MUSIC FOLK & WORLD T In the Park, the Tennonts lee Festival

Assembly Direct presents i n h u [9 h I Edinburgh Folk Club (‘tit‘e Royal Upstairs. West Register Street. 557 4703.

' " ' " 8 .£~1£.‘).:\'g;ll'S‘ l.‘.l’.f' ‘.\ round Mldnlght jaZZ festival & i‘tli'’t‘.t3ili~tlitilfiiti'iuitéilll

guitar. Rod Paterson makes a not—too- frequent club appearance. I Bua Tron (‘eilidh House. Hunter

cam' Kidd m Andy Sheppard / Steve Loader galaxies:segregates Emil-

Glgs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided Glasgow

. ID d." i; “'e ."ee. Phll Bancroft Octet . gggtgggg';eggighpgg;i312::23.183; will? Ft‘ztisiplliitt'

Sllttlc‘t's‘ an t ‘o st 'Lw

Gary Thomas Exile's Gate. will?”°°'“""°“""°"““" Georgie Fame St the Blue Flames

: I Robin Williamson and John Renbourne t W l The l’err}. Clyde l‘ Spin. £7 (£5l. liar. l l The ‘\\'heel of l'ortune Tour 1994'. The i release of the eponviiious album. and a I Weekly Ceilidh Dance The tat-n; cutie “t-‘H‘VU‘ W ‘7“ W l' K l‘-" "‘L‘ W” “l Place. 10pm. £6 (£4). Tickclg at [h'c WM“. the Incredible String Band and l’entangle.

Craig MCMUl’dO

or in advancC from the Ticket Ccnm. now together as a duo. The concert j

. 't. -.v.“. '. '.....|, i.

«- Candlcnggs‘ 227 551 I. lctlllltcs a line mix of itivorlxtd and nut i

I I Dance’Rivchidc FOX SIR.“ St‘ltgs‘. some stones and a least of their 5 off Clyde Street. 2-18 3144. Doors open .lU-‘llY limml li'lilulml‘lnii “ll h@‘fl‘ 41””

. y

8pm. music at 9pm. £5. élllld'N- E

. . I New Dawn Folk Club (El; .‘g 't’ ~ ‘s‘s Club. ()4 West Regent Sll‘t‘ti'i::;\2 liti7~l I Gum Crack cm) W; W I, ! 8; spin. £4 (£3). Tom McConvrlle. Upstairs. St Mary‘s L7)..”40pin. £2.

Edinbur h

Monthly Storytelling Club presents g g H . .

members and guests with special guest I The Home’s scmll." Mll‘l’lly ~5- (’L‘U'YJC . x .‘ , , a .‘ . . .

Donald Davis. a tale-bearer from the li’ Bll‘lek‘ 3-5 m“ l -_ k)l““- l “f.

Appalachian Mountains 0f the USA. lustremel)‘ popular Irish l‘ttlltl from

I summer ceilidhs at the Assembly Liverpool hack for another stint.

Booms Assembly Rooms. 53 George . _ 29 " 3 Street. 8pm—lam. £6 (£4.50). Tickets : 8 V _ ' " , ()ff“. Us} “Hill 1 Que?" 5 Ha": Ed'nburgh ilill‘k’iigi‘lllia‘i‘éim 01:50:21». Glasgow i 9 Music driven by the effervescent I Deal Heights Cajun Aces Paisley Arts . ' Carribean ceilidh beat. bagpipes and Centre. New Street. l’aislev. 887 1010. For information please ca" bong“ 0f the Tartan Amoebas-

8pm. £5 (Bl. llot dance licks from one of I Live Irish Band Scruffy Murphy's. Britain's l‘est cajun outfits. George [V Bridge. 225 lel. 9pm. liree.

I World Development Movement Benefit SATURDAY 2

lit.‘lll_\' \‘v'otitl llttll. (ilttt't‘lllotll Slt‘c‘t‘l. "l‘ln lam. Hat". £5 £3 I. Tickets at the door or on 7“: l-12_‘s.(i.‘\.‘s’(i5(lsl. live

1% dance music from (ilasgovv's own Black a I scatia Falk SCOllil Bar. SkaWCll Star Steel Band. .-\l\t) (‘lub (‘ubana lll 1391‘ Street. 552 8681. 3.30-5.30pm. liree. l Tchico. A Spaced Out Cowboys. i I Weekly Ceilidh Dance The l‘errv. (iv-tie I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fox Street. Plat-L2 0pm. £5 «Lil. Tickets at the venue T1 3 ) 3 . offClyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open : or in advance from the Ticket Centre. it QULtn 5 3 8pm. music at 9pm. £5. l Cuntllc‘t'lggs, 227 5511.

