The Cathouse. Brown Street. 248 6606. I Workers In Song Gallery Bar. North last few years. Stereomb “'10 their '0'“ play what they describe as ‘world rock‘. 8pm. £6 (advance). £7 (door). Tickets Bank Street. The Mound, 9pm—lam. Free. approach with some mesrnerising VU- I “aim Minus one Club, Carlton from The Cathouse. Just the Ticket. Information: 440 4303. Weekly forum for inspired Moog doodling and Nico-esque Highland Hotel, North Bridge, 556 7277_ Virgin. Union Street. 226 4679. and 23rd Edinburgh-based singer-songwriters. with vocals. Saint Etienne’s Bob Stanley spins £5, sec sat 1|. Precinct. Bath Street. 332 9740. Long- around ten performers playing three or his favourite bubblegum pop records in I 11'. sensational Battered Soul Band serving crew of batty Americans with a four songs each. the interim. Cas Rock Cafe. 229 4341. 10pm. Free. love of cheap. garish 70s rock and I Shibboleth Pelican. Cowgate. 225 I Solid Gone Subway. Cowgate. 225 I Dr Octopus Granny‘s Attic. Bath Street. cheaper. more garish 70s threads. One of 5413. 9pm. 6766. 9pm. ponobeno, 669 1730, 9pm Free, Kinetic them had a transitory role in Alison I Bed Hot And Blue L'Attache. Rutland I Woodrow Wilson St James Oyster Bar. dance sounds known understandably as Anders’ film Gas Food Lodging alongside Street. 11pm. Free. Rock 'n‘ roll. Calton Road. 557 2925. 10.30pm. Free. 'octoJunk', Dinosaur’s J. Mascis. fact fans. See I los Supremos St James Oyster Bar. Soul and R & B from charismatic I Live music Negociants. Lothian street, preview for 18 Wheeler. Calton Road. 557 2925. 10.30pm. Free. Edinburgh-based vocalist. 225 6313. 10pm Free. I charlie oon’t Sort Nice ’n‘ Sleazy. Rock and blues covers. I Jeggro Negociants. Lothian Street. 225 I [in music Fortunes Tavern. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. I live music Negociants. Lothian Street. 6313. 10pm. Free. A well-stirred pop Candlemaker Row. 226 7190_ 9.30pm. Glaswegian pop with gutsy vocals. 225 6313. 10pm. Free. concoction. with Jamaican and African Free. . III. mt" "Goad. Band MCCOOl‘S iii l‘lwllCligidtO 't‘he fore. . live music Abbey. South Clerk Street. Rulin Cowboy. Candleriggs. 552 7847. I on e ow Pelican. Cow ate. 225 (,67 3023. .30 In. Free. 9pm. Free. See Fri 10. 5413. 9pm. Rootsy acoustic cougntry . 8 p Glasgow sloggt/igbtwh figdliesnd evgrythallg. Kirkcaldy
. est n yster ar. est r , . - . Edlllhlll'gll I Jake and Elwood — The Blues Brothers Maitland Street. 225 3861. 10.30pm. Free. :02: I the Kalsers Pelican. Cowgate. 225 Pavi'io't Rwfic'.“ SW?“ 333 “W’- 81’” B'uc-‘L “"0- Blocs R a: B and rockp'n‘ roll. ' 5413. 9pm. Sixties_stylc garage beat. £6. Not the genume article. but a Blues I Shibboleth L‘Auachc. Rutland Street. ‘ I ma” “’8' Subway‘ Cowgate. 225 Brothers pastiche for those who can I get 10pm, Free 6766. 9pm enough of the sharp suits and soul I Guns For mm Neighbours, McDonald I “my pl." Negociants‘ Lomian Street‘ classics. . . Road. 557 4928. 9pm. Free. Gtasgow 225 6313. 10pm. Free. I “I M“ cons and The n'recuon I Acousnc lam session Granny's Alllct I Smashing Pumpkins and Verve I Bluetlnger L‘Attache. Rutland Street. Cathousc‘ Brown Street' 248 6609' 8pm 83‘“ Street Porii’bcnot 669 '780- 9Pm- Barrowland. Gallowgate. 552 4601. 229 3402. 10pm. Free. Rock in» ,0”. £5 (advance). £6 (door). Tickets from The Free. Join ill with the duo One Point Two 7.30pm. £7.50 plus booking fee. Tickets I ".0 Volume": Ryrics' Haymarket Cathouse. Just the Ticket. Virgin. Union in a session of folk. pop and whatever from Just The Ticket. Virgin. Union Terrace. 337 7582. 9pm. Free. Street. 226 4679. and 23rd Precmct. Bath people can join in on. Street, 226 4679 See preview for I a 5 3"“ session Youngts‘ Street. 332 9740. Jam impersonators from I The Firing Squad Cas Rock Cafe. West Smashing pumpkins. An Odd but Leamington Terrace. 3_5pm. Fret the US. who don't particularly resemble Port. 229 4341. 10pm. Free. worthwhile Choice of support. yen/C's I my. music Nicky Tamts, Victoria the trio Visually but manage a reasonable I live muSIc Fortunes Tavern. prog_influcnccd blisspop provides the Street 225 3326. 9pm. Free. aural replica. Support from a mod crew Candlemaker Row. 226 7190. 9pm. Free. Pink Floyd lull before Smashing
who shield their debt to The Jam by I live music Holyrood Tavern. Holyrood pumpkimt gqbbmh norm playing their own songs. Road. 556 5044. 9.30pm. Free. Blues. I “3.3.069; and E.Cathedm King
6' ' I life With Nixon 13th Note. Glassford Tults Wah Wah Hut. 5! Vincent Street.
