Photograph by E Ellington. taten Ilom Em by Joey Ulouhat (Carionoae £9.95)

~ ' " 1' I’M. . ' 1 u up, ’1’ var , I n11; van. it dmlualwfl’ , Will/'Wflflf

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Looking north towards Bhunt trorn the Singing Sands ot Elgg.


each life in Scotland is a Our sandy-toed team of EAST COAST

far cry from [he sordid beachcombers have out a, I Seaclme, East lotlltan Take the Al98 from North Berchk to Dunbar and turn ()ffJUSI south of Tantallon

flesh-packed Strips Of necessity personal, selection castle. Secluded bay with long sweep of golden sand. the south coast Of beach escapes, ranging sheltered from west wmds and sltuated

opposite the Bass Rock. You can drive down

or the Spanish costas. from long open bays i‘ggogfc‘fe‘qhfifjfgfififfifffijfifiéfifj} (“kc SCOtland,S Fringe Of pounded surf to road). Can be crowded on sunny weekends

- o . but is often deserted during the week. At low COHSlStS mOStly Of lSOlated and Sheltered COVCS brlght .- '- N f‘ l. tide. walk west along the coast pastastill-

9 . ~' " \ used. tiny fishing harbour carved out of a often deserted stretches of waters. Whether you re the ,‘w . gm. massofrock and make yourway clean Silvery sand stretching ‘tumble out of the car onto " $1M]? below “‘8 W We“ “"30‘

. anta on. down to the Icy-blue sea. And the sand’ type or the hardy I Yellow Craigs, Dirletonlust one of the . . many sandy bays along the coast between thnks t0 SCOtland,S SOI‘t prepared to hlke mlles Gullane and North Berwick. Both Yellow idiosyncrath weather you can over peat bogs for a glimpse v sunny (131%: gggfigg'gijgg 553318318360" forget the sun-block and rows of sand, there’s something rrom idinburghkbut._ifyoudatr? prism“? :10 walk 1;) lilttle d , . rornt 6 car par . It IS not I ICU I [0 In QUICI S C [CFC upon rOWS Of plnk flesh here for you, Just don’t exPeCt 3 strips of sand between the rocks. Dirleton has the added ! ' ' ' - tt t' f ' ‘d‘ l'tl ad oodt. rapldly tummg 10b8t€f lSh. deckchalr attendant. inrgiréfgrzuflIt'llfiiiiigifmfm w c n g 8“

The List 16—29 July l99313v