Is Big Arnie really the last action hero, or should we get him ajob enforcing Glasgow’s club curfew? Letter writers, the choice is yours. Send us your epistles and the best one we print wins the usual bottle of incomparany wonderful Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila and at eye-

blindingly bright T—shirt.

Midnight swill

Following your article on the new licensing laws in Glasgow. I thought I‘d add my tuppence (or one-fiftieth of an Ecu) worth. Glasgow Council decisions on such matters are nearly always tantamount to trying to establish some form of ‘alcohol education' on its citizens. I'm sure the statistics from the year of culture would go to show that. as is the case in Edinburgh. longer drinking time significantly lessens the need for so called ‘power drinking'. Shorter drinking time ensures chaos erupting on the streets as people start bickering or fighting over taxis to get them in before the curfew. Silly isn‘t it'.’ As for ‘power drinking'. mine‘s a slammer.

Mike Malcolm

Washington Street


Ward theory

In 'l'lre Us! 205 under the Agenda story on Glasgow hospitals you assert that: ‘Four other options have been approved

. . which may necessitate funding by a private/public sector partnership and the building of a private Health (‘are International hospital in (’lydebank. thereby limiting the development of public health care facilities in the area.‘ This is either misinformed or very opinionated. As I understand it there are options under review and



J /

75 The List 30 July--l2 AugUst l‘)‘)3


private/public sector partnerships is one option on the agenda. but to link this to Health Care lnternationat's development in Clydebank is simply not correct.

Health Care International will be undertaking at most a handful of treatments involving NHS patients and their investment has nothing to do with Greater Glasgow Health Board‘s plans at all. Are you playing conspiracy theories if so. get the facts right: it doesn‘t help the debate at all.

A Brown Lyndhurst Gardens Glasgow.

Used part?

According to your preview. .V'ukerl ( 'r'ry has a dodgy clutch and a rattle in the back. Well. to judge from the first showing there are serious mechanical problems with the programme. and not of the type that will iron themselves out over the next few weeks. Despite the variety and originality of the topics tJason Donavon: busker ofthe year.’ Not! Excellent.) it was totally destroyed by wittering Caitlin Moran.

Listen here. livan l)ando is god: Right! He's far more sexy than any of 'Iirke 'I'lrul. Caitlin gets him round the fire at Glastonbury and asks him why he looks like a girl. Oh yeah. really good question right. just the sort of thing that you‘d expect a columnist for The limes to ask. but a tifty-tive-year- old crossword compiler. not a supposedly tuned-in teenager. If like things attract. has Caitlin ever been asked out by a hot air balloon'.’ Nil/veil ('i'ry: there‘s a whine in the carburettor and the engine doesn’t just need a re- bor‘e. it needs replacing. and it's only just out of the garage!

Jane Henderson East London Street Edinburgh.

(Jive Ilie prog u miss nerl Irnre. June. and glue your eyes Io .lose ('uerro lnslerul. ‘I‘llel‘e '3' u lmH/e of [he ('lt‘tll‘ lit/uul Hurling/or _\'ou in our lirlinlnog/t office.


Michelle of [fast limlers is ‘plug ugly". ‘lumpy‘ and ‘round-shouldcred' is she'.’ Can we have a photo of her critic Tom Lappin please‘.’ (Channel Hopping. 'I'lre l.l.\'l 205). I thought she was supposed to be an overworked single rrnnn struggling through university. but Mr Lappin expects her to be animated as well.

Worse. she -~ and the actress who plays her with ‘gauche crudcness‘ dares to have a couple of blemishes. This rules out another student becoming romantically obsessed with her. your critic cries.

Do the writers of winning letters still call in at your offices for their bottle of tequila'.’ If you choose me. bear in mind that I‘m working class so might come out with some ‘liast lind platitudes' or present myself as a ‘brassy young type'. .-\s for the psychedelic 'l'-shirt'.’ I'd love one. but haven‘t been to the type of Health. Beauty and fitness club that Tom Lappin obviously frequents. I might even need a medium size.

('ar'ol l)avis

Marchmont (‘resccnt


'Ionr lop/int is n sirloin. lilue-everl luork of run" set it lrose u/i/u'ro'onr'e on l/l('.\‘(’ [urges H'Ulllrl i'nuse n'eult-lreurlezl types Io swoon. Hence no [nix Sorry

Washed up

What are you doing recommendirig beautiful unspoilt stretches of sand and sea in your Good Beach Guide ( l'lre 1.1.x! 205)"? Hoards of ravenirig readers will now descend upon these precious oases of perfection around our polluted isle. sullying the very grains you so enticingly present. May I therefore suggest the following top beaches for your readers ‘dclight': (irangcmouth. 'l‘orness l’oint. lluntcrston Bay. Dounreay. Nigg Bay and ('oulport. I‘m sure Friends ofthe liarth (Scotland)

w ill be able to provide you with a few more?

Tom Davis

\Vilton Street


.-t nul el/lls/ uren '1 He loin." llllo lie/{er to share on u/Iernoon 's sun/milling nil/1 I/Iun someone [H'I't‘l’lllll't’ enough to lake I/reo' leru/ from our n oiuleif/u/ nurgunne.


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Charming This is the age of image. impression. impact. Marketing‘s what it’s all about

but not when it comes to the world of entertainment. There they seem to forget completely about the corporate identity. Perhaps it is the belief that the product is everything and as a result. the ticket purchaser is subjected to treatment which simply would not be acceptable in other areas where service is stressed.

Take the King‘s Theatre in Edinburgh. Admittedly staff now have sweaters with the location's name adorning them. After that there is no co- ordinated effort. no enthusiasm. no smiles. nothing. They would be better to employ ticket-halving robots!

In the (‘lydebank cinema complex the audience is herded and drilled with sergeant-maior-likc precision. lt indeed becomes an obnoxiously memorable experience of the worst possible type. ()n visits to the late evening show. there rs. yet again. the cynical attitude taken. It‘s a great pity. it would seem. that the staff hay e to be on hand for us. who have willingly paid.

There must be a tremendous potential in a charm school for staff who serve the entertainment industry in Scotland. Isobel Mcl‘arlanc Border Road (ilasgow.


:\tltlt‘c‘ss your letters to: The List Letters at:

l4 High Street.

lidinburgh liHl l'l‘li.


Old .-\thenacum 'l‘heatre. l7‘) Buchanan Street. (ilasgow (il ZJX.


Fax them to: URI 557 SSW).

lli' Hill no! pron your full t!(l(ll‘(‘.\.\ or [ll/one Hum/2e): lnn you ours! on lrule : them. In ru/lrne I.\ (lie I‘M/try lie/ore puliln'unon. lyre/i Ilieni pit/1y. as long l lel/ers may lie r'ul. '/'l1e l)('.\l lei/er net] i l.\.\'ll(’ ii Ill ii'III (l lmllle of Jose ('uerro (am/hymlumduPormanurmefl

mm County Press. Sherwood Industrial Estate. Bonnyrigg. Midlothian. Tel: 03] 663 2404.