I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. Bar. [D]. Cameo 1: £4.15 (Monday: £2.05); Cameo 2 and 3: £3.85 (Monday: £1.90); All concessions: 99p before 5pm every day. Lates and matinees in Catneo 1:

£3.50 (£2.75). 1. In The flame or The Father(15) 12.30pm. 3.15pm. 6pm. 8.45pm & late. Meditenaneo (15) and House or Angels (15) Sun only. 1.30pm.

2. Manhattan Murder Mystery (PG) 2.10pm. 4.30pm. 6.50pm. 9.15pm & late. 3. Farewell My Concuhine (15) lpm (not Sun). 4pm (not Sun). 8pm.

See also Edinburgh Lates.

I DOMINION Newbattle Terrace. 447 4771/2660. Restaurant. Bar. [D]. £3.70 (Child/Student/UB40/OAP Sun—Thurs: matinee £2.10; last show £2.50) Shows in brackets: £2.10. Pullman seats: £4.50/£4 (cinema 1). £3.80 (cinema 3).


I. Free Willy (U) 2.35pm (not Sun). (5.35pm). 8.35pm.

2. The Remains Dr The Day (U) 2.15pm (not Sun).- (5.15pm). 8.15pm.

3. Mrs Douhttire ( 12) 2pm (not Sun). 5pm. 8pm.

I NATIONAI. MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Screenings in Lecture Theatre. Lothian Street. Tickets £2 (£1). available in advance or on the door.

Icon The Pig Farmer ( l5) Thurs 17 only. 7.30pm.

I MOM Lothian Road. 229 3030. Bar. [1)] cinemas 2 & 3. Pullman seats (cinema 1 only) £4.50; all other seats £3.70. Child £2.50 (Pullman). £2.10. OAP £2.10 (before 6pm Mon—Fri). Mon—Fri before 5pm. all seats £2.10 (Pullman: £2.50).

1. Free Willy (U) 1.10pm. 3.45pm. 6.20pm. 8.50pm.

2. Wayne’s World 2 (PG) 1.20pm. 3.55pm.

6.30pm. 9pm.

3. Addams Family Values (PG) not Sun. 1.30pm. 4.15pm.

Carlito's Way (18) 8.20pm.

Battlestar Calactica (U) Sat only. 10.45am.

Top Gun (15) and Far And Away (12) Sun only. 1pm.

I ODEON Clerk Street. 667 7331/668 2101. Bar. [D] screens 1.2 and 3. Adults £4.25 (£3.50 for side seats screen 1 and front seats screens 4 & 5)(Chi1d/Student/ OAP/U840 £1 off) No concessions at final shows.

Mrs Douhttire (12) 12.10pm. 2.55pm. 5.35pm. 8.20pm & late.

The Three Musketeers (PG) 1.10pm. 3.40pm. 6.10pm. 8.35pm.

The Remains 01 The Day (U) 12.20pm. 2.40pm. 5.30pm. 8.20pm.


Aladdin (U) 12.10pm. 2.05pm. 4pm. Malice (15) 6pm.

Tombstone (15) 8.15pm.

See also Edinburgh Lates.

I ST. BRIDE’S CENTRE Orwell Terrace. 346 I405. Cafe. 50p.

Robbery (A) Fri 11 only. 1.30pm.

24 The List 1 1—24 February 1994

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I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 0777. Recorded information (24 hours) 669 0711. [D]. Access/Visa booking line: freephone 0800 888 955. 24 hours (service charge 30p per ticket). Box office open from 11am. Tickets for shows commencing before 6pm £2.40; shows commencing after 6pm: £3.80 (Child £2.20).

Free Willy (U) 10.40am (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 1.10pm. 3.45pm. 6.20pm. 8.50pm. The Three Musketeers (PG) 1 1.45am (Sat/Sun. Thurs only), 2.10pm. 5pm. 7.20pm. 9.40pm & late.

In The Name or The Father (15) lpm. 3.55pm. 7pm. 9.50pm & late.

Mrs Doubttire (12) 12.40pm. 3.30pm. 6.30pm. 9.20pm & late.

Wayne’s World 2 (PG) 11.30am (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 1.50pm. 4.25pm. 6.45pm. 9pm & late.

Tombstone ( 15) 4.15pm. 7.10pm. 9.55pm. Aladdin (U) 11.15am (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 12.25pm. 1.30pm. 2.30pm. 4.05pm. 6.10pm (not Wed).

The Remains or The Day (U) 4.40pm. 7.30pm. 10.20pm.

Carlito’s Way ( 18) not Tue. 7pm. 10.05pm.

Malice (15) 4.50pm. 7.40pm (not

Mon/Tue). 10.10pm.

' Addams Family Values (PG) 12.15pm (Sat/Sun. Thurs only). 2.40pm. 4.50pm.

; A Periect World (15) not Mon. 8.40pm.

