck - we can give training where it's needed.

Come along to our Open Rehearsal on Wednesday 3l August at7pm in the Henry Wood Hall, Claremont Street - preferably with your clothes on! Alternatively, contact The Secretary, c/o 33 Winchester Drive, Glasgow Gl 2 ONE tor turther details. You deserve more at an audience than your duck!