FILM mm-
WEEK TWO Friday 6—Thursday 12
Provisional programme details only - not coniirmed at time oi going to press.
I CANNDN Clarkston Road. Muirend. 633 2123.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I CITY CENTRE DDEDN Renfield Street. 332 8701.
Expected programme the same as Week One, hut phone to re-coniirm times. Except:
E.T. replaced by:
Star Wars (U) 12.30pm. 3.15pm. 6pm. 8.45pm.
See also Glasgow Lates.
I GRDSVENDR Ashton Lane. Hillhead. 339 4298/7814.
Provisional programme only - call cinema to coniinn.
‘v .» “:9 '
1. Jurassic Park (PG) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm & late.
2. Phone ior details
See also Glasgow Lates.
I MGM FILMCENTRE Sauchiehall Street. 332 1592.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I MGM PARNHEAD The Forge. Parkhead. 556 4282/4343.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
See also Glasgow lates.
12 Rose Street. 332 8128.
1. Sommershy ( l 2) 3.30pm.
Soiie (15) 5pm. 8pm.
2. Tous les Matins Du Monde (12) 3.30pm. 6pm.
House Oi Angels ( 15 ) 8.30pm. SATURDAY 7
1. Suite (15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm.
2. TUlli Frutti (PG) 11am.
Tous les Matins Ou Monde ( 12 ) 6pm. House Oi Angels (15) 8.30pm.
1. Selle (15) 5pm. 8pm.
2. Tous les Matins Du Monde (12) 6pm. House Dl Angels (15) 8.30pm.
1. Reservoir Oogs(18) 3.30pm. 5.45pm. Soile (15) 8pm.
2. House 01 Angels (15) 6pm. 8.30pm. TUESDAY 10
1. Reservoir Oogs(18) 3.30pm. 5.45pm. Suite (15) 8pm.
2. Olivier Olivier (15) 6pm.
House Dl Angels (15) 8.30pm. WEDNESDAY 11
1. Soiie (15) 2pm. 8pm.
Reservoir Dogs ( 18) 5.45pm.
2. House Oi Angels (15) 3.30pm. 8.30pm. Olivier Olivier ( 15) 6pm.
1. Husbands G Wives ( 15) 5.45pm.
Soiie (15) 8pm. 2. Olivier Olivier ( 15 ) 3.30pm. 6pm. House Oi Angels (15) 8.30pm.
Fri 6/Sat 7:
I CITY CENTRE DDEDN Renfield Street. 332 8701.
Expected programme the same as Week One, hut phone to re-coniirm times.
I GROSVEHOR Ashton Lane.
Fri 6:
i. Jurassic Park (PG) 10.40pm.
2. Phone ior details.
I MGM PARNHEAD The Forge. Parkhead. 556 4282/4343.
Expected programme the same as Week One, hut phone to re-coniirm times.
Provisional programme details only - not coniinned at time oi going to press.
I CAMED Home Street. 228 4141.
1. Mad Dog and Glory (15) 3.30pm (not Sun). 6.15pm (not Sun). 8.55pm.
2. Tango (15) 2.10pm. 5.15pm. 7.20pm. 9.25pm 8; late.
3. The Fencing Master ( 12) 3pm. 7pm. 9.10pm & late.
The Ouince Tree Sun (U) and Vincent And Theo (15) Sun only. 1.30pm.
See also Edinburgh Lates.
I DDMINIDN Newbattle Terrace. 447 2660.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I MGM Lothian Road. 229 3030. Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I DDEDN Clerk Street. 667 7331/668 2101.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 ()71 1/669 0777. [1)].
Expected programme the same as Week One, hut phone to re-coniirm times.
See also Edinburgh Lates.
Lothian Road. 228 2688. FRIDAY 6
1. Madame Bovary (PG) 2.30pm. 5.30pm. 8.15pm.
2. The American Friend (15) 3pm. 6.30pm.
Damage ( 18) 8.45pm.
1. Swallows at Amazons (U) 2.30pm.
2». 39-4.. .6 Madame eovary (PG) 5.30pm. 8.15pm. 2. Damage (18) 3pm. 6.30pm. 8.45pm. SUNDAY 8 1. Selle (15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm.
2. Just Another Girl on the IRT ( 15 ) 5pm. 7pm. 9pm.
1. Suite (15) 2.30pm. 8pm.
Riii-Rati (15) 6pm.
2. Blue Velvet ( 18) 3pm. 6.30pm.
Just Another Girl on the IRT(15) 9pm. TUESDAY 10
1. Riti-Raii(15)2.3()pm. 6pm.
Soiie (15) 8pm.
