but there's someone after our hero. with sus ects, An us Deayton. Michael Fenton _ mischief in mind. Stesens. Helgn Atkinson Wood and Philip 4 I 6“ 333* (BBC 1) 8-30-9Pm- A new I Screenplay: Tho Morriltill Millionaires Pope. tonight sending up fly-on-the-wall I cracker (Scottish) 9—lOpm. The second series of the so-so recession sitcom. (BBC2) 9—lO. l5pm. Acclaimed documentaries. part of the drama stam‘ng Robbie Coltrane starring Ray Winstone and Carol Ham'son filmmaker Les Blair directs a topical I Nurses (Channel 4) 10-103mm). “Ck as temperamental psychologist Fitz. now as Martin and Loretta Sweet coming to drama about the aftermath of the 1993 pit demands a transfer. and ends up in the believing that his prime suspect (Adrian terms with life in their Finsbury Park closures. A close-knit group of miners morgue. Dunbar) is innocent. See feature. council flat. have to adapt to life above ground. I Paul Merton - The Series (Channel 4) I lawman And Baddlol In Place: I I Cracker (Scottish) 9—lOpm. Robbie I rnr don and mr goorgo (Channel 4) 10.30—11.05pm. Paul reveals that he used (BBC2) iO—lO.30pm. The Marv ' Coltrane stars as bombastic psychologist 10.35-1 l.05pm. Moray Hunter and Jack to be Cilla Black. and just what did he say While/louse Experience pair continue their Fitz in a new crime series. When a young Docherty of Absolutely fame carry on to Churchill during the war? indie-rock parodies and personal woman is found brutally murdered on a being bizarre. I Dr Torror's Vault Of Horror: Horror inadequacy-related gags. train. Fitz is called in to interview the I Katie: Portrait or A Contratold Express/Comedy or Terrors (BBC I) I The Good Sex Guide (Scottish) prime suspect. who is claims he has lost (Scottish) 1.25—3. lOam. An early Kim ll.05pm—l.55am. Christopher Lee stars 10.35-l 1.05pm. Margi Clarke hosts his memory. See feature. Basinger film from 1976 about a Texas as a palaeontologist discovering an another half.hour of smuny innuendo I Prostitute (Channel 4) 9-l0pm. The farm girl who wins a beauty contest and anthropoid monster in Hormr Express. masquerading as information. first in a three-part series from France 1 heads off for Hollywood and the seedy followed by a black comedy about an exploring the oldest profession. world of porn magazines. unscrupulous firm of undertakers. fallen


I Brighton Belles (Scottish) 8.30—9pm. A comedy series using American sitcom The Golden Girls as its basis. but relocating the action to Britain‘s equivalent of Miami. Brighton. With lean Boht. Wendy Craig and Sheila Gish.

I Tales (It The City (Channel 4) 9-lOpm. The second part of the Annistead Maupin adaptation sees Michael’s romance develop. and Mary Anne adjusting slowly to life in San Francisco.

I Without Walls: For Ono light Only/Forbidden Fruit (Channel 4)

lO—l lpm. The arts series returns with an unusual double-bill. Opening with Timothy Spall’s cabaret stint as Margaret Rutherford and Tony Parsons's

on hard times.

Transvestites Simone and Alexia talk

. about their painful and humiliating ;

I experiences. and the cost of trying to be femate. I Garnosinastor (Channel 4) 6.30—7pm. I p" H, A", (Channel 4) 10_10.55pm' Dexter Fletcher hosts the computer games programme. offering a couple of the

