I A PROJECT MANAGER (Lothian) “4,799 THE CITY OF EDHQBURGH I TRIED i Scotland's national HIV AIDS charity offirs 3n OIPPOI; DEPARTMENT OF HOUS|NG tunity or an enthusiastic. committe in ivi ua wit

roven mana ement skills to make an impact in. the i F fIIV AIDS fie dand develop and leaditsLothian project. SALARY £13 002 _ £14 319 As Project Manager. you will re uire to negotiate. Ian ' v and develo SAM‘s work in t e region as wel as ' i support sta and volunteers who are employed in a Working as part of a team. the Sheltered Housing Officer is _ , ‘. - diverse range of activities.(‘losing date: December 80: l required to carry our a range of housing management duties, Md SECRETARY (Fixed term contract: 5 ! including scheme and rentarrears management. Duties also .1; i 5 months) £9,432 p03. Ref: Rs’A/o34 i include providing support and supervision to resident and Scottish AIDS Monitor requires an experienced secre- whalwa’dens and 35935st applicams ‘0' Shellered tary to provide effective and efficient secretarial and ; housmg. administrative support to its National Office based in [id'nburgh' P'CV'Ouscxpenence 0‘ HIV AIDS work '3 ? Applicants must have good communication skills and be able

t -.‘:-ntial. Closiri date: December 8th I . . .. . n” “N g t to work on their own Initiative.

EDUCATION MANAGER ‘2 I ’249p°a‘ Rea Applicants should have. or be able to aquire. a working

1 . . . l

RSJA/OOI i knowledge of the benefits and serwces availabe to older SAM is looking for a gay man with vision. energy and 5 people and people with disabilities. commitment to manage a team ofeducation and prOject i workers in implementing SAM s new education strat- j A rejevam degree or professiona' housing qualification or i l

e i . In the irst ear. the rimary focus will be to l . . . . iigzelopaground-bieaking.viilunteer-Ied project which 3 around 3 years "WWW", m housmg managemem' soc'al aims to be gay-positive and sex-positive and to include i 0' commun'ly work '5 requ'red- as many gay men as possible in a Scotland-wide safer 3 sex movement. Su on. supervisionand training Will 3 Application forms from Personnel Section. City of Edinburgh .‘ b“ P“""d"d by 5A- and (my. Me" Fighting AIDS- 1“ a District Council. Department of Housing, 23-25 Waterloo ' subsequent years your task Will be to both consolidate j Place Edinbur h EH1 38H. Tel 031529 7216 (Mon _ Thur the national gay men's project. and develop similarly ? ' g i ' ' i community based projects to address the other prion- 8303'" ' spm- F” 8303'“ ' 3459'“)- I ties in the national education strategy. , ; (‘losi'rig date: December In 5 Closing date for applications Wednesday 24th November i ' 1993. : 2 PROJECT WORKERS (Lothian and ' Strathclyde) i I 3,002 p.a. Ref: RSJA/OI 2 The of Edinburgh District Council is and equal cpponunities employer. . . . . Applications are mwted from women and men from all sections of the com» .h.) .Suppon a “me range 0’ "Olumecr led safer Sex, munity, irrespective of ethnic origin. disabidlity orsoxual orientation. who 5 initiatives. You don't have to be an expert in the HIV. have,” necessary It AIDS field. SAM will rovide training in educational ambulas for me posls, All/obs are open io/ob sharors unless otherwise I methods. What you (It) ave it) be is: out and proud as a ; stated. Appfian” Wm, diubgj'“. Wm b. “on u.“ '0, Inhnd.“ I, l gay man: aware of what's going on in the gay scene; any mu,” ,mmmwufl. on,” p0“. Vii ling to learn up to date approaches to safer sex | "muwmm‘m education; experienced within voluntary groups; like- - able. friendly. and good at motivating gay men. T _ (losing date: December 8!]: marine minim - curiae in:

Th otso ucatinMan rnPr' W

m ' nun r U n 7 ' ' i SCOT-ED COURSES . I 9 X 3 TRINITY COLLEGE Fora full job pack con- LONDON ;

tact: Robert Sprott, Scottish AIDS Monitor, ; CERTIFICATE 1” TESOL ! CANT D 0 IT 26 Anderson Place Ed- . i . ,

9 t ' , . inburgh EH6 SNP Tel: A“ “famed “9h” 5 03l 555 4850, quoting ' [Taming course 1“ i

Teachin En lishto 3

relevant iobreferences. 8 8 j I ) ) 3 Speakers of Other 5

- Languages. Taken full-time or part-time,

€- ' / ; job adverts, thisijljgggggggjlfan

airbri c in scouo ' l recognised qualification. INSTRUCTOR ' . .

Fairbridge provides personal development pro- : Further demls fiom'

grammes for young people aged 14-25 through out- Scot-Ed Courses door activities and infomial education. ' 1/3 St. Colme Street \ The Lothian Team has a vacancy for an Instructor. : - I AA . Applicants must have Mountain Leader (Summer) 333561335 Training as a minimum and preferably a BCU qualifi- cation and a clean driving licence. Candidates must be able to lead and communicate in an understanding manner and have experience of working with young people.

Closing date 26th November T h ' I S” ' Notification of interview 3rd December 00 Interviews 13th December

Job Description, Application Form available

Experienced Audio Visual Technician required preferably with computer application knowledge and sales experience.

from: Pat‘O’Neill, responsible for organising and controlling technical staff and Fairbridge - Lothian, handling sales enquiries. Excellent salary package and c/o Bonnmgton Resource Centre, conditions. Please reply with full C.V. to 200 Bonnington Road, Mr W Gillan Edinburgh, Eflé SNL SGOTVISION LTD. rei- 031-555 4449 “WW5 "0035

, , , ° PORT ounoas ausmess PARK Fairbridge is an Equal Opportunities Employer. 100 BORRON STREET


The List l9 November—2 December 1993 81