(‘lerlx Street lttlinl‘urgh H l8 "K;

Edinburgh ' ',~,-°fili"l"i’:"°f U '(c‘ c‘t‘.-.w‘.‘ “\H‘s‘

Wednesday l7 August I LOOam I Tron Folk Club Tron (‘eilidh House. spm. '

Hunter Square. 220 1550. S..‘s()piii. £3.

Edinburgh singer/soiigvvriter and guitarist

C a e v a film] JUhnSIUnC 8 nc“ hand Glgha' I Dance \'_‘tli\ l t'!\:tl't‘ (‘t‘lill'tfi W (irove Street. “pm 2.? 5‘) t £3 u. Music to

. llslt‘lt or l'c‘t‘l [ti l‘j» CBltiC I'Tlle Hooleys Scruff). \ltirpli} \. t' ivory;- . a». I Oumou Sangare Ross 'l'heati‘e. l’riiices Ii Bn‘li‘ic‘ "5“ " ()lifil' “"9 i Street (iardens. 2.3tll‘m. l-‘ree. Mail‘s star L‘HUH‘W} Willi“: m‘h 5”“ “Um female singer with her hand rinsing _ , , traditional acoustic and contemporarv I Romy" w'lllamson anti Jon" Rff’nboume electric instruments \vith dance-inducing Sm’lllWli' (““fl‘llllllu ( \lCll"l“‘ll pmussmu Sm. Mum. mun“: Street. Spin. L tL.‘ i. Bar. ‘1 tc‘lx'i‘ls at the I OISE Sun”) ML”?th 06mm. IV door or in .ltl.\ anc.~ li'ozi: llle Music Shop. Bridge. 32.5 lfib'l. ()pttf. l‘ree. Young four- “liq Hlm' (H‘l\\m‘”-l‘t‘ii‘ 3”” “(ml Piece lrish band. who are lila} in}; a host of l)"“‘"'m"‘i l‘.‘ “W” “W” “1"”- festivals throughout l-Zurope during their \Cllt)t)l lltllltltl}'\. Their first lidinburgh gig.

E'Efllfl- mum” Edinburgh Glasgow

l.i\'et';‘ool lxic}. lo; another stint.

Incredible String Hand tlllil l’eutangie

stats ozi toar. See (iiasuii‘a. 'l'ltuts "

(,Illl,u'llll \ui u. u ell Lauri ii [m l.'\ mum ulii v rm ilri/s. ll(l\ Ill‘t iva u urn um/ r \1 in”. I Edinburgh songw'nerls Showcase Trun I SCUtia SCUllil littl. Sitk'ls’“ t‘ll /'IHL’I 'tlllllll' lrtlH‘Il nu I'rlll-xlllmi \ Illult'/\ (run: the “4:11;”! \nltus Ill! run! I‘ll rilw: C‘Cilidh Huugc Hunlcl' Sqll‘lrt‘ Spill [illlL‘ SUIT!" R08 ismpn‘l' Isl-cc H" I'l’l' I“ " "’ “W’I‘I'HIH [ill/It'll.\ l rllllll l4 \ run/ \ulll.’\ In lilizt 41ml little/run ll ll/llllll\ i i i 5

Angels. I Ceilidh Dance Rixersitle. l‘o\ Street tll‘l‘(.l'\(lL‘ Silt‘t‘l. Jib 5l~l-1.l)titllsi\t‘t‘ll

first ten solig\\l‘llc‘l's vvho shovv up play during the evening. with the headlining artist playing from about 10.30pm.

' Rpm. music at 9pm. £5. Tickets £9.50 3. £7.00 Concessions £7.50 3. £5.00 ' WEWESD‘" 5 0 Edinburgh

- Glasgow 1 , . 5 OVOIlOble if i ' I Tron Folk Club l‘ron (‘eilidh House. om The Queen 5 Box Office i - Gary "0'30" SCUUZI Bill. SIWKWL‘” i Hunter Square. 320 I550. 8.30pm. £3.

Sims“ 552 8681-9Pmd‘ree. i (illllttl'. mouth organ. and singing the blues

Tel 031 668 2019 Tenants I-Ivo! .

55 The List l—l4 July 1994

“III. lllll\lllllll’lll,_ \l'l/’l\l':Illll/I\\lll’lllIl/ilrlli iHi “HES "lIrnliuuuluthH‘ {HEHERALD