3590" Street. 553 1638- Winn HCC; FRIDAY 17 221 5279. 8.30pm. £2.50. A maverick I I183 Volcano. Benalder Street. 337 I Cloud 9 Macs‘3110)’ St Jamal” Smelt double bill with Glasgow‘s hard-gigging 1100. 10pm. £5 plus booking fee. Tickets 221 8499 9P'“- “9.9. _ Glasgow , ska merchants supported by local punk from Just the Ticket. Virgin. Union street. " "ms M60201 8 Ru'mg WW I The Pastels and Stereolab King Tut's Combo. . 226 4679. Acclaimed rap outfit whose pet Candlcnggs. 5:5?- 7847- 9pm i‘rcc- wah wah Hut, st Vincent street, 221 I little Twister Cafe Loco. The Arches. musical quirk is sampling rare jazz tracks Traditional Chicago blucs- 5279, 8,30pm, £6, Tickets from King Midland Street. 221 9736. 10pm. £5. Funk from the legendary Blue Note label. They Edinbur h Tut‘s and Just The Ticket. Virgin. Union band formerly known as Free Airways were granted the requisite access to the 9 Street. 226 4679. See Thurs 16. Radio. vaults. and the company liked the results I The Fugue and Junkyard East Venue. I Underworld Slam Loco. The Arches. I The Junk Boom, The Countrymen and so much they signed the group. Calton Road. 557 3073. 9pm. £3. Midland Street. 221 9736. 9.30pm. £6. The Margins Nice 'n‘ Sleazy. Sauchiehall Edinbur h Edinburgh band likened to ‘a rockier Underworld will altemate their Street. 333 9637. 9pm. The Countrymen
9 EMF'. Willi suitably heavy support from performance with a set from their DJ play intelligent guitar pop with an
I Fishneck Says Goodnight Negociants. Glasgow Darren Emerson. See clubs. REMish edge. albeit a bit one-note. Lothian street, 225 6313. 10pm. Fret I The Gods 0t Glam L‘Attache. Rutland I Steve Walker And His Band Mayfair. I The Stanleys Halt Bar. Woodlands I ll“ L'Auache, Rutland Street. 229 Street. 229 3402. 10pm. Free. Teen Sauchiehall Street. 332 3872. 9.30pm. £5. Road. 332 1210. 9.30pm. Free. Quirky 3402, |0pm_ Free. sounds of the 70s. Sixties cover versions from ‘clubland's pop which recalls. by turns. Gang Of Four I random train pelican. Cowgate, 225 I Freedom Train West End Oyster Bar. top 60s band‘. and The Housemanins, Accordingly, it 5413. 9pm. West Maitland Street. 225 386'- I0-30lnn- I Spaced Out Roundabout. The Cotton irritates as much as titillates. I Pete Bowley St James Oyster Bar. Ficc- TOPS and The 30"” Nice 'n' Sleazy. I Cloud Assassins MacSorley's. Jamaica Calton Road. 557 2925. 10.30pm. Free. I Give “9 The GM“ Ncgiiclam‘t lemma" SaUChiChall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £2.50. Street. 221 8499. 9pm. Free. I 32/20 W. J. Christie's. West Port. 229 Strcel- 225 63'3- mpm- FWC- The organisers promise ‘a night of I Bopstreet McCool's Ruling Cowboy. 4553. Free. Blues duo. I “'9 music Ryric'S Haynmkt‘l TCTFaCC. frenetic guitars and attitude not to be Candleriggs. 552 7847. 9pm. Free. I Marv Leith Oyster Bar. Burgess Street, 337 7583- 9P1“. Free. missed.‘ I lorna Buchanan Cottiers. Hyndland 554 6294. 9pm. Free. I ll" mus“: Nle)’ Tamer Vicmria I Rev Doc And The Congregation Road, 357 5827. 1 1pm. Free. The Supper I live music Nicky Tam‘s. Victoria smelt 225 3326- 9P1“ “’06- MacSorley‘s. Jamaica Street. 221 8499. Club, Street. 225 3326. 9pm. Free. I “'3 "1"le Fortunes “"91". 9pm. Free. Harmonica-based blues. I Cloud 9 Centre Stage. West Nile Street. ,
Candlemaker Row. 226 7190. 9.30pm. I ll"! La Chute Cathedral House. 353 2942. 9.30pm. Free. Frce- Cathedral Square. 552 3519. 9pm. Free. I Raggle Taggle Gypsies Boon‘s Yard. Cajun and zydeco. Cathcart Road. 649 0184. 9.30pm. Free.