Robin Hood: Men In Tights (PG) Sat/Sun.

T Thurs only. noon. 2.20pm.

Jurassic Park (PG) Sat/Sun. Thurs only. 1 1am. See also Edinburgh lates.


2 Lothian Road. 228 2688. Bar. Restaurant.

[E]. [D]. Matinees £2 (Child/Student/ OAP/U840 £ 1.50); shows commencing

;. before 7pm £2.90 (Child/Student/OAP/ j UB40 £2); shows commencing after 7pm.

£3.90. bookable in advance (no concessions); Sunday Matinees £3.90

: (Child/Student/ OAP/U840 £2.90). No

concessions on Sats. Fri matinees. all cinema 1 seats 90p.


1. The Northerner: (15) 2.30pm. 6pm. 8.30pm.

2. Decadence (15) 3pm. 6.15pm. 8.45pm. SATURDAY 12

1. Thunderhlrds Are So (U) 2.30pm.

The Horthemers (l5) 6pm. 8.30pm.

2. Bad Girls: Prog1 (18) 3pm.

Decadence (15) 6.15pm. 8.45pm. ;SDHDAV13 ; 1. The Hortherners (15) 8.30pm.

2. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

and la Regle du .Ieu (PG) 2pm. 3 Night On Earth (15) 6.15pm.

'7 Decadence (15) 8.45pm.


1. Chinatown ( 18) 2.30pm.

' The Horthemers (15) 6pm. 8.30pm.

2. Night On Earth (15) 3pm. 6.15pm.

Decadence (15) 8.45pm.


1. The Horthemers (15) 2.30pm. 8.30pm. Chinatown (18) 5.45pm.

2. Dementia 13 (18) 3pm.

Decadence ( 15 ) 6. 15pm. 8.45pm.


1. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her lover ( 18) 2.30pm. 5.45pm.

The Hortherners(15) 8.30pm.

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2. Decadence (15) 3pm. 8.45pm. Dementia 13 (18) 6.15pm.


1. The Cook, The Thler, His Wife and Her lover (18) 2.30pm.

The Horthemers (15) 6pm. 8.30pm.

2. Decadence .( 15) 3pm. 8.45pm.

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (PG) 6.15pm.


:fiCAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. [D]. 11:

1. Dave ( l2) and Groundhog Day (PG) 1 1.30pm.

2. Manhattan Murder Mystery (PG) 1L55an

3. In The flame or The Father (15) 1L45an

Sat 12:

1. Betty Blue (l8) and Blue Velvet ( l8) 1 1.30pm.

Cinemas 2 and 3 see Frl11.

Thurs 17:

1. The Embrace and In The Realm or The Senses (18) 11.30pm.

Cinemas 2 and 3 see Fri 11.

I ODEON Clerk Street. 667 7331/668 2101.

Sat 12:

Mrs Douhttire ( 12) 11.30pm.

Star Trek Ill: The Search For Spock (PG) 11.30pm.

Reservoir Dogs(l8) 11.30pm.

I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 0777. [D]. (Over 18 only).

Fri 11/Sat12:

The Three Musketeers (PG) 12.15am.

In The Hame or The Father (15) 12.25am. Mrs Doubttire (12) midnight.

Wayne's World 2 (PG) 11.40pm.

The Fugitive (l2) 11.20pm.


I TIIE PAVILION Market Street.

Galashiels. 0896 2767. £2.40 (Child/OAP 3 £1.30)

Free Willy (U) 7.30pm.

I ROXY CINEMA Horsemarket. Kelso. 0573 224 609. Bar. [D]. Balcony. £2.50 f (Child/OAP £1.50). Stalls £2.30

; (Child/OAP £1.20).

1 Mrs Douhttlre (12) 2.15pm (Sat/Sun only). 7.30pm (Sat/Sun. Tue/Wed only). 10pm (Fri. Mon. Thurs only).


I ALLANPARK Allanpark Road. Stirling. 0786 474137. £2.80 (OAP/Registered disabled £2. Kids £ 1.50) All adult seats.

shows starting before 6.30pm: £2. No unaccompanied children after 6pm. Family ticket available.

1. Mrs Doubttire (12) 1.30pm (Sat. Mon

. only). 4.30pm. 7.30pm; Sun: 3.30pm. 6.30pm.

2. The Three Musketeers (PG) 2pm (Sat. Mon only). 5pm. 8pm; Sun: 4pm. 7pm. I CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk. 0324 623805. £2.30 (Child £1.50; OAP £1.50 before 6pm. Mon—Fri).

- 1. Free Willy (U) 12.10pm (Fri/Sat. Mon

only). 2.50pm (not Sun). 5.30pm. 8.10pm.

. 2. Wayne’s World 2 (PG) 1pm (not Sun).

3.45pm (not Sun). 6pm. 8.30pm.

