COMPETITIONS Win a Bottle of Cracker!
Crocker is a drink inspired by the legendary pioneers of America who built the railroads and marked the meeting of eastern and westem lines with a ‘golden spike'. It’s described as a ‘smooth. mellow spirit with a vanilla and caramel flavour‘. You could try it with Coke. or any other damn way you fancy. if you win a bottle in our competition. We've got iive bottles to give away, plus a couple of watches
and twenty T-shirts for the runners up. 4 E. 90 C w i
1 Win a Bound and ; Bagged T-Shirt 1 and Handcuffs!
You‘re bound to be gagging to see this new independent about a botched suicide attempt. a violent husband. his wife and her bisexual lover. It‘s a tale of kidnapping. attempted rape and drinking anti-freeze. To whet your appetite. or at least moisten it slightly. we've got ten goody bags with Bound and Cagged T-shirts, sets ci handcuffs and tattoos to give away. Just answer this question:
Simply solve these anagrams: aIYLGAEENDR b) DGLO PKEIS and c) PNRGINEECN
Send your entries to: CBOCKER COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 ITE to reach us by 5 January I993.
This is by no means lead actress Ginger Lyn Allen‘s first movie; what film genre is she better known for?
Send your entries to: GAGGIIIG FOR IT COMP, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE to reach
us by 5 January 1993.
Win a Virgin Encyclopedia ’1 W ofRock!
All you ever needed to know about the history of rock. pop and soul in one volume. Written by a team of nineteen music journalists. it‘s got the lot: rock legends. classical albums. the origin of the blues. plus the m ‘ fashions. the lifestyles and the excesses. We‘ve got three copies OI the Virgin Encyclopedia of Rock to give away if you can tell us: ‘Sinee I Don‘t Have You‘ finds Guns N' Roses in surprisingly mellow form on their recent covers album The Spaghetti Incident."
Whose song was it originally?
Send your entries to: VIRGIN COMP, The list, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 ITE to
Win Loads of Hogmanay Tickets!
W You can have a brilliant time for free at Edinburgh‘s Hogmanay but an even better one with tickets to the New Year Revels. We’ve got a pair of tickets worth £30 for the bash
at the Assembly Rooms which will go to the first two winners out the hat; the next two get a pair oftickets for the Final Fling on New Year’s Day and we‘ve got five runners up tickets which will get a car and some friends into any ofthe Drive-In Movie screenings on New Year's Day. Just send the answer to the following question:
Hogmanay is the sixth day of Christmas — according to the song. what can you expect to receive frotn your true love?
Note different address: Send your entires by Monday 27 December to: IIIIIOIIE/IJST COMP, PO BOX 77, Edinburgh. Include your name. address and phone number.
THE TIME CAPSULE Free ice skating and 50;) off skate hire when you buy a swimming session at The Time capsule In Coatbridge. Take a copy oi The list along with you. Otter valid until TO January.
I 5-3
a “An Ia, Mr mm. A witOtt wt 0; rue.
Two tickets tor the price oi one to see Forbes Masson in Cinderella at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh on Christmas Eve and Hogmanay. Take a copy of The list to the Box Office when you book.
SHOW WHITE Four tickets for the price oi three to see Snow White at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow on 31 December, 4 and 6 January (matinee and evening periormances). Take a copy of The List to the Box Oitlce. Tickets subject to availability.
The Whole Works is giving £6 oil massage and aromatherapy or shiatsu before 31 January. Phone 225 8092 to book and take a copy of The List with you. Whole Works is at 6 Jacksons Close, High Street,
OFFERS: Cut out the coupon or take along the whole magazine and present it to the relevant box office or cash desk. All otters are subiect to availability and managements reserve the right to retuse admission.
COMPETITIONS: Only one entry per person per competition. it you are entering more than one competition, you need use only one envelope, but please make sure that your name and address are attached to EACH entry. Competitions are open to all ult residents (over the age of 18 In alcohol- related otters). IIo responsibility can be accepted by The List tor prizes which cannot be obtained due to unioreseen circumstances. Employees of The List are Ineligible to enter.
To obtain a list at winners, please send a SAE to The List Competition Winners, stating which
lssuels) results you require. i
The List l7 December l993-- l 3 January I994 103