Glasgow THURSDAY 15 I Loose out McCool’s Ruling Cowboy. Ragglc-[agglc folk rock.
' ""mm and “WWW” Caihm'sct Candleriggs. 552 7847- 9pm Free- Blues. I Billy Rivers Railway inn. East Kilbride Brown Street. 248 6606- 8pm £4 Glasgow I Fraser Spier’s Boadrocltets Cottiers. Road, Busby. 644 2534. 9.30pm. Free. (advance). £5 (door). Tickets front The I The Corleones, loverumhle anti Sus Hyndland Road. 357 5827. 9pm. Free. Blues,
calhouset 1"“ the T‘Ckeit Virgin» Union King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent I Billy Rivers The Peel. Drumchapel. 944 I [in Music Dugout, Cathcart street. Street» 226 4679. and 23rd Precinct. Bath Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £3. Local triple 6326. 9.30pm. Free. Blues. Greenock. 0475 27918. 9.30pm. £3. Street. 332 9740- Death metal- No age bill. I The ulgel clatlt ouo Cottiers. Hyndland .
restriction on this show. I Society Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 Road. 357 5827. 1 1pm. Free. Laidback Edinburgh
I “an” x Trader Joe's» HOPc Simel- 332 1210. 9.30pm. Free. jazz-influenced sounds for The Supper I swam Venue. Canon Road. 557 3073. 0905. 9.30pm. Free. Acoustic and electric I 1113 Scottish sex pistols Balcavc‘ Club 9pm. Had it "m been for Rough Tradc's Sei- Bruce Hotel. Cornwall Street. East I Baggle Taggle Gypsies Centre Stage. collapse, this female m0 (wen. [womirds I Retrospect McCool’s Ruling Cowboy. Kilbride, 03552 2977 1, 10pm, £3. Just West Nile Street. 353 2942. 9.30pm. Free. female these days) from Columbus. Ohio Candleriggs. 552 7847. 9pm. Free. 608 when you thought it was safe to store your Raggle-taggle folk rock. would probably now be enjoying a more and 703 COVCTS- saliva in your mouth . . . The Scottish Sex I Doing The Biz Lincoln inn. Great exalted mace in the indie firmamcm. but I Elation Sonwntm “ail-"lug A":th Pistols return for a little spittle target Western Road. 954 9164. 9pm. Free. they“, been unjustly overlooked in
a“ BlaCkma’St 33“ Smelt 552 5924- practice. Plus a Rage Against The I Brazil Boon‘s Yard. Cathcart Road. 649 favour of [he fresher names to hm,c 9309m- Frce- Plus open platform where Machine tribute disco. 0184. 9.30pm. Free. cropped up. Understandably though. a. aUdience members are invited to perfonn I Twa COFblCS. I The Scotti“ SeX Blazers. [his is their first Visit ‘0 these Shores- their own mmerial' Road‘ Cumbcmm’ld' 0236 737473- 9pm Hamilton TOW" HOICI' Townhead Smack Their Albini-produced fourth LP. Velvet I u" ""8": ROSS‘S 83'» MllChe” Smelt Free. God said to Abraham. Abe said to Hamilton. 0698 891 929. £3.50. See Thurs Hummer. is now available. and "is
22‘ 2287. 9pm. Frec' God‘ etc' '6‘ powerful and scarey stuff.
' ' I Bac Cavendish. West Tollcross. 228
Edinburgh Edlnburgh Edlnburgh 3252. grim—4am. 'Some girls will. some I mm “‘"3" Bands Valuer calm" I The Pastels and Stereolab Wilkie I "'0 Mlmm CavendiSh. W68! girls won't.‘ Yes. that was your
Road. 557 3073- 9pm. 53- Names House. Cowgate. The Pastels take a break TollcrOSS. 228 3252. 9pm-4am. £5. 588 catchphrase.
unknownv and they Pmbabl)’ WOUldn‘l from attending the speedway to run Fri 10. I can”; Imps and sad society C35 mean a '0‘ l0 "5 anywayv bl“ this gig is through all the hits and a handful of I June Frost Subway. Cowgate. 225 Rock Cafe, west Port, 229 434], 9pm organised by Jewel and Esk Valley newies as found on their Truckload ()f 6766. 10.30pm. £2. Edinburgh-based. but £2.50, A band to delight all those who Couege and ShOUld be Worth supporting Trouble compilation of material from the drawn from several nations. June Frost worship (and why not?) The Ramones.
36 The List 10—23 September 1993