3. Mrs Doubttire (12) 1.55pm (not Sun). 5pm. 8pm.


University. 0786 461081. [D] [E] £3.50

(£2.50). la Fille De l’Air (15) Sun only. 7.30pm.


Kirkcaldy. 0592 260 498. Bar. [D] [E]. £2


Jurassic Park (PG) Sat only. 2pm. 7.30pm.

I CLENROTIIES CINEMA Church Street. Glenrothes 0592 750 980 £2.20 (Child £1.20).

1. Free Willy (U) 12.15pm (Sat only). 4.15pm (Sat only). 7.45pm.

2. Mrs Douhttlre ( 12) noon (Sat only). 3.30pm (Sat only). 7.30pm.

I MOM High Street. Kirkcaldy. 0592 260 143. [D] (screens 2 and 3). £2.30 (Child £1.50; OAP £1.50 before 6pm. Mon—Fri). 1. Free Willy (U) 2.20pm (not Sun), 5.10pm. 8.20pm.

2. Wayne’s World 2 (PG) 2.15pm (not Sun). 5.15pm, 8.30pm.

3. Mrs Doubttlre ( 12) 2pm (not Sun). 5pm. 8.10pm.

I NEW PICTURE RDIISE North Street. St Andrews 0334 73509. [D]. Cinema 1: £2.30 Circle. £2 Stalls (Kids/OAPs £1.50); Cinema 2: £2.30 all seats. Closed Sunday. except during school holidays. 1. Free Willy (U) Fri/Sat: 6.10pm. 8.20pm; Mon—Thurs: 7.50pm.

Silence or The lambs ( 18) Wed only. llpm.

2. Mrs Doubttire (12) 7.50pm (not Sun).

I ROBINS East Port. Dunfermline 0383 623 535. £2.50 (concessions £1.50). No concessions Sat evening. Monday. all seats £1 .50.

1. Mrs Doubtrire (12) noon (Sat. Thurs). 2.45pm (Sat only). 3pm (Sun. Thurs). 6pm. 8.45pm.

2. The Three Musketeers (PG) 12.30pm (Thurs only). 3pm (Sat only). 3.15pm (Sun. Thurs). 6.15pm. 9.30pm.

3. Wayne’s World 2 (PG) 12.45pm (Sat. Thurs). 3.30pm (Sat/Sun). 6.30pm. 9.15pm.

Film acting workshop! Sat only. 1pm.


I CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 37288. Adults £2.50 (Kids £1 .50; OAP £1.50 before 6pm. Mon—Fri).

1. Wayne’s World 2 (PG) Fri/Sat: 12.30pm. 2.45pm. 4.50pm. 7pm. 9.30pm; Sun: 2.10pm. 4.15pm. 6.20pm. 8.50pm; Mon: 12.35pm. 2.50pm. 5pm. 7.05pm. 9.05pm; Tue—Thurs: 1.10pm. 3.30pm. 5.55pm. 8.40pm.

2. Free Willy (U) Fri/Sat: 12.40pm. 3.30pm. 6.20pm. 9.10pm; Sun: 2.30pm. 6pm. 8.40pm; Mon: 12.30pm. 3.15pm. 5.50pm. 8.45pm; Tue—Thurs: lpm. 3.15pm. 5.35pm. 8.20pm.

3. Mrs Doubttire (12) Fri/Sat: 12.30pm. 3.15pm. 6.05pm. 9.05pm; Sun: 2.20pm. 5.30pm. 8.30pm; Mon: 12.20pm. 3.05pm. 5.45pm. 8.35pm; Tue-Thurs: 1pm. 3.25pm. 5.50pm. 8.35pm.

I KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612. [D]. Adults £3.50 (Child/OAP £2; All seats £2 before 6.30pm). Family ticket available.

1. Mrs Doubtrire (12) 1.10pm (Sat. Mon only). 5.15pm. 8pm.

2. Free Willy (U) 1.20pm (Sat. Mon only).

5.20pm. 8.10pm.

i I MAGNUM Harbourside. Irvine. ()294 . 278381. Restaurant. Bar. [D] by

arrangement. [E]. £1.90 (Child/UB40/OAP 90p).

Addams Family Values (PG) Fri—Tue only. 2pm (Sat—Mon). 8pm.

Heaven And Earth (15) Wedfl'hurs only. 8pm.

I ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0426 979722 (0292 284 244 Visa/Access. 1—7pm). [1)](cinemas 2. 3 & 4 only). Bar. £3.80 (Child/OAP/Student/UB40 £2.80 except after 7.30pm Fri/Sat). Reserved superior seats £4.50 (all screens. all perfs.). Saturday lates £4.50; moming shows £2.20. Family ticket £11 before 7.30pm.

The Three Musketeers (PG) 10.30am (Sat only). 1pm. 3.45pm. 6.10pm. 8.40pm. 11pm (Sat only).