Te achi n. t other . job ofers you


If you are a graduate. or soon will be. and you are thinking about a career. have you considered secondary school teaching?

After all what other profession offers you the chance to influence the future of so many young people? With your help each one of your pupils can make-the most of their talents.

If that sounds a little daunting. it is. But a one year professional training course will prepare you for the challenge and a staff keep your

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teaching techniques upto-date throughout your career.

let's not forget that a career in teaching offers other excellent prospects. 'lhe basic pay scale rises to over £19,000. And with more than half of secondary teachers in promoted posts an ambitious teacher can certainly go places.

To find out more about how you can become a secondary school teacher please

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Send to: lll'I 'l‘( ).\l( )Rl<()W'S 'l'li.-\CllliR.

. I am: a graduate El undergraduate D at schooll:l

l-‘Rlilil’US'l‘. PO BOX 113. EDINBI'RGH lilll ()AZ (No \lanip necessary)



____________ Postcode: l am interested in training to teach (tick box): Religious liducation D Modern languages Cl

Music El 'l‘eclinology l:l l’hysics El Maths l:l

Computing C] Other Secondary Subjects D

If other please specify profession:

The List 22 October—4 November 199313