
5- £0 eptem ber EvonInga at 7pm: Nata Wad I Oat at 1.30pm

Ha m by Wllllam thakoapoaro at} - . '

STABRING Mlchaol Pennington. Donald Sindan 8. Owen Taylor

Immediately prIOr to Opening at the Grelgud Theatre. London. Sure to be a sell-out - book early!

TiCkets: (ISO-1:16.50 wlth concessions.

1 2-2? . eptember Evanlnga at 7.:IOpm: Mata Wod l. Sat at 2.30pm

The Steamie .0...

Don't rnrss the return of thus cult SCONISh show, 8TARRINO Una MacLoan and Jan Wilson.

TICkets= (8504:1250 with concessions.

2 geptember- ctober lvonlnga at 1.309m: Mats Vlad Sat at 2.30pm

The Silver Darlings

BAFTA Writer Award wrnner John McGrath adapts tor the theatre Nell Gunn's classnc novel.

TiCkets: Its-1:10.50 with concalalona.


Hon-Sat at 7.30pm

An Evening with S

m: \! l'vrtl'v!.;:r:;v:; wr. {In :. 1.73.." Sunday Express

'!I v :.'.':.:v:.' Dally Express

TiCKBtS: c1 o.so-c22.so

4. Sotober Rosie & Jim’s . Big Theatre Adventure 2

An excellent Introduction for children Into the wonderful

TiCKEtS: ca.so-cs.so

1 1 - 5 bctober

Evening: at 7.15pm

Madame Butterflyl,.,ucc....


Samson et Dalila,;.‘..n.,.....

Tickets: 1:84:35

1 Sctober At 7.30,". Punt & Denis

From the Mary Whilehouse Expcrmnce

back by

Tleets: [7.5011050 with concessions.

The King‘s is pleased to announce the following otters for the autumn season:

Subscription Offer

E X T R SPECIAL g O F F E R S 2 King's Club Otter

Pantomime Offer Full details are available from the King‘s Autumn/Winter Brochure - out in July

0 The List l—l4 July 1994


2 sctOber At 7.30pm


3 ir peter ustinov bctober-fiovember


BOOKING NOW 031 220 4349

Fascma ‘l'."\ .'i-.' in ~.' tug-v":

ting Aida In :' -v.- \ Marlon Sunday

‘\.z:'. .-. E 8 Magazine

TiCKGtS: c7.so.cro.so

17- 2

At 7.30pm Matinee. Wed I. Sat at 2.30pm

Die FledermausIsthmus“.

I-l MS Pi nafore .

Tuoa 18-Thura 20 I; .~ .3, q..-

Tickets: ce.so.c1s.so


At 7.30pm: Mata Wed 0: Sat at 2.1!Oprn

I «cup-mo ".')"‘ '."v w.» 3), Arnold Bennett

STARRING Potor Duncan, Hayley Mills 8. Jessica Martin "Inn'ru t .-.'~. ' v:v.».'..v:." v: :«-.-,'~ Dally Mall

'll..~:.i=\ ("v.‘r': TiCKEtS: case-£16.50

'lv:l’r.'r'v1)rn:t.:v: :. r I‘.::t {in ’z. 1' H. .:v.'\.

‘. ("rrnrerH It mun. The Times

Mon-Fri at 7.30prn Sat at Spm a. 8pm

A Man For All Seasons

Thus lamous drama powerlully portrays the struggle between Church and State durlng the reign of Henry VIII


14-19 November

Mon-Thurs at 7.309m Fri I. Sat at 5pm 8. 8.30pm

Hot - The Musical

Featuring an extravaganza ol 70 s mus:c everything from ABBA to Oavrd Bow:e & Motown Som

Tickets: c7.so-c14.so

2 Mon-Fri at 7.30pm Sat at 5pm and 8pm The Schoolmistress

Thls farce stars Patrrcza Routleclge of Hyacmlh Bucket lame and IS a rlchly enterlarnmg example OI how to raise lht: maxlmum amount of salacwus laughter'

TiCKGtS: (9504:1450


Tues-Sun evening. at 7pm Weekday matinoea at 2.15pm Sunday matineel at 3pm

snnnmc Cannon & j 5 .

t8.50-£12.50 with concesaiona.

Join the King's Club and not only will you receive priority booking on all

these shows but you will also get generous discounts on selected productions, plus the chance to meet a whole host of stars. For just £25 a year (£15 concessions) its a snip.

For further details call the King's Club Secretary on 031 228 9428.