2. Alice (15) 3pm.
Prospero's Books ( 15 ) 6.30pm.
Just Another Girl on the 1RT (15) 9pm. WEOIIESOAY 1i
1. Soiie (15) 2.30pm. 8pm.
A River Runs Through It (PG) 5.30pm. 2. Incident at Oglala ( 15) 2pm.
Just Another Girl on the IRT ( 15) 4pm. 9pm.
Broken Mirrors (18 ) 6.30pm. THURSDAY 12
i. A River Runs Through It (PG) 2.30pm. 5.30pm.
Soiie (15) 8pm.
2. Incident at Oglala ( 15 ) 2.15pm. 4.30pm.
Yeelen (15) 6.30pm.
Just Another Girl on the IRT (15) 9pm.
I CAMED Home Street. 228 4141. [D]. Fri 6:
1. Malcolm X (15) 1 1.30pm.
2. Tango (15) 12.05am.
3. The Fencing Master ( 12 ) ll.50pm. Sat '1:
1. Braindead (18) and Parents (18)
1 1.30pm.
Cinemas 2 and 3 see Fri 6.
Thurs 12:
1. Lawrence oi Arabia (12) 11.30pm. Cinemas 2 and 3 see Fri 6.
I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 ()777.
Fri 6/Sat 7:
02: Rattle and Hum (PG).
Call cinema for other details.
I KINGSWAY Market Street. Galashiels. 0896 2767.
3 Ninja Kids (PG) 7.30pm.
I RDXY CINEMA Horsemarket. Kelso. 0573 224 609. Bar. [D]. Cinema only open Sat/Sun. Tue/Wed.
Bambi (U) Sat—Thurs. 2.15pm. 5pm. Cliiihanger (15) 7.30pm.
Provisional programme details only - not coniinned at time oi going to press.
I ALLANPARN Allanpark Road. Stirling. 0786 474137.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I CALEDDNIAN Almondvale Centre. Livingston. 0506 33163.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I CANNDN Princess Street. Falkirk, 0324 23805.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE Stirling University. ()786 461081.
Dances with Wolves: Extended Version (12) Sun 8. 7.30pm.
Lorenzo‘s Oil (12) Wed 11.7.30pm.
I REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgate. 0506 634 152. £2 (£1). Closed Sun/Mon. Bambi (U) 2.15pm. 5pm.
Clitihanger ( 15) 7pm.
Provisional programme details only - not coniirmed at time 01 going to press.
I AOAM SMITH CIHEMA Bennochy Road. Kirkcaldy. 0592 260 498.
Dances with Wolves: Extended Version Sun 8 (12) 6pm.
I GLENRDTHES CINEMA Church Street. Glenrothes. 0592 750 980
1. Jurassic Park (PG) 1pm. 4.15pm. 7.50pm.
2. Dennis (PG) 1pm. 3.30pm. 7.45pm.
I MGM High Street. Kirkcaldy. ()592 260 143.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I HEW PICTURE HOUSE North Street. St Andrews. 0334 73509
1. Jurassic Park (PG) 5.45pm. 8.10pm; Sun 7.45pm.
2. Cliiihanger (15) 6.15pm. 8.15pm; Sun 7.50pm.
I RDBINS East Port. Dunfermline 0383 623 535.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to reconfirm times.
Provisional programme details only - not contirmed at time oi going to press.
I CANNDN Titchfield Street. Kilmamock. 0563 37288.
Expected programme the same as Week One, hut phone to re-coniirm times.
I NELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to reconfirm times.
I MAGNUM Harbourside, lrvine. 0294 78381.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I MOTHERWEU. THEATRE Civic Centre. Motherwell. 0698 67515.
3 Ninja Kids (PG) Fri/Sat only. 2pm. 7.30pm.
I DDEDN Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 264 049.
Expected programme the same as Week One, but phone to re-coniirm times.
I DDEDN Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802.
Expected programme the same as Week One, hut phone to re-coniirm times.
I UCI Clyde Regional Centre. Clydebank. 041 951 1949.
Expected programme similar to Week 1. Call cinema to coniirrn.
Gone With The Wind (PG) Tue only.
I UCI Olympia Mall. East Kilbride. 03552 49699.
Expected programme similar to Week 1. Call cinema to coniimt.
I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. lrvine. 0294 79900.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III ( PG) 1pm.
Dennis (PG) 3pm. 7.40pm.
Cliiihanger (15) Fri/Sat only. 9.30pm.
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The List 30 July—12 August 1993 23