The 505 American drama continues. Lily , ,

I film 93 (BBCI) ]t_1 1.30pm. Barry 3 Clay/lighters, whatever that is. Norman reviews This Boy's Life. starring I n" u“ scab (Scoulsm 7—7-30Pm-

t Robert De Niro and Ellen Barkin. and The series looking at ethnic minorities in True anance written by Quentin Scotland profiles the Chinese community. Tarantino. and particularly Chi-Shan Cheung and his cousin Wai Hing Lee. who both studied at Glasgow School Of Art. I The Music Gama (Channel 4) I "'0 smell 0' News And MONTH" 8.30—9pm. innuendo prince Tony Slattery l (BBC2) 9—9.30pm. Vic and Bob stress the presents the music quiz, with guests value of having your own whelk valuation Michelle Collins, Rosemary Ashe and i

system and present their own version of Bnmngion phetoung, . t 8 (gal. n ofth I {K b t k. the Anti lle'S Roadshow called Muck And I the Travel Show BBC2 8.30.9 _ i "W S l '0 ‘3 egac)’ 0 U “C 5 Ta). q penny Juno, present: the ta)st mogul:ng l I Marlo In The USA: Site’s Gotta Have It Clockwork Orange. I Annistead Maupthis rates 0' the (my in the consumers. holiday programme “(Channel 4) .l l.40pm—l. 10am. Spike I The Small 0t Reeves And Mortimer (Channel 4) 9—l 1.05pm. An opening with reports from Carol Smillie in g Lee’s glib. hip debut feature stars Tracy (BBC2) 9—9.30pm. ch and Bob continue double-length episode of the comic and Tenerife and paddy Haycocks in Canada. 3 Camila as a hot babe enjoying three . to Sing paeans to their favourite aromas romantic chronicle of San Francisco I {3993" (Scottish) 9_topmt A new concurrent relationships. An exercise in and introduce us to a host of new sin my life 'n the mo 70s, see feature, t '. ' v 3 style rather than substance. characters.

_ , I . I,“ 1 series of gritty cop capers fron Glasgow 5 t . Bum“ The Lines (BBC 1)

. it .. .e favourite crime-fighter. A supergrass is . . due to give evidence against his fonner a 2 9.25-10.25pm. Neil Pearson returns as

. Det Su tTon Clark in a new series of the boss. but the consequences are disastrous , I casualty (BBC 1) 8_8t50pmt A jealous acclaingcd drayma about the Police

when [he ponce {all to get the" key bmlher wreaks havoc on his family and Complaints investigation Bureau. Tough. :ISICSSF“) an?“ 6 5 three lnnocent young people. caUSlng witty and imaginative. it‘s several cuts t M 00 ll. 9 m9 (BBCl) 2 trouble for the hard-pressed casualty staff. above most police series 3 9.30—10pm. Richard Wilson plays the a I "an. Edna's Neighbourhood watch I Omnttm‘s, I no“ mot" on In” codger who has become Britain s most l (Scottish) 8.35—9.05pm. Dame Edna (BBCI) to";th 30pm Thc {mt of a : pODUIm comedy Charaaer' i resumes her gleefuny Offenswe two-part profile ofllegendary film director hoyeuristic peak into other people‘s Alexander Korda. omes.

I Cinetilo: John Cassavotos (Channel 4) 9—9.30pm. A profile of the first truly 6

l i l l l

independent filmmaker in the post-war I celehtm Manhunt,“ (BBC2) USA. Cassavetes‘ long-time friend Feter 8.50_9pmt Proof positive that TV Falk talks about the director’s artistic producers have finally run out Of ideas, Conmbm‘on' this series of ten-minute celebrity profiles

I A woman um," mo “mun” aims to unearth secrets about the stars by I “to Ferguson Theory (BBCI) (Channel 4) 9.30pm—l2. lSam. Falk stars tooktng at the ctutte, gathered on their “130—an Craig Ferguson‘ fresh from I Wllh Gena Row'ands in Cassava“. “‘13 mantelpieces. Two hundred and seventy- hls amhaeolog‘clfl d'gs’ relulm with a 0f, a midflle'dass Couple "7mg ‘0 deal eight celebs declined the invitation to take new comedy senes' compnslng Spme ; w‘lh me” mmuany exploswe part. eight agreed. beginning with Cynthia stand-up. some sketches. and topical 3 temperaments. A compelling study of a pa he mated?! 'F’Cmded the dal before l . lemPeS‘uous relationsmp- I écraanplay: The Vision Thing (BBC2) "ansm‘ssm- . ' I Via” 9'3"”: l0" '3 "'9 ""9 9-10 05pm Mark Lawson’s political I Omnibus: Wlld Swans (BBCl) - ' (BBC2) 10.35—11.35pm. Mother of three satire. {tam Richard Witgon ‘ag a 10.30—11.30pm. A new series of arts ' I Bruhakor (Channel 4) lOpm—l2.25am. Jane Perryman attempts to track down her Conservative prime Mitfiqtcr‘ who three documentaries opens with a feature on ' Robert Redford stars as the liberal warden crack addict husband in New York‘s south day; before a Genemt Etéction behaveg Chinese author Jung Chang and her epic ; at a Deep South prison farm. fighting Bronx. God is talkin ' l '

