The iollowlng otters are open to Clyde

Card holders only. A BREATH OF

SCOTLAND Two tickets tor the price oi one ior this evening oi song, music, dance and tea at the Mitchell Theatre on 11,15 and 18 Sept at 2.30pm. Tickets iroin Ticket Centre, 041 221 5511 and all Tlcketllnk outlets.

BOUNDARY Two tickets tor the price oi one ior l0ll Theatre’s Boundary at the Tramway on 10 Sept at 8pm. Tickets irom Ticket Centre, 041 227 5511 and all Tlcketllnk outlets.


MAH Two tickets ior the price oi one tor One Yellow Rabbit’s production oi Brad Fraser’s The llglyMan'atthe‘l'tonTheatreoniZ Sept at 1.30pm. Tickets trora Tlcket

Centre, 041 221 5511 and all Tlcketllnk outlets.


Two tickets tor the price oi one lot Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s perionnance at the Stevenson Hall, RSAMO Oil 12 Sept at 7.30pm lust prior to their Canadian tour. Tickets irom Ticket Centre, 041 227 5511 and all Tlcketllnk outlets.


BEEN OROWHEO NO tickets tor the price oi one ior The Mexican Hound’s perionnance oi Katie Has Been Orownedat the Ttanway on 29 Sept at ’8pin. Tickets iroin Tlcket Centre, 041

227 5511 and all Tlcketllnk outlets.

To take up one oi these otters present your Clyde Card to the venue box oiilce. All otters subject to

availability. CLYDE

fllim I!

1 1 5 2 listen to Clyde 1 and Clyde 2 ior iurther details.

Glasgow - by “Si

Beatrice Colin investigates an international design event held in Glasgow.

From the Pentei ball point pen to the Volkswagen car. the mass production of good design, far from being the domain ofthe trendy loft-dweller, is of paramount importance. While the recession is biting off all that is surplus to requirements. the Design Renaissance. an international Design Congress held in Glasgow until Thurs 9 Sept, is especially relevant.

Held every six years. the conference has attracted over 1000 participants from as far afield as Korea and Australia. They come in their droves to debate the future of design. discuss the market and stimulate new ideas. Glasgow was chosen as a venue partly because of its status as a rejuvenated industrial city and partly because of its strong design heritage starring C. R. Mackintosh. ‘The city‘s image is of a vibrant. renaissance town and people wanted to come and see it,‘ says conference press officer, Paul Budd. ‘As you can see by the sheer number of participants. it is an attractive place.’

A Scottish contingent took part in the conference including Graven images and Savage and Booth. Both are typical successful British design partnerships. ‘Companies are tending to get smaller and more specialised.’ says Paul Budd. ‘Now most will only have a staff of about twenty people, which is tiny compared to the huge companies of the 1980s.'

But one question which may be on the lips of the curious. is why do Germany and Japan still seem to design so much. ranging from cars to CD players? ‘Britain has one of the best educational systems for design in the whole world.’


says Budd. ‘The trouble is that the govemment doesn‘t put enough money into manufacturing. And so, although there are designers producing work on a small scale all over the country. many mass produced products are still foreign.‘

Just to reveal the high calibre of Scottish design. an exhibition of pieces by recent graduates is on show at Glasgow School of Art. Here. a new generation of designers have tackled everything from chairs to toasters.

Speakers at the conference include the

graphic designer. Neville Brody. Terence Conran and editor of Blueprint. Dejan Sudjic. Over four days. they cover topics as diverse as Morality and Design. Creating the Future. The Malling of the World and Robotics. And while a fair amount ofwheeling and dealing will be going on. hopefully someone will have a new design for that monster of the 80s. the video recorder.

Glasgoii’ Seltool of/l rt exhibition runs until 25 Sept at the Mackintosh Gallery.

Snap, Crackle and Pop

Over 8,000 musicians ior whom the terms Stratocaster and Marshall bring on palpatations, will be in a state oi delirium this weekend tor the annual Scottish Music Show 1983. Also converging on the SECC are thousands oi vlnyl junkies whose ilngers are poised to illck through back- catalogues oi deiunct record labels. These are the people who are ready to dispense such iun-iacts as: ‘Old you know that the Bay City Rollers “We Can Make Music" Spanish picture disc is valued at 2157’ during the quite separate Giant Record ll' Pop Fair which opens its doors to music

lens the same weekend.

The Scottish Music Show, now in its iiith year, has grown progressively in popularity. ‘The show is a must,’ according to organiser Clive Morton, ‘ior amateur or protessional musicians or, ior that matter, anybody with an interest in music.’

Musicians already continued to appear include veteran smoothies Hue And Cry, Martin Taylor, one oi the best [an guitarists in the world, Ted Mcllenna oi Sensational Alex Harvey Band tame plus the ambidextrous Michael Angelo who plays two guitars at once. There will also be the opportunity to try out and buy the latest hi-tech musical hardware, soitware and accessories with workshops, demonstrations and 100 stalls dispensing musical advice.

For those attending the Giant Record il’ Pop Fair, the chance to peruse the stock oi over 30 record shops under one root with the added thrill oi being

able to bid tor rare gems like Michael Jackson's Ben album (original rat cover) at £50, may prove to be too much. Billed as THE event tor the Scottish tan, a prodigious array of records, COs, videos, autographs and other music biz paraphanelia will be vying ior their wallets’ attention. Highlights include a Michael Jackson and Madonna top ten rarities special and the Arthur llegus Sideshow with an expert on hand to evaluate that 1988 Hirvana love Bug 7‘ single. (Ann Oonald)

The Giant Record il’ Pop Fair at the S.E.C.C. Sat and Sun 11-12 Sept. Doors open at 10am and entrance is £2.

The Scottish Music Show at the S.E.C.C. 11-12 Sept. Sat 10am-5pm and Sun 10am-5pm. Oaily tickets cost £5 with a £1 reduction ior children under ten and usual concessions. Advance tickets can be bought through the ticket hotline on 0353 555335 at the reduced rate oi £4.

82 The List 10—23 September 1993