. . . . . . g to him. Party Chairman novel of 20th century China. t against the brutality and corruption he I nanny Baer Altar All (BBCl) Derek Jacobi and spin doctor Nathaniel I Some Like It Hot (BBC 1) } uncovers. l 1.20—midnight. After a troubled start. the parker do their hegt to keep the l 1.30pm—l .30am. Tony Curtis. Jack 3 I Absolutely Fabulous (BBC 1) cockney chirpster attempts to salvage his embarrassing new; from the press Llemmon andleprilyn Monroe star in the ' lO—lO.30pm. A repeat run of the smash- ‘rock culture‘ chat-show shambles. m c assrc screw a comedy about a couple ; hit comedy starring Jennifer Saunders as gf grillsicians wlho accidentally witness the I the scatty New Age fashion PR Edina. 3 7

t a entine's a ° '

escape Chicago illxaaéfacre and have to lgligngalwualli:)asazletglgzfiggtlefzgzgfg: I Heartbeat (Scottish) 7.30—8.30pm. I I3 Special (Scottish) 7—7.30pm. Bryan A new series begins in November ' Nick Ben—y stars in the soft.cemred Burnett. Janice Forsyth and the team _

' Yorkshire cop series set in the 605. relocate to Toronto for a one-off specral

I Hollywood UK (BBC2) 9.50—10.40pm. Programme-

. “’3 "om" "33'0" (BBC2) Continuing the series looking at the I a“ M" (BBC2) 9'9-30Pm- The

6.50—7.20pm. Vacuous Jon Ronson takes I Captain Scarlet And The Mystorons British film industry in its 605 heyday. sixth series of the increasingly popular

his lisp and feeble sarcasm into the field (BBC2) 6-6.25pm. BBC2 dredge up more I wud At "our: (Channel 4) space sitcom opens with our heroes

of showbusiness as he attempts to launch race memories with a re-run of the Gerry lopm_12.203mt Nicolas Cage and Laura stranded in the Star Bug after some idiot

l the career of a pooch called Haggis. Sad Anderson puppet alien caper. Quentin Dem star in David Lynch's typically oh”. mislaid Red Dwarf. See preview.

Stuff- Tarantino ripped off the CharaCterS kilter tale of a dysfunctional couple on the I n“ “09" 73" (BBC2) 9-30-10Pm-

I Raise The Titanic! (Scottish) 8-lOpm. shamelessly for Reservoir Dogs . . . run through a murderous Deep south. The documentary series looking at matters

Don’t bother actually. A deadly dull tale I shoot: (Channel 4) 9,30—10pm. Sam encountering assorted sleazy oddbaus canine continues.

of marine salvage. starring Jason Robards returns to the classroom to get his high along their way. I The late Show (BBC2)

and Richard Jordan. school diploma, and does suspiciously I The south Bank Show (Scottish) ll.lO—i 1.50pm. First in the new season

I "Much" "on. (Channel 4) well. 1045—] 1.45pm. A profile of radical from Glasgow. With reports inCIUdlng

8.30—lO.35pm. Morsey and Lewis head I KYTV (BBC2) lO—lO.30pm. The parody filmmaker Ken Loach. whose latest work. Coverage 0f the Add and lnk’ CXhibilion

for Australia to track down a supergrass. 3 satellite station, presented by the usual Raining stones, is released tmmtnentty_ in Aberdeen involving Ralph Steadman.

88 The List 24 September—7 October 1993